WEBVTT 00:26.690 --> 00:29.340 On this hallowed ground at Bellow wood . 00:29.819 --> 00:32.229 We're surrounded by the solemn reminder 00:32.240 --> 00:34.979 of the price of peace . A price paid 00:34.990 --> 00:37.439 more than 100 years ago by marines 00:37.849 --> 00:40.790 answering our call to duty to country 00:40.909 --> 00:41.909 and to 00:51.950 --> 00:55.110 on this very ground . We fought battles 00:55.419 --> 00:58.169 both together and against one another 00:58.639 --> 01:00.740 in the face of insurmountable odds . 01:01.090 --> 01:04.769 Our brave sons , fathers , uncles and 01:04.779 --> 01:07.330 brothers , as well as our sisters , 01:07.339 --> 01:10.889 aunts and mothers laid down their lives 01:10.900 --> 01:13.330 to protect not only our homeland but 01:13.339 --> 01:17.010 the very idea of freedom . They now 01:17.019 --> 01:19.860 rest here and we pay Omar to their 01:19.870 --> 01:20.339 valor 01:40.010 --> 01:42.139 today . Our alliance is strong as 01:42.150 --> 01:44.949 strong as it has ever been but threats 01:44.959 --> 01:48.419 to democracy and freedom remain . We 01:48.430 --> 01:50.800 enjoy relative peace here today paid 01:50.809 --> 01:53.910 for in part by the more than 6000 01:53.919 --> 01:57.349 Americans buried here . But no peace is 01:57.360 --> 01:59.870 permanent . Democracy is imperfect . 02:00.519 --> 02:03.669 Freedom is fragile . We are all well 02:03.680 --> 02:06.379 aware of the troubles in the East . May 02:06.389 --> 02:09.960 we not grow lazy or complacent and take 02:09.970 --> 02:13.360 our peace for granted ? Instead , let 02:13.369 --> 02:15.589 us face our precious future and long 02:16.130 --> 02:18.352 embrace a tomorrow that our fallen will 02:18.352 --> 02:21.270 never see with a sense of courage and 02:21.279 --> 02:23.809 commitment worthy of their sacrifice . 02:25.149 --> 02:27.919 Viva , la France . God bless America 02:28.149 --> 02:29.250 and Sra Fidelis .