Date Signed: 9/26/2018 | MARADMINS Number: 545/18
MARADMINS : 545/18
R 251920Z SEP 18
REF/I/MSGID:DOC/MCO 5750.1H/YMD:20090213//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  AUTHORITY.  Refs (a) through (h) regulate all Marine Corps officer promotions.  This MARADMIN is the authority for commanding officers to effect promotions.  Per the refs, an officers promotion may not be effected until that officers name appears on a promotion MARADMIN or CMC message.  Appropriate commissions will be mailed to parent commands under separate cover.  Expect 2-3 weeks for delivery.  The commission is not the legal authority to promote and is not required to effect the promotion.  For the purposes of conducting a promotion ceremony, sample commissions and the oath of office can be found in chapter 6 of ref (b) or the Officer Promotion Branchs homepage at  Under "Marines/Career," click on "Promotions."  Click on "Officer Promotions," look under the "Reference" tab on the right side of the page.
2.  All officers promoted to the grade of colonel are required to submit current biographical data and photographs to the Director of Marine Corps History (HDR) as directed by MCO 5750.1H, page 2-5.  See paragraph 14 for mailing address and POC information.
3.  Under the provisions of section 624 of refs (a) and (c), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named regular officers to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay and allowances are effective from 1 October 2018.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Justin J. Anderson              Col          B66
John C. Barry                   Col          QAQ
Christopher J. Bronzi           Col          QAP
Scott E. Cobb                   Col          NKA
Corey M. Collier                Col          094
John Y. DeLateur                Col          QAS
Eric J. Dougherty               Col          N28
Michael J. Fitzgerald           Col          NBW
Steve E. Gillette               Col          NBS
Christopher L. Holloway         Col          1C0
Brian T. Koch                   Col          NBR
Kevin R. Korpinen               Col          1FU
Michael J. Livingston           Col          1CE
Donald G. Maraska               Col          T52
John L. Medeiros, Jr.           Col          124
Thomas B. Merritt, Jr.          Col          1FU
Mark W. Micke                   Col          1RA
Ford C. Phillips                Col          NBW
Timothy R. Powledge             Col          J56
Steven D. Puckett               Col          G76
Lee M. Rush                     Col          NBW
Dennis A. Sanchez               Col          NAR
Kurt J. Schiller                Col          007
Samuel C. Schoolfield           Col          145
William M. Schrader             Col          007
Dean A. Schulz                  Col          NCG
Matthew R. Simmons              Col          1FZ
Eric N. Thompson                Col          1FZ
Scott E. Vasquez                Col          R08
William T. Wilburn, Jr.         Col          NBU
Benjamin S. Adams               LtCol        1F2
Matthew J. Agnoli               LtCol        029
William V. Backlund III         LtCol        H95
John Bacon, Jr.                 LtCol        QAS
Paul T. Bartok                  LtCol        J95
Nathan P. Bastar                LtCol        1FU
Michael S. Beames               LtCol        122
Lynn W. Berendsen               LtCol        QAQ
Brett A. Bohne                  LtCol        1Y3
Ryan T. Brannon                 LtCol        QAQ
Brian K. Briscoe                LtCol        QAQ
Arthur Q. Bruggeman             LtCol        1JD
Alfred L. Butler IV             LtCol        V28
Jacob D. Butz                   LtCol        19D
Marc W. Caldwell                LtCol        1F1
Juliet H. Calvin                LtCol        1C0
Daniel W. Caroffino             LtCol        VLA
Jose L. Castillo                LtCol        1Y1
Jesus A. ChapaGarcia            LtCol        1T6
Carlos Chavez                   LtCol        T52
Keith S. Crim, Jr.              LtCol        143
Arturo J. Derryberry            LtCol        077
Jarrod A. Devore                LtCol        1C0
Gabriel L. Diana                LtCol        1C1
Erik S. Dickerson               LtCol        QAS
Joseph R. DiMambro              LtCol        143
Aixa R. Dones                   LtCol        121
Timothy R. Drieslein            LtCol        QAS
Timothy B. Egan                 LtCol        063
Edwin A. Espinet                LtCol        111
Alexander X. Espinoza           LtCol        QAS
Christopher Z. Esrey            LtCol        912
Daniel S. Fiust                 LtCol        V8B
George J. Flynn III             LtCol        1C0
David W. Forbell                LtCol        J08
Joseph F. Freshour              LtCol        VF2
Bradley N. Fultz                LtCol        NG3
Thomas D. Fuss                  LtCol        1A5
Jonathan C. Glover              LtCol        1NR
Jerry A. Godfrey                LtCol        078
Charles D. Godwin, Jr.          LtCol        NHD
Matthew J. Grabowski            LtCol        904
Chad R. Grimmett                LtCol        1NL
Matthew J. Gruba                LtCol        1DX
James D. Hale                   LtCol        QAQ
Benjamin J. Hodgins             LtCol        1F1
Brett D. Hohmann                LtCol        1LW
Roger A. Holliday, Jr.          LtCol        1JH
Jonathan C. Howard              LtCol        1NR
Alfred E. Hunter                LtCol        012
Christian P. Hur                LtCol        TF3
Charles E. Ingold, Jr.          LtCol        15B
Brogan C. Issitt                LtCol        15B
Christopher A. Jones            LtCol        084
Jacob M. Jones                  LtCol        1F2
Catalina E. Kesler              LtCol        15C
Sungwook Kim                    LtCol        1CC
Daniel P. Knutson               LtCol        1MT
Stephen R. Kulas                LtCol        908
Kenneth A. Laretto              LtCol        QAR
Thomas B. Lee                   LtCol        QAS
Joseph P. Logan                 LtCol        T52
Michael R. Lupient              LtCol        QAS
Michael F. Lynch                LtCol        1F6
Frank P. Mease, Jr.             LtCol        1RS
Anthony M. Mercado              LtCol        NFF
Shawn A. Miller                 LtCol        070
Kevin A. Misner                 LtCol        15A
Mark L. Montgomery              LtCol        G87
James W. Nolan                  LtCol        TF2
Chad A. OBrien                  LtCol        110
Joseph E. OConnor               LtCol        J38
Sanford C. Orrick               LtCol        TMG
Breck L. Perry                  LtCol        V26
Douglas K. Peterson             LtCol        070
Christian J. Pfeffer            LtCol        094
Eric W. Pickelsimer             LtCol        011
Peter F. Priester               LtCol        1NR
James J. Pruden                 LtCol        U00
Craig Q. Reese                  LtCol        NBW
James V. Reynolds               LtCol        UJB
James M. Rowlett III            LtCol        1C1
Jonathan D. Schaafsma           LtCol        027
Thomas F. Short                 LtCol        1JH
Charles S. Siedlecki, Jr.       LtCol        1S8
Arlon D. Smith                  LtCol        THT
John F. Soto, Jr.               LtCol        1C1
Eric N. Starr                   LtCol        TM6
Christopher D. Story            LtCol        U12
George A. Sweetland, Jr.        LtCol        QAQ
Ryan E. Thompson                LtCol        T52
Daniel L. Thunen                LtCol        1NL
An K. Trung                     LtCol        015
Jeffery VanBourgondien          LtCol        UAS
Jon K. VonSeggern               LtCol        1T6
Brian D. Vukelic                LtCol        U18
Benjamin P. Wagner              LtCol        1CC
Ethan D. Waite                  LtCol        TMH
Steven L. Walker                LtCol        NAG
William R. Wallace              LtCol        QAS
Scott W. Warman                 LtCol        QAP
Ryan P. Welborn                 LtCol        QAS
Brad E. Whited                  LtCol        UKT
Aron K. Wisherd                 LtCol        J33
Sean B. Wright                  LtCol        TP6
Michael D. Wyrsch               LtCol        V6A
Shayne P. Yenzer                LtCol        011
Richard V. Yudt, Jr.            LtCol        013
Manuel O. Zepeda                LtCol        NFV
Ethan R. Akerberg               Maj          198
Nils P. Alpers                  Maj          VFB
Matthew J. Altomari             Maj          096
Ryan E. Alvis                   Maj          QAW
Anthony J. Ambriz               Maj          1RA
Clayton T. Anderson             Maj          175
Michael D. Anderson             Maj          1CE
Ross H. Armstrong               Maj          V81
John D. Baker, Jr.              Maj          094
William E. Barr                 Maj          027
Gary S. Baxter                  Maj          JAD
Michael E. Bell                 Maj          938
Corey R. Belton                 Maj          1L7
Rebecca K. Bergstedt            Maj          1MY
Adam E. Best                    Maj          036
Ricardo R. Bitanga              Maj          1NA
John D. Black                   Maj          1MU
Marc J. Blair                   Maj          C77
Lee A. Boyce                    Maj          H99
Bobby J. Bradford               Maj          C51
Daniel A. Brenes                Maj          904
Stafford A. Buchanan            Maj          J33
Brian L. Burger                 Maj          TLG
Dallas T. Butler                Maj          1C0
Nicholas R. Butner              Maj          017
David M. Cain                   Maj          1NP
Cody M. Calhoun                 Maj          1G9
John J. Campbell                Maj          VMH
Joshua C. Canatsey              Maj          036
Kelly M. Candies                Maj          KAD
Jeffrey F. Carben               Maj          1JN
Justin M. Carrasco              Maj          V28
Zachary J. Cesarz               Maj          QAP
Robert A. Coplen                Maj          1PH
Tamara D. Cordero               Maj          H99
Isaac Cortes                    Maj          1YB
Christopher J. Czumak           Maj          1G0
Jason M. Dasilva                Maj          1JT
Travis G. Denny                 Maj          G71
Joel L. Detrick                 Maj          1J1
Jason F. Dewald                 Maj          J38
Matthew J. Dillon               Maj          1RW
Micheal A. Dorsey               Maj          V25
Dean R. Dukes                   Maj          QBB
Sean M. Eckert                  Maj          1C1
Mark S. Edgar                   Maj          C44
Stephen V. Egerdahl             Maj          G76
Megan L. Elliott                Maj          TFQ
John R. Eppes                   Maj          TM6
Anthony O. Espinoza             Maj          086
Andrew H. Everitt               Maj          094
Daniel P. Firestone             Maj          L91
Mark T. Fitzgerald              Maj          J64
Eric D. Flanagan                Maj          145
Michael S. Flurry               Maj          1NG
Matthew S. Forshee              Maj          U18
William J. Fortin               Maj          19D
Caleb L. Franzoy                Maj          1MZ
Scott A. Furlong                Maj          1NR
Matthew F. Glisson              Maj          QAM
Eduardo A. Gonzalez             Maj          VMD
David E. Goodrich               Maj          TM6
Brian A. Goss                   Maj          V8C
Lawrence D. Greene              Maj          122
Robert W. Grzelak               Maj          1RA
Shaun I. Hall                   Maj          1F6
Thomas C. Hambidge              Maj          111
Erinn T. Harp                   Maj          15B
Samuel T. Heath                 Maj          1MZ
Brian E. Heeter                 Maj          VM6
Benjamin T. Held                Maj          H28
Joshua D. Herm                  Maj          914
Terry J. Herzog, Jr.            Maj          137
Robert C. Hoffman               Maj          1CC
Patrick S. Holcomb              Maj          1XH
Timothy J. Hooten               Maj          1PJ
Benjamin C. Hough               Maj          1T5
Sarah M. Hutchinson             Maj          1C1
Justin Y. Ito                   Maj          044
James M. Jackson                Maj          K18
Stephenson S. John              Maj          J64
Garrett D. Johnson              Maj          1GS
Joshua J. Johnson               Maj          1LB
Robert L. Johnson III           Maj          J38
Margaret A. Jones               Maj          908
Neal T. Jones                   Maj          V24
Patrick J. Jones                Maj          K20
Cory C. Jure                    Maj          1S8
Matthew S. Kendrick             Maj          1GF
Stephen D. Kent                 Maj          442
Brian C. Kimmins                Maj          1ES
Jolanta O. Krempin              Maj          011
Brian J. Kujawski               Maj          092
Karl T. Kurbikoff               Maj          029
Jeremy D. Laux                  Maj          012
Benjamin R. Lenox               Maj          1T3
Ian M. Leonard                  Maj          1GD
Joshua M. Lewis                 Maj          1Y4
Tobin J. Lewis                  Maj          1T3
Adam V. Link                    Maj          K20
Dwayne M. Littlejohn            Maj          1NF
Kristoffer P. Ljunggren         Maj          VMC
Shaun R. Locklear               Maj          J64
Kevin M. Lowe                   Maj          TRH
Gregory Z. Lucas                Maj          QAM
Robert J. Lundgren              Maj          VFG
Stephen M. Magee                Maj          QDC
William A. Mahoney              Maj          V80
Andrew R. Manaois               Maj          V16
Vince S. Margiotta              Maj          V24
Eric E. Marshman                Maj          VMH
Andrew J. Martin                Maj          069
Andrew G. Maxwell               Maj          045
Sean T. McCarragher             Maj          1GA
John D. McDow                   Maj          1RA
Gregory W. McGough              Maj          15A
Kyle J. McHugh                  Maj          J9Z
Jeremy D. McLean                Maj          QAW
Kevin W. McMullen, Jr.          Maj          1RA
Daniel S. McNear                Maj          048
Christopher A. Meadows          Maj          077
Kyle D. Meeder                  Maj          021
David J. Miller                 Maj          S8E
Bradley J. Mohr                 Maj          1RW
Sean E. Moore                   Maj          1F2
Steven L. Morris, Jr.           Maj          086
Luis E. Murillo, Jr.            Maj          V37
Steven G. Norris                Maj          J59
Casey M. ODoherty               Maj          1QE
Benjamin J. ODonnell            Maj          V24
Kwabena O. OkyereBoateng        Maj          TAF
Joseph A. Pacentrilli           Maj          1JT
Josef E. Patterson              Maj          143
Jameson S. Payne                Maj          H99
Jared L. Perry                  Maj          110
Tyvon J. Petway                 Maj          022
Chad J. Pimley                  Maj          1CC
Charles A. Poulton              Maj          V26
Wolf J. Powell                  Maj          15J
James P. Psyhogis               Maj          908
Stephan J. Quirk                Maj          124
Jeffrey D. Randall              Maj          097
Victor H. Resillas              Maj          J64
Eric C. Rew                     Maj          1VD
Jonathon L. Richards            Maj          013
Scott A. Richards               Maj          1SG
Dell L. Robinson                Maj          121
Lars N. Rockholm                Maj          1XJ
David M. Rooks                  Maj          UKT
John S. Rose                    Maj          1MU
Vincent E. Sapeda II            Maj          142
Andrew P. Schroers              Maj          1K4
Leslie J. Seaton                Maj          U33
Benjamin J. Siegel              Maj          114
Richard M. Sierra               Maj          843
Michael J. Skalicky             Maj          19G
Alexander G. Smith              Maj          G71
Geoffrey A. Smith               Maj          1GE
Scott L. Snyder                 Maj          110
Sean M. Stephenson              Maj          1T2
Brian J. Strom                  Maj          800
Daniel M. Tadross               Maj          1GF
Sean R. Taylor                  Maj          070
Link T. Terry                   Maj          036
Michael J. Thomas               Maj          1RX
Keith E. Trojniak               Maj          124
Christopher M. Ulcak            Maj          VH2
Steven A. Valenti               Maj          1RS
Robert K. Wallace               Maj          V27
Craig M. Warner                 Maj          086
Daniel E. Webber                Maj          J15
Julia N. Weber                  Maj          H99
Chad N. Wetherald               Maj          KES
Christopher S. Whitson          Maj          KAP
Dustin L. Wilcox                Maj          B99
Willus B. Withrow               Maj          036
Tina J. Woodruff                Maj          070
Joseph A. Zimmermann            Maj          C59
Benjamin D. Anderson            Capt         097
Robert J. Atkinson              Capt         V31
Yohan Bae                       Capt         J9W
Scott E. Baleskie               Capt         063
Nicholas A. Berger              Capt         070
Tyler W. Blair                  Capt         097
Colin E. Bogdan                 Capt         V32
Sharon C. Bong                  Capt         1NL
William L. Boudreau             Capt         121
Douglas M. Bour                 Capt         1J3
Jared J. Bramble                Capt         J9W
Jarrett K. Brant                Capt         V25
Aaron T. Brantley               Capt         V36
Tyler A. Breslin                Capt         015
Daniel L. Brewer                Capt         V24
Jacob A. Britzman               Capt         1K4
Jason A. Burns                  Capt         1JE
Matthew S. Busick               Capt         1NE
Caitlin M. Chrans               Capt         115
Evan P. Clark                   Capt         034
Jessica J. Connatser            Capt         143
Clayton J. Cottrell             Capt         1HN
Hannah A. Crawford              Capt         1CF
Jeanluc K. Currie               Capt         C29
Austin J. Dahmer                Capt         1RS
Eric J. Davids                  Capt         V28
Kyle Z. Davinsizer              Capt         VMC
Scott G. Davoren                Capt         040
Michael R. Delaisse             Capt         K71
David T. Dolinar                Capt         V25
Jason L. Duke                   Capt         097
Robert B. Echols                Capt         098
Joshua P. Emison                Capt         1U8
Sebastian Q. Ewald              Capt         138
Michael J. Fineis               Capt         J9W
Kevin A. Flaherty               Capt         VLB
Kyle W. Fortney                 Capt         041
Lucas R. Frickey                Capt         1PJ
John A. Garcia                  Capt         J54
Anthony D. Garner               Capt         J9W
Andrew L. Geisler               Capt         122
Shane R. Gentry                 Capt         1J2
Jordan P. Gibson                Capt         097
Daniel L. Gierling              Capt         1V1
David G. Glasheen               Capt         031
Thomas E. Greene                Capt         VMD
Randall J. Gregorius            Capt         K99
Jared R. Griffith               Capt         V35
Sean M. Guthrie                 Capt         1Y1
Jose M. Gutierrez               Capt         040
Justin M. Haan                  Capt         V23
Andrew R. Hayes                 Capt         J9W
Benjamin M. Herbold             Capt         H99
Cory R. Herman                  Capt         069
Keagan T. Hicks                 Capt         UKT
Lawrence D. Hill                Capt         1Y6
William A. Hinkamp              Capt         J9X
Juliann D. Hitt                 Capt         1XC
Brian B. Holloway               Capt         1V1
Christian C. Horr               Capt         J9W
Colin W. Hotard                 Capt         034
Andrew S. Jacobs                Capt         098
Daniel A. Jacquier              Capt         15T
Christopher G. Johnson          Capt         VMB
Bo L. Joost                     Capt         J9W
Simon C. Judd                   Capt         028
Conor J. Kearney                Capt         KAT
David M. Kerby                  Capt         028
Ryan P. Kochert                 Capt         115
Alexander Kovensky              Capt         VLD
Michael J. Krieger              Capt         193
Michael E. Larson               Capt         H99
Hayden A. Lawson                Capt         UKT
Benjamin A. Leichty             Capt         H99
Lucas K. Leonhardt              Capt         J9X
David B. Lorio                  Capt         H99
Christopher B. Lowman           Capt         1EE
Steven R. Lundin II             Capt         V31
Jacob J. Macomber               Capt         15J
Adam C. Magness                 Capt         078
Kirkland D. Malcolm             Capt         V31
Andrew M. Malia                 Capt         H99
Patrick D. Maloney              Capt         VHE
Kimberly D. Martinez            Capt         168
Benjamin J. Matson              Capt         V32
John T. McGlynn                 Capt         1JV
Nicholas R. Moilanen            Capt         V11
Kenneth C. Motsay               Capt         1UV
Benjamin J. Murphy              Capt         VLB
Christopher A. Murphy           Capt         041
Shawn P. Murrane                Capt         034
Trevor J. Nau                   Capt         121
Haley A. Nowak                  Capt         H99
Scott A. OBrien                 Capt         TSR
Ziaire A. OBrien                Capt         016
Joseph C. Orskey                Capt         VR1
William J. Pagliarulo           Capt         VRA
Jonathon P. Paquette            Capt         122
Giovanna M. Parham              Capt         031
Matthew D. Parker               Capt         016
Shreedhar P. Patel              Capt         1F2
Robert S. Patterson             Capt         H99
Andrew C. Piech                 Capt         1GE
David S. Piekut                 Capt         VR1
Matthew Piotrowicz              Capt         VLA
Christopher A. Porter           Capt         121
Tyler A. Pregel                 Capt         040
Austin M. Price                 Capt         1JJ
Joseph B. Price                 Capt         1F2
Ben W. Radford                  Capt         1J2
Patrick A. Reed                 Capt         160
Travis R. Reed                  Capt         098
Thomas C. Rimmer                Capt         097
Christopher J. Rixey            Capt         078
Marisa F. Roberts               Capt         1JE
Evan W. Rose                    Capt         J9W
Edward T. Ross                  Capt         1HK
Garland W. Rowland, Jr.         Capt         034
Jason R. Sampson                Capt         J62
John T. Scannell                Capt         098
Matthew N. Schaidle             Capt         VH2
Christopher W. Schnackenberg    Capt         060
Cyle J. Schultz                 Capt         1RA
Thomas C. Shealy                Capt         016
Daniel J. Slavin                Capt         1CF
Holly M. Starkes                Capt         021
Kyle R. Steenberge              Capt         VLB
Charles D. Strauss              Capt         097
Nathaniel T. Swift              Capt         1JG
Kevin P. Thomas                 Capt         KAD
Andrew W. Thompson              Capt         VM2
Jeremy P. Troedson              Capt         V15
Michael E. Troncoso             Capt         H99
Annamarie P. Truckley           Capt         010
Johnathon P. Turner III         Capt         033
Andrew D. Vanderplas            Capt         121
Joel Vazquez                    Capt         1FV
Jason R. Wandrey                Capt         098
Phillip M. Wears                Capt         VM4
Robert T. Weaver                Capt         1CF
David A. Werner                 Capt         097
Justin D. White                 Capt         1MY
David F. Williams               Capt         J38
William M. Wine                 Capt         H99
Timothy P. Winkler              Capt         VLD
Stokely T. Wischmeier           Capt         021
Wayne R. Worthington, Jr.       Capt         V26
Renee N. Wyman                  Capt         1F3
Eugene J. Yang                  Capt         V28
Benjamin R. Zeiss               Capt         KAT
Paul J. Zimmerman               Capt         V15
4.  Under the provisions of section 5589 of ref (a), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named limited duty officer (LDO) to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2018.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Marshall W. Knight              Maj          129
5.  Under the provisions of section 14308 of ref (a), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named active reserve (AR) officers to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2018.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Aaron J. Smith                  Col          S8F
Stephen A. Brockway             Maj          086
Andrew M. Raymond               Maj          QBC
6.  Under the provisions of section 14308 of ref (a), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotion of the following named reserve officers to the grade indicated.  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2018.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Armando Acosta, Jr.             Col          SLD
Dion A. Anglin                  Col          NAR
Phillip E. Constantin, Jr.      Col          SA5
John D. Cordone                 Col          NBW
Samuel C. Gazzo                 Col          SIJ
Gordon L. Hilbun                Col          SHE
Glen R. Hines, Jr.              Col          QAR
Brent E. Lilly                  Col          S8F
Debra Simpson                   Col          1F1
Daniel A. Bonifant              LtCol        SR2
David T. Chaffin                LtCol        TCJ
Jennifer L. Clark               LtCol        A02
Gregory G. Dono                 LtCol        S6F
Douglas B. French               LtCol        SN3
Ronald T. Garner                LtCol        QAE
Lory A. Gerdes                  LtCol        QAR
Werner F. Gurtner               LtCol        SAP
Benjamen M. Herther             LtCol        SM3
Amy J. James                    LtCol        110
Alonzo J. Jones III             LtCol        1FY
Benjamin T. Leming              LtCol        1RA
Michael C. McVicker             LtCol        QAJ
Samar M. Nashagh                LtCol        S7A
Miguel A. Ortiz, Jr.            LtCol        SAP
Brian M. Perez                  LtCol        SHM
David J. Puetz                  LtCol        1C0
Benjamin C. Rohn                LtCol        014
Richard N. Weeks                LtCol        SR2
David E. Williams               LtCol        QAT
Bradley J. Wimsatt              LtCol        S8E
Nicholas R. Adam                Maj          818
Seth T. Alford                  Maj          S8F
Krysta N. Anthony               Maj          T30
Christopher D. Barber           Maj          NF2
John D. Barnes                  Maj          15A
Jordan B. Bathen                Maj          946
Timothy J. Beck                 Maj          S5Y
Geoffrey M. Bennett, Jr.        Maj          S97
Bryan T. Bittner                Maj          IRR
Lauren E. Bosco                 Maj          QLA
Robert J. Boudreau              Maj          S38
Charles A. Breaux               Maj          S8F
Erik P. Brinker                 Maj          SC2
Adam C. Brown                   Maj          SHE
George C. Brown                 Maj          S38
Christopher J. Canarelli        Maj          T30
Krystal R. Capasso              Maj          IRR
Joseph B. Carelli               Maj          SAN
Thomas A. Carpenter             Maj          SKH
Anthony M. Choros               Maj          IRR
Katie A. Christman              Maj          QBN
Todd M. Collins                 Maj          1EE
Tricia E. Connolly              Maj          IRR
Matthew H. Davidhizar           Maj          S3A
Jacqueline N. Dennis            Maj          063
Michael C. Devin                Maj          IRR
Brian J. Dougherty              Maj          SMT
John H. Douglas                 Maj          S5E
Morgan W. Dudley                Maj          S9N
Susie K. Ealum                  Maj          TB6
Nicklaus C. Eisenbeiser         Maj          IRR
Mark J. Enoch                   Maj          QAP
Louis P. Feaman                 Maj          SMS
Shawn R. Flaherty               Maj          IRR
Marcelo A. Garcia               Maj          SUM
Lorelei M. Gaus                 Maj          IRR
Daniel J. Gibbons               Maj          110
Michael L. Goessman             Maj          S6F
Elan H. Greenberg               Maj          IRR
Ross E. Groen                   Maj          1WY
Spencer Gwartney                Maj          IRR
Gregory A. Hafer                Maj          IRR
Jerrod C. Hammes                Maj          S6E
Daniel E. Harris                Maj          UKT
Jeffrey E. Heil                 Maj          TSR
Thomas C. Hill                  Maj          S38
Charles L. Hostetler            Maj          IRR
David A. Jackson                Maj          IRR
Thomas W. Jenkins               Maj          SQA
Robert F. Jorgensen             Maj          SDH
Karen E. Kappus                 Maj          1RA
Sean F. Kenney                  Maj          SMS
James T. Kerrigan               Maj          IRR
Michael L. Kibbe                Maj          SHE
Andre J. Kim                    Maj          110
Thomas J. Koch                  Maj          QLA
Matthew J. Lafon                Maj          SHE
George M. Lamb                  Maj          IRR
David J. Lee                    Maj          1FZ
Christopher R. Legere           Maj          S5B
Brian M. Leima                  Maj          121
Chad H. Lennon                  Maj          SGH
Gavin B. Lippman                Maj          IRR
Andrew Y. Liu                   Maj          QAW
Rong Liu                        Maj          SLD
Shawn E. Lovell                 Maj          SAN
Marissa E. Loya                 Maj          IRR
Lance B. Marshall               Maj          S13
Marvin D. Mathelier             Maj          IRR
Sean M. McCullough              Maj          SAN
Yonic O. Medina                 Maj          992
Alexander A. Meyers             Maj          SAN
Paul H. Michalak, Jr.           Maj          SLF
Trevor A. Miller                Maj          IRR
Jordan T. Millikan              Maj          S4H
John T. Morgan                  Maj          IRR
Evita M. Mosqueda               Maj          233
Andrew P. Musto                 Maj          SL5
Joseph T. Neely                 Maj          SAP
Jeffrey D. Newman               Maj          IRR
Nicholas J. Noble               Maj          IRR
Luke A. Oberjuerge              Maj          S54
Trenton W. Pelletier            Maj          IRR
Martin L. Perteet II            Maj          SWW
Mark C. Pfizenmayer             Maj          IRR
Jeremy J. Pilachowski           Maj          110
Christina M. Quinn              Maj          IRR
Margie J. Rodgers               Maj          S8F
Christopher W. Rodriguez        Maj          110
Cameron D. Rood                 Maj          S3B
Kevin R. Sanchez                Maj          SA5
April C. Schaffer               Maj          1C0
Michael D. Schroeder            Maj          C08
Kevin A. Shipton                Maj          SCP
Angela E. Shirley               Maj          1EE
Brett G. Skoog                  Maj          SAN
Shalin R. Sood                  Maj          QAR
Christopher M. Stoddard         Maj          023
Timothy J. Swanson              Maj          IRR
Joseph P. Swearingen            Maj          SR2
Joshua D. Szimonisz             Maj          1F5
Joseph R. Thiel                 Maj          SJH
Kristin M. Tortorici            Maj          094
John J. Urban                   Maj          SLR
Michael T. Ursetti              Maj          IRR
Angelica Valdez                 Maj          QAT
Benjamin M. VanHorrick          Maj          080
Luke A. Walter                  Maj          IRR
William F. Weiss III            Maj          SLD
Thomas C. Willard               Maj          SDV
Kevin L. Wilson                 Maj          S8U
Scott S. Yamamoto               Maj          SJF
Matthew T. Zajac                Maj          IRR
Mark C. Anderson                Capt         S5E
Samuel M. Brenner               Capt         IRR
Kelly F. Carlson II             Capt         IRR
Caleb W. Davenport              Capt         IRR
Brian C. Davis                  Capt         IRR
Nathaniel D. Davis              Capt         IRR
Russell M. Davis                Capt         IRR
Matthew T. Dickinson            Capt         IRR
Marc A. Fantigrossi             Capt         IRR
Richard A. Gibson               Capt         SK8
Alexander N. Golenko            Capt         IRR
Andres A. Gonzalez              Capt         SCQ
Travis J. Goodwin               Capt         IRR
Joseph P. Guerrero              Capt         IRR
Kyle J. Hardester               Capt         S6G
Adam J. Hedio                   Capt         IRR
Christopher M. Heishman         Capt         TP6
Michael C. Jones                Capt         IRR
Jermie S. Joseph                Capt         S8F
James C. Leaghty                Capt         SCP
Sarah M. Lee                    Capt         IRR
Eric J. Liberatore              Capt         SD6
Shane H. Long                   Capt         IRR
Samuel S. Olson                 Capt         IRR
John M. Pacocha                 Capt         SKD
Michael L. Papamihail           Capt         S5J
Andrew J. Powell                Capt         IRR
Shaun P. Ruark                  Capt         IRR
Christopher B. Ryan             Capt         IRR
Michael D. Saas                 Capt         IRR
Andrew C. Schafer               Capt         IRR
Charles S. Sloan                Capt         S3G
Jane E. Stokien                 Capt         IRR
Edward A. Surowiec, Jr.         Capt         S8T
Donald E. Switalski III         Capt         SHE
Anthony C. Taylor               Capt         1F6
Andres A. Thompson              Capt         IRR
Brian J. Tompkins               Capt         SJH
Armando L. Torres               Capt         IRR
James B. Touhey, Jr.            Capt         IRR
Thomas R. Veazey                Capt         IRR
Robert A. Voss                  Capt         IRR
Carter S. Wilson                Capt         IRR
Matthew T. Yang                 Capt         IRR
Raymond G. Zaagman              Capt         IRR
Ryan M. Zimmerman               Capt         IRR
7.  Under the provisions of section 578 of refs (a) and (c), the Secretary of the Navy, acting for the President of the United States, hereby authorizes the promotions of the following named regular officers as indicated, to the permanent grade of Chief Warrant Officer Five (CWO5) through Chief Warrant Officer Three (CWO3).  Rank, pay, and allowances are effective from 1 October 2018.
Name                            Grade        MCC
Brian R. Barksdale              CWO5         ME7
Michael A. Pickartz             CWO5         013
Wesley M. Guarino               CWO4         1JT
Christopher I. Kamm             CWO4         070
Joseph J. Mendscole III         CWO4         115
Eric R. Peters                  CWO4         QAQ
Kevin P. Quigley                CWO4         T03
Jimmy S. Chon                   CWO3         1SG
James C. Garrison               CWO3         TP6
Joseph L. Lester                CWO3         1L7
Jason A. Rothgeb                CWO3         1ER
Arthur C. Viana                 CWO3         1QH
8.  Delay of Promotion.  Per refs (b) and (h), if the respective commanding officer determines that an officer is not mentally, physically, morally, or professionally qualified for promotion, the promotion shall not be effected.  This includes the physical examination requirement for reserve officers per section 10206 ref (a).  The  officer shall be given written notice of the grounds for delay before the effective date of the appointment, unless it is impracticable to do so, in which case the notice shall be given as soon as practicable.  CMC (MMPR-1) must also be notified prior to the effective date of the appointment so that the promotion will not be effected in Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) and administrative action can be initiated.  Refs (a), (b), (c), and (e) contain guidelines for the timely submission of supporting documentation.
9.  Retirement and Transfer.  Officers considering voluntary retirement should review ref (d) for service obligation prior to acceptance of promotion.  An officers selection for promotion carries over into the reserve, between AR and SMCR-IRR, and with augmentation into the regular component.
10.  Accepting and Declining Promotion.  Any regular or reserve officer who is promoted under the refs is considered to have accepted such promotion on the effective date contained in paragraphs 3 through 7 (for purposes of date of rank, pay, and allowances in the grade to which promoted).  To decline a promotion, an officer is required to submit a letter of declination to CMC (MMPR-1) expressly at the time their command notifies them of their promotion and directs that they begin wearing the insignia of the next higher grade.  Any statement or action by the officer which signals their acceptance of the promotion, forever waives their right to decline.
11.  The following FY18 promotions are projected for November 2018 and are subject to change.  Promotions from the remaining FY18 boards will be promulgated based on vacancy determination.
            Senior Officer        Sel    Junior Officer        Sel
Capt        list cleared                 list cleared         
CWO5        none                  none   none                  none
CWO4        none                  none   none                  none
MOS: 5702   J. A. Jones           12     J. A. Jones           12
12.  The following FY19 promotions are projected for November 2018 and are subject to change.  Promotions from the remaining FY19 boards will be promulgated based on vacancy determination and senate confirmation.
            Senior Officer        Sel    Junior Officer        Sel
Col         T. M. Manyx           66     W. J. Butler, Jr.     74
MOS: 3404   none                  none   none                  none
Col (AR)    A. J. Lockett         3      S. W. Maita           4
Col (R)     J. M. Dolan           21     N. C. Henderson       24
LtCol       R. L. Nickel, Jr.     248    K. E. Wagner          287
LtCol (AR)  none                  none   none                  none
LtCol (R)   A. L. Klein           22     J. E. Gallagher       28
Maj         B. J. Hayes           717    R. K. Livengood       737
MOS: 3404   none                  none   none                  none
Maj (LDO)
MOS: 0430   B. S. Gilmer          4      R. P. Charest         5
Maj (AR)    A. T. Coultes         6      D. S. Toulotte        7
Maj (R)     B. E. Tully           255    M. D. Baker           302
Capt        A. D. Patrick         110    C. T. Watkins         234
Capt (3404) A. D. McCarthy        11     A. D. McCarthy        11
Capt (R)    J. E. Ernisse         46.3   Q. S. Fahmawi         49
MOS: 6004   none                  none   none                  none
MOS: 6004   none                  none   none                  none
13.  For Marine officer promotion matters call Comm (703) 784-9706 or DSN 278-9706.  Email inquiries may be submitted via the Promotion Branchs internet web page at  Email address is
14.  Per ref (i), material can be mailed to Marine Corps History Division (HDR), 3078 Upshur Avenue, Quantico, Virginia, 22134.  POC is Ms. Annette Amerman at Comm (703) 432-4875 or DSN 378-4875.  Email address is
15.  Release authorized by MajGen Craig C. Crenshaw, Director, Manpower Management Division.//