All the Marine Corps MARADMINS listed here by year, number, and status.

Date Signed: 8/16/2018 | MARADMINS Number: 448/18
MARADMINS : 448/18
R 141328Z AUG 18
REF/A/MSGID: MCO/1300.8/YMD: 20140818//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  The purpose of this MARADMIN is to publish a list of Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) Professor of Naval Science (PNS), Executive Officer, and Marine Officer Instructor (MOI) billet vacancies for FY19.
2.  NROTC units are an essential component in the training of prospective Naval and Marine Officers.  Duty at NROTC units offers the opportunity to mentor, lead, and shape future officers. Officers desiring to serve in this capacity must be high caliber role models who possess strong academic and physical fitness skills. MOI duty regularly includes summer augmentation to OCS or CORTRAMID.  Selections and assignments to NROTC/MOI duty will be made by a panel on or about 20 September 2018.
3.  Eligibility.  NROTC positions are 8006 (any unrestricted officer) billets and are open to all unrestricted military occupational specialties.  Officers must meet the following eligibility criteria to be considered:
3.a.  Grade Eligibility.  Different billets and universities require grades from captain to colonel.  Paragraph 5 lists available billets with the required grade and special requirements.
3.b.  Time on Station Requirements.  As listed in the reference, officers who complete their prescribed tour lengths during FY19 will be eligible.
3.c.  Time on Station Waivers.  Officers may request in writing via AA form to be screened if they have not completed their prescribed tour length by FY19.  Such requests must be endorsed by the first colonel in the chain of command.  Commands should be aware that if an officer is allowed to depart his or her tour early, the billet may be gapped until the officer would have normally departed the unit unless inventory supports an early backfill.
3.d.  Academics.  Minimum requirement is a Bachelors Degree with a 3.0 undergraduate grade point average, waiverable at some schools to 2.5 if the record is otherwise outstanding.  If a billet requires a Masters Degree, it will be listed under special requirements in paragraph 5.
3.e.  Physical Fitness.  High first class PFT recommended.
4.  Officers interested in NROTC duty who meet the above eligibility criteria must submit the documents listed below as part of their package to MMOA-3 no later than 7 September 2018 to the below address: Email Address:  If unable
to submit electronically, packages may be mailed to the below address: Mailing address: Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMOA-3) Attn: NROTC/MOI Selection Panel 3280 Russell Road Quantico, VA 22134-5103
4.a.  The package must include:
(1) Personal statement.  This is submitted in standard naval letter format from the Marine to CMC (MMOA).  This is the officers opportunity to express in writing their personal strengths, desire to serve on NROTC duty, and duty station preferences.  Applicants must include a prioritized list of all billets for which they are eligible to assist in the slating process.
(2) Command endorsement for captains (immediate chain of command: BN/SQDN or equivalent).
(3) One letter of recommendation.
4.b.  In addition to the requirements above, the following documents must be submitted to MMRP-20 no later than 4 September 2018 to the following email address: Indicate in the text of the email that the attachment (in PDF) is update material for the FY19 NROTC PANEL.  All material forwarded to MMRP-20 for inclusion in the OMPF must contain the grade, full name, and EDIPI. Mailing address: Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps (MMRP-20) 2008 Elliot Road Quantico, VA 22134-5030 Phone: 800-268-3710
4.b.1.  Current photo.  A current official photograph is required by the NROTC Selection Board.  The photograph must be dated within 12 months of the convening of the board.  Digital photographs are preferred and are to be electronically filed in the officers OMPF through MMRP.
4.b.2.  Official College Transcripts.  Official college transcripts are to be sent directly from the university or officer to MMRP-20 to be included in the officers OMPF.  If legible college transcripts are already included in the officers OMPF, a duplicate submission is not required.
4.c.  Every effort will be made to match selected officers with their preferences.  However, by volunteering for NROTC duty, officers agree to be assigned to any available NROTC billet.  All requests to decline selection after the release of the selection MARADMIN must be made via naval correspondence with command endorsement.  All requests will be considered in the context of the needs of the Marine Corps for approval or disapproval.  Requests
for declination by officers who volunteered and were selected for NROTC duty will not normally receive favorable consideration. There is no deferral of NROTC/MOI selection.
5. Billet Vacancies
5.a. Marine Officer Instructor vacancies:
UNIVERSITY                              MCC     RANK   NOTE
University of Kansas                    H32     Capt
University of Wisconsin                 H96     Capt
Tulane University                       H90     Capt
University of Washington                H95     Capt
University of Illinois                  H28     Capt
Holy Cross                              H22     Capt
Ohio State University                   H60     Capt
Penn State University                   H66     Capt
University of Florida                   H17     Capt
Florida A&M University                  H19     Capt
University of Arizona Tucson            H61     Capt
Auburn Tuskegee Consrtm                 H01     Capt
North Carolina State                    H54     Capt
University of Mississippi               H46     Capt   (2)
Villanova University                    H93     Capt
Georgia Institute of Tech               H18     Capt
Marquette University                    H36     Capt
Vanderbilt University                   H92     Capt   (2)
5.b. NROTC Executive Officer vacancies:
UNIVERSITY                              MCC     RANK   NOTE
Maritime College Bronx NY               H67     Maj    (1)
Carnegie Mellon University              H05     Maj    (1)
Duke University                         H16     Maj    (1)
5.c. Professor Of Naval Science vacancies:
UNIVERSITY                              MCC     RANK   NOTE
University of Colorado                  H08     Col    (1)
Florida A&M University                  H19     Col
University of Arizona Tucson            H61     Col    (1)
University of Calif Los Angeles         H06     Col    (1)
5.d.  Note (1) Masters Degree required.  Note (2) Masters Degree preferred.
6.  Interested officers must contact their PMOS monitors expressing their intent to apply for NROTC duty.  Applicants should continue to monitor the MMOA-3 website for any modifications to the billet vacancy list.
7.  A selection MARADMIN will be released upon conclusion of the panel; however, official transfer orders will not be released until approval by the NROTC units/universities is received by MMOA.  Once MMOA is notified that the officer is approved for assignment, that officer will be notified by his/her monitor and orders will be issued.
8.  Packages will be destroyed upon execution of orders per SECNAV M-5210.1.
9.  This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
10.  Release authorized by MajGen Craig C. Crenshaw, Director, Manpower Management Division.//