MARADMINS : 339/18
R 201830Z JUN 18
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. The purpose of this MARADMIN is to provide an update of awards since the last update, MARADMIN 082/18.
2. The following unit awards are authorized and will be incorporated in ref (a).
2.a. Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA)
2.a.1. Hq, United States Forces-Afghanistan
National Support Element 16Nov16-15Nov17
2.a.2. Hq, Special Operations Joint Task
Force-Afghanistan 04Jun16-03Jun17
2.a.3. Hq, Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan/
Deputy Chief of Staff Security Assistance 01Jun16-31May17
2.a.4. Hq, Special Operations Joint Task Force-
Operation Inherent Resolve 26Nov16-17May17
2.a.5. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 15Apr11-18Oct15
Note: Per Ref (B), service units and individuals assigned to service units in support of these Joint organizations are not eligible for the JMUAs listed above (2.a.1 - 2.a.5). Only those members of the Armed Forces of the United States who were present at the time and directly participated in the service or achievement for 30 days or more or for the period cited if less than 30 days, are authorized to wear the JMUA ribbon. Personnel must be assigned and/or attached by official orders to the joint unit or task force headquarters receiving the JMUA. Local Commanders may waive, on an individual basis, the 30-day minimum time requirement for individuals (reserve personnel on active duty and TDY and/or TAD personnel) who, in the purview of the Commander, contributed directly to the achievement cited, and were assigned on official orders to the awarded unit during the approved time frames.
2.b. Meritorious Unit Commendation (MUC)
2.b.1. 3D Marine Expeditionary Brigade 10Nov13-01Dec13
Additional units approved for participation:
3D Marine Expeditionary Brigade
Det, III Marine Headquarters Group
Det, 4th Marine Regiment
MAG 36 (-)
Det, MACG-18
Det, MALS-36
Det, MWHS-1
Det, MWSS-172
Det, VMGR-152
Det, VMGR-352
Det, VMM-262
Det, 31st MEU
Patrol Squadron 26 (USN)
Patrol Squadron 62 (USN)
CTF-70, USS George Washington (USN)
Additional civilians approved for participation:
Civ Cato, Matisia N. Civ Pennington, Edward J.
Civ Freed, Robert G.
2.b.2. SPMAGTF-Southern Command Marine Forces South 01Feb16-30Nov16 Additional personnel approved for participation:
LCpl Ada, Annapatric P. Cpl Kevan, Joshua W.
Sgt Addison, David P. LtCol Kidd, John F.
Cpl Adlum, Peter F. Cpl Kim, Edward D.
LCpl Agliam, Ryan S. Cpl Kirberg, Joseph D.
Sgt Aguilera Jr, Manuel PFC Klinzing, Harold W.
Cpl Aguirre, Kimberly Sgt Kowalski, Gregory J.
SSgt Alegria III, Melvin D. CWO2 Kuzelka, Robert D.
Cpl Alejandro, Lawrence B. Capt Lantz, Stephen W.
Cpl Alfaro, Nico P. LtCol Larmon, Brietta L.
Capt Anderson, Clayton K. LCpl Lashlee, Jacob A.
LCpl Anderson, Eric J. PO3 Lasky, Aidan J.
Lt Anderson, Michael W. Sgt Lasky IV, James A.
Sgt Anderson, Michael R. Sgt Latney Jr, Anthony K.
Capt Anthenor, John LCpl Lemke, Brady W.
Sgt Antle, Joseph T. LCpl Lemusarellano, Oscar
GySgt Aparicio, Jorge A. MGySgt Levine, Yosef A.
Sgt Arce, Andres M. Cpl Liggett, Sarah M.
Cpl Arroyo, Steven H. SSgt Llamas, Refugio M.
Sgt Avelaresvalle, Krissia I. Maj Lowry, Jayden L.
SSgt Avila, Julio A. Sgt Lucas, Allen J.
SSgt Avila Jr, Pedro Capt Maa, Bradley B.
SSgt Babij, Joshua P. PO3 Macintosh, Mercedes D.
LCpl Bacenet, Daniel A. Cpl Marshall, Andrew T.
GySgt Baena, Julian Capt Martens, Jonathan R.
Capt Bailey, Lansing R. SSgt Martinez, Phillip M.
Sgt Baker, Jordan T. GySgt Matlat, Jason T.
Cpl Barboza, Ivan A. Cpl Matschek, Anton C.
SSgt Barnhard, Matt A. Cpl Maycox, Sean R.
Sgt Barrios, Jason O. Civ Mayes, James
Sgt Basir, Husain M. Cpl Mcclernon, Kevin M.
Sgt Bauchspies, Codey W. LCpl Mcfadden, Cody D.
1stLt Beazley, Preston C. LCpl Mcgrath, Patrick S.
Sgt Becker, Jordan D. LCpl Mckenzie, James F.
Sgt Bell, Garrett M. Cpl Mclain, Matthew C.
PO1 Bennett, Michael C. GySgt Mclain, Robert W.
Sgt Benz Jr, Mark A. GySgt Mcnulty, Kenneth A.
Cpl Betancur, Michael Cpl Medina, Adam J.
Cpl Blanco, Adrian Sgt Medina Alexander J.
LCpl Blyar, Esteban A. SSgt Medlicott, Nicholas S.
LCpl Bones, Damarko D. Sgt Mendoza, Rudy
GySgt Borland, Michael D. Capt Mitchell, Darren J.
MSgt Bradbury, Walter H. LCpl Mojica, Raul G.
Lcpl Brade, Colleen E. Cpl Montano, Kevin J.
MSgt Brandon, Jeffrey T. Cpl Montescastillo, Christopher A.
Sgt Brookbank, Tyler J. Sgt Moreno, Elena
Cpl Bruce, Scott A. LCpl Muntean, Timothy J.
Sgt Buczek, Aaron M. SSgt Murillo, Javier E.
SSgt Bui, Thanh D. Maj Nashagh, Samar M.
Sgt Bush, Bryan C. Sgt Natalia, Jacob A.
LCpl Buterbaugh, Tyler A. Capt Nauta, Maxwell W.
Lt Cagniart, Pierretienne C. LCpl Ndeke, Joshua
Cpl Camarena, Juan P. Cpl Neblina, Victor C.
Capt Campbell, David K. Sgt Neuman, Aaron M.
Sgt Campbell, Jordan D. HM3 Newton, Darius T.
Sgt Campbell III, Malvis C. Cpl Nieve, Devon B.
LCpl Campos, Brandon Cpl Nims, William E.
Cpl Cano, Christopher V. RP3 Ojeda, Nicholas K.
Sgt Cano, Fitzgerald S. Sgt Oneal, Ryan P.
Sgt Caraballomoreno, Mario Cpl Ortega, Hector A.
Sgt Carreon, Mark S. SSgt Palmertree II, David L.
LCpl Castanedaaquino, Jose LCpl Passerini, Mark S.
LCpl Castro, Matthew A. CWO3 Payton, Brian M.
2ndLt Chang, Jonathan Y. LCpl Peltier, David L.
LCpl Chorba, Stephen C. PO3 Pena, Jose E.
Cpl Clark, Nathan A. Sgt Perkins, Thomas F.
LCpl Claytor, Malik J. LCpl Perry Jr, Arthur Y.
Sgt Collins Jr, Jude M. Cpl Piedmont, Eugene B.
Sgt Constanza, Mauricio H. Capt Pierson, Brian M.
LCpl Coong, Huu M. Maj Piller, Douglas J.
Cpl Correaslopez, Alex R. Cpl Platt, Zachary J.
Cpl Cortes Jr, Ricardo M. MSgt Pojda, Stephen J.
SSgt Cortez, Jose A. Col Prentice, Thomas E.
SSgt Costa, Jesse R. CWO2 Presnall, Michael W.
PO2 Crespo, Joseph D. LCpl Pruett, Samuel J.
PO1 Crockett, John C. Maj Pudol, Alexander B.
SSgt Cross, William Z. LCpl Quinchucua, Luis E.
Cpl Cruz, Karen J. PO3 Quinones, Daniel
LCpl Cruz, Joseph J. SSgt Ramirez, Matthew O.
Maj Cummings, Clinton J. Cpl Ramos, Armando
Sgt Cunningham, Nicholas J. Sgt Rangel, Ruben
Maj Curcio, Stewart A. Sgt Reed, Shawn C.
Capt Demore, Rebecca C. Sgt Reeves Jr, Shawn E.
Cpl Dewberry, Ross H. Sgt Reyes, Gustavo
LCpl Doherty, John J. Capt Riverahernadez, Jose A.
SSgt Dorcelus, Vladimir LCpl Robledoavina, Cristian
Cpl Drabek, Marcus L. Maj Rodriguez, Eric R.
SSgt Drumsta, Matthew J. MSgt Rodriguez, Fermin I.
Sgt Easton, Christopher W. Sgt Rodriguez, Oscar J.
Cpl Elias, Paul G. SSgt Rogers, Patrick J.
GySgt English, Andrew J. Cpl Rojas, Joshua E.
SSgt Escobedo, Daniel Cpl Romero, Garrett L.
Sgt Esters, Adwin C. CWO4 Rucobo, Norma P.
Cpl Estevez, Sebastian LCpl Rudd, Michael D.
LCpl Evans, Nicholas T. Sgt Russell Jr, Michael E.
LCpl Everett, Michael J. Maj Ryan, Patrick J.
LCpl Fackiener, Ian C. Msgt Saenzpesina, Ever
LCpl Farmer, Daniel W. Sgt Salazar Jr, Gustavo
Cpl Ferro, Ian G. Capt Sanchez, Kevin R.
Cpl Fischer, Justin L. LCpl Sanchez, CesarG
LCpl Forbus, Andrew M. Cpl Sanchezberrios, Ervin E.
Capt Fossum, Jonathan R. Sgt Sandoval Abel A.
Cpl Franklin, Demorris M. SSgt Santos II, Charles A.
Capt French, Michael A. Sgt Sawick, Luke M.
LCpl Gaines, Jacob D. SgtMaj Schaffer, Wesley L.
GySgt Galvez, Garrick D. 1stLt Schultze, Corey D.
1stLt Garcia, Richard A. SSgt Segarra Jr, Melvin A.
Cpl Garcia, Ruben A. Cpl Shin, Paul S.
Cpl Garcia, Victor M. Sgt Shivar, William R.
Sgt Garcia, Javier Sgt Sickles, Shane E.
SSgt Garcia, Joshua J. Cpl Silva, Matthew A.
CWO2 Gatch III, Calvin F. Sgt Simmons, Andrew R.
Cpl George, Aaron J. LCpl Simons, Cody A.
LCpl Giboyeaux, David M. Cpl Simons, Tyler L.
PFC Gleeson, Levi W. LCpl Skidmore, Tyler L.
Cpl Glenn, Jarred B. Cpl Slivinski, Zachary D.
Cpl Gomez, Ivan MSgt Smith Jr, Sylvester S.
SSgt Gonzales, Domingo A. GySgt Soper, Mitchell C.
PO2 Gordy, John F. SSgt Spellman, Dallas C.
Cpl Gregory, Jesse D. Sgt Stanley, Adam P.
Cpl Grey, Jacob D. Maj Steiner, Benjamin L.
Sgt Guadron, Howard V. MSgt Stevens Jr, Linwood E.
Cpl Guerra, Samuel E. LCpl Stewart, Jacob T.
SSgt Guerra III, Jose SSgt Straub, Joushua M.
Sgt Guerrero, Ruben Capt Swearingen, Joseph P.
Cpl Gutierrezangulo, Socimo A.SSgt Swisse, Michael S.
Sgt Guzman, Maryanne L. Cpl Tabarquino, Christian T.
LCpl Ha, Daniel T. Sgt Taccetta, Martin A.
LtCol Hahn, Dennis M. Cpl Tamayo, Flavio E.
SSgt Hanko II, Daniel G. LCpl Taylor, Cirrus A.
Sgt Hansen, Tony J. Maj Temple, Patrick K.
Cpl Harkey, Chung N. LCpl Thiel, Trevor C.
Cpl Harleston, Jeremi J. Cpl Tokar, Derek M.
LCpl Harris, Duncan O. Maj Toolan, Sean A.
PO2 Harrison, Ory D. SSgt Torrellas, Derek R.
Sgt Hayes, Zane A. Sgt Torres Jr, Ramon
Sgt Heersche, Dustin Cpl Truong, Phillip T.
LCpl Hendren, Cole D. Sgt Truskolaski, Zachary D.
GySgt Henry, Damian D. GySgt Valencia, Alvaro E.
GySgt Hensley, Christopher S. Sgt Vannorman, Matthew R.
Cpl Hernandez, Steven M. SSgt Vanarsdale, Steven M.
Sgt Hernandez, Ricardo LCpl Vandehey, Zachary L.
LCpl Hibbert, Peter A. SSgt Verduzco, Julian
SSgt Hill Jr, Dexter K. Sgt Vian, Jordan M.
LCpl Hobson, Casey R. Cpl Vilches, Xavier U.
1stLt Hoff, Brian J. Sgt Wahrman, Donovan N.
Capt Hopkins, Michael T. Sgt Walker, Johnathon P.
Cpl Hougland, Kaleb R. Sgt Ward, Mitchell S.
Cpl House, Michael W. GySgt Webb, Douglas L.
GySgt Houser, Kevin N. LCpl Weishan, James A.
Sgt Hubbard, William J. Cpl Wellman, James A.
LCpl Hurtado, Alex S. Cpl West, Duston J.
Cpl Hyerstay, Coleman N. Sgt Wheeler, Hunter T.
Cpl Imbach, Payton S. Sgt Wiese, Alexander L.
Cpl Iversen, William C. Maj Wiggins, Luther C.
Capt Jackson, Wesley R. Cpl Wilborn, Jacob L.
LCpl Jackson, Dustin T. Cpl Williams, Steven E.
MSgt Jimenez, Orlando Sgt Williams, Brandon L.
Cpl Johnson, Michael Z. Capt Wisan, Nathaniel C.
Sgt Johnson Jr, Patrick L. Sgt Wong, Mark A.
LCpl Juntado, Jared M. Cpl Woodhouse, Elisabel
Sgt Kaiser, Ethan D. HM1 Woodruff, Matthew S.
Cpl Kapka, Alexander J. Cpl Woodside, Cassidy A.
Capt Kavanagh, Shawn T. HM2 Wooten, John C.
Sgt Keep, Samuel J. GySgt Worthen, Shawn M.
Sgt Kelly, Colin B. LCpl Ziegler, Corey E.
2.b.3. 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit 23Aug13-28Apr14
Additional units approved for participation:
3d Plt, A Co, 1st Recon Bn, 1st MarDiv
2d Plt, B Co, 1st Tank Bn, 1st MarDiv
4th Plt, C Co, 3D AA Bn, 1st MarDiv
1st Plt, A Co, 1st CEB, 1st MarDiv
VMM-166 (Rein)
Det, LAAD Bn, MACG-48, 3D MAW
Det, MALS-13, 3D MAW
Det, HMH-465, 3D MAW
Det, HMLA-267, 3D MAW
Det, VMA-214, 3D MAW
Det, VMGR-352, 3D MAW
Det, MWSS-371, 3D MAW
Det, 3D LAAD, 3D MAW
Det, MACS-2, 3D MAW
Det, MASS-1, 3D MAW
Det, VMU-1, 3D MAW
Det, MALS-29, 3D MAW
Combat Logistics Battalion 13
Weapons Co, BLT 1/4
B Co, BLT 1/4
BLT 1/4, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st MarDiv
H&S Co, BLT 1/4
1st Radio Bn, I MAG, I MEF
Roster of civilians approved for participation is maintained in the iAPS archived records.
2.b.4. Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team Company
Central Command 10Apr10-03Dec11
2.c. Army Meritorious Unit Commendation
2.c.1. USMC Detachment, Georgian Liaison Team
Rotation-2 16Oct15-25Apr16
Personnel approved for participation:
Sgt Anderson, Justin C. GySgt Koch, Trevor J.
SSgt Bravo, Fernando J. Cpl Kovis, Robin L.
1stLt Eich, Jason T. 1stLt Margyan, Colt T.
SSgt Escareno, Greyson J. 1stLt Morley, Joseph P.
GySgt Foss, Jeffrey D. Capt Paluta, Matthew E.
LtCol Grosvenor, Bradley G. Capt Porter, Robert A.
SSgt Hampton, Jesse S. HM1 Rubang, Alex B.
SSgt Henderson, Michael J. Sgt Smith, Michael V.
SSgt Jackson, Larry R. Capt Steinhauer, John R.
2.d. Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation Ribbon
2.d.1. Cryptologic Direct Spt Element United
States Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf 07Feb18-19Mar18
Personnel approved for participation:
LCpl Jasso, Michael
Note: This award is not authorized for wear.
2.e. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Medal
2.e.1. The NATO Medal for NATO Training and Capacity Building in Iraq (NTCB-I) is hereby authorized for acceptance and wear by U.S. Service members and DoD civilian personnel. U.S. Service members and DoD civilian personnel who are awarded the NATO Medal for NTCB-I may formally accept and wear the medal in accordance with section 7342 of title 5, U.S. Code, DOD Directive 1005.13,"Gifts and Decorations from Foreign Governments" and DoD Instruction 1348.33,"DoD Military Decorations and Awards Program."
2.e.2. Table 70 of the codes manual has been updated with the approved operations under the NATO medal.
3. Ref (a) is no longer distributed. Instead, ref (a) is updated quarterly and maintained on the internet at
4. Release authorized by C. F. Swain, Director, Manpower Management Division, Acting.