Date Signed: 3/17/2018 | MARADMINS Number: 164/18
MARADMINS : 164/18
R 170017Z MAR 18
NARR/Reference (ref) (A) is the executive offsite directing the implementation of a professionalized cyberspace workforce.  Ref B is MARADMIN 498/13, Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) photograph guidance.  Ref (C) is the Training and Readiness Manual Ref (D) is the DOD Cyber Strategy that describes the development of the Cyber Mission Force.  Ref (E) is MARADMIN 136/18, Establishment of the Cyberspace 1700 Occupational Field (OccFld).  Ref (F) is the Memorandum of Agreement between Director, Manpower Management Division and Commander, Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command (MARFORCYBER).//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  During the March 2017 Executive Offsite, the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) directed the creation of a Cyberspace Operations Occupational Field (OccFld) by the February 2018 Authorized Strength Report (ASR).  Deputy Commandant, Information (DC I) Cyber Division coordinated closely with Total Force Structure Division (TFSD), Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA), Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC), Training and Education Command (TECOM), and U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command (MARFORCYBER) to outline the process for future Marines serving in the 1700 OccFld.
1.a.  The 1700 OccFld will provide the Marine Corps with a deliberate, professionalized, and sustainable cyberspace workforce enabling the Marine Corps to conduct cyberspace operations, as directed by U.S. Cyberspace Command (USCYBERCOM).
1.b.  The implementation of this OccFld advances the Marine Corps’ development of the Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group (MIG)
and enables cyberspace operations across the Cyber Mission Forces (CMF), Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), Headquarters and Supporting Establishment.
1.c.  The 1700 OccFld formally manages the career paths of Marines who have gained highly specialized training required for cyberspace operations, and allows for direct conversion of the personnel currently filling offensive and defensive work roles.  The establishment of the cyberspace OccFld facilitates disciplined execution of cyberspace operations within the Marine Corps.
2.  Occupational Field Opportunities
2.a.  Enlisted
There are two Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) tracks for Offensive and Defensive Cyberspace Operations listed in paragraphs 2.a.1 and 2.a.2.  The 1711 and 1721 enlisted PMOSs merge into the 1799 PMOS upon promotion to Master Sergeant. 
2.a.1.  Offensive Cyberspace Operations PMOS
PMOS    Name                                      Grades
1711    Cyberspace Effects Operator               SSgt-GySgt
The Cyberspace Effects Operator (1711) PMOS is the career progression PMOS for 2611 Cryptologic Digital Network Operator/Analyst Marines who have been selected for Staff Sergeant.
2.a.2.  Defensive Cyberspace Operations PMOS
PMOS    Name                                      Grades
1721    Cyberspace Defensive Operator             Pvt-GySgt
2.a.3.  Cyberspace Operations Chief PMOS (merges 1711 and 1721 populations at MSgt)
PMOS    Name                                      Grades
1799    Cyberspace Operations Chief               MSgt-MGySgt
2.b.  Officer (Unrestricted)
Upon promotion to Colonel, 1702 officers will merge into the 8041 population.
PMOS    Name                                      Grades
1702    Cyberspace Officer                        2ndLt-LtCol 
2.c.  Officer (Restricted)
PMOS    Name                                      Grades
1705    Cyberspace Warfare Development Officer    Capt-LtCol
1710    Offensive Cyberspace Weapons Officer      WO-CWO5
1720    Defensive Cyberspace Weapons Officer      WO-CWO5
3.  Guidance for Enlisted Marines
3.a.  All Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC) enlisted Marines with the PMOS or Intended MOS (IMOS) of 0688, in grades Sergeant through Gunnery Sergeant, will be converted to the 1721 PMOS or IMOS on 1 October 2018.  CMC (M&RA) will identify this population, in coordination with the advocate, and effect the conversion.  Any 0688 who does not desire conversion to PMOS 1721 may submit a lateral move request via their career planner for consideration by CMC (MMEA-1).  Not applicable to Active Reserve enlisted Marines.
3.b.  All Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC) enlisted Marines with the PMOS of 0689 in grades Master Sergeant through Master Gunnery Sergeant will be converted to the 1799 PMOS on 1 October 2018. CMC (M&RA) will identify this population, in coordination with the advocate, and effect the conversion.  Any 0689 who does not desire conversion to PMOS 1799 may submit a lateral move request via their career planner for consideration by CMC (MMEA-1). Not applicable to Active Reserve enlisted Marines.
3.c.  Marines currently assigned to Cyber Mission Forces who desire to laterally move to the 1700 OccFld, may submit a Reenlistment and Lateral Move (RELM) via their Career Planner requesting an MOS Lateral Move no earlier than 5 July 2018.  All RELMs shall include a command endorsement from COMMARFORCYBER.  Lateral Move packages will be held until the MOS is effective on 1 October 2018.  
3.d.  Active Component Enlisted Marines with an FY19 ECC, not previously identified in paragraphs 3.a, 3.b, and 3.c., wishing to move into the 1700 OccFld may submit a RELM in accordance with the current FY Retention Guidelines and the upcoming FY19 MOS Manual. 
3.e.  Active Component Enlisted Marines with an ECC beyond FY19, not previously identified in paragraphs 3.a, 3.b, and 3.c., wishing to move into the 1700 OccFld may submit a RELM in accordance with the upcoming FY19 MOS Manual.
4.  Officer Guidelines
4.a.  Restricted and Unrestricted Officers, who desire to effect a lateral move to the 1700 OccFld, will submit a package addressed to CMC (MMOA-3) for consideration.
4.b.  Officers who intend to submit a lateral move package to a 1700 MOS must contact their current PMOS monitor upon the release of this message.
4.c.  Required items for lateral move requests can be found in the coordinating instructions paragraph (6.a.).
4.d.  Officers currently assigned to Cyber Mission Forces.  Restricted and Unrestricted officers, currently serving on the CMF who desire to laterally move to the 1700 OccFld, should submit an AA form and all associated documents provided in this message's coordinating instructions, to MARFORCYBER for a consolidated command endorsement. This consolidated request will be reviewed by the advocate (DC I), and submitted to CMC (MMOA-3) for review.  Upon lateral move approval, CMC (MMOA-3) will enter the appropriate PMOS into the officer's record.  All packages must be received no later than 30 April.
4.e.  DC I, may waive application documents specified in paragraph 6.a., outside of the AA form, for highly qualified officers currently serving on the CMF.
4.f.  Reserve Component Officers.  Reserve Component Officers should submit an AA form through MARFORCYBER to CMC (RAM-1). 
A 36 month service obligation will be incurred with this lateral move.  A valid, empty 1700 Billet Identification Code (BIC) must exist to permit a Reserve Component lateral move.  Not applicable to Active Reserve Officers. 
5.  Coordinating Instructions
5.a.  Officer Lateral Move Requests.  Officers currently serving in the Fleet Marine Forces (FMF) who desire a PMOS Lateral Move to 1700 will send completed AA forms and enclosures, via SMB MANPOWER OFFICER PROGRAMS <>, as listed below:
5.a.1.  Enclosure (1).  Letter from the applicant, in Naval letterhead format, answering the following:
5.a.1.a.  Why do you think that the Cyberspace OccFld is the right choice for you?  What are your goals that you wish to accomplish in the OccFld?
5.a.1.b.  What experience, if any, with programming languages do you have?  List each programming language and your familiarity with it, how long you coded in it, and the year you last coded in it.  Only include languages for which you have actually written (or substantially modified) code.  Include any and all assembly, hardware-based, high-level and scripting languages.
5.a.1.c.  Other than programming language expertise listed above, how does your experience and training relate to the core fields (hardware, software, and networks)?
5.a.1.d.  Teaming:  Describe a positive teaming experience that you have had.  Describe your role on the team and how you contributed.  You may include experiences from work or school.
5.a.1.e.  Technical experience:  Describe an unclassified project that best exemplifies your technical development activities and experiences.  Explain the technical details of your contributions to that project, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses.  The project can be work, home or school related.
5.a.1.f.  Individual Project:  Give one example of a project where you worked by yourself with very little guidance.  Briefly describe what you accomplished, how you approached the problem, and how you liked or disliked working in that capacity.
5.a.2.  Enclosure (2).  No more than three letters of recommendation attesting to the applicants’ leadership, technical skills and abilities, and overall performance.
5.a.3.  Enclosure (3).  Unofficial transcripts for all undergraduate and graduate education.
5.a.4.  Enclosure (4).  Technical certificates.
5.a.5.  Endorsement from Commander (O-5 or higher).
5.b.  Direct questions regarding eligibility to or the points of contact listed above.
5.c.  Amplifying information for pending MOS and related training will be covered via separate correspondence.
5.d.  Marines currently serving within the CMF, who do not convert to the 1700 OccFld, will serve out their tour and be reassigned in accordance with the established Memorandum of Agreement between Manpower Management Division and MARFORCYBER.
6.  This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force.
7.  Release authorized by LtGen D. J. O’Donohue, Headquarters Marine Corps, Deputy Commandant for Information.//