Date Signed: 12/13/2016 | MARADMINS Number: 650/16
MARADMINS : 650/16
R 131011Z DEC 16
REF/A/MSGID: MSG/CMC/YMD: 20160602//
REF/B/MSGID: DOC/MPO/YMD: 20140918//
REF/C/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20131126//
REF/D/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20140717//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  The Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) Commandants Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB) convened on 12 September 2016 to select officers to participate in career-level education and special programs.
2.  Background.  The CCLEBs purpose is to improve education utilization in the Marine Corps.  The quality of Marines considered and their records reaffirms that the Marine Corps continues to produce and promote leaders of the highest caliber.  The relatively small number of program/school seats available and the large number of eligible officers combine to make the process exceptionally competitive.
3.  Officers listed in paragraph 5 below are hereby considered primaries for the program/school assigned.  See paragraph 6 for list of alternates.
4.  Coordinating Instructions.
4.a.  Headquarters Marine Corps will not normally accept deferrals however, consideration will be given to those deployed and unable to execute orders.  Officers who fall into this category may request deferral in writing (AA Form) via the first general officer in their chain of command to HQMC (MMOA-3) no later than 3 January 2017.
4.b.  This message serves as notice of orders for the officers listed in paragraph 5.  Per ref D, officers may request for retirement or resignation, if eligible.
4.c.  Officers assigned to the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) must enroll and complete Expeditionary Warfare School Distance Education Program, unless already Professional Military Education (PME) complete for grade.  Successful completion of all coursework and degree requirements must be met before date of estimated graduation.
4.d.  AMOS Reference for paragraph 5.E.  Per ref D, the following AMOSs are associated with the corresponding graduate education disciplines and school:
        AMOS    DISCIPLINE                                 SCHOOL
        3006    Contingency Contracting                    NPS
        4305    Public Affairs Management                  SDSU
        8802    Education                                  Civilian
        8803    Leadership Development (LEAD)              GWU
        8824    Electrical Engineering                     NPS
        8825    Modeling and Simulation                    NPS
        8826    Combat Systems Science and Technology      NPS
        8831    Environmental Engineering                  AFIT
        8834    Information Warfare Systems                NPS
        8840    Manpower Management                        NPS
        8844    Financial Management                       NPS
        8846    Computer Science                           NPS
        8848    Info Systems Management                    NPS
        8850    Operations Analysis                        NPS
        8852    Defense Systems Analysis                   NPS
        8858    Joint C4I                                  NPS
        8862    Material Logistics Support Management      NPS
        8866    Space Systems Operations                   NPS
        8870    Special Operations (Irregular Warfare)     NPS
4.e.  Officers assigned to the Special Education Program or Advanced Degree Program will be immediately assigned to a utilization tour upon completion of their coursework.
5.  Primaries.  All slated officers are listed below with corresponding assignments.  Unless specified otherwise, officers will receive their orders from their Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) monitor.  Some of the below selectees are also slated as alternates for a higher priority program.  Alternates will be fleeted up as necessary to fill higher priority programs.  MCRC Scholars are included in the primaries.
5.a.  Career-Level Professional Level Education.
5.a.1.  Expeditionary Warfare School
        NAME                    PMOS            Alt Slate
        Anderson, Brian M.      0302
        Anderson, Bradford M.   0402
        Anderson, Carl G.       3002
        Anderson, Justin R.     3404
        Andropoulos, Jonathan P.0602            CFP
        Avila Jr, Alex L.       7220
        Barrett, Adam R.        0302
        Bates, Taylor L.        0402
        Bibbs Jr, Aubrey W.     0802
        Black Jr, Larry S.      0302
        Bogner, William K.      7566
        Bond, Thomas J.         0802
        Brannon, Kate M.        6602
        Capece, Devin C.        4402
        Carbajal, Zander H.     0402
        Carian, Shawn F.        0802
        Carpenter, Rhett E.     0802
        Cavallaro, Patrick M.   0402
        Celaya, Morgan T.       1302
        Chambers, Alicia E.     0602
        Colon, Jorge A.         0802
        Cooley, Michael A.      1302
        Cory, Christopher D.    0203
        Cowell, William F.      7509
        Crockett, Jacob C.      0302
        Dalton, Jared S.        0602
        Damren, Thomas J.       6602
        Davidson, Michael S.    0302
        Davis, Ron O.           0602
        Davison, Trevor S.      1302
        Dean, Brenden N.        0602
        Denniston, Graham T.    7557
        Dickman, John C.        6002
        Difelice, Michael A.    6602
        Doudt, Tracy A.         4402
        Dubois, William J.      0602
        Dumo, Dale D.           6602
        Durant, Kyle S.         1803
        Eikenberg, Jennifer N.  0602
        Erwin, Brandon L.       6002
        Fernandez, Joshua N.    0802
        Fernandez, Adriel N.    1302
        Fischer, Joseph W.      0202
        Flaucher, Jonathan F.   1803
        Foley, David P.         0102
        Fulp, Benjamin G.       0203
        Gaita, Sarah C.         0402
        Gantt Jr, Anthony J.    7208
        Gibson, Kelsey W.       5803
        Giusti, Jessica R.      0206            JOSIP
        Gliwa, Stefan A.        0302
        Godbey, Alexander S.    3002
        Granado, Gabriel        0402
        Grant, David M.         1302
        Gravelle, Darryl D.     0402
        Graving, Kevin L.       0204
        Gregory, Matthew K.     4302
        Grindle, Craig D.       0602
        Gumpert, Heather L.     0102
        Haglund, Jason C.       5803
        Hall, Shaun I.          0202
        Hall, Trevor W.         0802
        Hamtak, Matthew D.      7525
        Harp, Erinn T.          0602
        Harris, Martin R.       4302
        Hertzog, Grant D.       0602
        Holderbaum, James B.    7208
        Holt Jr, James M.       0402
        Horiye, Carolyn M.      0602
        Hume, Jesse D.          0802
        Humphrey, Kelly L.      1302
        Hupp, Daniel C.         7588
        Iafelice, Richard A.    0102
        Johnson, Joshua R.      7588
        Johnson, Joshua R.      0302
        Johnson, Michael R.     0206
        Jordan, Morgan T.       0203
        Jurmu, Brent E.         0302
        Kelly, Andrew R.        0204
        Kennedy, Jeffrey T.     6002
        King, Sarah             7210
        Kiraly, Brian A.        0402
        Kreamer, Wade T.        0202
        Kreis, Nicole M.        7208
        Kroeger, Eric J.        7556
        Lahren, Cameron W.      0402
        Lark, Andrew M.         0402
        Latham, Melissa D.      6602
        Leal, Joaquin R.        0602
        Leekim, Daniel A.       7220
        Long, William D.        0302
        Lopez, Adrian L.        7204
        Lousche, Joseph R.      1802
        Lowen, Matthew          0802
        Lucas, Gregory Z.       0402
        Mackin, James S.        0602
        Malone, Priscilla A.    0207
        Marchand, Daniel J.     6602
        Marek, Julie N.         7532
        Marston, Stephen L.     0602
        Martin, Andrew J.       3002
        Martinez, Corinna R.    0602
        Mattson, Matthew J.     0302
        McCabe Jr, William H.   0302
        Meyer, Robert G.        0302
        Middlebrooks, Andrew J. 0602
        Mikkelson, Jonathan A.  0602
        Miller, Robert E.       0102
        Mirsch, Andrew M.       0302
        Mitchell, Merritt T.    0370
        Molesphini IV, Anthony  7210
        Montgomery, Eric M.     0302
        Moon, David J.          0302
        Moore, Adam E.          3404
        Morales, Eli J.         0202
        Moyer, Allan            0402
        Mueller, Dustin J.      0402
        Neely, Joseph T.        4402
        Nelson, Justin P.       0302
        Ochoagonzalez, Alexander0602
        Ochs, Shelby A.         7315
        Olone, Liam P.          0302
        ORourke, Sean R.        0402
        Orta, Isaac S.          7208
        Payton, Clifton E.      0602
        Perez, Brian J.         0102
        Perna, Thomas J.        0302
        Peterson, Bryan S.      1302
        Phillips, Daniel D.     0302
        Phillips, Michael G.    0302
        Polivka, Alexander M.   0302
        Port, Patrick J.        0402
        Powell, Wolf J.         3002
        Pretti, Joshua J.       3404
        Puente, Alexander E.    0302
        Rea, Joel N.            7208
        Rehberg, John E.        0302
        Reid, Jordan M.         0402
        Rew, Eric C.            7565
        Rivera, Cipriano        0802
        Rodriguez Iii, Danilo O.0602
        Roensch, Bradley T.     0402
        Ruizcano, Jhan A.       3404
        Sanford, Geoffrey L.    7532
        Schelstrate, John A.    0602
        Scott, Chelsea R.       0402
        Scovel, Thomas G.       0302
        Serpa, Andrew A.        7532
        Shea, Kyle P.           7566
        Shoenberger, Michelle M.7566
        Shults, Isaac J.        0206
        Simpson, Matthew J.     0802
        Sommer, Matthew T.      0302
        Sorensen, Christoffe H. 0302
        Stewart, Conor W.       0302
        Stewart, Maxwell H.     1302
        Stmarie Jr, Paul R.     6602
        Stockman III, Robert T. 0802
        Stoddard, Alice K.      0102
        Sutphen, Benjamin F.    0302
        Swift, Dilan M.         0302
        Sykas III, John W.      3002            3006 SEP
        Tate, Phillip M.        0102
        Taylor, Aaron M.        0602
        Tenbrink, Victor D.     0207
        Thomas, Martin O.       0302
        Thomas, Stephen C.      0402
        Thomas, Jonathan R.     0402
        Thompson, Jesse A.      0802
        Tweedy, Myles F.        0102
        Vickers, Jeffrey D.     0202
        Vigil Jr, Norman M.     5803
        Wagner, Nicholas E.     0802
        Walsh, Pamela R.        7565
        Walter, William D.      0302
        Weinstein, Daniel S.    0802
        Welch, James L.         6002
        Werner, Christophe R.   7208
        Weyrauch, William J.    1802
        Whitney, Adam D.        0206
        Wickersham, Tristan A.  7509
        Williams, Scott D.      0302
        Williams, Isaac S.      0802
        Wilson III, John C.     1302
        Winters, Zachary J.     0602
        Wolf, Cameron P.        1302
        Woods, Joshua A.        7509
        Yoxtheimer, Zachary S.  0602
        Zbonack, Michael A.     7208
        Zumbar, Christophe J.   3404
5.a.2.  Air Defense Artillery Captains Career Course
        NAME                    PMOS
        Belton, Corey R.        7210
        Malinowski, Matthew J.  7204
5.a.3.  Engineer Captains Career Course
        NAME                    PMOS
        Franklin, Luke M.       1302
        Lang, Timothy C.        1302
        Moore, Mark C.          1302
        Oliver, William C.      1302
        Wieland, Michael H.     1302
5.a.4.  Field Artillery Captains Career Course
        NAME                    PMOS
        Bashaw, Owen E.         0802
        Davidson, Aaron L.      0802
        Dossetto, Cole A.       0802
        Erquitt, Brett A.       0802
        Kirch, Kyle E.          0802
        Owens, Patrick J.       0802
        Ridings, Shawn P.       0802
        Schurman, Daniel J.     0802
        Winkler, Christophe A.  0802
5.a.5.  Logistics Captains Career Course
        NAME                    PMOS
        Baker, Rachel C.        0402
        Blais, Philip E.        0402
        Bonilla, Amanda C.      0402
        Chwalisz, Brian A.      0402
        Dudley, Sean P.         3002
        Edstrom Jr, George T.   3002
        Franklin, Adam J.       0402
        Greenberg, David        0402
        Gulliksen, Ryan P.      0402
        Hughes, Nolan K.        0402
        Jones, Devon M.         0402
        Lancaster, Geoffrey R.  0402
        Lovan, Nicholas R.      0402
        Mayo, Jahi S.           0402
        Roles, Jason E.         3002
        Rondone, Stephen M.     3002
        Soublet, Brandy A.      0402
        Springman, Justin L.    0402
        Stephenson, Stephen J.  0402
        Workman Jr, James C.    0402
5.a.6.  Maneuver Captains Career Course
        NAME                    PMOS
        Alexander, Benjamin R.  0370
        Beil, Ryan D.           0370
        Blacker, Andrew S.      0302
        Buerger, Frank S.       0302
        Cordova, Charlie R.     0302
        Deiters, Brian P.       1803
        Desmond, Stephen T.     0302
        Elsasser, Colin A.      0302
        Holland, Seth A.        0302
        Isajewicz, Peter F.     1803
        Iyer, Akhil R.          0370
        Kavanagh, William J.    0370
        Knupp Jr., Harold A.    0202
        Lademan, Jerome J.      0302
        Lapierre, Cole W.       0302
        Navaro, Nathaniel P.    0302
        Olson, Kyle D.          0302
        Price, Douglas L.       0302
        Rasmussen, Drew B.      1802
        Roubal, Anthony J.      0302
        Ryder, Samuel D.        0302
        Tonking, Blaine S.      0370
        Varriale, Christophe R. 0370
        Witt, Schuyler M.       0302
        Wood, Joshua S.         0302
5.a.7.  Military Police Captains Career Course
        NAME                    PMOS
        Endicott, Stefan G.     5803
        Salzman, Erik B.        5803
        Warming, Brett J.       5803
5.b.  Olmsted Scholar Program.  The officers selected by the official Olmsted Scholar Foundation sponsored board in March 2017 will be notified via separate correspondence.  Those listed below, yet not selected as an Olmsted Scholar in March 2017, will be considered qualified alternates for the International Affairs Program.
            NAME                    PMOS
            Dougherty, William A.   0302
            Grant, Daniel P.        0203
            Halverson, Leif C.      0402
            Jones, Cameron W.       0302
            Love, Daniel C.         0402
            Sluzewicz, Melanie D.   1302
            Smith, Christopher A.   7588
            Vrolyk, John S.         0302
5.c.  Congressional Fellowship Program.  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3 upon acceptance:
            NAME                    PMOS
            Cox, David A.           0207
            Mackowiak, Jennifer V.  0402
            McCubrey, Connor C.     1302
            Montoya, Christina      7208
            Santosleslie, Ryan L.   3002
            Tyler, Sean R.          4402
5.d.  International Affairs Program- FAO.  The following officers will be contacted by the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3, for orders, and additional coordinating instructions.  The region and language selections are designated by the AMOS code.  See reference D for AMOS information.  Orders will be generated to Naval Postgraduate School for the report date prescribed below:
            NAME                    PMOS  AMOS   RPT DATE
            Araica, Emanuel         0402  8241   June 2017
            Buda, Nicholas J.       0402  8244   June 2017
            Defay, Calixte          0402  8245   June 2017
            Foran, Caitlin J.       0602  8243   June 2017
            Fuller, Sherifa C.      0402  8247   June 2017
            Grill, Matthew J.       0402  8241   June 2017
            Kruger, Dustin A.       0402  8242   June 2017
            Melvin, Geoffrey A.     7208  8242   June 2017
            Messmer, Joseph C.      7588  8247   June 2017
            Olinger, Kerry F.       0102  8247   June 2017
            Torrence, Pierce D.     1302  8243   June 2017
            Yu, Austin H.           3002  8243   June 2017
5.e.  Special Education Programs.  The following officers will receive coordinating instructions and orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
5.e.1.  Special Education Program (read in four columns)
            NAME                    PMOS  AMOS  RPT DATE
            Carnazza, Gregory J.    3002  3006  Jun 2017
            Costa, Renato           3002  3006  Jun 2017
            Maldonado, Angel R.     3002  3006  Jun 2017
            Pasindorubio, Zully G.  3002  3006  Jun 2017
            Viana, Aaron E.         3002  3006  Jun 2017
            Yu, Richard M.          3002  3006  Jun 2017
            Carroll, Gregory H.     4302  4305  Aug 2017
            Martin, Skye C.         4302  4305  Aug 2017
            Carlson, Rebecca R.     0102  8803  May 2017
            Johnson III, Robert L.  7565  8803  May 2017
            Waheed, Khalid R.       0402  8803  May 2017
            Yee, Bryant C.          0402  8803  May 2017
            Allen Jr, Tony          7210  8824  Jun 2017
            Dommert, John E.        1302  8824  Jun 2017
            Green, Daniel S.        7532  8824  Jun 2017
            Kobus, Karen L.         7566  8824  Jun 2017
            Lebrun, Caliph M.       0402  8824  Jun 2017
            Miyakawa, Alexander S.  7210  8824  Jun 2017
            Ayres, Kevin J.         0402  8825  Jun 2017
            Loeffelman, Garrett A.  0302  8825  Jun 2017
            London, Michael B.      0402  8825  Jun 2017
            Rademeyer, Mark N.      1302  8825  Jun 2017
            Thomerson, Lora C.      1302  8825  Jun 2017
            Gats, John V.           1802  8826  Jun 2017
            Chester, David J.       0102  8831  Jun 2017
            Denning, Timothy A.     1302  8831  Jun 2017
            Johnson, Christophe G.  0402  8831  Jun 2017
            Mcwhirter, Travis E.    0402  8831  Jun 2017
            Cartercondon, Ian J.    0402  8834  Jun 2017
            Cybulski, Michael A.    0202  8834  Jun 2017
            Dullnig, Christine M.   7208  8834  Jun 2017
            Jacobson, Benjamin R.   0206  8834  Jun 2017
            Katz, Joel M.           7565  8834  Jun 2017
            Alger, David P.         0802  8840  Jun 2017
            Basich, Zachary A.      0302  8840  Jun 2017
            Brockert, Nicholas D.   7220  8840  Jun 2017
            Fuzy, Anna M.           6602  8840  Jun 2017
            Mick, Erin M.           1302  8840  Jun 2017
            Burleson, Christophe L. 3404  8844  Jun 2017
            Deller, Paul S.         3404  8844  Jun 2017
            Sayers, Aaron P.        3404  8844  Jun 2017
            Singer, Melissa D.      3404  8844  Jun 2017
            Terrian, Jerry I.       3404  8844  Jun 2017
            Wilson, Scott T.        3404  8844  Jun 2017
            Ackland, Ryan M.        7210  8846  Jun 2017
            Ayoub III, Theodore A.  0602  8846  Jun 2017
            Burke, Lucas J.         4302  8846  Jun 2017
            Hooker, Benjamin M.     0302  8846  Jun 2017
            Fruin, Brittany E.      0402  8846  Jun 2017
            Keller, Ryan P.         7566  8846  Jun 2017
            Logan, Brent E.         0602  8846  Jun 2017
            Mutton, John O.         1302  8846  Jun 2017
            Peterson, Teal A.       7563  8846  Jun 2017
            Whitaker, Michael G.    0402  8846  Jun 2017
            Burnett, Cameron B.     7565  8848  Jun 2017
            Deschler, Peter J.      6602  8848  Jun 2017
            Franco, Michael T.      0302  8848  Jun 2017
            Schofield, Brandan R.   0402  8848  Jun 2017
            Spada, Steven G.        1302  8848  Jun 2017
            Toy, Spencer C.         5803  8848  Jun 2017
            Watson, Benjamin C.     5803  8848  Jun 2017
            Wine, William M.        0602  8848  Jun 2017
            Wood, Scott K.          0802  8848  Jun 2017
            Boucher, Brittney M.    0402  8850  Jun 2017
            Colon, Victor M.        0402  8850  Jun 2017
            Mateo, Gregory W.       0302  8850  Jun 2017
            McKavitt III, Thomas P. 0402  8850  Jun 2017
            Miller, Matthew T.      6602  8850  Jun 2017
            Renosto, Alyssa F.      1302  8850  Jun 2017
            Teska, Christophe J.    0302  8850  Jun 2017
            Wheeler, Kevin M.       0402  8850  Jun 2017
            Browne, Kyle D.         0802  8852  Jun 2017
            Clem, Jameson T.        0302  8852  Jun 2017
            Sesing, Nicholas R.     0402  8852  Jun 2017
            Studer, Genevieve M.    7566  8852 Jun 2017
            Ton, Stefanie T.        0402  8852  Jun 2017
            Rattan, Michael R.      0302  8858  Jun 2017
            Biesecker, Matthew D.   0402  8862  Jun 2017
            Burgos, Angel L.        3002  8862  Jun 2017
            McLean Jr, Gary D.      0402  8862  Jun 2017
            Preston, Torri R.       0402  8862  Jun 2017
            Costello Jr, Robert J.  7588  8866  Jun 2017
            Pierce, Dillon T.       0302  8866  Jun 2017
5.e.2.  Special Education Program-Law
            NAME                    PMOS
            Penn, Micah J.          4402
5.f.  Advanced Degree Program (read in four columns).  The following officers will receive orders from the Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3:
            NAME                    PMOS  AMOS
            Harris, Matthew A.      0402  8802  Pending Acceptance
            Cochran, Brent A.       0202  8802  Pending Acceptance
5.g.  Junior Officer Strategic Intelligence Program (JOSIP) and Junior Officer Cryptologic Career Program (JOCCP)
            NAME                    PMOS  PROG
            Davis, John H.          0202  JOSIP
            Slaughter, Marc S.      0206  JOSIP
            Warwick, Allison L.     0202  JOCCP
5.h.  The Judge Advocate General Legal Center and School
            NAME                    PMOS
            Amell, Jeffrey L.       4402
            McKenna, Brendan J.     4402
            Morrison, William C.    4402
            Ohara, Katheleen J.     4402
            Squires, Corey S.       4402  FY16 DEFERRAL
6.  The list of officers selected as alternates will be published via the MMOA-3 board updates and info page following the release of this message.  www.manpower.usmc.mil(slash)boardupdatesandinformation(slash) The list will be posted alphabetically by full name and MOS.  No action is required by officers on this list.  If vacancies open from the primary slate, an available alternate will be notified by their primary MOS monitor or Graduate Education Manager to fleet up.
7.  Communication to Headquarters Marine Corps
7.a.  All correspondence must originate from or be endorsed by the selected officer utilizing an Administrative Action Form (AA Form).  Submit correspondence to:
            Headquarters US Marine Corps
            Manpower and Reserve Affairs (MMOA-3)
            Attn:  CCLEB
            3280 Russell Road
            Quantico, VA 22134-5103
7.b.  Points of Contact:
           LtCol S. O. Meredith, Head, MMOA-3 Plans and Programs
             DSN:  278-9284, COMM:  (703)784-9284/5
             Email:  scott.meredith(at)usmc.mil
           Maj M. D. Nicholson, Plans Officer, MMOA-3
             DSN:  278-9284, COMM:  (703)784-9284/5
             Email:  mark.nicholson(at)usmc.mil
           Capt O. J. Lopes, Graduate Education Manager, MMOA-3
             DSN:  278-9284, COMM:  (703)784-9284/5
             Email:  oryan.lopes(at)usmc.mil
           Mr. M. M. Manieri, Graduate Education Coordinator, MMOA-3
             DSN:  278-9284, COMM:  (703)784-9284/5
             Email:  matthew.manieri(at)usmc.mil
           Mr. M. G. Cooper, Olmsted Scholar Program, MCU
             DSN:  378-0696, COMM:  (703)432-0696
             Email:  michael.g.cooper2(at)usmc.mil
           Mr. C. J. Fisher, International Affairs Program, PP(and)O
             DSN:  312-222-4365, COMM:  (703)692-4365
             Email:  clayton.fisher(at)usmc.mil
           Maj N. J. Armendariz, ADP-Education, TECOM
             COMM:  (703)784-3029
             Email:  nicholas.armendariz(at)usmc.mil
           Maj B. A. Bohne, LEAD Program, USNA
             COMM: (410)293-6141
             Email:  bohne(at)usna.edu
           LtCol B. A. Shottenkirk, Congressional Fellowship Program, OLA
             COMM:  (703)692-0232
             Email:  brian.shottenkirk(at)usmc.mil
8.  Release authorized by MajGen Craig Q. Timberlake, Director Manpower Management Division.//