Date Signed: 3/1/2019 | MARADMINS Number: 125/19
MARADMINS : 125/19

R 282145Z FEB 19
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  The purpose of this MARADMIN is to provide an update of awards since the last update, MARADMIN 582/18.
2.  The following unit awards are authorized and will be incorporated in Ref (a).
2.a.  Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA)
2.a.1.  Hq, Joint Special Operations Air Component-Central 01Nov13-31Jan18
2.a.2.  Hq, United States European Command           13Sep14-12Sep17
2.a.3.  Hq, United States Pacific Command            27May15-31Dec17
Additional subordinate units eligible: Center for Excellence and Disaster Relief Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
Joint Intelligence Operations Center
Joint Interagency Task Force West
Hq, U.S. Forces Japan
Hq, Joint Task Force-505
Hq, Special Operations Command Pacific Security Cooperation Organizations
2.a.4.  Inter-America Defense College                01Oct15-30Sep18
2.a.5.  Hq, Joint Interagency Task Force South       01Oct15-31Dec17
2.a.6.  Hq, United States Southern Command           01Nov15-31Oct18
2.a.7.  Hq, Military Information Support Task
Force-Central                                        01Oct16-30Sep17
2.a.8.  Hq, Joint Task Force-Bravo                   08Jul16-08Jul18
2.a.9.  Hq, United States Central Command            01Aug16-31Jul18
2.a.10.  Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq         01Jan17-31Dec17
2.a.11.  Hq, Combined Joint Special Operations Air
Component-Afghanistan                                03May17-02May18
2.a.12.  Hq, Special Operations Joint Task
Force-Afghanistan                                    04Jun17-03Jun18
2.a.13.  Hq, Combined Joint Forces Land Component
Command-Operation Inherent Resolve                   13Jul17-23Mar18
2.a.14.  Hq, Combined Joint Task Force-Operation
Inherent Resolve                                     06Sep17-17Sep18
2.a.15.  Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq         01Jan18-31Dec18
Note:  Per Ref (b), service units and individuals assigned to service units in support of these joint organizations are not eligible for the JMUAs listed above (2.a.1 - 2.a.15).  Only those members of the Armed Forces of the United States who were present at the time and directly participated in the service or achievement for 30 days or more or for the period cited if less than 30 days, are authorized to wear the JMUA ribbon.  Personnel must be assigned and/or attached by official orders to the joint unit or task force headquarters receiving the JMUA.  Local commanders may waive, on an individual basis, the 30-day minimum time requirement for individuals (reserve personnel on active duty and TDY and/or TAD personnel) who, in the purview of the commander, contributed directly to the achievement cited, and were assigned on official orders to the awarded unit during the approved time frames.
2.b.  Army Meritorious Unit Commendation            10Jan2005-1Sep18 Personnel approved for participation:
GySgt Barcelona, Nicholas S.         MSgt Lapine, Craig D.
Maj Basso Katheryn B.                SSgt Leibach, Justin
CWO3 Beckwith, Terry L.              LtCol Martinez, David M.
MSgt Benvie, Adam J.                 SSgt Michalski, Daniel
GySgt Britten, Benjamin A.           Maj Murello, Steven P.
GySgt Brown, Christopher M.          Maj Nunn, Joshua N.
GySgt Buckminster, Christopher       GySgt Paff, Kirk
Capt Capuano, Leslie A.              SSgt Passmore, Christopher D.
GySgt Cullen, Ryan                   MGySgt Sarten, Steven
Maj De Sa Pereira, Varpas S.         LtCol Sasse, Matthew
Maj Defrancis, William R.            LtCol Sauer, Andrew J.
MSgt Dubuc, Pierre H.                MSgt Scofield, Benjamin
GySgt Duvall, Matthew G.             MSgt Trial Clinton D.
SSgt Hill Scott A.                   MGySgt Weirsky, Joseph M.
2.c.  Air Force Meritorious Unit Award (AFMUA)
2.c.1.  Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 2 01Mar18-31May18 Personnel approved for participation:
SSgt Acevedo, Jeanette M.            LCpl Lavigne, Scott R.
Cpl Acorroni, Alex L.                LCpl Ledesma, Ricky
LCpl Ambrose, Beau A.                Sgt Logan, Rhonda D.
SSgt Anderson, Kristine M.           Cpl Lopezmedina, Wilfredo M.
LCpl Anderson, Steven R.             LCpl Lynch, Sean M.
Cpl Andrews, Steven I.               Capt Macdonald, Andrew M.
LCpl Ansari, Humza A.                Capt Madrid, Patrick A.
Cpl Ardelean, Michael T.             Sgt Mann, Michael D.
LCpl Arroyo, Luis J.                 Cpl Martinezcarrillo, Janny
Sgt Baggeti, Donovon J.              Cpl Matos, Ciara C.
LCpl Baird, Zachary A.               LCpl Mayer, Benjamin R.
LCpl Balcomb, Tyler S.               Sgt Mcclintock, Clayton J.
Cpl Ballard, David J.                Sgt Mccloud, John R.
Cpl Barnes, Derrick B.               Cpl Mcdonald, Andrew T.
SSgt Baumgarten, James L.            LCpl Mclean, Justin A.
LCpl Beltran, Alexies J.             LCpl Mejia, Steven S.
LCpl Beltran, Antonio                LCpl Mesenbrink, Benjamin J.
LCpl Bertelli, Dean A.               Sgt Miera III, Albert A.
Capt Blake, Jordan O.                Capt Mikolajczyk, Ryan P.
Cpl Bobbitt, Ryan T.                 LCpl Miller, Andrew H.
Cpl Boelter, Candis M.               Sgt Mitchell, Cheryl A.
LCpl Bottorff, Dylan M.              LCpl Montanez, Matthew R.
Capt Bottorff, Evan P.               Cpl Morgan Jr, Jon C.
SSgt Brathwaite, Anton J.            Cpl Mouton, Dennis K.
LCpl Brown, Marcus D.                GySgt Naylor, Brian T.
Cpl Brown, Phillip T.                Sgt Neale, Nathaniel J.
SSgt Buhl, Jason R.                  Cpl Negrongarcia, Jesse D.
Cpl Bunnell, Andrew C.               LCpl Niesen, Phillip S.
LCpl Camacho, Stephen B.             LCpl Nofield, Malik C.
Sgt Canas, Jennifer K.               LCpl Ohlsson, Logan A.
LCpl Carnacchi Jr, Timothy R.        Cpl Omondojean, Fenel
Sgt Carrillorodriguez, Maria G.      Sgt Onnen, Eric P.
LCpl Cartwright, Steven L.           LCpl Ortiz, Alejandro
Cpl Castro, Juan C.                  LCpl Ortiz, Donovan E.
PO3 Cericola, John P.                Cpl Orwig, Ryan P.
LCpl Chacon, Blas A.                 Cpl Osborne, Connor C.
Sgt Chavarria, Pavel                 Cpl Osborne, John L.
1stLt Chavez, Michelle               Sgt Palmer, Erik K.
Sgt Chavis Jr, Tommy L.              Cpl Parton, Nathan C.
LCpl Clevenger, Joseph D.            LCpl Pena, Alexander
LCpl Clunis, Dillon                  LCpl Penacarrero, Alexis O.
LCpl Cohen, Samuel R.                SSgt Perry Jr, Steven C.
PO1 Cooper, Lydarius N.              Cpl Peterson, Joseph C.
LCpl Covington, Richard D.           Cpl Phrakousonh, Jackson
Capt Cunningham, Derek A.            Sgt Prince, David E.
LCpl Dejesusgonzalez, Angel J.       Cpl Quintero III, Francisco
Cpl Delrio, Miguel F.                Cpl Quispe, Jaycee L.
LCPl Diazgarcia, Charlie             Sgt Rak, Jonathan E.
Cpl Dominguez, Nicholas R.           GySgt Randall, Kevin M.
LCpl Dunn, Aaron J.                  Sgt Rangel, Bryan
Cpl Duran, Adam J.                   Sgt Rankin, Alexander S.
Cpl Easto, Samantha D.               Capt Ratcliffe, Ryan C.
Sgt Edleston, Ian M.                 Cpl Resendiz, Ovaldo
LCpl Engels, Nathan D.               Capt Richey, David T.
Sgt Engle, Tyler S.                  Sgt Riddell, Jake R.
Maj Erdel, William B.                Maj Riordon, Judson P.
Cpl Ervin, Joshua A.                 Sgt Riveraortiz, Emanuel J.
Cpl Escalante, David                 LCpl Robinson, Dakota J.
LCpl Evans, Jeremy C.                LCpl Robinson, Todd A.
LCpl Faile, Ramon A.                 Cpl Rodriguezfigueroa, Erick
LCpl Falter, Ryan D.                 Cpl Roesner, Richard L.
LtCol Fenwick, Mark R.               Sgt Rogers Jr, Trevor K.
Sgt Fernandez, Natalie R.            LCpl Rosales, Edgar D.
LtCol Flores, Julian X.              Maj Rose, Nicholas C.
Cpl Foxfarrell, Jared M.             LCpl Roshan, Michael N.
SSgt Franzi, Brian J.                Cpl Rudy, Austin L.
Cpl Gallaher, Kevin A.               LtCol Rundle, Andrew A.
Cpl Gaus, Nathan N.                  LCpl Rustan, Ethan E.
Cpl Gazzaway, William J.             Capt Ryland, Robert H.
LCpl Gebert, Jude F.                 Cpl Samuels, Kristian A.
Sgt Gemmel, Zachary D.               GySgt Sanchezvalentin, Joel
PO2 Geske, Tyler D.                  LCpl Santovenia, Josue D.
LCpl Gibson, Jonathan L.             Cpl Satchwill, James R.
Sgt Gonzalez, Michael A.             LCpl Scheerer, Matthew F.
Sgt Goodin, James M.                 LCpl Schetrompf, Austin L.
SSgt Goodson, Albert J.              Capt Schwier, Michael D.
Cpl Gordon, Shelby A.                Sgt Shea, Ryan J.
LCpl Granja, Gaynell B.              LCpl Sherbert, Luke D.
Cpl Gunkler, James C.                GySgt Silverton, Kerry A.
Sgt Gust, Anthony R.                 LCpl Smith, Anthony J.
Maj Haas, Joseph P.                  MSgt Smith, Kyle W.
LCpl Halliwell, Benjamin D.          SSgt Smith, Mcduffie A.
CWO2 Hamilton, Daniel R.             Cpl Solenberger, Benjamin G.
LCpl Hargis, Zachary P.              Cpl Sotohernandez, Gabriel W.
LCpl Hargrove Jr, Ladarris L.        Capt Staggs, Aaron T.
LCpl Harper, Simon A.                Capt Steinmetz, Jeffrey A.
Capt Harritt, Thomas H.              Sgt Stephens, Daniel E.
Cpl Hashemy, Afsheen P.              Cpl Stephey, Charles M.
Cpl Hayes, Holly L.                  Cpl Stillwell, Adrian L.
Cpl Henline, Cedric T.               Sgt Stringer, Earl D.
LCpl Hernandez, Luis A.              LCpl Stringer, Joshua W.
Cpl Hernandezmartinez, Chris         SgtMaj Studer, John S.
LCpl Herron, Carson A.               Sgt Swain, Brandon M.
CWO2 Hiester, Scott E.               Cpl Swiler, Christian I.
LCpl Hodges, Brenden Z.              GySgt Tenorio, Jaime
LCpl Houdersheldt, Christophe G.     LCpl Thomas, Damon B.
LCpl Houser, Christopher W.          LT Thompson, Chad A.
Cpl Howard, Jacob R.                 SSgt Tinker, Tammula R.
Cpl Hunsinger, Justin D.             LCpl Torres Jr, George A.
LCpl Jackson, Ian M.                 LCpl Torres, Luis F.
LCpl Jackson, Jacob R.               Capt Tryon, Thomas C.
SSgt Jackson, Jeffrey M.             SSgt Tuggle, Paul D.
Cpl Jageman, Casey L.                LCpl Turner, Brian E.
SSgt Johnson, Joshua M.              LCpl Unruh, Justin K.
Maj Johnson, Robert A.               SSgt Urena, Walvi
Sgt Jones, Deante T.                 LCpl Uribechavez, Connie A.
Capt Josey, Zebulun Z.               Cpl Valentinnieves, Michael G.
Cpl Judsoncady, Jordan T.            Cpl Vanderwal, Seth J.
LCpl Kealey, Sean J.                 LCpl Vandyke, Andrew R.
Sgt King, Andy A.                    LCpl Vanore III, William J.
LCpl Kleinhans, Christian J.         LCpl Vasquez III, Paul
GySgt Knudson, Jason M.              LCpl Vitale, Carl J.
Cpl Kremer, Julian M.                MSgt Walters, Christophe D.
Cpl Kyle, Allen J.                   Cpl Ward, Brandon L.
CWO2 Lambert, Christophe S.          Sgt Warren Jr, James A.
Capt Langford, Daniel P.             Maj Weiland, Joshua H.
Sgt Langston, Curtis T.              LCpl Williams III, Gentry L.
Maj Larson, Christopher E.           Capt Winings, Nathan R.
GySgt Lash Jr, Michael E.            MSgt Wise, Delbert L.
LCpl Laster, Jackson W.              Sgt Woo, Thomas A.
LCpl Lathrop, Harrison B.            Capt Wright, Matthew A.
Cpl Lau, Micheal P.
2.d.  Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (AFOUA)
2.d.1.  USMC Detachment Sheppard, 364 Training Squadron, 82D Training Wing Jul14-30Jun16 Personnel approved for participation:
1stSgt Lloyd, Dempsey M.             Sgt Shepley, Alexander C.
GySgt McCrandall, John P.            SSgt Valoy, Shaira F.
2.e.  Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM). The Joint Chief of Staff has approved the HSM for Operation Wild Boar for those personnel who were physically present in the vicinity of the Chiang Rai Region, Thailand and provided humanitarian assistance during the Tham Luang Nang Non Cave rescue operation from 26Jun2018-14Jul2018.  Note:  Personnel must have been assigned to the immediate area of operations which are determined to be as outlined above.  As stated in Ref (b), direct participation is defined as being physically present at the designated location and having directly contributed to and influenced the action.  Deployment to the area of humanitarian assistance in and of itself does not constitute HSM entitlement.  Operational Commanders in the grade of 0-6 and above have been given delegation of authority for determining HSM eligibility and shall consolidate a roster in accordance with MARADMIN 626/13 of all military personnel eligible for the award.  Upon approval, this roster should be submitted to the CMC (MMMA-2) using an excel spreadsheet (HSM.XLS) via the Improved Awards Processing System, including full name, rank, and SSN, for record purpose, reporting of the award on MCTFS Via UD and updating the "HSM" database posted on the MMMA website under verification of awards, external links tab:
3.  Ref (a) is no longer distributed.  Instead, Ref (a) is updated quarterly and maintained on the internet at
4.  Release authorized by MajGen Craig C. Crenshaw, Director, Manpower Management Division.//