WEBVTT 00:00.887 --> 00:02.610 (slow orchestral music) 00:04.309 --> 00:06.110 - The mission of the Office of 00:06.119 --> 00:07.675 Legislative Affairs here at 00:07.675 --> 00:09.897 Headquarters Marine Corps is to educate 00:09.897 --> 00:11.841 and inform members of Congress and 00:11.841 --> 00:13.730 their staff so that they can make 00:13.730 --> 00:15.841 informed decisions in their oversight 00:15.841 --> 00:18.453 role that's been granted to them by the Constitution. 00:18.453 --> 00:21.306 - I think the fellowship has a twofold purpose. 00:21.306 --> 00:24.969 Obviously, it is to provide Marines an opportunity 00:25.069 --> 00:26.958 just to expand, you know, their 00:26.958 --> 00:29.350 worldview, to provide professional 00:29.360 --> 00:31.760 education, to see another branch of 00:31.770 --> 00:33.909 government and how it works. I also 00:33.919 --> 00:35.808 think that it provides members of 00:35.808 --> 00:38.700 Congress a unique look into the Marine 00:38.709 --> 00:41.209 Corps by having a Marine on their staff 00:41.220 --> 00:43.689 every day of the year, particularly 00:43.700 --> 00:45.811 in an age where we have less veterans 00:45.811 --> 00:48.558 in Congress and less veterans working on congressional staffs. 00:49.404 --> 00:51.644 - What a congressional fellow does and the 00:51.644 --> 00:53.589 impact that they have working with 00:53.589 --> 00:56.080 members of Congress, whether it's 00:56.090 --> 00:58.959 doing research or writing memos, 00:58.970 --> 01:00.914 helping the individual that you're 01:00.914 --> 01:03.137 working for be more informed in their 01:03.137 --> 01:06.110 decision-making ability. I hope to 01:06.120 --> 01:08.287 take this experience back to the fleet 01:08.287 --> 01:10.509 and be able to empower the Marines that 01:10.509 --> 01:12.676 I'm going to be in charge of to know 01:12.676 --> 01:16.019 that there is a way to make change. 01:16.029 --> 01:17.362 There is always a way. 01:17.979 --> 01:19.692 (soft music) 01:20.290 --> 01:22.512 - They've been incredible. They bring an 01:22.512 --> 01:24.623 operational experience that is unlike 01:24.623 --> 01:26.623 anybody else that could come to the 01:26.623 --> 01:28.734 office here. Their knowledge of what 01:28.734 --> 01:31.919 happens there, in the field 01:31.930 --> 01:33.763 or onboard an aircraft, has been 01:33.763 --> 01:35.763 incredibly, incredibly helpful. 01:35.763 --> 01:37.819 I think the most important part of the 01:37.819 --> 01:39.930 experience is to understand that when 01:39.930 --> 01:42.041 you're out in the fleet, you look at 01:42.041 --> 01:44.208 things based upon your, not only your 01:44.208 --> 01:46.374 MOS, but your function as 01:46.374 --> 01:48.486 part of accomplishing the mission in 01:48.486 --> 01:49.987 the unit that you're with. So I think it's good to get a perspective up here 01:50.059 --> 01:52.160 and go, oh, that's why. Whether 01:52.169 --> 01:54.280 sometimes it makes sense or not, you 01:54.280 --> 01:56.940 do actually get to see the process. It 01:56.949 --> 01:59.580 gives, I think, folks that come here to 01:59.589 --> 02:01.639 the office to serve a great 02:01.650 --> 02:03.817 perspective on things. And I think it 02:03.817 --> 02:06.410 makes them more effective as officers 02:06.419 --> 02:08.641 that move up the ranks because they see 02:08.641 --> 02:10.641 how decisions are being made. They 02:10.641 --> 02:12.641 know how to make sure that they are 02:12.641 --> 02:14.641 part of that decision-making. They 02:14.641 --> 02:16.586 know how to explain. I think that 02:16.586 --> 02:18.808 situational awareness makes them better 02:18.808 --> 02:20.863 communicators to their units. But I 02:20.863 --> 02:22.863 think it also makes them incredibly 02:22.863 --> 02:25.410 effective leaders within their various 02:25.419 --> 02:26.479 service branches.