WEBVTT 00:00.009 --> 00:02.120 Ladies and gentlemen , please rise in 00:02.160 --> 00:03.160 her heart . 00:14.840 --> 00:17.007 Ladies and gentlemen , honored for the 00:17.007 --> 00:19.329 Commander Mar Forces Special Operations 00:19.340 --> 00:21.860 Command , Major General Matthew G 00:21.899 --> 00:22.899 Trolley . 00:29.500 --> 00:31.840 Now joining Major general trend in the 00:31.850 --> 00:34.759 reviewing area . Major General Peter B 00:34.770 --> 00:38.720 Hunter from 00:38.729 --> 00:41.349 Commandant of the Marine Corps to Major 00:41.360 --> 00:43.569 General Matthew G . Trollinger . You 00:43.580 --> 00:45.659 stand relieved of your duties as the 00:45.669 --> 00:47.669 Commander for Marine Forces Special 00:47.669 --> 00:50.250 Operations Command from Commandant of 00:50.259 --> 00:52.720 the Marine Corps to Major General Peter 00:52.729 --> 00:55.159 D Huntley . You are hereby directed to 00:55.169 --> 00:57.319 assume the duties as commander Marine 00:57.330 --> 00:59.479 Forces Special Operations Command . 01:13.660 --> 01:16.800 Today is a day not about the commanders 01:16.860 --> 01:19.360 but about the commander and it is about 01:19.370 --> 01:23.029 what Mars stop and thrown in from its 01:23.040 --> 01:26.769 inception to what it is today . It is 01:26.779 --> 01:28.890 the most highly sought after asset in 01:28.890 --> 01:31.790 the marine . It is all I get from the 01:32.190 --> 01:34.412 coons is gonna have some more of that . 01:34.412 --> 01:36.523 Can I have some more Marsa ? It is uh 01:36.523 --> 01:39.209 great to see everybody here . Uh Really 01:39.220 --> 01:42.355 fantastic , great day for Marsa . Um 01:42.364 --> 01:44.364 and I stand up here in front of you 01:44.364 --> 01:46.253 with , you know , a heart full of 01:46.253 --> 01:49.495 gratitude , uh tremendous gratitude uh 01:49.504 --> 01:51.764 for everybody in this organization that 01:51.775 --> 01:55.245 does so much for us to uh to be so 01:55.254 --> 01:57.143 successful . And , and we are the 01:57.143 --> 01:59.014 comment I said it and I get that 01:59.025 --> 02:01.495 feedback too from , from the t they 02:01.504 --> 02:04.845 want more sot green , greater . Uh And 02:04.855 --> 02:07.077 it's a great place for us to be . And I 02:07.077 --> 02:09.750 am so grateful um for all of the people 02:09.759 --> 02:12.240 that contribute to , enable us to that 02:12.250 --> 02:15.020 end commandant . Uh As Matt said , uh 02:15.029 --> 02:17.140 this is my fourth time back at Mars . 02:17.140 --> 02:19.350 So I've been blessed enough to command 02:19.360 --> 02:21.527 three times here . This being my third 02:21.527 --> 02:23.471 time . So for you , for the Marine 02:23.471 --> 02:25.527 Corps , thank you very much for this 02:25.527 --> 02:27.693 honor . I take it very seriously and I 02:27.693 --> 02:29.693 just wanna let you know you have my 02:29.693 --> 02:31.916 total commitment uh to take care of the 02:31.916 --> 02:33.749 marines of Mar . So sir , I give 02:33.749 --> 02:35.360 everything that I , I have , 02:39.389 --> 02:41.500 sir . This concludes this afternoon's 02:41.500 --> 02:43.722 ceremony here . We have the plan of the 02:43.722 --> 02:47.600 day . Hi , I sir , come here 02:47.619 --> 02:50.880 d take to turn on the play day .