WEBVTT 00:13.920 --> 00:15.587 This is the inaugural fitness 00:15.587 --> 00:17.809 instructor competition designed to test 00:17.809 --> 00:20.940 and educate the fitness of each of our 00:20.950 --> 00:22.819 subordinate commands . Fittest 00:22.829 --> 00:24.885 instructor in order to determine who 00:24.885 --> 00:27.107 the fittest instructor is in training . 00:31.209 --> 00:33.290 My name is Kelsey . Me on base . I'm 00:33.299 --> 00:35.410 the hit coordinator . Mostly what I'm 00:35.410 --> 00:37.243 doing is working as a judge or a 00:37.243 --> 00:39.132 subject matter expert in terms of 00:39.132 --> 00:40.855 different educational pieces . 00:43.099 --> 00:45.209 The competition is a week long . 00:45.220 --> 00:47.520 There's educational pieces as well as 00:47.529 --> 00:49.362 the physical challenges that are 00:49.362 --> 00:51.362 happening every day . Today . We're 00:51.362 --> 00:54.069 here at O C . They ran the course and 00:54.080 --> 00:56.358 they're running like a three mile loop . 00:56.358 --> 00:58.580 We've used the pool , we're going to be 00:58.580 --> 01:00.802 over at Weapons Training Battalion . So 01:00.802 --> 01:03.136 they're going to do a biathlon tomorrow . 01:03.136 --> 01:05.024 So there's a wide range of actual 01:05.024 --> 01:04.760 physical competitions and the 01:04.769 --> 01:07.102 competitors are from all over the place . 01:10.720 --> 01:12.720 Fall back on your foundation , your 01:12.720 --> 01:14.910 family and just be grateful that you 01:14.919 --> 01:16.975 have a healthy body . You're able to 01:16.975 --> 01:19.360 work out and you're able to push 01:19.370 --> 01:21.592 forward and be a little bit better than 01:21.599 --> 01:24.199 you were yesterday . Absolutely . Do 01:24.209 --> 01:27.809 your best think the best way to keep 01:27.819 --> 01:29.875 positive is not always , look at the 01:29.875 --> 01:31.763 leader board and you're competing 01:31.763 --> 01:32.819 against yourself . 01:36.309 --> 01:38.531 Fitness instructor competition . It was 01:38.531 --> 01:41.029 still a really good event put on by 01:41.040 --> 01:43.040 Lieutenant Colonel Gregson . It was 01:43.040 --> 01:45.209 amazing . I'm glad to be a part of the 01:45.220 --> 01:47.109 first one and I can't wait to see 01:47.109 --> 01:47.260 what's going to happen for the .