Date Signed: 12/19/2018 | MARADMINS Number: 713/18
MARADMINS : 713/18
R 182256Z DEC 18
REF/A/MCO P1553.4B/CMC/25JAN08//
REF/C/MCO 1553.2C/DC CDI/08SEP16//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Purpose:  To provide commands Marine Corps University (MCU), Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS), and Command and Staff College (CSC) Blended Seminar Program (BSP) seat quotas.  This Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) directed Professional Military Education (PME) program provides officers an opportunity to receive a hybrid resident PME experience via a BSP.  The BSP is a combination of resident and non-resident online education at or near home station.  The College of Distance Education and Training (CDET) EWS and CSC BSPs are located at the following MCU regional campuses: Camp Pendleton, California (CPCA), Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (CLNC), Quantico, Virginia (QUAN), and EWS BSP only in Camp Butler, Okinawa, Japan (OKIN), and Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH) Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii.  These programs enable students to gain a greater depth of educational experience, while minimizing family turbulence by allowing them to remain on station and with their commands.
2.  The program provides the opportunity for officers to complete Career Level School (CLS) or Intermediate Level School (ILS) within one academic year, earning graduates of both programs PME credit and also Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) phase I credit for ILS.  The following are program details for Fiscal Year 2019-2020.
2.a.  EWS BSP is designed for delivery in 3 stages:  Stage 1 is a 29-day resident period, stage 2 is a 12-week online period, and stage 3 is a 6-week resident period.  CSC BSP is also designed for delivery in 3 stages:  Stage 1 is a 4-week resident period, stage 2 is a 28-week online period, and stage 3 is a 6-week resident period.
2.b.  Each resident period will be considered local travel or Training and Education Command (TECOM) funded temporary additional duty (TAD), depending on home station location, while the online period will be accomplished during the officers off-duty time at home station.
3.  Student eligibility.
3.a.  The BSP is a total force program.
3.b.  Commanders should ensure that students selected to attend the BSP are available for both resident periods.  Even though there are no current service obligations upon completion of the BSP, commands are requested to ensure students who are retirement eligible remain in service a minimum of 24 months after graduation.  Students must also have computer and internet access to participate in the BSP.
3.c.  EWS BSP:  captains, limited duty officer (LDO) captains, captain selects, and chief warrant officer (CWO) 3s (see notes after seat quotas below).
3.d.  CSC BSP:  majors, LDO majors, major selects, and CWO4s (see notes after seat quotas below).  Captains who are CLS complete and have 3 years time-in-grade at the time of reporting will be considered as alternates and placed on a wait list for available seats.
3.e.  Eligible students are encouraged to volunteer to attend the BSP.  Anyone desiring to volunteer should contact their command and the closest CDET regional director listed in this Marine Administrative Message.  Volunteers will be coordinated with the commands listed in paragraph (4) below to fill seat quotas.
3.f.  Marine Corps Staff Noncommissioned Officers (SNCOs) may also request seats in the EWS BSP on a space available basis.  Contact the POC at your closest location for waiver application information.  Those in the following grades may participate in the EWS BSP: E7-E9.
4.  Marine Corps Commands listed below are provided the following class seats with recommended Military Occupational Specialty distribution based on CMC targets by MOS category, Ground Combat (GC), Combat Support (CS), and Aviation (AV).  Examples:  1302=GC, 0602=CS, and 6002=AV.  Substitution of MOSs in order to fill the aggregate class quota is authorized.
4.a.  EWS BSP class dates (read in three columns):
Class Number/location   Report 1st        Report 2nd
                        res period        res period
001-002/CLNC            7 Jul 19(001)     27 Oct 19(002)
003-004/CPCA            7 Jul 19(003)     27 Oct 19(004)
011-012/OKIN            7 Jul 19(011)     27 Oct 19(012)
005-006/QUAN            3 Oct 19(005)     22 Mar 20(006)
007-008/CLNC            5 Jan 20(007)     26 Apr 20(008)
009-010/CPCA            5 Jan 20(009)     26 Apr 20(010)
013-014/OKIN            5 Jan 20(013)     26 Apr 20(014)
015-016/MCBH            5 Jan 20(015)     26 Apr 20(016)
4.b.  Course Identification (CID) (read in three columns):
Location  1st res   2nd res
CLNC      M0329XI   M0329QI
CPCA      M1029XG   M1029QG
QUAN      M0229XG   M0229QG
OKIN      M2229X8   M2229Q8
MCBH      M2129X7   M2129Q7
4.c.  EWS BSP seat quotas are listed below (read in four columns).  TAD allowances are the maximum number of funded TAD seats authorized.  All other participants are considered local.
Command         Class(MCTIMS) Seats/MOS CAT           TAD Allowance
MCCDC/Marine Corps National Capital Region Command (MCNCRC)
                005-006/QUAN  1/GC                     0
Marine Corps Forces Cyber (MARFORCYBER)/MCNCRC
                005-006/QUAN  1/any MOS                1
TECOM/Training Command (TCOM)/MCNCRC
                005-006/QUAN  1/GC:1/AV                1
TECOM/TCOM      001-002/CLNC  4/GC:4/CS note3          4
                003-004/CPCA  2/GC:2/CS note1          2
                007-008/CLNC  4/GC:4/CS note3          4
                009-010/CPCA  2/GC:2/CS note1          2
Marine Corps Systems Command (MARCORSYSCOM)
                005-006/QUAN  1/any MOS                0
Marine Corps Forces Command (MARFORCOM)     
                001-002/CLNC  11/GC:11/CS:11/AV note4  10
                007-008/CLNC  11/GC:11/CS:11/AV note4  10
Marine Corps Installations Command (MCICOM)
                001-002/CLNC  3/CS note1               2
                003-004/CPCA  2/CS note1               1
                007-008/CLNC  3/CS note1               2
                009-010/CPCA  2/CS note1               2
                011-012/OKIN  3/CS note1               2
                013-014/OKIN  3/CS note1               2 
MCICOM/MCNCRC   005-006/QUAN  1/GC:2/CS:2/AV note2     2
Marine Corps Forces Pacific Command (MARFORPAC)     
                003-004/CPCA  9/GC:9/CS:9/AV note3     9
                009-010/CPCA  9/GC:9/CS:9/AV note3     9
                011-012/OKIN  7/GC:7/CS:7/AV note2     4
                013-014/OKIN  7/GC:7/CS:7/AV note2     4
                015-016/MCBH  4/GC:4/CS:4/AV note2     1
Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARFORSOC)
                001-002/CLNC  2/GC:1/CS                2
                003-004/CPCA  1/GC                     0
                007-008/CLNC  2/GC:1/CS                2
                009-010/CPCA  1/GC                     0
Marine Corps Forces Reserve Command (MARFORRES)
                001-002/CLNC  1/CS note5
                003-004/CPCA  1/GC:1/CS note5
                005-006/QUAN  2/AV note5
                007-008/CLNC  1/CS note5
                009-010/CPCA  1/CS:1/AV note5
Note1:  One (1)-CWO3 authorized.
Note2:  Two (2)-CWO3s authorized.
Note3:  Three (3)-CWO3s authorized.
Note4:  Four (4)-CWO3s authorized.
Note5:  Reserve BSP board selected/MARFORRES funded.
4.d.  There are no CSC BSP classes in Okinawa or MCBH.  Majors/CWO4s in Okinawa or MCBH are eligible to attend any of the CSC BSP classes at CPCA listed below.  Dates below also apply to International Military Officers (IMOs).  CSC BSP class dates (read in three columns):
Class Number/location   Report 1st        Report 2nd
                        res period        res period
001-002/QUAN            9 Jun 19(001)     26 Apr 20(002)
003-004/CLNC  dc 28 Jul 19(003)    12 Apr 20(004)
005-006/CPCA            31 Jul 19(005)    12 Apr 20(006)
007-008/CLNC            26 Jan 20(007)    20 Sep 20(008)
007-008/IMOs            21 Jan 20(007)    20 Sep 20(008)
009-010/CPCA            28 Jan 20(009)    20 Sep 20(010)
4.e.  CIDs (read in three columns):
Location  1st res   2nd res
QUAN      M02SA1G   M02RZZG
CLNC      M03SA1I   M03RZZI
CPCA      M10SA1G   M10RZZG
4.f.  CSC BSP seat quotas are listed below (read in four columns).  TAD allowances are the maximum number of funded TAD seats authorized.  All other participants are considered local.
Command         Class(MCTIMS) Seats/MOS Cat           TAD Allowance
MCCDC/MCNCRC    001-002/QUAN  1/CS                     0
                001-002/QUAN  1/GC:1/AV                1
TECOM/TCOM      003-004/CLNC  1/GC:1/CS                1
                005-006/CPCA  1/GC:1/CS                1
                007-008/CLNC  1/GC:1/CS                1
                009-010/CPCA  1/GC:1/CS                1
                001-002/QUAN  1/any MOS                0
MARFORCOM       003-004/CLNC  1/GC:3/CS:2/AV note6     2
                007-008/CLNC  2/GC:3/CS:2/AV note7     3
MCICOM/MCNCRC   001-002/QUAN  2/GC:2/CS:2/AV note7     2
MCICOM          003-004/CLNC  1/CS                     1
                005-006/CPCA  1/CS                     1
                007-008/CLNC  1/CS                     1
                009-010/CPCA  1/CS                     1
MARFORPAC       005-006/CPCA  2/GC:3/CS:3/AV note7     2
                009-010/CPCA  2/GC:2/CS:3/AV note7     2
MARFORSOC       003-004/CLNC  1/GC                     1
                007-008/CLNC  1/GC                     1
MARFORRES       001-002/QUAN  1/GC:1/CS note8
                003-004/CLNC  1/GC:1/CS note8
                005-006/CPCA  1/AV note8
                007-008/CLNC  1/AV note8
                009-010/CPCA  1/GC: 1/CS note8
Note6:  One (1)-CWO4 authorized.
Note7:  Two (2)-CWO4s authorized.
Note8:  Reserve BSP board selected/MARFORRES funded.
4.g.  Although MARFORRES quotas reflect reservists only, regular officers assigned to MARFORRES are encouraged to contact MARFORRES G3/5 training and a CDET regional director for seats.  Similarly, commands with no quotas allocated should contact the CDET regional director nearest the command to inquire about BSP seats.  All officers assigned to commands that do not have Marine Corps Training Information Management System (MCTIMS) student registrar requirement sponsors or training quota control managers will be registered by CDET/MCU.  Those officers assigned to the National Capital Region will be registered by MCICOM/MCNCRC.  MCICOM POC is Mr. Ken Conover at phone (571) 256-4089 or email
4.h.  Commands are encouraged to include international officers for participation in the BSP.  Those on the United States Marine Corps Personnel Exchange Program (PEP), liaison officers, or countries working with the Marine Expeditionary Forces (MEFs) are all welcome to participate.  Countries are required to pay tuition except for USMC PEPs.  POCs in paragraphs (5.a) and (6) of this message will assist in these efforts by coordinating with Marine Corps Security Cooperation Group (MCSCG) Ft Story, Virginia.  TECOM will not fund TAD for international officers.
5.  Coordinating Instructions.
5.a.  Commands are required to register names in MCTIMS and to inform MCU/CDET POC no later than 30 days before all EWS BSP and CSC BSP classes.  Uniform requirements:  contact the appropriate regional POC for local uniform requirements.  Any student requiring billeting will need to contact the appropriate regional POC for assistance.  Participating students should report ready to begin classes at 0800 on the day following the report date.  Reporting locations are as follows:
5.a.1.  CPCA:  second deck of Building 23195 aboard Marine Corps Air Station with Mr. Jeff Willis.
5.a.2.  CLNC:  second deck Bldg 407, L Street with Mr. Marc Riccio.
5.a.3.  OKIN:  Bldg 5674 Camp Foster with Mr. Chet Jolley.
5.a.4.  MCBH:  second deck of Bldg 224 aboard MCBH with Mr. Cos Spofford.
5.a.5.  QUAN-EWS:  second deck Bldg 2077 with Mr. Stuart Weinstein.
5.a.6.  QUAN-CSC:  third deck of the Warner Center with Lieutenant Colonel B. Taylor.
5.b.  Registration responsibility and travel.  Commands training quota control managers will register participants into MCTIMS using the formal school procedure outlined in reference c and in accordance with paragraph (4.g.) above.  Those same managers filling TAD allowances must each request funding authorization for their active duty participants from TECOM G-8 through MCTIMS in accordance with reference d.  Commanding General (CG), TECOM will fund travel and per diem to include lodging, meals, and incidental expenses for regular component Marine participants registered in MCTIMS.  Students attending the Okinawa EWS BSP on funded TAD orders must arrive for both periods with reporting orders that state “Government quarters directed if available.  Messing is available.”  Those attending funded TAD to any other BSP location must arrive with reporting orders that state “Government quarters directed if available.  Messing is not available.”  All others should arrive for both periods with permissive TAD orders approved by the parent command.  Reserve officers will receive funding for travel and per diem from MARFORRES.  Commands are not authorized to exceed TAD allowances listed in paragraphs (4.c.) and (4.f.) above.  Local travel will not be funded.  Students will participate in at least one overnight battlefield staff ride/offsite and MCU will provide an endorsement for dual lodging for those sent TAD.  Local students will be funded for that event by MCU.
5.c.  Local commanders will be required to endorse letters of support for their participating Marines.  Format for these letters can be provided by the closest CDET regional director listed in paragraph (6) below.  Similarly, local commanders will also be required to provide justification to CG, EDCOM/President MCU for any of their Marines who drop from the program.
5.d.  The first resident period for the EWS BSP is less than 30 days.  Officers will not require TD fitness reports (FitRep) prior to attendance.  The second resident period of six weeks will require TD FitReps from commands prior to attendance.  MCU will run FD reports upon completion of the program.
5.e.  Both resident periods for the CSC BSP run over 30 days and will require TD FitReps from commands prior to attendance.  MCU will run FD reports upon completion of each period.
5.f.  USMC officers enrolled in MCTIMS for the BSP, and BSP graduates, may volunteer to be considered by the Commandants Career Level Education Board (CCLEB) and the Commandants Professional Intermediate-Level Board (CPIB) for the purposes of assignment to graduate-level education and select special programs only.  These officers will not be eligible for resident career level PME or resident intermediate level PME.  USMC officer BSP students and graduates who volunteer to be considered by the CCLEB and CPIB must notify their primary monitor of this intention no later than 30 days before the CCLEB/CPIB board convenes.  CG, EDCOM will ensure all current students enrolled in MCTIMS for the BSP are identified to Manpower Management Officer Assignments (MMOA) no later than 30 days before the CCLEB/CPIB board convenes.  USMC officer CSC BSP graduates and students enrolled in the CSCBSP are eligible for selection to second year intermediate level PME schools which include the Marine Corps School of Advanced Warfighting, the Army School of Advanced Military Studies, the Navy Maritime Advanced Warfighting School, and the Air Force School of Advanced Airpower Studies.
5.g.  Students are required to possess a computer and are highly encouraged to bring laptops, tablet devices, or e-readers to download student materials for ease of use and studying while attending the BSP.  All required student courseware can be downloaded from the MCU Moodle site.  Students will be provided a Moodle account once registered in MCTIMS.  No printed materials will be provided.
6.  Command and Signal.
6.a. CDET POC for QUAN EWS BSP is Mr. Stuart Weinstein phone (703) 784-5448 or email
6.b. CDET POC for QUAN CSC BSP is Lieutenant Colonel Brian Taylor phone (703) 432-5691 or email
6.c. CDET POC for CPCA is Mr. Jeff Willis phone (760) 763-8422 or email
6.d. CDET POC for CLNC is Mr. Marc Riccio phone (910) 451-0282 or email
6.e. CDET POC for OKIN is Mr. Chet Jolley phone DSN 645-2500, comm 81-98-970-2500 or email
6.f. CDET POC for MCBH is Mr. Cos Spofford phone (808) 257-1956 or email
7.  Release authorized by Major General William F. Mullen III, Commanding General, Training and Education Command.//