All the Marine Corps MARADMINS listed here by year, number, and status.

Date Signed: 8/31/2017 | MARADMINS Number: 492/17
MARADMINS : 492/17
R 311751Z AUG 17
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Situation.  President, Marine Corps University (MCU), as executive agent for the Commandant of the Marine Corps, annually conducts two commanders and sergeants major programs and a concurrent spouses workshop.  Attendance is mandatory for commanders and sergeants major either prior to or shortly after arriving at their new command.  Attendance for spouses, while not required, is encouraged.
2.  Mission.  MCU conducts the Cornerstone Program at the Gray Research Center (GRC) aboard Marine Corps Base (MCB) Quantico, VA in order to prepare board selected commanders, sergeants major, and their respective spouses for the challenges of command.
3.  Execution
3.A.  Commanders Intent
3.A.1.  Purpose.  Educate commanders, sergeants major, and their spouses on the fundamental authorities, responsibilities, programs, and practices that contribute to a successful command tour.
3.A.2.  Method.  The program will address the demands and challenges of command writ large with opportunities to focus on particular communities of interest, while providing time for mentoring and cross talk.  The program will emphasize the art and science of command as appropriate for each grade, with leadership, critical thinking, and unit readiness providing the basic foundations for instruction.  The curriculum will maximize the use of small group guided discussions with current and former commanders, sergeants major, and their spouses in order to permit a frank exchange of observations, ideas, and methods.
3.A.3.  End state.  Successful command teams who are fully prepared to meet the challenges and demands of command.
3.B.  Concept of Operations.  President, MCU will conduct the program at MCU, MCB Quantico, VA.  Two options are available:  Cornerstone 18-1 (October class) or Cornerstone 18-2 (April class).  During the first week of each option, commanders and sergeants major will conduct the preponderance of their programs together with opportunities to conduct billet specific training during specified periods of instruction.  In the second week, the commanders and sergeants major will attend presentations together while the spouses' workshop runs concurrently.  During the second week of each option, there will be several presentations in which commanders, sergeants major, and their spouses will attend jointly.  The schedule, which is under development, will feature the following general sequence of events:
3.B.1.  14 October or 21 April:  sergeants major execute travel.
3.B.2.  15 October or 22 April 0630-0745:  sergeants major check in at Senior Enlisted Professional Military Education (PME) building, MCU, Quantico, VA (Upshur Road, Building 3078).
3.B.3.  15 October or 22 April:  commanders execute travel.
3.B.4.  16 October or 23 April 0630-0745:  commanders check in at GRC, MCU.
3.B.5.  22 October or 29 April:  spouses execute travel.
3.B.6.  23 October or 30 May 0745:  commence spouses program and continue commander/sergeants major program.
3.B.7.  27 October or 4 May 1200:  completion of all programs and workshop.
3.B.8.  27-28 October or 4-5 May:  execute return travel.
3.C.  Coordinating Instructions
3.C.1.  Eligibility.  Command slated colonels, lieutenant colonels, lieutenant colonel selects, and sergeants major selected on the fiscal year (FY) 18 promotion board as well as U.S. Navy equivalents identified by Manpower Management Division Officer Assignments are directed to attend the program.  Spouses of eligible attendees are authorized to attend the spouses workshop at government expense.
3.C.2.  Registration
3.C.2.A.  Quotas are as follows:  A maximum of 40 colonel-level commanders, 100 lieutenant colonel-level commanders, 50 sergeants major, and 100 spouses per course.  Registration is on a first come, first served basis.  Registration for Cornerstone 18-1 closes on 2 October 2017.  Registration for Cornerstone 18-2 closes on 9 April 2018.  Marines assuming command prior to Cornerstone 18-2 should attend Cornerstone 18-1 as the second course is expected to reach capacity quickly and the next opportunity to attend will not occur until FY19.
3.C.2.B.  Registration Responsibility.  MCU Lejeune Leadership Institute (LLI) will register all attendees (active and reserve component).  To register for the course, send an email to MCU_LLI@USMC.MIL.  All Marine Corps Training Information Management System submissions will be executed by LLI staff.  Follow-on instructions will be provided to each attendee upon registration.
4.  Administration and Logistics
4.A.1.  All attendees shall travel on non-reporting orders.  Orders are the responsibility of the attendees parent command.  Government billeting is available on a limited basis.  Messing is available, but not conducive to training, so it is not directed.
4.A.2.  Billeting.  The MCB Quantico government billeting is located at the Crossroads Inn (703) 630-4444 or Liversedge Hall (703) 784-3149.  A limited number of rooms are available at the Crossroads Inn under the group reservation name, Cornerstone 18-1 and Cornerstone 18-2.  A statement of non-availability will be required from Liversedge Hall for any off-base billeting.
4.B.  Funding and Travel
4.B.1.  Active Component.  Training and Education Command (TECOM) Formal Schools Training Support will fund travel and per diem to include lodging, meals, and incidental expenses for active component attendees.  Local travel will not be funded.  LLI will submit requests for funding to TECOM upon closing of the registration period.  Approved funding letters will be released via separate correspondence.  TECOM will not fund U.S. Navy attendees.  U.S. Navy attendees must fund travel in accordance with local procedures.  TECOM funding will not open until 30 days prior to course start.
4.B.2.  Spouses of Active Component.  Travel per diem for spouses of active duty attendees will be funded by MCU.  Local travel will not be funded.  All spouses attending must have an individual Defense Travel System (DTS) profile in order to properly process travel.  Contact local S-1 or G-1 for support in establishing a DTS profile for spouses.  Once the spouses DTS profile is established, contact LLI administration, MCU_LLI@USMC.MIL, at DSN 432-4710, COMM (703) 432-4710 to execute cross organizational approval and finalize DTS authorization.  Spouse will select the Line Of Accounting (LOA) Label 18 Spouse Prog.  Method of payment for commercial airline must be central billing account.
4.C.  Reserve Component
4.C.1.  Marine Corps Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) G-3 Training will fund all Selected Reserve Marines designated to attend the Cornerstone Course.  Funding requests are submitted as follows:
4.C.1.A.  For Selected Marine Corps Reserve and Individual Mobilization Augmentee Marine attendees, provide a copy of the MCU notification of registration letter or email to the parent organizations administration section for action.  Unit administrators will use the Marine Reserve Order Writing System to generate orders as appropriate.  Funding information as follows:  Order Type:  Schools.  Sub Type:  PME.  If required, select other from the drop down menu and enter FY18 Cornerstone:  Commandants Combined Commandership Course.  Program Identifiers (PID):  Career Development Training (CDT) Command:  Force Funding Source:  For the funding source section, select the correct PID CDT that pertains to the major subordinate command (MSC) of the attendee.  Fund approver:  For the fund approver section, select G3/MR.  Note:  In order for PID CDT to populate, make the Order Type reflect School, and for the below Order Sub-Type, select PME, then in the funding section for the command section, select force.  For the funding source section, select the correct PID CDT that pertains to the MSC of the attendee and for the fund approver section, select G3(slant)T3.
4.C.1.B.  For Active Reserve Marine attendees, provide a copy of the MCU notification of registration letter or email to the parent organizations administration section for action.  Unit administrators will ensure the cross organizational worksheet for DTS LOA is submitted to the MARFORRES G-3 Training organizational mailbox at
4.C.1.C.  Selected Reserve Marines Attendees Spouses
4.C.1.C.1.  MARFORRES G-3 Training will fund all Selected Reserve Marines attendees spouses.
4.C.1.C.2.  Unit administrators will generate the Invitational Travel Authorization in DTS.
4.D.  If a reserve component attendee or spouse of a reserve component attendee has a travel or DTS related question, contact the MARFORRES Formal Schools point of contact (POC):  Mr. David Roberts (504) 697-7375, or
4.E.  Transportation.  Attendees must use the most cost effective airport when arranging transportation.  Rental vehicles will not be funded by TECOM.  Attendees must account for the course ending at 1200 when arranging return transportation.  Lodging in the airport area is not authorized.
5.  Command and Signal
5.A.  Command Relationships.  President, MCU serves as the on-scene commander.
5.B.  Signal.  Questions or concerns in regard to the contents of this Marine Administrative Message can be directed to the MCU POCs.
6.  Release authorized by Lieutenant General Robert S. Walsh:  Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command.//