WEBVTT 00:05.210 --> 00:07.543 a Marine's corporal , Ben Witten . Here , 00:07.543 --> 00:09.599 If you're PCs into Japan , there are 00:09.599 --> 00:11.654 some guidelines that will fly to you 00:11.654 --> 00:13.599 and your family due to the ongoing 00:13.599 --> 00:15.710 covert 19 pandemic . Anyone traveling 00:15.710 --> 00:17.932 from a restricted location must undergo 00:17.932 --> 00:20.530 a 14 day restriction of movement upon 00:20.530 --> 00:22.960 arrival . Air Mobility Command Patriot 00:22.960 --> 00:25.260 Express is the only authorized means of 00:25.270 --> 00:27.381 transportation from the United States 00:27.381 --> 00:29.670 to Japan . Test spaces aboard Patriot 00:29.670 --> 00:31.837 Express flights are limited . You must 00:31.837 --> 00:33.392 identify your pet transport 00:33.392 --> 00:35.120 requirements to your local GMO 00:35.120 --> 00:37.064 passenger travel office as soon as 00:37.064 --> 00:39.176 possible . And be sure to notify your 00:39.176 --> 00:41.287 sponsor if you're traveling with pets 00:41.287 --> 00:43.231 form or information . Refer to Mar 00:43.231 --> 00:46.250 Admin 396 slash 20 . Visit the emcee 00:46.250 --> 00:48.361 AIPAC website for what to expect when 00:48.361 --> 00:50.710 arriving on Okinawa and visit the 00:50.710 --> 00:52.543 Marine Corps air Station Iwakuni 00:52.543 --> 00:54.321 website for what to expect with 00:54.321 --> 00:57.210 mainland Japan and that your Marine 00:57.210 --> 00:57.550 minutes