All the Marine Corps MARADMINS listed here by year, number, and status.

Date Signed: 3/13/2018 | MARADMINS Number: 159/18
MARADMINS : 159/18
R 131144Z MAR 18
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  This MARADMIN announces changes to the feeders, allocations and zone cutoffs established by reference (a) for the convening of the FY18 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board.  These changes are reflective of the current requirements of the Marine Corps.
2.  The table below lists an additional Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) that "feeds to" the Intended MOS (IMOS) at the next higher grade indicated.  Marines who have the PMOS listed in column (a) as a feeder MOS will compete for promotion to the IMOS listed in column (b), provided they meet the eligibility requirements listed in paragraph 3.
2.a.  Staff sergeant to gunnery sergeant feeder MOS:  For proper order read left to right, i.e. column A to column B.
  0639       0639
3.  As zones and allocations are subject to change prior to or during boards, all Marines are reminded of their responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of their records.  The IMOS allocations and modified zones for the FY18 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board are as follows:
              ABOVE ZONE      PROMOTION ZONE        BELOW ZONE
0111  123  20150201 20050801  20151201 20071217  20161201    NA
0161    1  20130201    NA     20131201    NA     20141001 20030804
0211   40  20140601 20060912  20151001 20060508  20161001 20070319
0231   54  20130601 20060605  20150301 20061204  20160601 20090421
0241   31  20140401 20050309  20151201 20070910  20161201    NA
0261    6  20110801    NA     20150201    NA     20150301 20071015
0321   34  20130401 20050705  20150101    NA     20161001 20060724
0363   14  20140201    NA     20150101    NA     20160301 20060912
0369  180  20131201 20030628  20150702 20070612  20151101 20060913
0372   31  20140301 20040809  20150101 20070606  20151201 20060522
0411   27  20140401 20030707  20151101    NA     20161001    NA
0451    6  20140601 20060123  20140801    NA     20160301    NA
0491   93  20151201    NA     20161201    NA        NA       NA
0511    7  20150101 20030702  20151201 20051114  20160601    NA
0629   89  20141001 20030903  20151001 20051024  20161001 20070827
0639   22  20111101 20030811  20131201 20040810  20141101 20041027
0679   67  20140401 20051025  20150301 20080225  20161001 20071015
0681    5  20110101 20020226  20111001 20001205  20121201    NA
0811   18  20131201 20041108  20141001    NA     20151001 20060605
0848   15  20130401    NA     20150102    NA     20151201 20071105
0861   15  20140601 20050516  20140801 20071126  20160201 20071219
1169   25  20140102    NA     20151001 20050418  20151101    NA
1349   15  20131001 20040419  20131201 20040816  20151001 20040601
1361    2  20100801    NA     20151001 20050124  20161001 20060123
1371   30  20150702    NA     20151101 20060213  20161001 20070821
1391   13  20140101    NA     20150102    NA     20151101 20060905
1812   11  20151001 20060717  20160601 20080708  20160702    NA
1833   30  20141001 20040707  20161001 20050411  20161001    NA
2111   10  20130201 20020805  20140101 20040823  20141101 20050104
2131    1  20151101    NA     20151201    NA     20161001    NA
2141    9  20140501 20060417  20151101 20070226  20161001 20080609
2146    4  20140501    NA     20141201 20060605  20150201 20070515
2147    2  20101001    NA     20111001 20010611  20111001    NA
2161    1  20140401    NA     20140501    NA     20150201    NA
2171    6  20140101    NA     20150101 20060501  20161001    NA
2311   11  20140301 20041207  20151001 20040816  20151201 20050628
2336   61  20131001 20020716  20150101 20060807  20160101 20070604
2629   20  20121001 20050606  20140701 20060828  20150301 20070625
2862   23  20120901 20040823  20140301 20040920  20141101 20050815
2874    1  20140501    NA     20150201    NA     20150301    NA
3043   41  20141201 20060109  20151101 20060717  20151201 20070108
3044    3  20140601 20040809  20140601    NA     20150301 20071105
3051   22  20141001 20030113  20151001 20040126  20161001 20040927
3052    3  20140301    NA     20161001 20090113  20161001    NA
3112    7  20150101 20051025  20151101 20060418  20151201    NA
3381   24  20140102    NA     20150102    NA     20151101 20070222
3432   14  20140801    NA     20150301 20070402  20160201    NA
3451    9  20150301    NA     20161201    NA        NA       NA
3529   51  20131201 20040727  20141101 20050808  20151101 20060828
3537   60  20131001 20030421  20141001 20040322  20151001 20041013
4133    2  20140601 20020226  20140701 20060516  20150301    NA
4421    5  20150101 20040419  20150201 20060802  20150301 20061023
4591   19  20140501    NA     20160101    NA     20161201    NA
4821   13  20121002    NA     20140101 20020517  20141101 20050912
5512    3  20101001    NA     20130701    NA     20140801    NA
5524   12  20101101    NA     20120901    NA     20141201 20060530
5711   11  20140301 20050912  20150101    NA     20151201 20070604
5811   22  20140401 20030428  20150101 20050118  20151001    NA
5821    9  20150201 20060618  20160101    NA     20160501    NA
5831    5  20151101 20051128  20151201 20070402  20151201 20071203
5939    4  20140101    NA     20151001 20050207  20161101 20070604
5948    2  20151101 20070103  20161001 20080114  20161001    NA
5952    3  20150301    NA     20161201 20090713  20161201    NA
5953    2  20140701    NA     20160501    NA     20161201 20090810
5974    4  20150301    NA     20160501    NA     20161201    NA
5979    3  20151101    NA     20160601    NA     20161201    NA
6042    6  20120401    NA     20140501 20040125  20151101    NA
6046   19  20140201 20040913  20141201 20060501  20151201 20070604
6048    7  20140101 20030408  20140401 20041101  20141201 20050613
6062    4  20140501    NA     20150201    NA     20160501 20070626
6073   11  20111201    NA     20140101 20031229  20151101 20060201
6074    3  20110801    NA     20141101    NA     20160102    NA
6092    6  20141201 20050815  20150101    NA     20151101 20060531
6113    4  20140101    NA     20140401 20060109  20140501    NA
6114   12  20141201 20050725  20151101    NA     20161101 20061017
6116    7  20151201    NA     20161201    NA        NA       NA
6123    4  20111001    NA     20141201    NA     20161001    NA
6124    1  20091101    NA     20100201    NA     20100601    NA
6132    2  20140501    NA     20140601    NA     20140701    NA
6153    7  20090701    NA     20110801 20020125  20121001 20041101
6154   10  20141101 20051011  20151001 20050711  20151201 20070904
6156    4  20100301 20030825  20110101    NA     20130101    NA
6173    6  20121001    NA     20150101 20060801  20151101 20070305
6176   11  20110701    NA     20140201    NA     20151101 20060403
6212    4  20121001    NA     20141101    NA     20150201 20061010
6216    4  20150201 20051107  20160101 20070312  20161201 20081103
6217    5  20110801 20040322  20140401    NA     20150101 20061107
6218    7  20110801    NA     20140501 20051114  20150101 20061211
6222    1  20131101    NA     20141201 20041108  20150702    NA
6227    3  20121101 20020813  20150101 20030714  20150301    NA
6252    3  20140501 20050822  20150101 20060228  20150201 20070205
6256    1  20110401 20020323  20120101    NA     20120501    NA
6257    3  20150201 20051205  20151201 20060711  20151201    NA
6258    2  20100401 20020225  20100501    NA     20110401    NA
6276    6  20141101    NA     20150101    NA     20151201 20070806
6286    1  20100501    NA     20150301    NA     20161101    NA
6287    1  20151201 20071022  20160501    NA        NA       NA
6288    2  20150101    NA     20160401    NA     20160601    NA
6314    2  20141201 20060501  20150301 20060724  20160401 20080623
6316    1  20151201    NA     20160601    NA        NA       NA
6317    2  20121001 20031201  20121001 20040803  20151001 20050124
6323    7  20140101 20031105  20141101    NA     20151001 20050725
6324    9  20110801 20030707  20140201    NA     20151001    NA
6326    7  20100701    NA     20130401 20030804  20141101 20040922
6332    4  20110701    NA     20140102    NA     20151001 20040804
6336    2  20150201    NA     20151101    NA     20151201    NA
6337    1  20140501 20050103  20150102    NA     20151001 20060724
6338    5  20120801    NA     20140501 20051114  20161001 20070530
6423    3  20150201 20060710  20150301    NA     20161001    NA
6432    6  20141201 20050920  20151001 20060829  20161001 20070828
6469    8  20110801    NA     20140101 20040823  20151001 20050118
6483    6  20141001 20040209  20150201 20050613  20151201 20070103
6492    6  20140301    NA     20141201 20050124  20150201    NA
6499    5  20140501 20041213  20150301 20060307  20160201 20070123
6591   28  20130401    NA     20141101 20030210  20150101 20050124
6672   25  20141101 20041213  20151101 20060814  20151201 20080317
6694    4  20140401    NA     20161001 20060913  20161001    NA
6842    8  20150101 20041229  20151201 20070312  20161201    NA
7011    4  20140501 20050808  20140701 20050321  20150102    NA
7041   14  20130301    NA     20141101 20041227  20151001    NA
7051   14  20150101 20050606  20151201 20070716  20161101 20080622
7212    4  20140501    NA     20151001    NA     20161001 20070212
7236    6  20140601    NA     20150301 20070730  20160601    NA
7242    2  20151101 20070103  20151201 20070416  20161001 20070611
7257   11  20150301 20060925  20160201 20080512  20161001    NA
7372    1  20110101    NA     20130301    NA        NA       NA
8412   33  20151101    NA     20161001    NA        NA       NA
THE FOLLOWING IMOS(S) ARE CLOSED:  0688, 2651, 2887, 5951, 5954, 6174, 6223, 6253, 6282, 6333, AND 7314.
4.  Professional Military Education (PME).  The selection guidance (precepts) for Marines includes a reminder of the requirement for PME.  Marines are advised to ensure that course completion information is included in their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF).  Additionally, Marines are encouraged to review their Master Brief Sheet (MBS) to ensure their PME completion is reflected.  The MBS is only a tool to summarize a Marines record.  It is not an official part of a Marines record, therefore it is not considered official source documentation.  As a reminder, Marines "eligible for selection" missing evidence of required PME will be briefed as "not fully qualified" for selection.
5.  It is requested that the information contained in this bulletin receive the widest dissemination.
6.  This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch website.  Enlisted Promotion homepage:, select "Active Marine," "Promotion Branch (MMPR)," then "Enlisted Promotions."  From there, to find this MARADMIN:  click on "Message Traffic," then "Staff Noncommissioned Officer (SNCO) Messsages."
7.  This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
8.  Release authorized by MajGen Robert F. Castellvi, Director, Manpower Management Division.//