All the Marine Corps MARADMINS listed here by year, number, and status.

Date Signed: 12/4/2018 | MARADMINS Number: 681/18
MARADMINS : 681/18
R 032058Z DEC 18
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  The Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Commandants Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB) convened on 10 September 2018 to select officers to participate in career-level education and special programs.
2.  Background.  The CCLEBs purpose is to improve education utilization in the Marine Corps.  The quality of Marines considered and their records reaffirms that the Marine Corps continues to produce and promote leaders of the highest caliber.  The relatively small number of program/school seats available and the large number of eligible officers combine to make the process exceptionally competitive.
3.  Officers listed in paragraph 5 below are hereby considered primaries for the program/school assigned.  See paragraph 6 for list of alternates.
3.a.  Officers must be career designated before executing orders to any CCLEB assignment.
3.b.  Officers listed below who will screen on the CY19 Captains Promotion Board must be selected for promotion to retain their selection status.
4.  Coordinating Instructions.
4.a.  Headquarters Marine Corps will not accept deferrals.  However, consideration will be given to those deployed and unable to execute orders.  Officers who fall into this category may request deferral in writing (AA Form) via the first general officer in their chain of command to HQMC (MMOA-3) no later than 4 January 2019.
4.b.  This message serves as notice of orders for the officers listed in paragraph 5.  Per Ref (c), officers may request for retirement or resignation, if eligible.
4.c.  Officers assigned to the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) must enroll and complete Expeditionary Warfare School Distance Education Program, unless already Professional Military Education (PME) complete for grade.  Successful completion of all coursework and degree requirements must be met before date of estimated graduation.
4.d.  Officers assigned to NPS or the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) that have not yet applied for admission must apply to their slated program no later than 28 December 2018.
4.e.  The following AMOSs are associated with the corresponding graduate education disciplines and schools in paragraph 5.e., 5.f., and 5.i. per Ref (d).
        AMOS    DISCIPLINE                              SCHOOL
        3006    Contingency Contracting                 NPS
        4405    Masters of International Law            TJAGLCS
        4406    Masters of Environmental Law            Civilian
        4407    Masters of Labor Law                    TJAGLCS
        4408    Masters of Procurement Law              TJAGLCS
        4409    Masters of Crimnal Law                  TJAGLCS
        4417    Masters of Cyber Law                    TJAGLCS
        4505    Public Affairs Management               SDSU
        8802    Education                               Civilian
        8803    Leadership Development (LEAD)           GWU
        8820    Aeronautical Engineering                AFIT
        8824    Electrical Engineering                  NPS
        8825    Modeling and Simulation                 NPS
        8826    Combat Systems Science and Technology   NPS
        8831    Environmental Engineering               AFIT
        8834    Information Warfare Systems             NPS
        8840    Manpower Management                     NPS
        8844    Financial Management                    NPS
        8846    Computer Science                        NPS
        8848    Information Systems and Technology      NPS
        8850    Operations Analysis                     NPS
        8852    Defense Systems Analysis                NPS
        8858    Joint C4I                               NPS
        8862    Material Logistics Support Management   NPS
        8866    Space Systems Operations                NPS
        8870    Special Operations (Irregular Warfare)  NPS
        8878    Historian                               Civilian
4.f.  Officers assigned to the Special Education Program or Advanced Degree Program will be immediately assigned to a utilization tour upon completion of their coursework.
5.  Primaries.  All slated officers are listed below with corresponding assignments.  Unless specified otherwise, officers will receive their orders from their Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) monitor.  Some of the below selectees are also slated as alternates for a higher priority program.  Alternates will be fleeted up as necessary to fill higher priority programs.  Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) Scholars are included in the list of primaries.
5.a.  Career-Level School (CLS).
5.a.1.  Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS), (read in two columns).  Marines selected for EWS are required to visit https:(slash)(slash) for information on registering and completing the pre-check-in process via MarineNet.  Early registration begins December 2018 through February 2019.  The website will be down for server migration during March.  The website will be reopened for registration again in April:
        NAME                            PMOS
        ALEXANDER, JAMAR R.             0402
        ALLEN, DUSTIN S.                0302
        ANSBIGIAN, SHELLEY T.           5803
        ANSBIGIAN, DARREN C.            0802
        ARMSTRONG, DANIEL A.            1802
        ATTEBURY, ROBERT R.             7556
        BASCH, KEVIN M.                 0802
        BLACKBURN, PAUL                 0602
        BLAIR, CHRISTINA J.             7208
        BOWERS III, DONALD B.           0802
        BOWMAN, JONATHAN B.             0802
        BRESSLER, MICHAEL A.            0302
        BROADWELL, PATRICK P.           7210
        BROWN III, PAUL S.              0802
        BRYAN, MATTHEW R.               0102
        BURNS II, PATRICK J.            1302
        BUTLER, MARK R.                 0302
        CAGGIANO, MAX Z.                7566
        CALLISON, ROBERT                0602
        CAYLOR, JENNIFER L.             6002
        CHRISTIE, DAVID M.              0802
        COLLEDGE, IAN P.                0203
        CONTE, DANIEL A.                0203
        CORMIER, NICHOLAS J.            7220
        CRUSE, MATTHEW W.               7557
        CULVER, LUCAS C.                0302
        CUNNINGHAM, JORDAN E.           0602
        CUSTODIO, GEORGE A.             0207
        DAVIS, NICHOLAS R.              0302
        DAVIS, AARON J.                 0402
        DAVIS, SCOTT B.                 3404
        DELLAPELLE, DOMINIC P.          7204
        DESCHAMPS, CHRISTOPHE R.        7208
        DETER, DAKOTA D.                0602
        DEVROY, JOHN P.                 0802
        DIAZESCOBAR, MARVIN R.          6602
        DONLON, DANIEL M.               0207
        DOUGLASS, TARA C.               0602
        DOVER, GARY M.                  0402
        DUNLAP, PAIGE E.                4402
        DZENOWSKI, STEWART D.           0203
        EICHLER, ELIZABETH F.           1302
        EPPERSON, IAN B.                0302
        FARRELL, BRIAN L.               4402
        FAVORITE, EMILY R.              7525
        FETHERSON, TRACEY N.            0402
        FILES, PHILLIP C.               0602
        FINNICUM III, ELVIN J.          1302
        FISCHER, THOMAS G.              0302
        FITZGERALD, MITCHELL L.         6602
        FREDERICK, RAYMOND C.           3404
        FREIBERG, NICOLE M.             5803
        FRITTS, BRANDON S.              1302
        GALADYK, MATTHEW S.             0302
        GALLIVAN, JORDAN M.             7525
        GODINEZ, KATHRYN A.             0602
        HALUSKA, THOMAS E.              0206
        HARRINGTON, ANDREW T.           0302
        HASSETT, BRYAN A.               0402
        HAWKINSON, JOSEPH W.            7566
        HEMMELGARN, MICHAEL D.          0602
        HERM, DANIEL J.                 7204
        HERNANDEZ, JAMES M.             7525
        HILGENDORF, RYAN M.             0302
        HILTON, JOSHWA D.               6602
        HOTSKO, ANDREW K.               0302
        HUBBARD, CAMERON A.             6002
        HUGHES, DUSTIN G.               0102
        HULL JR, CHARLES R.             7557
        HURTON, JAMES J.                0302
        HUSAR, TYLER J.                 6602
        HUTCHINSON, SARAH, B.           0402
        IBOS, ANDREW S.                 0802
        IRION, ALEXANDER D.             3002
        ISE, ERIK W.                    0802
        JACKSON, LAMBERT                4402
        JACKSON, KATHERINE R.           0207
        JOHNSON, PAUL R.                5803
        JOHNSON, ANTHONY M.             0602
        JOINT, JIM T.                   0402
        JOSEPH, KENNETH M.              0302
        JUDY, HEATHER R.                7210
        KAMARA, ALUSINE S.              0402
        KENNEDY, MATTHEW B.             1803
        KENNELLY, SHANE M.              3404
        KERBY, JACOB A.                 0206
        KHALIL, AHMED A.                0402
        KOEHLER, DANIEL J.              1802
        KOHLER, ADAM J.                 0302
        KOKJOHN, JAMES D.               0602
        KRAMER, BRADLEY A.              0602
        KRUEGER, MICHAEL D.             0802
        KWIATKOWSKI, STEPHEN P.         0602
        LESTER, ANDREW T.               1302
        LEWIS, RICHARD M.               0370
        LEWIS, JONATHAN D.              0302
        LITTESY, CASEY M.               4502
        LIVINGSTON, ALEXANDER J.        0202
        LOVE, JOSEPH A.                 0102
        LOWELL, KEITH G.                5803
        LUNDIN II, STEVEN R.            0402
        MADRID, PATRICK A.              7588
        MAJESKI, PATRICK A.             0302
        MARTIN, ERIC S.                 0302
        MCARTHUR, JOHN E.               7563
        MCBRIDE, LUKHMA                 0203
        MCBRIDE, MICHAEL J.             7315
        MCCARTHY, ANN D.                3404
        MCCOURT, JOHN F.                0302
        MCCOY, TIMOTHY R.               0402
        MCDONNELL, CHRISTINA M.         0102
        MCKENNA, ANDREW J.              0802
        MEGLIORINO III TONY             7208
        MELTON, BRANDON K.              6002
        MERCADO, MATTHEW A.             0402
        MIKOLAJCZYK, RYAN P.            7588
        MILLER, CORDON J.               0402
        MINDEMAN, NATHAN L.             3002
        MOORE, ROBERT W.                0402
        MOORE, MICAH F.                 0602
        MOZZETTA, JENNIFER              0602
        MURRAY, DOUGLAS M.              7566
        MURRAY, RYAN T.                 0302
        NATARENO JR, JOEL D.            0102
        NICHOLAS, BENJAMIN R.           0302
        OBRIEN, THOMAS H.               1302
        PAGANI, MICHAEL J.              0802
        PARRY, JOHN J.                  4502
        PEREZ, DAVID A.                 1803
        PORCH, RYAN D.                  0802
        PORTER, JOHN B.                 0302
        POZEK, DEVON M.                 0402
        PURSELL, TIMOTHY T.             7208
        RAMIREZ, JOSHUA M.              1302
        REEP, AARON W.                  0302
        RICHARDS, JOHN, A.              0206
        RIFFLE, LAUREN E.               0602
        RIVERAAQUINO, DESIREE I.        6002
        ROCK, CHRISTOPHE P.             0602
        RYAN, MITCHELL S.               0402
        SANKO, JON D.                   0302
        SAYLOR, CLARKE M.               7566
        SCHONEWEIS, MATTHEW W.          4402
        SCHUBERT, JOSHUA A.             5803
        SCHWIER, MICHAEL D.             7588
        SHIVERS, CARMELLA               0602
        SIEMIENIEC, DANIEL M.           0202
        SILVERSTEIN, MATTHEW            0602
        SIMONDS, THOMAS B.              0302
        SIMS, BRANDON T.                0302
        SMITH, ASHLEY M.                0402
        SMITH, ZACHARY V.               6002
        SOKOLOSKI, CHRISTOPHE M.        0402
        SOLIS, RYAN J.                  0202
        SOSA, ULYSSES O.                0802
        SPOONER, STEVEN R.              0802
        STAGGS, AARON T.                7588
        STANSBURY, STEVEN L.            0802
        STAWICK, MICHAEL J.             7220
        STEVENSON, EMILY K.             0206
        STITT, NOEL S.                  7204
        STJOHN, BRETT C.                0402
        STONE, STEPHEN W.               1802
        THOMPSON, RYAN M.               0302
        TILQUE, CHRISTOPHE P.           7220
        TIMMRECK, JORDAN D.             7208
        TORRES JR, MANUEL A.            7532
        TORTORICI, JOSEPH M.            0302
        TRIPP, JORDAN W.                6002
        TURNER, KRISTOPHER              0602
        URRUTIA, JOSEUE V.              0802
        VIEREGGE, JAMES K.              0602
        VILLALOBOS, ISMAEL              0602
        WAGNER, MATTHEW A.              0102
        WELLER, BLAKE T.                0302
        WELSH, MATTHEW J.               0302
        WETSELAAR, SAMUEL T.            0402
        WHITE, KIMBERLY E.              1302
        WHITTINGTON, AUTUMN D.          0802
        WILKINS, RYAN K.                7557
        WILLIAMS, MATTHEW B.            0302
        WINSTED, SAMUEL Y.              0207
        WINTERS, TYLER R.               0370
        WYPER, WILLIAM W.               1302
        ZELLNER, STEPHEN J.             0402
        ZENDEJAS, BENJAMIN N.           6602
        ZIMMER, WILLIAM M.              0402
5.a.2.  Air Defense Artillery Captains Career Course (read in two columns):
        NAME                            PMOS
        GAINES, JUSTIN T.               7204
        ROSAGARCIA, DIOGENES D.         7210
5.a.3.  Engineer Captains Career Course (read in two columns):
        NAME                            PMOS
        ANGEL, MATTHEW  J.              1302
        COCOZZA, NICHOLAS R.            1302
        GOODWIN, COREY  M.              1302
        MCLAUGHLIN JR., PAUL            1302
        SECADALOVIO II, JORGE C.        1302
        TIDD, WILLIAM S.                1302
        LYONS, TYLER W.                 1302
        MCGEADY, JAMES J.               1302
5.a.4.  Field Artillery Captains Career Course (read in two columns):
        NAME                            PMOS
        BETSHER, SCOTT R.               0802
        BOYLE, TOBIAS M.                0802
        GREENE, CHAD M.                 0802
        PETERSON, DANIEL B.             0802
        RATHBUN, DANIEL C.              0802
        SANSBURY, PATRICK A.            0802
        SHANKS, DAVID A.                0802
        SWENSON, MICHAEL C.             0802
        VERMEER, TIMOTHY E.             0802
        WAITE, STEPHEN M.               0802
5.a.5.  Logistics Captains Career Course (read in two columns):
        NAME                            PMOS
        CRYMES, NICHOLAS A.             0402
        CURTO, JUSTIN T.                0402
        DEVINE, ADAM L.                 0402
        DILLENBERGER II, KELLEY T.      3002
        DONOVAN, ROBERT M.              0402
        EVERS, MATTHEW H.               0402
        FORD, TYLER W.                  3002
        GARY, JOHN C.                   0402
        GREEN, RAY L.                   0402
        GREENWOOD, MARTIN A.            0402
        GUSEK, ETHAN P.                 0402
        HUNTER, EASTON B.               0402
        KRAHN, GARIN W.                 0402
        LIST, HUGH A.                   0402
        MCDANIEL, JOSHUA W.             0402
        MONROE, MICHAEL J.              3002
        NORSEEN III, JOHN D.            0402
        PIETRI, FRANCISCO L.            0402
        SCHMITT, FREDERICK J.           0402
        SCHWEITZER, DANIEL R.           0402
        SCIORE, MARISSA D.              0402
        SHANKLIN, GERRICO N.            0402
        TAKACH SR, DOUGLAS M.           0402
        UTT, ANDREW G.                  0402
5.a.6.  Maneuver Captains Career Course (read in two columns):
        NAME                            PMOS
        AGOSTINO, JAMES V.              1803
        BLACKWEL, NATHAN J.             0302
        BLANK, DUANE P.                 0302
        CHMELAR, DANIEL J.              0302
        CLINE, NICHOLAS J.              0302
        DENNIS, JEREMIAH J.             0302
        DEPINTO, KEVIN D.               1803
        FRYMIRE, ALLEN G.               0302
        GAITAN, MATTHEW                 0302
        GANT, LANDON M.                 1302
        GRISSOM III, BILLY M.           0302
        HERMANSON, BRETT A.             0302
        HICKEY IV, EDWARD V.            0302
        HOFINGA, PETER H.               0302
        KING, KYLE S.                   0302
        KITCHENS JR, MAURICE W.         0302
        KROL, NICHOLAS A.               0302
        MARTIN, DAVID W.                0302
        MCFADDEN, CHRIS                 0302
        MCNAMARA II, JOHN F.            0302
        MELTON, TALMADGE M.             0302
        MILLER, PATRICK J.              0302
        MOYER, CORY R.                  0302
        MUNDY, MARC A.                  0302
        NEAIL, JOHN C.                  1802
        PICKLE, CHRISTOPHE M.           0302
        REID, IAN A.                    0302
        RICHARD, PHILLIP H.             0302
        RYAN, JAKE P.                   0302
        RYCHLIK, RAFAL D.               0302
        SIMMONS, TYLER M.               0302
        SMITH, KEVIN J.                 1802
        VISH, CHRISTOPHE J.             0302
        WEARING, BEN                    0302
5.a.7.  Military Police Captains Career Course (read in two columns):
        NAME                            PMOS
        FOX, JORDAN L.                  5803
        JOHNSTON, DAVID R.              5803
        SHARP, KAYLA M.                 5803
        YOUNGBLOOD, JOSEPH O.           5803
5.b.  Olmsted Scholar Program (read in two columns).  The officers selected by the Olmsted Scholar Foundation sponsored board scheduled for March 2019 will be notified via separate correspondence.  Those listed below, yet not selected as an Olmsted Scholar, will be considered qualified alternates for other programs as deemed necessary by MMOA-3.
        NAME                            PMOS
        COX, HANNAH R.                  0402
        MARSH, SPENCER C.               0602
        MCHUGH, MICHAEL J.              3002
        OVIATT, COLTON J.               0302
        PARKER, JONATHAN M.             0302
        SINCLAIR, ELIZABETH A.          0207
5.c.  Congressional Fellowship Program (read in two columns).  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3 upon acceptance.  Estimated start date is June 2019:
        NAME                            PMOS
        LYON, BRENDAN A.                6002
        DELACRUZSANTIAGO, IVAN A.       0302
        KLEIBER, KAITLIN E.             0402
        LAKE, MATTHEW N.                0202
        LEVINE, MICHAEL H.              0302
        LOVEJOY, MICHAEL R.             4402
5.d.  International Affairs Program-FAO (read in four columns).  The following officers will be contacted by the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3, for orders, and additional coordinating instructions.  The region and language selections are designated by the AMOS code.  See Ref (d) for AMOS information.  Estimated start date is June 2019:
        NAME                            PMOS    AMOS  REGION
        ALTER, KEVIN M.                 6602    8248  Vietnamese
        ARZOUMAN, ANDREW J.             0602    8248  Indonesian
        BLUA, MICHAEL D.                6002    8242  Ukrainian
        KUNZLER, SHAWN C.               1302    8244  Arabic
        LIU, DAVID J.                   0402    8243  Mandarin
        POGGEMEYER, NATALIE B.          4502    8242  Russian
        SCHMITZ, PHILIP R.              7525    8243  Japanese
        SCHNEIDER, AARON W.             0102    8241  Spanish
        SHARRY, JAKE M.                 0402    8243  Mandarin
        WALKER, JESSE P.                0402    8241  Portuguese
        WRENN JR, TIMOTHY D.            0602    8245  French
        YOO, JONATHAN S.                1302    8243  Korean
5.e.  Special Education Programs (read in three columns).  The following officers will receive coordinating instructions and orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3.  Estimated start date is June 2019:
        NAME                            PMOS    AMOS
        AHMAD, AYESHA                   7208    8834
        ANDERSON, AMANDA L.             4502    4505
        ANTHONY, NIKOLAS C.             1302    8825
        BALMES II, PHILIP M.            0202    8866
        BARTRA, MORGAN G.               0802    8848
        BILES, QUENTIN R.               7556    8824
        BLYTHE, JOSHUA B.               3002    3006
        BOHAC, CHARLES M.               0302    8825
        BRACCI, JUSTIN T.               1802    8824
        BRITT, KYLE D.                  0402    8825
        BROWN, JAMES G.                 0302    8834
        BROWN, RICHARD A.               0402    8862
        BROWN, JACOB L.                 0302    8866
        CAMPBELL, JAMAL M.              0802    8848
        CANNON, CHRISTOPHE T.           0802    8825
        CARLSON, CHAD O.                0402    8862
        CARRIGAN, DANIEL P.             3404    8844
        CASPERS, MATTHEW G.             0802    8824
        CISEWSKI, KATHERINE A.          6002    8848
        CRUZ, JOHN P.                   7220    8840
        CUNNINGHAM, IAN J.              7210    8852
        DAUGHTREY, JAMES A.             1802    8824
        DUNDON, MOLLY M.                6002    8834
        DUNOVANT, LEONARD M.            0302    8834
        ELIASON, BRANDON S.             0402    8840
        FITZMAURICE, SAMUEL B.          0802    8850
        FLEGGE, ANDREW T.               0302    8834
        FOSTER, JACOB W.                0302    8848
        FREY, JASON B.                  6602    8850
        GARIBAY, CHRISTOPHE L.          0402    8850
        GORE, STEVEN J.                 7208    8846
        GOUMANDAKOYE, OUSMANE M.        0602    8846
        GRAHAM, AARON B.                1302    8848
        GUERRERO, CHRISTINE N.          6602    8831
        GURRISTER, MATTHEW D.           7563    8846
        HARPER, SEAN A.                 0302    8846
        HAYASHI, SPENCER A.             0402    3006
        HENEGAR, ERIK L.                1302    8850
        HENEGAR, AMANDA K.              0402    8852
        HUGHES III, WILLIAM C.          0204    8834
        JAGEARS, DANIEL G.              3404    8844
        JAMISON, GEORGE R.              6602    8850
        JONES, JAMES M.                 6602    8848
        KADRMAS, CALEB M.               0802    8850
        KELLY, SHANNON A.               1302    8852
        KENNEDY, MICHAEL D.             7566    8858
        KILBER, MEGAN E.                6602    8840
        KLENA, LUKE B.                  0302    8834
        LANDERS, MARCUS E.              0302    8850
        LAPONZA III, WILLIAM A.         3404    8844
        LEE II, ADAM C.                 3002    3006
        LILES, KENNETH H.               0602    8848
        LOSEKE, BARRY B.                6602    8862
        MARSH, BENJAMIN R.              0602    8846
        MARTINEZ, RYAN J.               0302    8850
        MEIER, JOSEPH T.                6002    8846
        MOCELLO, MELISSA S.             3002    8803
        MOLANO, MELANIE J.              3002    3006
        MONTAMBO, DYLAN T.              7563    8820
        MURPHY, JOHN K.                 0402    3006
        NORVILLE, NICHOLAS A.           5803    8852
        OGDEN, BRENT M.                 0102    8840
        PENA, JOSHUA J.                 4502    4505
        PENNINGTON, CODY E.             0102    8840
        PERRINE, SAMUEL T.              3002    3006
        PETERSEN, MARK N.               6002    8858
        PFANNENSTIEL, ALEX J.           0402    3006
        PINCUS, ALEXANDER M.            0102    8840
        POLSON, ZACHARY C.              0302    8850
        RAMIREZ, DANIEL G.              0402    8825
        REILLY, PATRICK L.              0602    8850
        REMILLARD, IAN C.               6002    8824
        ROY, MELANIE D.                 0402    8834
        SAMPSON, KRAMER E.              0802    8852
        SCHLESSEL, MAX E.               0302    8846
        SCHUMACHER, JULIE M.            6602    8850
        SEARCY, TROY M.                 1302    8831
        SHANNON, LAITH D.               0102    8803
        SHEA III, ROBERT C.             7566    8803
        SILBERBERG, PATRICK H.          7563    8820
        SIMONTON, JEFFREY C.            6002    8852
        SKINNER, CESSILY J.             6002    8850
        SKOPOWSKI, JOSEPH P.            0802    8834
        SMITH, CULLIN R.                7563    8848
        SMITHSON, MICHAEL S.            7566    8866
        SOHM, RYAN M.                   0302    8846
        SPAULDING, JACOB G.             1302    8831
        THOMPSON, JOEL E.               0802    8834
        VETERE, MARK D.                 6002    8826
        WEBER, MATTHEW C.               6002    8848
        WESCOTT, SHANE T.               0302    8846
        WHITE, BRIAN J.                 7208    8834
        WHITE, ANSLEY R.                0102    8840
        WILLIAMS, DAPHNE Y.             0402    8846
        WILLIAMS, RYAN L.               7208    8850
        WORNER, ALEX M.                 0802    8848
        YARNELL, KEVIN E.               0402    8862
5.f.  Advanced Degree Programs (read in three columns).  Primaries are required to review reference (e) regarding tuition reimbursement for these programs.  Civilian School acceptance letters must be provided to the MMOA-3, Graduate Education Coordinator by 1 April 2019.  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
        NAME                            PMOS    AMOS
        COFER, THOMAS B.                1302    8878
        QU, BO                          0302    8878
5.g.  Expanded Advance Degree Programs (read in two columns).  Primaries are required to review reference (f).  Civilian School acceptance letters must be provided to the MMOA-3, Graduate Education Coordinator by 1 April 2019.  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
        NAME                            PMOS
        ALDHAHRAA, YAHIA H.             0802
        POPE, TOBY W.                   0602
5.h.  Junior Officer Strategic Intelligence Program (JOSIP) and Junior Officer Cryptologic Career Program (JOCCP), (read in three columns).  The following officers will receive orders from their PMOS monitor:
        NAME                            PMOS    PROGRAM
        DOVE, TYLER J.                  0206    JOCCP
        HALSTEAD, FRANK L.              0203    JOSIP
        PETERSON, ALICIA D.             0202    JOSIP
5.i.  The Judge Advocate General Legal Center School and SEP & ADP, (read in three columns).  Civilian school acceptance letters are required by 1 April 2019.  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
        NAME                            PMOS    AMOS
        IACOBUCCI, STEPHANIE V.         4402    4405
        LUMPKIN, FREDERICK A.           4402    4409
        MOSSOR, WILLIAM J.              4402    4409
        NAKAJOKLEINMAN, JUSTIN M.       4402    4405
        WILSEY, BRANDON M.              4402    4407
6.  The list of officers selected as alternates will be published via the MMOA-3 board updates and info page following the release of this message at the following CAC protected website:  https:(slash)(slash) Updates/
The list will be posted alphabetically by full name and MOS.  No action is required by officers on this list.  If vacancies open from the primary slate, an available alternate will be notified by their primary MOS monitor or Graduate Education Manager to fleet up.
7.  Communication to Headquarters Marine Corps.
7.a.  All correspondence must originate from and be endorsed by the selected officer utilizing an Administrative Action Form (AA Form).  Submit correspondence to: MMOA-3 Organizational Email:
7.b.  Points of Contact:
            LtCol M. D. Nicholson, Head, Plans and Programs, MMOA-3
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Maj J. J. McCaffrey, Plans Officer, MMOA-3
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Maj S. A. Humr, Graduate Education Manager, MMOA-3
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Mr. W. A. Nason, Graduate Education Coordinator
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Mr. M. G. Cooper, Olmsted Scholar Program, MCU
              DSN: 378-0696, COMM: (703) 432-0696
            Mr. C. J. Fisher, International Affairs Program,
              DSN: 312-222-4365, COMM: (703) 692-4365
            Maj S. L. Morris, ADP-Education, TECOM
              COMM: (703) 784-3029
            Maj Pete Benning, LEAD Program, USNA
              COMM: (410) 293-6221
            LtCol B. E. Leahy, Congressional Fellowship Program, OLA
              COMM: (703) 614-1686
            Maj G. K. Logan, Plans and Innovation (JPI), Judge
              Advocate Division (JAD)
              COMM: (703) 693-9059
8.  Release authorized by Major General Craig C. Crenshaw, Director Manpower Management Division.//