WEBVTT 00:00.347 --> 00:03.807 - I arrived in Camp Pendleton in June of 1975, 00:03.807 --> 00:06.047 with my mother and father, my grandmother 00:06.047 --> 00:07.551 and brother and sister. 00:07.551 --> 00:10.430 ^We actually tried to leave on the last plane out, 00:10.430 --> 00:13.387 ^but there were thousands of people trying to get on. 00:13.387 --> 00:15.579 We ended up leaving on a small ship 00:15.579 --> 00:18.423 one hour before the communists took over the country. 00:18.423 --> 00:20.486 Then we arrived in a camp in Guam 00:20.486 --> 00:24.236 and then they flew us over to Camp Pendleton.