MARADMINS : 592/18
R 161541Z OCT 18
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This MARADMIN solicits applications from First Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, and Lieutenant Colonels to serve as military mentors for the 2019 United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) scheduled for 2-9 March 2019 in Washington DC.
2. The USSYP is an annual educational program sponsored by the United States Senate and funded by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. The program provides 104 high school students from across the country an opportunity to learn firsthand about the functions of government and encourages those considering a future in public service. Student delegates will meet with senior elected and appointed officials, to include the President of the United States, members of Congress, a Supreme Court Justice, cabinet members, federal agency leaders, and senior members from the national media.
3. The Armed Forces support for the USSYP includes 17 military officer mentors. Two of these officers will be selected to serve as the Senior Mentor Officer and the Assistant Senior Mentor Officer. Officer mentors serve as counselors, facilitators, and ambassadors of the military services. Participation by officer mentors allows the armed forces to interact on a personal level with the student delegates, many of whom have only a limited understanding of the role of the military in American society.
4. The Marine Corps will nominate sixteen (16) officers total. Six (6) O2-O3's, ten (10) O-4's and four (4) 05's to the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs for final selections. Inclusive to these nominations will be eight (8) female officers to serve as mentors for the female senate youth guests and eight (8) male officers. Applicants must meet Marine Corps height and weight standards and must secure command endorsement for participation. Pre-requisite: Lieutenant Colonels may be male or female, but must have served previously as a military mentor for this program. Lieutenant Colonel submissions that do not meet this pre-requisite will be automatically excluded. Submissions do not guarantee selection.
5. All mentor officers are required to attend a three-day orientation course at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC from 27 February - 1 March 2019 prior to commencement of the actual program. Officers selected as the Senior Mentor Officer or Assistant Senior Mentor Officer are required to attend an additional orientation course from 25 - 27 February 2019. For those selected as a mentor officer, military duties must not conflict with continuous assignment and responsibilities associated with this program.
6. Mentor officers must possess Permissive TAD Orders (at no cost to the government) or be in a “leave” status during the period assigned. Costs for airfare or other travel arrangements to and from Washington, DC are at the participant's own expense. The William Randolph Hearst Foundation on behalf of the United States Senate will pay for all military mentors lodging, meals, and incidental expenses between the dates of 1-9 March. Lodging and expenses for the Senior and Assistant Senior Military Mentors only will be covered by the Hearst Foundation beginning 25 February. Other military mentors from outside the National Capital Region may have their lodging covered by the Hearst Foundation beginning on 27 February. Mentors departure plans should be no sooner than 1300 on Saturday, 9 March. Restrictions: Absolutely no alcohol or nuts may be consumed from arrival time until departure. Violators will be subject to immediate dismissal.
7. Nomination Package: Nomination packages that do not comply with the required format and submission order will be disqualified automatically. Do not submit entire package in a .pdf format. Applications must be prepared in Microsoft Word utilizing size 11, Times New Roman font and be addressed to the United States Senate Youth Program Military Mentor Selection Panel. All qualified officers are invited to apply for this competitive program by submitting an application that includes the following mandatory items and information. Due to the Privacy Act Laws, all personal information must be submitted using electronic encryption. Each nomination package must include the following in this order and format (where stated).
8. Page One (Submit in Word format).
(a) Rank and full name.
(b) Place and full date of birth (or place regarded as “home”).
(c) Work mailing address, work e-mail address and work phone numbers.
(d) Home mailing address, home e-mail address and home phone numbers.
(e) First line unit commanders full name and address, if different from the above mailing address.
(f) The full name and mailing address of the applicant's first general officer in his/her chain of command.
(g) Include release statement: “I authorize the release of information enclosed in this information package only to those persons involved in the selection process. If selected, I further authorize the release of limited information to the USSYP Director for inclusion in the Delegate Handbook.”
9. Page Two (Submit in Word format): A brief, one-page biographical sketch that captures the applicants military career in civilian terms and concludes with why the applicants desires to be a military mentor and what they offer the program. Items that must be included in the biography are:
(a) Career field and duty description.
(b) Summarize previous assignments, briefly explaining in civilian terms.
(c) Include deployments.
(d) Biographical sketch should highlight ability to lead troops and include any adult experience working with youth groups or with youth-related programs, educational background, awards and off duty activities.
(e) Close with an explanation of why the applicant wants to be a military mentor.
10. Page Three (Submit in Word format). A one paragraph proposed introduction, utilizing the following template: (Name) is currently serving as an (...) where he/she (explain duties in one sentence.) He/she grew up in (city, state), and received his/her (degree title's) from (school's name's). Mention any notable extracurricular activities that would resonate with the USSYP Delegates. He/she has had assignments in countries, states only) and served in (note deployments and cite responsibilities). (Name) is married/single with number of children. Close with one or two notable hobbies and interesting facts you would like the students to know.
11. Page Four (Submit in .PDF format).
(a). The endorsement should be addressed from the applicants unit to the 2019 United States Senate Youth Program Mentor Selection Board via his/her chain of command.
(b). At a minimum, the final endorsement should be provided by the nominees Battalion/Squadron Commander. The applicants immediate supervisor is encouraged to provide comments focused on maturity, leadership skills, communication skills, and community involvement.
(c). The endorsement must include a statement that, if selected, the applicant will be available to participate in all functions for the duration of the USSYP, including the orientation training.
(d). Majors and Lieutenant Colonels should modify this statement to indicate their availability from 25 February - 9 March 2019, in the event they are selected as the Senior Mentor Officer or Assistant Senior Mentor Officer.
12. Page Five (Submit in .JPG format). Applicants must submit a full-length photo at least 5x7 in size preferably as a separate .jpg attachment to determine military appearance. Photo must be of high-resolution quality, at least 300 dpi. The prescribed uniform is Service "C" for males, Service "C" with slacks for females, and utilities minus the utility blouse for deployed Marines who do not have the Service "C" uniform. This is an official photo and must adhere to the guidelines established in Marine Corps Order P1070.12K (Marine Corps Individual Records Administration Manual) and MARADMIN 003/09. Only an electronic version of the photograph is acceptable.
13. Applications cannot be sent via regular mail due to time constraints for this program. Applications must be sent electronically to the COMREL Organizational Mailbox to the following address:, with a subject line of “2019 Senate Youth Application ICO rank/name.”
14. Deadline. The Communication Directorate must receive applications no later than 1700 EDT 2 November 2018. Applications that do not meet the required due date will be disqualified automatically. Addressees will be notified of selection on or about 20 January 2019. Additional information on the USSYP can be found at
15. Release authorized by Brigadier General William H. Seely, III, Director of Communication, Headquarters Marine Corps.//