WEBVTT 00:02.440 --> 00:04.773 The world is a very unpredictable place , 00:06.380 --> 00:09.430 forces outside of human control 00:11.210 --> 00:15.109 can occur anywhere . How can the Marine 00:15.119 --> 00:16.119 Corps help 00:18.959 --> 00:20.903 the mission for Marine Corps Civil 00:20.903 --> 00:24.559 Affairs is really to get the feel of in 00:24.569 --> 00:26.579 a humanitarian disaster . What the 00:26.590 --> 00:28.819 civilian population needs the Marine 00:28.829 --> 00:30.996 Corps capability here is to show up to 00:30.996 --> 00:33.051 an area and to say what services are 00:33.051 --> 00:35.273 still available . How can we get people 00:35.273 --> 00:37.779 to those affected areas trying to get a 00:37.790 --> 00:40.380 feel of what is necessary for the local 00:40.389 --> 00:42.979 population at that moment . Ultimately , 00:42.990 --> 00:46.000 the goal there is to get food and water 00:46.009 --> 00:48.330 to people and to prevent loss of life . 00:50.080 --> 00:52.136 Fort Civil Affairs Group is in Costa 00:52.136 --> 00:54.358 Rica to support exercise . Sent Guardia 00:54.358 --> 00:56.549 in 2024 . It's a capacity building 00:56.560 --> 00:59.759 exercise for hurricanes and for 00:59.770 --> 01:02.069 disaster relief in the future . We 01:02.080 --> 01:04.302 partner with the Costa Ricans down here 01:04.302 --> 01:06.358 and the whole mission is designed to 01:06.358 --> 01:08.580 take seven partner nations and get them 01:08.580 --> 01:10.358 working together in the central 01:10.358 --> 01:09.940 American area . 01:18.819 --> 01:20.930 When we do assessments , it's mission 01:20.930 --> 01:22.875 specific , we start out with a map 01:22.875 --> 01:24.986 recon and we say , ok , based on what 01:24.986 --> 01:27.097 we can just see from not even leaving 01:27.097 --> 01:29.263 the office , what do we think is going 01:29.263 --> 01:31.097 on . So when we do go out and we 01:31.097 --> 01:33.208 conduct assessments , we're going out 01:33.208 --> 01:35.430 and we're looking at capacities , we're 01:35.430 --> 01:37.652 looking at how many planes they can put 01:37.652 --> 01:36.930 through the airfield per day . We're 01:36.940 --> 01:39.162 trying to figure out the organizational 01:39.162 --> 01:41.218 structure of the airfield so that we 01:41.218 --> 01:43.273 can say when Usaid comes in and they 01:43.273 --> 01:45.384 say we want to offload food and other 01:45.384 --> 01:47.384 supplies for the local population . 01:47.384 --> 01:49.440 What capabilities does that airfield 01:49.440 --> 01:51.551 have ? When we assess a bridge ? It's 01:51.551 --> 01:53.718 not so much an engineering survey with 01:53.718 --> 01:55.884 bridges as it is looking at the bridge 01:55.884 --> 01:57.773 and saying , ok , if we take that 01:57.773 --> 01:59.884 bridge out of the economy , how could 01:59.884 --> 02:01.940 we work around that ? In this case , 02:01.940 --> 02:04.107 that bridge was a main thoroughfare to 02:04.107 --> 02:04.099 the airport . If it were damaged in a 02:04.110 --> 02:06.489 natural disaster situation , no one 02:06.500 --> 02:08.667 would be able to get in and out of the 02:08.667 --> 02:10.800 airport and then we would find what 02:10.809 --> 02:12.976 alternate routes are there . How do we 02:12.976 --> 02:15.031 move supplies from A to B across the 02:15.031 --> 02:17.198 river ? That information is definitely 02:17.198 --> 02:18.698 valuable and used by other 02:18.698 --> 02:20.920 organizations or higher headquarters to 02:20.920 --> 02:22.976 be able to still get supplies to the 02:22.976 --> 02:25.031 local population during a disaster . 02:27.110 --> 02:29.130 It's not if it's when a natural 02:29.139 --> 02:31.306 disaster strikes and when that happens 02:31.306 --> 02:33.417 that ongoing training that we do that 02:33.417 --> 02:35.529 helps us build bonds that are 02:35.539 --> 02:37.759 everlasting and we continue to do it 02:37.770 --> 02:39.992 partnerships that we build on exercises 02:39.992 --> 02:42.520 like these are valuable . So when the 02:42.529 --> 02:44.960 time comes , when it's for real . It 02:45.000 --> 02:47.167 means that it doesn't have to be built 02:47.167 --> 02:47.289 once we get into the country .