WEBVTT 00:10.390 --> 00:12.612 Good afternoon . Ladies and gentlemen , 00:12.612 --> 00:14.834 on behalf of Commanding General , Major 00:14.834 --> 00:17.057 General William H Swan , welcome to the 00:17.057 --> 00:19.001 Marine aircraft route 31 change of 00:19.001 --> 00:21.112 command ceremony where Colonel Dustin 00:21.112 --> 00:20.790 Byron will relinquish command to 00:20.799 --> 00:23.170 Colonel Michael Casty . Today's parade 00:23.180 --> 00:25.291 is being executed by the officers and 00:25.291 --> 00:27.402 marines of marine aircraft route . 31 00:27.402 --> 00:29.624 please rise for the invocation given by 00:29.624 --> 00:31.610 Commander Christopher West Mac 31 00:31.680 --> 00:33.409 chaplain United States Navy . 00:37.619 --> 00:39.639 Good afternoon . I invite you , I 00:39.650 --> 00:41.817 invite you to take a moment , bow your 00:41.817 --> 00:44.790 heads and pray with me . Eternal father . 00:45.240 --> 00:47.184 We come before you today in humble 00:47.184 --> 00:49.240 thanks for our great country and the 00:49.240 --> 00:51.351 freedoms we have enjoyed as Americans 00:51.351 --> 00:53.296 as we celebrate the passing of the 00:53.296 --> 00:55.407 mantle from one commanding officer to 00:55.407 --> 00:57.351 the next . We acknowledge that all 00:57.351 --> 00:59.240 leadership is ordained by you and 00:59.240 --> 01:01.184 welcome your presence as an unseen 01:01.184 --> 01:03.129 witness to today's proceedings and 01:03.129 --> 01:05.073 bidding farewell to Colonel Dustin 01:05.073 --> 01:07.129 Warren Byram . We are thankful for a 01:07.129 --> 01:06.839 strong leadership during a very 01:06.849 --> 01:08.960 challenging time for the group and we 01:08.960 --> 01:11.016 pray for your guidance and wisdom to 01:11.016 --> 01:13.127 follow him to his next command in our 01:13.127 --> 01:14.793 nation's capital , as well as 01:14.793 --> 01:16.960 tremendous amounts of patience that he 01:16.960 --> 01:16.900 will need to navigate the traffic there . 01:17.589 --> 01:19.756 We pray for safe travels for him , his 01:19.756 --> 01:21.756 wife Christine and their Children , 01:21.756 --> 01:23.922 Thomas Lucy and Henry as they relocate 01:23.922 --> 01:26.145 to their new home , as well as strength 01:26.145 --> 01:28.145 within the family as they adjust to 01:28.145 --> 01:27.849 their new surroundings , new schools 01:27.860 --> 01:30.430 and cultures . We also pray for Colonel 01:30.440 --> 01:32.607 Michael Spam Cassidy and for blessings 01:32.607 --> 01:34.496 upon his leadership . We pray for 01:34.496 --> 01:36.273 wisdom in his daily decisions , 01:36.273 --> 01:38.440 understanding in his relationship with 01:38.440 --> 01:40.662 his marines and sailors and strength in 01:40.662 --> 01:42.496 the face of any adversity he may 01:42.496 --> 01:44.662 encounter during his command of mag 31 01:44.662 --> 01:46.773 we pray a very special prayer for his 01:46.773 --> 01:48.884 wife , Maya and pray that they feel a 01:48.884 --> 01:48.870 sense of welcome during the transition 01:48.879 --> 01:51.750 to life in the low country . We also 01:51.760 --> 01:53.871 ask for guidance and strength for our 01:53.871 --> 01:55.927 nation's leadership as they navigate 01:55.927 --> 01:58.093 the turbulent waters of this moment in 01:58.093 --> 01:59.149 history . How many 02:02.129 --> 02:04.462 ladies and gentlemen , please be seated . 02:08.669 --> 02:10.891 Present day reviews in the Marine Corps 02:10.891 --> 02:12.947 have their basis of both history and 02:12.947 --> 02:14.836 tradition . The mass formation of 02:14.836 --> 02:16.669 troops on one long line at close 02:16.669 --> 02:18.891 interval , made possible the massing of 02:18.891 --> 02:21.113 firepower from muzzle loaded muskets of 02:21.113 --> 02:23.113 the past , the adjective formed the 02:23.113 --> 02:22.699 line of battle . And in those early 02:22.710 --> 02:24.766 days , that line consisted of two or 02:24.766 --> 02:26.766 three ranks much like in the review 02:26.766 --> 02:27.766 you'll see today 02:36.020 --> 02:37.020 of the 02:43.600 --> 02:47.369 what , how to what 02:48.039 --> 02:51.789 hold on man . Cool . Alright . Uh so 02:53.380 --> 02:56.729 45 40 . Ok . 03:01.320 --> 03:04.059 So as it is called , 03:43.589 --> 03:44.589 right ? 03:52.029 --> 03:54.690 Yes . Oh my 03:58.679 --> 04:02.000 right . No . No . 08:13.989 --> 08:15.350 Oh yeah . 08:22.779 --> 08:26.730 Oh , ready 08:27.109 --> 08:27.709 cut . 08:31.929 --> 08:34.270 The point is not . Is 08:41.969 --> 08:42.530 oh no . 08:48.549 --> 08:49.739 Right , strict 08:55.030 --> 08:56.320 ready go 09:06.890 --> 09:09.429 great fighter attack squad at 312 , all 09:09.440 --> 09:10.996 president are accounted for 09:14.080 --> 09:17.940 fighter attack quarter 533 all present 09:17.950 --> 09:18.429 or cat 09:22.500 --> 09:25.070 fighter attack training squad in 501 09:25.080 --> 09:26.919 all present or accounted for 09:29.919 --> 09:32.900 Breed Aviation logistics squadron 31 09:32.909 --> 09:34.690 all present or accounted for . 09:40.809 --> 09:44.390 Oh , crazy . So 09:48.780 --> 09:52.229 I sent it to owner their daughter 09:52.859 --> 09:55.869 marine aircraft crew . 31 09:56.049 --> 09:59.880 28 2 , 2021 . 10:00.789 --> 10:04.159 These are they is that strong ? 10:05.270 --> 10:08.719 You are smart and just just 10:10.830 --> 10:14.750 on the come , 10:15.280 --> 10:18.190 you must stay free . You go that day . 10:53.580 --> 10:55.580 Ladies and gentlemen now taking his 10:55.580 --> 10:57.691 position in the reviewing area is the 10:57.691 --> 10:59.524 commanding general Second Marine 10:59.524 --> 11:01.636 Aircraft Wing Major General William H 11:01.636 --> 11:03.802 Swan . Please rise for honors to Major 11:03.802 --> 11:05.799 General Swan that 11:08.219 --> 11:11.849 oh , ready 11:12.280 --> 11:16.219 come on stack present f 11:35.500 --> 11:37.530 that order are 11:41.039 --> 11:41.559 Oh 11:48.640 --> 11:50.010 right , good , 11:56.619 --> 11:58.119 great judge . 12:00.419 --> 12:03.799 Please be seated . Now taking his 12:03.809 --> 12:05.920 position in the reviewing area is the 12:05.920 --> 12:08.087 commanding officer for Marine Aircraft 12:08.087 --> 12:10.989 Group 31 Colonel Dustin Byron . He that 12:18.080 --> 12:19.409 great good . 12:22.140 --> 12:24.390 Instead present hot 12:26.369 --> 12:28.440 step order hot . 12:32.080 --> 12:34.409 Oh God . Oh , 12:39.630 --> 12:39.979 right 12:44.969 --> 12:45.840 me go . 12:51.520 --> 12:53.687 Sergeant Major . Deliver the colors to 12:53.687 --> 12:55.909 the commanding officer . We now come to 12:55.909 --> 12:58.131 the ceremony's most solemn moment . The 12:58.131 --> 13:00.298 actual passing of command . The battle 13:00.298 --> 13:02.520 colors of a Marine Corps unit symbolize 13:02.520 --> 13:04.520 the authority and accountability of 13:04.520 --> 13:06.409 command . Transferring the colors 13:06.409 --> 13:05.969 during the ceremony symbolizes the 13:05.979 --> 13:07.979 relinquishing of command by Colonel 13:07.979 --> 13:09.979 Byron and by accepting the colors . 13:09.979 --> 13:11.979 Colonel Cassidy accepts command and 13:11.979 --> 13:14.035 confirms his total commitment to the 13:14.035 --> 13:13.760 marines and sailors that he will 13:13.770 --> 13:16.099 command . Sergeant Major George Vega is 13:16.109 --> 13:18.109 delivering the co to the commanding 13:18.109 --> 13:17.880 officer . 13:25.119 --> 13:25.750 Please 13:33.510 --> 13:35.390 dead freeze in f 13:38.690 --> 13:40.710 from calm down the Marine Corps to 13:40.719 --> 13:44.479 Colonel Dustin J Byram . Effective 1728 13:44.489 --> 13:47.549 June 2024 . You will stay detached from 13:47.559 --> 13:49.559 your duties as commanding officer , 13:49.559 --> 13:51.726 Marine Aircraft Group 31 and report to 13:51.726 --> 13:53.503 the Commanding General Aviation 13:53.503 --> 13:55.781 Department Headquarters , Marine Corps , 13:55.781 --> 13:57.781 Washington DC signed Eric M Smith , 13:57.781 --> 13:59.726 General United States Marine Corps 13:59.726 --> 14:01.337 Commandant of Marine Corps . 14:03.349 --> 14:05.380 From comment on the Marine Corps to 14:05.390 --> 14:08.020 Colonel Michael R . Cassidy effective 14:08.030 --> 14:12.020 1728 June 2024 . You are directed to 14:12.030 --> 14:13.863 assume your duties as commanding 14:13.863 --> 14:15.919 officer , Marine Aircraft Group . 31 14:15.919 --> 14:17.909 signed Eric M Smith General United 14:17.919 --> 14:20.030 States Marine Corps Commandant of the 14:20.030 --> 14:19.750 Marine Corps . 14:46.599 --> 14:49.150 Oh . Oh , 14:54.119 --> 14:55.530 great strict 14:59.580 --> 15:01.119 ready cut . 15:04.190 --> 15:05.912 Now taking his position in the 15:05.912 --> 15:08.134 reviewing area is the reviewing officer 15:08.134 --> 15:10.190 for today's ceremony . Major General 15:10.190 --> 15:09.429 Swan 15:15.130 --> 15:17.750 officer to be decorated and all colors . 15:20.299 --> 15:24.020 March carry 15:25.320 --> 15:26.320 to it . 15:28.729 --> 15:29.950 Ready come 15:36.799 --> 15:39.520 detail forward . Come on 16:13.239 --> 16:15.295 offer to be decorated and all colors 16:15.295 --> 16:16.909 present very well . 16:28.099 --> 16:30.880 Breath dad . Oh , 16:34.710 --> 16:38.570 that reason . Fine ladies and 16:38.580 --> 16:40.802 gentlemen , please rise for the playing 16:40.802 --> 16:42.191 of the national anthem . 17:58.920 --> 18:01.400 That to what ? 18:05.310 --> 18:05.800 Great , 18:12.540 --> 18:13.890 great cut . 18:17.369 --> 18:20.589 Oh . Oh . 18:27.020 --> 18:27.390 Hm . 18:33.239 --> 18:36.859 Ok . Please be seated . 18:47.849 --> 18:49.793 The president of the United States 18:49.793 --> 18:52.016 takes pleasure in presenting the legion 18:52.016 --> 18:54.016 of Mary to Colonel Dustin J Byron , 18:54.016 --> 18:56.182 United States Marine Corps for servers 18:56.182 --> 18:58.238 is set forth in the following for an 18:58.238 --> 19:00.293 exceptionally meritorious conduct in 19:00.293 --> 19:02.460 his performance of outstanding service 19:02.460 --> 19:04.571 as Commanding Officer Marine Aircraft 19:04.571 --> 19:06.849 Group 31 from May 2022 to June 2024 . 19:07.310 --> 19:09.366 During this period , Colonel Byram , 19:09.366 --> 19:11.254 superior leadership knowledge and 19:11.254 --> 19:13.477 mission focus served as a foundation to 19:13.477 --> 19:15.699 his successful command tour . Under his 19:15.699 --> 19:17.699 direction , the squadrons of Marine 19:17.699 --> 19:19.810 aircraft group 31 provided support to 19:19.810 --> 19:21.866 all areas of the globe spanning from 19:21.866 --> 19:23.754 support to the United States Indo 19:23.754 --> 19:25.977 Pacific Command unit deployment program 19:25.977 --> 19:27.977 to reinforcing multinational cooper 19:27.977 --> 19:29.754 operation in the Baltic Sea and 19:29.754 --> 19:31.754 strengthening North Atlantic Treaty 19:31.754 --> 19:33.921 Organization relationships with Nordic 19:33.921 --> 19:35.866 allies ever mindful to the drastic 19:35.866 --> 19:37.754 changes faced by the tactical air 19:37.754 --> 19:39.699 community . He adeptly steered the 19:39.699 --> 19:41.866 group's focus to emerging technologies 19:41.866 --> 19:43.977 in the tactical air transfer plan and 19:43.977 --> 19:45.810 directed the support of multiple 19:45.810 --> 19:47.754 command post exercises and various 19:47.754 --> 19:50.239 naval training evolutions while 19:50.250 --> 19:52.260 sustaining exceptional F-35 bravo 19:52.270 --> 19:54.349 lightning performance metrics . He 19:54.359 --> 19:56.248 remained engaged with the ongoing 19:56.248 --> 19:58.400 maintenance of the legacy F-18 Hornet 19:58.410 --> 20:00.780 platform . As a result of his skillful 20:00.790 --> 20:02.957 management , the F-18 Hornet squadrons 20:02.957 --> 20:05.068 routinely achieved and sustained high 20:05.068 --> 20:07.068 emission capable status in aircraft 20:07.068 --> 20:09.179 reads . In total . His group obtained 20:09.179 --> 20:11.401 the highest squadron training readiness 20:11.401 --> 20:13.568 levels and flew more than 21,900 hours 20:13.568 --> 20:15.734 across the 4 F-18 hornet squadrons and 20:15.734 --> 20:18.739 2 F-35 bravo lighting squadrons by his 20:18.750 --> 20:20.639 bold leadership wise judgment and 20:20.639 --> 20:22.639 complete dedication to duty Colonel 20:22.639 --> 20:24.528 Byron reflected great credit upon 20:24.528 --> 20:26.250 himself and upheld the highest 20:26.250 --> 20:28.361 traditions of the Marine Corps in the 20:28.361 --> 20:30.361 United States Naval Service for the 20:30.361 --> 20:32.528 President , Eric M Smith . Comment out 20:32.528 --> 20:32.010 of the Marine Corps , 20:43.640 --> 20:44.640 right ? 20:48.079 --> 20:51.770 D ladies and 20:51.780 --> 20:53.891 gentlemen , the commanding general of 20:53.891 --> 20:55.891 Second Marine Aircraft Wing , Major 20:55.891 --> 20:56.891 General Swan . 21:04.550 --> 21:08.400 Stuff matter of truth , 21:08.410 --> 21:10.243 please put the Marines at rest . 21:15.069 --> 21:17.291 Ok . They're already at rest . Shake it 21:17.291 --> 21:19.880 out , marines . I missed that . He said , 21:20.109 --> 21:22.939 yeah , hey , welcome everybody . Uh 21:22.949 --> 21:25.420 Super excited to be here today in , in 21:25.430 --> 21:28.410 the little country . Uh and at the mag 21:28.420 --> 21:30.609 31 change of command , special welcome 21:30.619 --> 21:32.839 to General Hailston , sir . Great to 21:32.849 --> 21:35.390 see you General Byron and all the DVS 21:35.699 --> 21:37.755 and family and friends that made the 21:37.755 --> 21:40.180 trip . I know these two gentlemen , 21:40.359 --> 21:42.750 Warren and spam really appreciate you 21:42.760 --> 21:44.927 making the trip out here and it says a 21:44.927 --> 21:48.050 lot to these two uh for you being here 21:48.060 --> 21:50.171 to honor us with your presence . So , 21:50.171 --> 21:52.393 so really thank you a couple of other . 21:52.393 --> 21:54.560 Thank yous for starting major Bega and 21:54.560 --> 21:57.790 your team , the Paris Island Band and 21:57.800 --> 21:59.856 all the marines standing in front of 21:59.856 --> 22:01.856 you today that represent the nearly 22:01.856 --> 22:04.359 2000 marines and sailors in mag 31 . We 22:04.369 --> 22:06.780 really not only thank them for 22:06.790 --> 22:08.739 everything they did to put this 22:08.750 --> 22:10.861 ceremony on today , but for what they 22:10.861 --> 22:12.861 do for our nation and our core on a 22:12.861 --> 22:15.083 daily basis , please join me in a round 22:15.083 --> 22:16.583 of applause for everyone . 22:21.810 --> 22:24.189 Thank you . You know , the uh the 22:24.199 --> 22:26.366 narrator and the chaplain talked about 22:26.366 --> 22:28.588 the change of command and the , and the 22:28.588 --> 22:30.366 passing of the colors that flag 22:30.366 --> 22:32.421 represents the history and legacy of 22:32.421 --> 22:34.477 this unit dating all the way back to 22:34.477 --> 22:36.643 World War Two . And when the commander 22:36.643 --> 22:38.310 takes that flag , I see three 22:38.310 --> 22:40.532 priorities . One to be ready to execute 22:40.532 --> 22:42.643 the mission . Two to take care of his 22:42.643 --> 22:45.050 marine sailors and their families . And 22:45.060 --> 22:48.160 then three build on that legacy here in 22:48.170 --> 22:51.619 Meg 31 . All the old CS in the crowd . 22:51.630 --> 22:53.686 I see one of them right there . They 22:53.686 --> 22:57.199 wondered , how did Warren do ? I'm here 22:57.209 --> 22:59.650 to tell you , Warren crushed it . He 22:59.660 --> 23:03.339 did , he did an amazing job through 23:03.349 --> 23:05.939 some hard times , do some hard times . 23:06.619 --> 23:09.239 But your leadership uh can't go 23:09.250 --> 23:11.209 unnoticed and I really appreciate 23:11.219 --> 23:13.497 everything you did for this hair group . 23:13.959 --> 23:16.339 It doesn't go without being said that 23:16.349 --> 23:18.460 behind every great marine leader is a 23:18.460 --> 23:21.270 great marine family . Christine , you 23:21.280 --> 23:24.219 and your three kids , Henry Lucy and 23:24.229 --> 23:26.459 Thomas , you can't do it without you . 23:27.089 --> 23:29.145 And I thank you for what you support 23:29.145 --> 23:31.256 you provided to Warren , but also for 23:31.256 --> 23:33.478 all the families and their spouses here 23:33.478 --> 23:35.979 in Mag 31 . I really appreciate it . 23:35.989 --> 23:38.780 And thank you . Well done . I wish you 23:38.790 --> 23:40.957 all the best as you head back up north 23:41.790 --> 23:43.846 and as the chaplain said , good luck 23:43.846 --> 23:47.609 with the traffic spam and maya . 23:47.619 --> 23:50.569 Welcome back . How , how fitting to 23:50.579 --> 23:53.680 have a harrier guy . Welcome home to 23:53.689 --> 23:55.856 Beaufort , South Carolina . You know , 23:55.856 --> 23:58.078 I got to work with you in the hallway , 23:58.078 --> 23:59.911 spam . I can't think of a better 23:59.911 --> 24:02.133 officer , better leader , better family 24:02.133 --> 24:05.449 team to take mag 31 to the next level . 24:05.670 --> 24:07.503 I wish you all the best and look 24:07.503 --> 24:09.726 forward to providing any support that I 24:09.726 --> 24:11.892 can . Uh as we continue this journey , 24:11.930 --> 24:13.819 ladies and gentlemen , a round of 24:13.819 --> 24:15.874 applause and the former commander of 24:15.874 --> 24:18.589 Marine Aircraft Group 31 my friend 24:18.640 --> 24:19.260 Warren by 24:27.410 --> 24:29.743 Jo Swan . Thanks sir for the kind words . 24:29.743 --> 24:31.743 Thanks for your mentorship over the 24:31.743 --> 24:33.910 past 10 years and always uh thanks for 24:33.910 --> 24:36.132 your support to the breeds and families 24:36.132 --> 24:38.354 here at ma 31 . I appreciate everything 24:38.354 --> 24:40.577 Joe Hailston . Dad . Thanks so much for 24:40.577 --> 24:42.743 coming out to uh to be with us today . 24:42.743 --> 24:41.880 Hey , ladies and gentlemen , 24:41.890 --> 24:44.050 distinguished guests , uh marine 24:44.060 --> 24:46.060 sailors and uh and of course , like 24:46.060 --> 24:48.282 everybody here that that's here today . 24:48.282 --> 24:50.393 I , I appreciate you guys so much for 24:50.393 --> 24:52.560 being here and uh and make the time to 24:52.560 --> 24:54.782 come to our change command . I'm a firm 24:54.782 --> 24:54.660 believer that uh that the length your 24:54.670 --> 24:56.837 market should be equal to one over the 24:56.837 --> 24:58.837 heat in that . So I'm gonna keep it 24:58.837 --> 25:01.059 short . So I'm not able to individually 25:01.059 --> 25:01.055 recognize you today . We'll buy a cold 25:01.064 --> 25:03.286 beer at the club . We'll call it good . 25:03.286 --> 25:05.453 Ok , first of all , though , I do want 25:05.453 --> 25:07.453 to thank some people like uh the CG 25:07.453 --> 25:09.620 said , hey , the Paris Island Band for 25:09.620 --> 25:09.324 the last two years . They've been at 25:09.334 --> 25:11.501 every change of command . They've been 25:11.501 --> 25:13.501 at every , uh , Marine Corps ball . 25:13.501 --> 25:15.278 They've been in everyone on our 25:15.278 --> 25:17.278 retirements . They sound great . We 25:17.278 --> 25:16.425 love seeing these guys at the air 25:16.435 --> 25:18.379 station . I really appreciate them 25:18.379 --> 25:18.324 being here . They're , they're 25:18.334 --> 25:21.910 fantastic , uh , to , uh , to my wife 25:21.920 --> 25:24.142 Christine , uh , the CG said I couldn't 25:24.142 --> 25:25.920 have done it without you . So I 25:25.920 --> 25:28.031 appreciate , uh , all your advice and 25:28.031 --> 25:30.142 support when I was around , like at , 25:30.142 --> 25:31.698 uh , and then your patients 25:31.698 --> 25:33.864 understanding that I wasn't able to be 25:33.864 --> 25:35.864 there and uh and your love over the 25:35.864 --> 25:37.976 past quarter century , lucky for me . 25:37.976 --> 25:37.189 I'm the only one who keeps looking 25:37.199 --> 25:40.000 older . So I , I OK , thank you . Hey , 25:40.010 --> 25:42.232 so my kids , thanks for being awesome . 25:42.232 --> 25:44.454 It's been , I'm proud to watch what you 25:44.454 --> 25:46.454 guys have done here in the last few 25:46.454 --> 25:48.621 years in uh in Buford and I can't wait 25:48.621 --> 25:50.843 to see uh what you guys are doing uh in 25:50.843 --> 25:52.732 Virginia . Hey , to uh to Colonel 25:52.732 --> 25:54.843 Snotty boredom and your whole team at 25:54.843 --> 25:57.177 uh at Marine Corps Air Station , Buford . 25:57.177 --> 25:59.288 Hey , uh I mean M CCS everybody . You 25:59.288 --> 26:01.343 guys are fantastic . Uh I can't tell 26:01.343 --> 26:03.566 you every day how happy I am to be part 26:03.566 --> 26:05.677 of this air station to be on this air 26:05.677 --> 26:07.732 station to be on the premier fighter 26:07.732 --> 26:09.788 base in the uh in the Marine Corps . 26:09.788 --> 26:12.425 And uh I tell you what makes it the 26:12.435 --> 26:14.546 best is all the work that you guys do 26:14.546 --> 26:16.768 to make things better for our marines , 26:16.768 --> 26:18.935 our sailors and families . You do that 26:18.935 --> 26:21.046 tirelessly every day , day , in , day 26:21.046 --> 26:20.854 out . And I can't tell you how much I 26:20.864 --> 26:22.531 appreciate what you have done 26:22.531 --> 26:24.753 personally , as well as every member of 26:24.753 --> 26:26.864 your staff . You guys are fantastic . 26:27.520 --> 26:29.464 All right to , uh , to my sergeant 26:29.464 --> 26:31.979 major . Where do you go ? George George 26:31.989 --> 26:34.500 Vega . So , uh , hey , I think my best 26:34.510 --> 26:36.788 decision on , uh , in command was , uh , 26:36.788 --> 26:39.010 was time your real list of papers on my 26:39.010 --> 26:41.177 second week , uh , When I was here , I 26:41.177 --> 26:40.250 was like , yeah , I'm not sure . I 26:40.260 --> 26:42.316 don't know this guy yet , but uh but 26:42.316 --> 26:44.316 hey , thank you for your advice and 26:44.316 --> 26:46.204 mentorship , your friendship . Uh 26:46.204 --> 26:48.204 Thanks for helping me carry my flag 26:48.204 --> 26:50.260 here all over the world . And uh and 26:50.260 --> 26:52.371 thank you for uh for most of all your 26:52.371 --> 26:54.316 100% dedication to the marines and 26:54.316 --> 26:56.316 sailors of Mac 31 . I've learned so 26:56.316 --> 26:56.050 much for your leadership . Thanks 26:56.060 --> 26:59.739 George eight of my ex os . Uh K fed 27:00.349 --> 27:04.099 that , sorry , mug that 27:04.510 --> 27:05.677 kids . You're a boss 27:07.869 --> 27:10.420 whos and especially school . Hey , 27:10.430 --> 27:12.652 thanks so much for running the mag when 27:12.652 --> 27:14.708 I was out gallivant around the world 27:14.708 --> 27:14.640 with the uh with the sergeant major and 27:14.650 --> 27:16.872 shirking my responsibilities . Uh Thank 27:16.872 --> 27:19.039 you for all your leadership , not just 27:19.039 --> 27:21.094 to the staff but to every marine and 27:21.094 --> 27:23.150 sailor here at uh at mag 31 . And uh 27:23.150 --> 27:25.317 thanks for never being afraid to close 27:25.317 --> 27:27.483 the door when I was going off high and 27:27.483 --> 27:27.140 right and give me back to a wings of 27:27.150 --> 27:29.280 latitude . I appreciate you guys so 27:29.290 --> 27:31.179 much , man . I could have done it 27:31.179 --> 27:33.290 without you guys . Hey , to the staff 27:33.290 --> 27:35.457 here at Mac 31 . Uh when I came here , 27:35.457 --> 27:37.568 I told you my number one priority was 27:37.568 --> 27:39.679 supporting the squadrons and you guys 27:39.679 --> 27:39.180 took that and ran with it and producing 27:39.189 --> 27:41.469 spades . I can't , I've never worked 27:41.479 --> 27:43.646 with a more high performing staff with 27:43.646 --> 27:45.868 a better group of people and everything 27:45.868 --> 27:47.979 that the mag has done over these past 27:47.979 --> 27:50.257 two years has been enabled by you guys . 27:50.257 --> 27:52.312 You've been a fantastic uh staff . I 27:52.312 --> 27:54.535 mean , it's a model and , uh , and I've 27:54.535 --> 27:56.701 been an honor to be a part of it . All 27:56.701 --> 27:58.812 right , to the CEO S , hey , everyone 27:58.812 --> 28:00.923 of you guys took the guide on or took 28:00.923 --> 28:03.146 your , uh the colors on day one and you 28:03.146 --> 28:02.699 spread it all the way through your 28:02.709 --> 28:04.487 command tour . It's been such a 28:04.487 --> 28:06.598 pleasure to watch you guys build your 28:06.598 --> 28:08.709 teams , train your marines and go out 28:08.709 --> 28:10.765 and accomplish that mission that you 28:10.765 --> 28:13.042 had no matter what it was . And it was , 28:13.042 --> 28:15.265 uh , it was , I learned a lot from ever 28:15.265 --> 28:17.431 watching every one of you guys . And I 28:17.431 --> 28:16.729 thank you for your leadership over 28:16.739 --> 28:18.739 these past two years and you know , 28:18.739 --> 28:21.017 beyond and , and going forward as well . 28:21.109 --> 28:22.998 All right . Hey , the marines and 28:22.998 --> 28:24.998 sailors that you see out here along 28:24.998 --> 28:26.998 with nearly 1800 others that they , 28:26.998 --> 28:29.053 that they represent in the past four 28:29.053 --> 28:30.998 years have or the past two years , 28:30.998 --> 28:33.276 about four Western Pacific deployments , 28:33.276 --> 28:35.442 you know , two deployments to the High 28:35.442 --> 28:37.609 North to support our NATO allies , you 28:37.609 --> 28:39.776 know , three WTIS as well as countless 28:39.776 --> 28:41.831 other uh clothes for training in the 28:41.831 --> 28:43.887 United States and uh and elsewhere , 28:43.887 --> 28:45.887 you know , cast rags . They've done 28:45.887 --> 28:45.885 everything that we asked of them and 28:45.895 --> 28:48.006 they've done that because of tireless 28:48.006 --> 28:50.173 work , day night and weekends by these 28:50.173 --> 28:52.395 marines behind us to put up up aircraft 28:52.395 --> 28:54.562 in uh into the uh into the air to have 28:54.562 --> 28:56.839 trained marines and qualified air crew . 28:56.839 --> 28:58.839 So they could take the fight to our 28:58.839 --> 28:58.824 enemies anywhere in the world . And 28:58.834 --> 29:01.145 marines are mag 31 . I've been honored 29:01.155 --> 29:03.584 to be part of your team super fides . 29:07.680 --> 29:11.640 No , you say , hey , hey , 29:11.650 --> 29:14.079 stay and Maya , I'm so so happy to uh 29:14.089 --> 29:15.867 to be passing this off to you . 29:15.867 --> 29:17.978 Congratulations , like welcome to the 29:17.978 --> 29:20.145 Mac 31 family . We're so happy to have 29:20.145 --> 29:22.367 you guys here and uh I can't think of a 29:22.367 --> 29:24.645 better person to be taking over Mac 31 . 29:24.645 --> 29:26.700 I can't wait to see what you do over 29:26.700 --> 29:26.060 the next two years . It's gonna be 29:26.069 --> 29:28.140 awesome . All right with that , that 29:28.150 --> 29:30.150 actual commanding officer of marine 29:30.150 --> 29:32.089 aircraft 31 1st . Stand out . 29:35.689 --> 29:37.745 I'm so excited to be up here today . 29:37.745 --> 29:39.745 I'm gonna jump the gun a little bit 29:39.745 --> 29:41.856 there . Sorry about that . Uh General 29:41.856 --> 29:41.489 Swan . Thank you very much for being 29:41.500 --> 29:43.500 out here , sir and participating in 29:43.500 --> 29:45.556 today's ceremony . I look forward to 29:45.556 --> 29:45.550 working with you again . Uh And I'm 29:45.560 --> 29:47.560 sure both of us can agree that we'd 29:47.560 --> 29:49.504 much rather be here right now than 29:49.504 --> 29:51.989 rolling up at the Pentagon General 29:52.000 --> 29:54.056 Hailston . It's been a long time . I 29:54.056 --> 29:56.000 think I was probably uh not a full 29:56.000 --> 29:58.167 functional adult when I last saw you . 29:58.167 --> 29:58.130 It's great to see you here today , sir . 29:58.140 --> 30:00.307 And uh and welcome and General Byron , 30:00.307 --> 30:03.579 welcome as well to the Marines and the 30:03.589 --> 30:05.700 band . Hey , thank you . You all look 30:05.700 --> 30:07.867 fantastic today . I know you put a lot 30:07.867 --> 30:10.089 of hard work into what you did . Um But 30:10.089 --> 30:12.089 our bottom line is these ceremonies 30:12.089 --> 30:14.311 aren't worth , not , not worth it , but 30:14.311 --> 30:14.140 aren't what they would be if you did 30:14.150 --> 30:16.317 put in that hard work . So , thank you 30:16.317 --> 30:18.483 very much and I promise I'll keep this 30:18.483 --> 30:20.428 short because I follow Warren's uh 30:20.428 --> 30:22.483 guidance on when it's hot out to get 30:22.483 --> 30:24.483 this done quick . I got a couple uh 30:24.483 --> 30:26.483 groups of individuals . I'd like to 30:26.483 --> 30:26.410 thank first , family and friends that 30:26.420 --> 30:28.642 have traveled from far and wide to come 30:28.642 --> 30:30.864 here . Some as far as why to be with me 30:30.864 --> 30:32.976 today . Hey , bottom line is you have 30:32.976 --> 30:35.031 been the support for me ever since I 30:35.031 --> 30:37.142 was young and I have people here that 30:37.142 --> 30:39.309 I've known all my life that I've known 30:39.309 --> 30:41.420 since elementary school that have met 30:41.420 --> 30:43.420 along the way . So , thank you very 30:43.420 --> 30:43.109 much . I appreciate it from the bottom 30:43.119 --> 30:45.119 of my heart . Also , my dad , Barry 30:45.119 --> 30:48.650 Cassidy Marine F 4 F-18 pilot I've got 30:48.660 --> 30:50.839 Colleen Husin , my mother-in-law who's 30:50.849 --> 30:52.960 a navy , retired navy nurse . They've 30:52.960 --> 30:54.905 also been with me some longer than 30:54.905 --> 30:56.793 others , but they've been with me 30:56.793 --> 30:56.699 throughout the entirety of my Marine 30:56.709 --> 30:58.820 Corps career , supported me along the 30:58.820 --> 31:00.931 way and bottom line . They've been to 31:00.931 --> 31:00.579 the majority of these type of 31:00.589 --> 31:02.700 ceremonies for me and these would not 31:02.700 --> 31:04.867 be the same if it wasn't for you . I'm 31:04.867 --> 31:06.750 so glad you're here today to the 31:06.760 --> 31:08.927 marines that I've worked with before . 31:08.927 --> 31:10.982 Whether or not you were a mentor and 31:10.982 --> 31:13.038 led me to the point where I am now , 31:13.038 --> 31:13.020 whether or not you're one of the people 31:13.030 --> 31:15.252 that were my peers . You got me through 31:15.252 --> 31:17.474 the hard times and gave me the advice I 31:17.474 --> 31:19.586 needed or whether or not you were one 31:19.586 --> 31:19.160 of the people who worked for me and you 31:19.170 --> 31:21.170 did all the hard work . They got me 31:21.170 --> 31:23.226 here . Hey , thank you . You are the 31:23.226 --> 31:25.503 reason I've stayed in the Marine Corps . 31:25.503 --> 31:25.349 One of the primary reasons it's all 31:25.359 --> 31:27.526 about the people and you are the , for 31:27.526 --> 31:29.692 reason why I wake up every morning and 31:29.692 --> 31:31.803 come to work is because I get to work 31:31.803 --> 31:33.970 with you . That was one of the primary 31:33.970 --> 31:36.192 decisions that kept me going finally to 31:36.192 --> 31:38.303 my wife Maya , who's the other reason 31:38.303 --> 31:40.415 I'm still in the Marine Corps because 31:40.415 --> 31:42.637 she continues to loan me out day by day 31:42.637 --> 31:44.748 to the Marine Corps and I promise her 31:44.748 --> 31:43.969 I'll pay off the loan one day . I've 31:43.979 --> 31:46.146 said this about 20 times now , but I'm 31:46.146 --> 31:48.257 not sure that I uh have done it yet . 31:48.257 --> 31:50.257 One day , I promise , I promise she 31:50.257 --> 31:52.368 continues to sacrifice to allow me to 31:52.368 --> 31:54.312 do what it is that I love to do so 31:54.390 --> 31:56.501 through all the deployments , through 31:56.501 --> 31:58.557 all the continued things we do . She 31:58.557 --> 32:00.779 makes the sacrifices and you support me 32:00.779 --> 32:03.001 throughout this career that I've done . 32:03.001 --> 32:02.930 I love you very much from the bottom of 32:02.939 --> 32:05.161 my heart . I'm so glad you're with me . 32:05.219 --> 32:06.219 Love you . 32:09.599 --> 32:11.710 All right , Warren Christine , you've 32:11.710 --> 32:13.766 been such gracious hosts since we've 32:13.766 --> 32:15.821 been here . Ever since you found out 32:15.821 --> 32:18.043 that I was coming to mag 31 . You reach 32:18.043 --> 32:20.099 out to me and you are leaving me and 32:20.099 --> 32:22.266 honestly , world class organizations . 32:22.266 --> 32:24.377 That's , that's the first thing . The 32:24.377 --> 32:26.488 second thing is you've welcomed me in 32:26.488 --> 32:28.599 and you have given me everything I've 32:28.599 --> 32:28.125 needed to be successful here . You've 32:28.135 --> 32:30.024 jumped through hoops to make sure 32:30.024 --> 32:32.246 that's the case . That , that , that is 32:32.246 --> 32:34.135 an absolute testament to Warren's 32:34.135 --> 32:36.079 character . He's an absolute uh or 32:36.079 --> 32:37.913 absolute rock star , world class 32:37.913 --> 32:40.024 individual . Uh And I appreciate that 32:40.024 --> 32:42.246 good luck brother of the Pentagon . All 32:42.246 --> 32:44.246 right . Finally , I promise to make 32:44.246 --> 32:46.413 this short . So I will make it short . 32:46.413 --> 32:48.357 Bring the sailors of mag 31 . I am 32:48.357 --> 32:50.579 absolutely honored and privileged to be 32:50.579 --> 32:50.199 standing before you as your commander 32:50.209 --> 32:52.431 today and I can think of no place . I'd 32:52.431 --> 32:54.900 rather be right here and right now 32:54.910 --> 32:56.910 tackle the challenges of the future 32:57.030 --> 32:59.252 with that I am growing thirsty and I'll 32:59.252 --> 33:01.474 take warn up on his his offer . I think 33:01.474 --> 33:03.641 it's time to go to the club except for 33:03.641 --> 33:05.141 fine you . God bless you . 33:17.319 --> 33:19.486 Marine aircraft route 31 would like to 33:19.486 --> 33:21.430 thank Miss Christine Byron for her 33:21.430 --> 33:23.486 support to the marines , sailors and 33:23.486 --> 33:25.708 civilians of marine aircraft route . 31 33:25.708 --> 33:27.875 while extending a warm welcome to Miss 33:27.875 --> 33:29.986 Maya Cassidy and the Cassidy family . 33:30.260 --> 33:32.170 That ok , look , 33:37.290 --> 33:38.979 we started 33:44.260 --> 33:47.459 the colors can read that white color 33:47.630 --> 33:51.310 six for ready . 33:52.170 --> 33:54.910 Cut K March . March 34:00.400 --> 34:03.709 the word March . ST laugh 34:04.329 --> 34:08.189 tra step forward is not 34:15.479 --> 34:16.479 P 34:22.399 --> 34:26.209 oh oh because 34:30.388 --> 34:31.698 ready strip 34:37.429 --> 34:38.739 great . Go ahead . 34:42.459 --> 34:44.292 Now , taking his position in the 34:44.292 --> 34:46.126 reviewing area is the commanding 34:46.126 --> 34:48.126 officer ra aircraft rate 31 Colonel 34:48.126 --> 34:51.409 Michael Cassy , I command and review . 34:51.909 --> 34:52.469 Hi sir , 34:56.709 --> 34:59.100 Carrie John . 35:01.850 --> 35:02.979 Ready go 35:05.560 --> 35:06.620 and review . 35:14.820 --> 35:16.709 Bye . Hey . 35:26.909 --> 35:27.909 Oh , 35:45.100 --> 35:46.100 what ? 35:54.500 --> 35:57.239 Ok . Right 36:25.860 --> 36:27.070 today of 36:35.560 --> 36:37.159 major surgeon 36:51.989 --> 36:52.879 commanders for 37:03.840 --> 37:05.729 squadron commander , free fighter 37:05.729 --> 37:07.896 attack squadron 533 Lieutenant Colonel 37:08.030 --> 37:09.030 Zachary , 37:17.030 --> 37:19.830 the collar sergeant , three aircraft 31 37:20.090 --> 37:21.201 guard is sergeant . 37:28.479 --> 37:30.368 Some great fighters have training 37:37.370 --> 37:40.929 the squadron commander . Why 38:03.409 --> 38:04.409 please rise ? 38:08.800 --> 38:09.800 Yeah . 39:15.070 --> 39:16.070 Mhm . 39:50.719 --> 39:51.719 As a 39:55.820 --> 39:58.340 I understand what you say . Yeah , 40:00.270 --> 40:01.280 they cut it . 40:07.379 --> 40:09.229 Ladies and gentlemen , this day care .