WEBVTT 00:00.779 --> 00:01.779 Yeah . 00:10.170 --> 00:12.840 Since its activation on September 16 , 00:12.850 --> 00:15.710 1942 the Third Marine Division has 00:15.720 --> 00:18.200 created a rich legacy from its first 00:18.209 --> 00:20.350 battles to its presence today as a 00:20.360 --> 00:22.693 pillar of stability in the Indo Pacific . 00:23.010 --> 00:25.010 The division has proven itself as a 00:25.010 --> 00:26.843 tried and tested unit for deploy 00:29.459 --> 00:31.737 as we celebrate their marine divisions . 00:31.737 --> 00:33.903 81st anniversary , we look back on the 00:33.903 --> 00:36.070 legacy carved by those who came before 00:36.070 --> 00:39.709 us . During World War II . The division 00:39.720 --> 00:41.720 battled at Bougainville and for two 00:41.720 --> 00:44.319 months stood firm against heavy enemy 00:44.330 --> 00:48.330 resistance . The division displayed 00:48.340 --> 00:50.919 its ferocity seizing the island after 00:50.930 --> 00:53.119 20 days of continuous fighting 00:54.740 --> 00:56.729 on the beaches of Iwo , Jima . The 00:56.740 --> 00:58.962 marines fire with pure grid launching a 00:58.962 --> 01:02.459 final attack to secure the island from 01:02.470 --> 01:04.470 these battles . The spirit of a war 01:04.470 --> 01:06.470 fighter became deeply rooted in the 01:06.470 --> 01:08.359 legacy of Third Marine Division . 01:09.349 --> 01:11.460 During the Vietnam war . The division 01:11.460 --> 01:14.800 faced a resolute adversary battles 01:15.010 --> 01:17.150 hard fought follow the revision's 01:17.160 --> 01:19.370 character devotion to duty 01:21.230 --> 01:23.650 during Iraq and Afghanistan . The 01:23.660 --> 01:25.959 division showcased his drive and 01:25.970 --> 01:28.660 endurance against an unrelenting enemy . 01:28.669 --> 01:30.879 Proving to be hardened war fighters of 01:30.889 --> 01:34.860 the highest caliber in 2011 . 01:34.870 --> 01:36.900 The earthquake and tsunami struck a 01:36.930 --> 01:40.069 region of Japan Third Marine Division 01:40.080 --> 01:41.858 carried out operation Tomodachi 01:42.129 --> 01:44.129 providing much needed aid for those 01:44.139 --> 01:45.639 affected by the disaster , 01:47.989 --> 01:49.930 battles fought in war and through 01:49.940 --> 01:52.010 ongoing support to partner nations . 01:52.410 --> 01:54.919 Division cemented its legacy and 01:54.930 --> 01:57.419 honored 42 medal of honor recipients 01:58.370 --> 02:01.260 27 which gave the ultimate sacrifice . 02:04.610 --> 02:06.777 Today's division carries with them the 02:06.777 --> 02:09.229 same tenacity , perseverance , and 02:09.240 --> 02:12.699 character ready now for any uncertainty 02:12.710 --> 02:14.321 you may encounter tomorrow . 02:16.830 --> 02:19.550 The division's 81 year it participated 02:19.559 --> 02:21.809 in numerous large scale exercises 02:21.820 --> 02:23.869 spanning far and wide across the 02:23.880 --> 02:26.899 Pacific operating in its most austere 02:26.910 --> 02:28.910 environments , conducting realistic 02:28.910 --> 02:30.919 training with new technologies and 02:30.929 --> 02:33.250 tactics , enhancing lethality and 02:33.259 --> 02:36.960 readiness across the board , be 02:36.970 --> 02:39.130 trained alongside allied and partner 02:39.139 --> 02:41.279 nations , strengthening our already 02:41.289 --> 02:43.580 formidable relationships . The 02:43.589 --> 02:45.169 divisions stand in force as 02:45.179 --> 02:47.550 professional , capable and ready , 02:48.039 --> 02:50.206 going within reach of adversary weapon 02:50.206 --> 02:53.449 systems , deny enemy land , air and 02:53.460 --> 02:55.940 maritime domains and seizing and 02:55.949 --> 02:58.210 defending key maritime terrain . Global 03:00.419 --> 03:02.363 Third Marine Division continues to 03:02.363 --> 03:04.030 modernize in an ever evolving 03:04.030 --> 03:06.399 battlefield . The division spearheaded 03:06.410 --> 03:08.577 the creation of the Marine Corps First 03:08.577 --> 03:10.410 Marine NATO regiment tailored to 03:10.410 --> 03:13.190 integrate naval forces and serve as a 03:13.199 --> 03:16.899 key enabler with joint forces , allies 03:16.910 --> 03:20.399 and partners . The vision is operating 03:20.410 --> 03:22.669 tirelessly with a future full of 03:22.679 --> 03:25.559 uncertainty . One thing is certain the 03:25.580 --> 03:29.270 Third Marine Division is ready to fight 03:29.279 --> 03:29.649 now .