WEBVTT 00:13.850 --> 00:15.850 Cook North is a joint multinational 00:15.850 --> 00:17.961 training exercise focused on airborne 00:17.961 --> 00:20.239 integration for large force employment , 00:20.239 --> 00:21.970 agile combat , employment , 00:21.970 --> 00:24.060 humanitarian assistance and disaster 00:24.060 --> 00:25.060 relief training . 00:30.620 --> 00:32.787 The Checker Board's role in Cope North 00:32.787 --> 00:35.009 was to provide a V M F A and support of 00:35.009 --> 00:34.860 the exercise to increase 00:34.860 --> 00:37.082 interoperability awareness for both are 00:37.082 --> 00:38.749 joint partners as well as our 00:38.749 --> 00:42.530 multinational allies . We can't become 00:42.530 --> 00:44.252 too comfortable with operating 00:44.252 --> 00:46.474 unilaterally . The way that we're going 00:46.474 --> 00:48.641 to be successful when and not if we're 00:48.641 --> 00:50.752 called upon is by continuing to focus 00:50.752 --> 00:52.641 on hard training anchored against 00:52.641 --> 00:54.863 realistic threats with an expeditionary 00:54.863 --> 00:54.630 mindset while integrating with our 00:54.630 --> 00:56.686 joint multinational partners like we 00:56.686 --> 00:58.019 did here in Kok North , 01:01.360 --> 01:03.582 We've been able to learn a lot from our 01:03.582 --> 01:05.638 partners in the exercise . It's been 01:05.638 --> 01:07.749 invaluable especially for our younger 01:07.749 --> 01:09.693 aircrew to experience the level of 01:09.693 --> 01:11.860 integration in the exercise . Studying 01:11.860 --> 01:13.971 and knowing the capabilities of other 01:13.971 --> 01:16.138 aircraft or nations is one thing . But 01:16.138 --> 01:18.138 getting into a jet launching into a 01:18.138 --> 01:20.082 large force exercise with up to 40 01:20.082 --> 01:20.070 other aircraft to accomplish a 01:20.070 --> 01:22.190 realistic mission and all weather is 01:22.190 --> 01:24.246 where you really find out the limits 01:24.246 --> 01:26.357 and capabilities of everyone . You're 01:26.357 --> 01:27.160 gonna fight alongside someday .