WEBVTT 00:05.050 --> 00:06.550 It's good to see you too . 00:14.739 --> 00:18.569 Ok . Yeah , we 00:18.579 --> 00:20.049 gotta , we gotta get it . 00:24.700 --> 00:27.219 Third tracks for your leadership , 00:27.459 --> 00:28.848 dedication to doing your 00:28.848 --> 00:31.120 congratulations . A round of applause . 00:37.130 --> 00:40.790 Yes , I appreciate Shane Williams the 00:41.630 --> 00:43.369 way . Want to become , 00:48.110 --> 00:51.479 be 56 days July . 01:03.669 --> 01:03.909 Sorry .