WEBVTT 00:14.500 --> 00:17.570 On the following gathered at the bay what memorial a delusion 00:17.570 --> 00:20.720 memorial gardens in jacksonville north carolina october twenty 00:20.720 --> 00:23.840 third to honor the two hundred forty one lives that were lost 00:23.980 --> 00:25.660 they were bombing thirty years. Ago. 00:29.680 --> 00:30.300 The ceremony. 00:31.410 --> 00:35.350 Ashamed to condone. This is what we find in a twenty one gun 00:35.350 --> 00:36.080 salute of. 00:38.000 --> 00:43.630 For. Now the two water and forty one lorry each that americans 00:43.700 --> 00:48.090 and soldiers and soldiers that volunteer to make a difference. 00:48.770 --> 00:50.990 They volunteered to serve their country. 00:51.750 --> 00:54.880 Two hundred and forty one that put the lives in the freedoms 00:54.880 --> 00:55.580 of others. 00:56.120 --> 00:57.050 Before they're all of. 00:58.100 --> 01:01.340 Two hundred and forty one were nation's finest. 01:02.050 --> 01:05.720 We are the two though is that for goodness or more. 01:08.050 --> 01:10.810 After the ceremony attendees have the opportunity to view the 01:10.810 --> 01:14.750 memorial and veterans met with the family and friends of fallen comrades. 01:15.410 --> 01:18.790 I'm glad I did come back because coming back I got a chance to 01:18.820 --> 01:21.990 run the lot of the families of all my buddies it died and then 01:21.990 --> 01:25.930 also some of my buddies that I served with and are specially 01:25.930 --> 01:28.820 mom a tank commander because the action was in the building and 01:29.190 --> 01:31.110 he's in a wheelchair. So was actually get the. Sea. 01:34.660 --> 01:39.140 Reporting from marine corps base camp was earned encore for donovan life..