All the Marine Corps MARADMINS listed here by year, number, and status.

Date Signed: 12/4/2018 | MARADMINS Number: 682/18
MARADMINS : 682/18
R 032352Z DEC 18
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  The Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Commandants Professional Intermediate-Level Education Board (CPIB) convened on 10 September 2018 to select officers to participate in intermediate-level education and special programs.
2.  Background.  The CPIBs purpose is to improve education utilization in the Marine Corps.  The quality of the Marines considered and their records reaffirms that the Corps continues to produce and promote leaders of the highest caliber.  The relatively small number of program/school seats available and the large number of eligible officers combine to make the CPIB process exceptionally competitive.
2.a.  Officers listed below who were in zone on the CY18 Majors Promotion Board must be selected for major to retain their selection status.
3.  Coordinating Instructions
3.a.  Headquarters Marine Corps will not accept deferrals.  However, consideration will be given to those deployed and unable to execute orders.  Officers who fall into this category may request deferral in writing (AA Form) via the first general officer in their chain of command to HQMC (MMOA-3) no later than 4 January 2019.
3.b.  This MarAdmin serves as notice of orders for the officers listed in paragraph 4.  Per Ref (d), officers may request for retirement or resignation, if eligible.
3.c.  Officers assigned to the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) must enroll and complete Command and Staff Distance Education Program or complete the entire Naval War College series at NPS, unless already Professional Military Education (PME) complete for grade.  Successful completion of all coursework and degree requirements must be met before date of estimated graduation.
3.d.  Officers assigned to NPS or the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) that have not yet applied for admission must apply to their slated program no later than 28 December 2018.
3.e.  The following AMOSs are associated with the corresponding graduate education disciplines and schools in paragraph 4.h., 4.i., and 4.k per Ref (d).
        AMOS    DISCIPLINE                              SCHOOL
        3006    Contingency Contracting                 NPS
        4405    Masters of International Law            TJAGLCS
        4406    Masters of Environmental Law            Civilian
        4407    Masters of Labor Law                    TJAGLCS
        4408    Masters of Procurement Law              TJAGLCS
        4409    Masters of Criminal Law                  TJAGLCS
        4417    Masters of Cyber Law                    TJAGLCS
        4505    Public Affairs Management               SDSU
        8802    Education                               Civilian
        8820    Aeronautical Engineering                AFIT
        8824    Electrical Engineering                  NPS
        8825    Modeling and Simulation                 NPS
        8826    Combat Systems Science and Technology   NPS
        8831    Environmental Engineering               AFIT
        8834    Information Warfare Systems             NPS
        8840    Manpower Management                     NPS
        8844    Financial Management                    NPS
        8846    Computer Science                        NPS
        8848    Information Systems and Technology      NPS
        8850    Operations Analysis                     NPS
        8852    Defense Systems Analysis                NPS
        8858    Joint C4I                               NPS
        8862    Material Logistics Support Management   NPS
        8866    Space Systems Operations                NPS
        8870    Special Operations (Irregular Warfare)  NPS
        8878    Historian                               Civilian
3.f.  Officers assigned to the Special Education Program or Advanced Degree Program will be immediately assigned to a utilization tour upon completion of their coursework.
4.  Selectees.  All slated officers are listed below with corresponding assignments.  Unless specified otherwise, officers will receive their orders from their Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) monitor.  Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) Scholars are included in the list of primaries.
4.a.  Intermediate Level School (ILS).
4.a.1.  Air War College (read in two columns):
        NAME                         PMOS
        ASHTON, MATTHEW R.           0802
        CELLON, BLAIR T.             0202
        FARUK, SHEIK M.              1302
        GELETZKE, TRAVIS P.          7566
        JANECKE, DAVID A.            3002
        MACDONALD, ANDREW M.         7543
        NEMAN, ROBERT J.             0402
        PHILLIPS, HEATH A.           7202
        WIELERT, COREY J.            4402
        YOUNG, ADAM S.               0302
4.a.2.  Army Command and General Staff College (read in two columns):
        NAME                         PMOS
        AKERBERG, ETHAN R.           1302
        ANDERSON, MICHAEL D.         3002
        ANDREWS, CHRISTOPHE J.       5803
        APPLEBY, WILLIAM R.          0302
        AYULE JR, JAMES P.           0802
        BLAKENEY, CAROLYN J.         1302
        BOESE II, TODD B.            0602
        BOSE, PETER A.               1803
        COLUMBUS, DOUGLAS A.         7204
        CORRAL JR, NARCISO .         0402
        CREEDON, BRADLEY S.          7202
        DAVIDSON, AARON L.           0802
        EVANS, DAVINA C.             0102
        FLURRY, MICHAEL S.           0802
        GILLIAM, CASEY D.            7525
        GREB, JOSH E.                7565
        LEE JR, DAVID L.             4402
        MARTIN, PATRICK B.           4402
        POLSTON, VERONICA L.         6002
        REAGLES, ROBERT D.           0202
        SCHEELE, CHRISTOPHE G.       7563
        STEIN, ERIC A.               0302
        WEEKS JR, HAROLD D.          0402
        WILLIAMS, KEVIN J.           0370
4.a.3.  Marine Corps Command and Staff College (CSC) (read in two columns).  Marines selected for (CSC) are required to visit https:(slash)(slash) for information on registering and completing the pre-check in-process via MarineNet.  Early registration begins December 2018 through February 2019.  The website will be down for server migration during March.  The website will be reopened for registration again in April:
        NAME                         PMOS
        ABCHIDONADO, JOUSSEF J.      3002
        ALFARO, CHRISTOPHE J.        6002
        ALVIS, RYAN E.               4502
        ANSLEY II, ANTHONY M.        0402
        ANTOINE, CARL T.             7565
        ARRINGTON, EDWARD E.         0302
        ASTACIO, NICHOLAS            7220
        BAHK, CHARLIE S.             0602
        BAKER, ISAAC S.              3404
        BELL, COLLIN B.              1302
        BERKELEY, ANDREW D.          7563
        BLAIR, MARY C.               0102
        BLAUL, JAMES J.              3002
        BOTTORFF, EVAN P.            7543
        BRADLEY, EVAN F.             0302
        BRECHER, BRADLEY D.          4402
        BROWN, AMANDA F.             0102
        BURKHART, SHAWN M.           0802
        CAPASSO, CHRISTOPHE N.       4402
        CAZEDESSUS IV, EUGENE R.     0102
        CHAPMAN, RICHARD W.          0302
        CHUNG, ERIC J.               7566
        CLEMENTS, ROBERT B.          0402
        CONNOR, SHAWN P.             0302
        COONS, JUSTIN M.             0370
        CREEDEN, MYCHAL A.           0302
        CULLEN, KYLEIGH M.           7566
        DONALDSON, RANDY F.          0202
        DRISKELL, THOMAS M.          1803
        ELLIOTT SR, DAVID S.         3404
        ESPOSITO, MATTHEW T.         0302
        EVERINGHAM, SPENCER M.       0370
        FENTON II, GEORGE P.         0302
        FLOREA, JOHN                 7220
        FLORES, MATEO M.             0302
        FRICKIE, JUSTIN A.           0202
        GASTON, TODD J.              4402
        GENNA, SHERLEY K.            3002
        GRINER, MICHAEL S.           3404
        GULLIKSEN, ANDREA N.         5803
        GWINN, JASON E.              0202
        HANSEN, THOMAS A.            7588
        HIMES, JARED D.              7565
        JAROSZ, ANDREW M.            0370
        JEDLICKA JR, CHARLES A.      0302
        JOHNSON, ZACHARY D.          1802
        JONES, CHRISTOPHE M.         3002
        KEEGAN, STEVEN A.            0302
        KEITHLEY, TIMOTHY D.         0602
        KERAMIDAS, EUSTRATIOS N.     7220
        KNOPP, MATTHEW A.            0602
        KOVATCH, DANIEL T.           0802
        LANDERS, JONATHAN W.         0302
        LEFEVER, KNATHAN T.          7208
        LIM, JOHN J.                 0202
        LUEDTKE, ALEXANDER T.        0302
        LUGER, CHRISTOPHE D.         7315
        LUND, LYNELLE S.             4402
        MAFRICI, STEPHANIE A.        0602
        MAJESKI IV, WILLIAM J.       7566
        MALLAMO, CHRISTIAN J.        7557
        MARTIN, CORBETT B.           0802
        MASTROMAURO, FRANK J.        0802
        MATEO, KENNETH P.            7566
        MATHEWS, RYAN L.             0802
        MATZELLE, CHAD R.            0302
        MAY, KYLE L.                 0302
        MEYER JR, DONALD W.          0202
        MITCHELL, NICHOLAS S.        7210
        MOORE, JAMES A.              6002
        MORRIS, BARRY J.             4502
        MOYNIHAN, GREGORY T.         0102
        MURELLO, STEVEN P.           0602
        MURRAY, TRISTAN J.           0202
        NILAN, JAMES A.              0802
        PAREDES, JASON A.            3002
        PAXTON, HANNAH M.            3002
        PEARSON, QUINCY R.           6002
        PETRISEVAC, GREGG D.         0402
        PINEIRO, JAMES D.            1302
        PUNTER, KEES J.              1302
        QUIST, CARL A.               0302
        REDMON, JEFFREY D.           7543
        ROBINSON II, LAMONT R.       3002
        RUSSELL, JOSEPH M.           0602
        SAMSON, KIRT R.              0202
        SANCHEZ, GABRIEL D.          0402
        SCANLAN, THOMAS J.           0602
        SCHEIBE, ERIC A.             7509
        SCHNAPPINGER, CRAIG M.       0602
        SHULER, KEVIN A.             0202
        SOEDER, KEVIN M.             0602
        SOVIE, CLINTON W.            0402
        STAHELI, DANIEL J.           0202
        STANLEY, JAMES C.            1302
        STEINHORST, KIRK R.          0802
        STREAN, TRAVIS J.            6002
        STREETER, JARED W.           0802
        SWINFORD, AUTUMN D.          0402
        TARANTO, CHRISTINE M.        0402
        TETREAULT, SHAWN K.          6002
        VANDERWAAL, GERARD W.        5803
        VIEHMEYER, ROBERT W.         0302
        WADE, KIMBERLY L.            6002
        WHEATLEY JR, WILLIAM G.      7566
        WOODCOCK, DOUGLAS A.         0302
        WRZOSEK, ANDREW M.           0802
4.a.4.  Naval War College (read in three columns).  Marines identified with a Note 1 will also apply to the Maritime Advanced Warfighting School (MAWS):
        NAME                         PMOS  NOTE
        BESS JR, RONALD E.           0802   1
        CAMPBELL, DAVID M.           6602
        EMBERS, ZACHARY N.           0402   1
        ERMIS, SLADE B.              7557
        EVANS III, ALBERT L.         4402
        FOWLER, BOBBY T.             5803   1
        HARWOOD, NICHOLAS C.         0402
        HIRT, DAVID A.               7565
        HOWE, DANA R.                7565
        HUBBARD, JAKE J.             0202
        KOHLER, MICHAEL W.           0302   1
        LUDLOW, MATTHEW C.           1803
        RODRIGUEZ, JOSE J.           3002
        SIERLEJA JR, DAVID A.        1302
        SIMONS, LYDIA A.             3404
        STAHL, KURT M.               4502
        STROM, WILLIAM H.            0370
        WALLIN, THOMAS R.            0302   1
4.b.  Foreign Professional Military Education (read in two columns).  Language training will begin on or about May 2019 at the Defense Language Institute-West in Monterey, CA or Defense Language Institute-East in Washington, D.C.
4.b.1.  Australia Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        REDDINGER, JARED L.          0302
4.b.2.  Brazilian Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        TOWLES, CRAIG A.             0602
4.b.3.  Canada Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        CULVER, NICHOLAS M.          7557
4.b.4.  France Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        BROUSSEAU, MATTHEW P.        0802
4.b.5.  Japan Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        LOPES, ORYAN J.              0302
4.b.6.  Korea Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        COLE, ALEXANDER G.           7563
4.b.7.  Norway Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        RASMUSSEN, NATHAN T.         7202
4.b.8.  Spain Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        BELSHA, JOHN L.              7525
4.b.9.  United Kingdom Command and Staff
        NAME                         PMOS
        HOYT, TODD A.                0402
4.b.10.  WHINSEC, Ft Benning, GA
         NAME                        PMOS
         GONZALES, EDWARD B.         0302
4.c.  CMC Fellowships (read in two columns).  Selected officers are to contact the MCU point of contact concerning orientation in late July or early August 2019.
4.c.1.  Penn State University, Logistics Fellowship
        NAME                         PMOS
        SCHNEIDER, JASON C.          0402
4.c.2.  Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
        NAME                         PMOS
        BOUSKA, RALIA R.             0202
4.d.  CMC National Fellowships
4.d.1.  Federal Express, Memphis, TN
        NAME                         PMOS
        WILSON, LAMONT D.            6602
4.d.2.  Morgan Stanley, New York, NY
        NAME                         PMOS
        CONNORS, JOSHUA W.           0602
4.d.3.  Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, Washington D.C.
        NAME                         PMOS
        PALKA, DAVID J.              0802
4.d.4.  US Chamber of Commerce, Washington D.C
        NAME                         PMOS
        WEILAND, JOSHUA H.           7588
4.e.  Olmsted Scholar Program (read in two columns).  The officers selected by the Olmsted Scholar Foundation sponsored board, scheduled for March 2019, will be notified via separate correspondence.  Those listed below, yet not selected as an Olmsted Scholar, will be considered qualified alternates for other programs as deemed necessary by MMOA-3:
        NAME                         PMOS
        CILLO, ANTONIO J.            3002
        MAGEE, KENNETH F.            0402
        MILLER, ROY F.               0802
        OLIVER, WILLIAM L.           1302
4.f.  Congressional Fellowship Program (read in two columns).  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3 upon acceptance.
        NAME                         PMOS
        COLEMAN, BRIAN D.            0302
        HENDRICKSON, WILLIAM M.      1803
        HUISENGA, LUCAS R.           4402
        NAVIA, ALEXANDER O.          0302
4.g.  International Affairs Program - RAO (read in four columns).  The following officers will by contacted by the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3 for orders and additional coordinating instructions.  Estimated start date is June 2019:
        NAME                         PMOS   AMOS  REGION
        AMIRAULT, MATHIEU P.         0402   8227  Western Europe
        ANDRES, ERIK S.              0202   8221  LATAM
        BEHRMANN, JOHN S.            0202   8226  S Asia
        BUCK, DYLAN R.               0302   8222  Eurasia
        JOBE, ALICIA M.              0102   8223  NE Asia
        MCHENRY, ERIC J.             0602   8225  Africa
        WATKINS, AARON J.            5803   8224  Middle East
4.h.  Special Education Programs (read in three columns).  The following officers will receive coordinating instructions and orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
        NAME                         PMOS   AMOS
        BAILEY, JOHN M.              0402   8834
        BLAKE, JORDAN O.             7588   8866
        BUCKS, MARC B.               1302   8846
        CARO, JORGE J.               0602   8848
        CONLAN, DAVID R.             1802   8852
        COSTANZO, DAVID M.           0802   8848
        DOCHERTY, SEAN F.            0602   8848
        DRUFFELRODRIGUEZ, KEVIN C.   1302   8852
        FULLER, ADAM J.              7565   8866
        HALLIGAN, MATTHEW S.         0402   8862
        HART, JEFFRY P.              1302   8831
        HOLLAR, VICTOR L.            0202   8824
        HUNDLEY, GRANT R.            0370   8870
        KISLA, JEFFREY J.            3002   3006
        LESTER, JORDAN T.            0402   8840
        MANNWEILER, NICHOLAS C.      4502   4505
        MANUEL JR, BRUCE A.          7220   8850
        MARTINO, NICOLAS R.          1302   8831
        MCCABE, ASHLEY R.            3002   3006
        MCCARLEY, KYLE P.            1302   8825
        MCILWAIN, JACOB A.           0802   8834
        MEDEIROS, JEFFREY J.         0402   8850
        MISYAK, PETER N.             3404   8844
        OLDENKAMP, JASON A.          0402   8840
        OTIS, STEPHEN E.             0102   8840
        ROBINETTE, SHANE M.          0302   8834
        ROSENFELD, DIANN M.          4502   4505
        SCHURMAN, DANIEL J.          0802   8831
        SHEEHAN, JAMES A.            0102   8848
        STOKES, NATHAN B.            1302   8866
        TRYON, THOMAS C.             7588   8846
        TUCKER, MICHAEL J.           0802   8858
        VASQUEZ, ELVIN .             6602   8852
        WATKINS, JOHN R.             0802   8824
        WHITE, ALEXANDER R.          0302   8824
        WIGINGTON, LARRY W.          0102   8850
        YANG, BO K.                  3002   3006
        ZUKOWSKI JR, JOSEPH A.       0602   8848
4.i.  Advanced Degree Programs (read in three columns).  Primaries are required to review reference (e) regarding tuition reimbursement for these programs.  Civilian School acceptance letters must be provided to the MMOA-3 Graduate Education Coordinator by 1 April 2019.  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
        NAME                         PMOS   AMOS
        ALVAREZNUNEZ, JORGE A.       0802   8802
        BREWSTER, BENJAMIN L.        0302   8878
        CLARK, NATHAN M.             0602   8802
        ECKERT, SEAN M.              7220   8802
4.j.  Expanded Advanced Degree Programs (read in two columns).  Primaries are required to review reference (f).  Civilian School acceptance letters must be provided to the MMOA-3 Graduate Education Coordinator by 1 April 2019.  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
        NAME                         PMOS
        GILDNER, SAMUEL J.           0202
        KALMAR JR, LOUIS G.          1302
        KUIPER, MICHAEL A.           0302
4.k.  The Judge Advocate General Legal Center School and SEP & ADP (read in three columns).  Primaries for AMOS 4406 are required to review reference (e) regarding tuition reimbursement for these programs.  Civilian school acceptance letters are required by 1 April 2019.  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
        NAME                         PMOS   AMOS
        BLANCHETTE, RICHARD P.       4402   4409
        BROWN, DANIEL L.             4402   4406
        BRUMMOND, TYLER G.           4402   4409
        COLLINS, GREGORY L.          4402   4405
        DIEFENDERFER, BARRET C.      4402   4409
        ESPADA, HECTOR N.            4402   4406
        ISMAIL, ALEXANDER A.         4402   4405
        LIPTON, RYAN C.              4402   4409
        MILLS, BENJAMIN A.           4402   4409
        MINIKUS, AMANDA L.           4402   4417
        ROBINSON, CHRISTOPHE G.      4402   4409
        RUDY, JOHNATHAN J.           4402   4417
        SAVARESE, MATTHEW S.         4402   4409
5.  The list of officers selected as alternates will be published via the MMOA-3 board updates and info page following the release of this message at the following CAC protected website:  https:(slash)(slash) Updates/.  The list will be posted alphabetically by full name and MOS.  No action is required by officers on this list.  If vacancies open from the primary slate, an available alternate will fleet up.  Fleet ups will be notified via email or phone by MMOA.
6.  Communication to Headquarters Marine Corps.
6.a.  All correspondence must originate from and be endorsed by the selected officer utilizing an Administrative Action Form (AA Form).  Submit correspondence to: MMOA-3 Organizational Email:
6.b.  Points of Contact:
            LtCol M. D. Nicholson, Head, Plans and Programs, MMOA-3
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Maj J. J. McCaffrey, Plans Officer, MMOA-3
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Maj S. A. Humr, Graduate Education Manager, MMOA-3
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Mr. W. A. Nason, Graduate Education Coordinator
              DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284/5
            Mr. M. G. Cooper, Olmsted Scholar Program, MCU
              DSN: 378-0696, COMM: (703) 432-0696
            Mr. C. J. Fisher, International Affairs Program,
              DSN: 312-222-4365, COMM: (703) 692-4365
            Maj S. L. Morris, ADP-Education, TECOM
              COMM: (703) 784-3029
            LtCol B. E. Leahy, Congressional Fellowship Program, OLA
              COMM: (703) 614-1686
            Maj G. K. Logan, Plans and Innovation (JPI), Judge
              Advocate Division (JAD)
              COMM: (703) 693-9059
7.  Release authorized by Major General Craig C. Crenshaw, Director Manpower Management Division.//