R 181642Z DEC 19
REF/A/DOC/MCO 1001.52K/YMD: 20190215//
REF/B/DOC/MCO P1610.7F/YMD: 20101019//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Reserve Affairs will convene the Fiscal Year 20-2 Active Reserve (AR) Officer Accession and Career Designation Board on 23 March 2020.
2. Unrestricted Officer Accession Board
a. The AR Program provides a cadre of well-trained and experienced Reserve Component (RC) officers in order to facilitate the integration of the Total Force and to assist the Active Component (AC) with their Total Force integration roles and responsibilities, as required by reference (a). AR Program Marines assist with organizing, preparing and administering policies and regulations, training and instructing, recruiting and retention, and administration of Marine Corps Reserve personnel.
b. Officers selected to join the AR Program will fill a variety of billets across the globe in support of the RC.
c. Officers interested in applying must complete an application and submit via online survey using the following website: https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/application.
d. Eligibility Criteria
(1) Applicants must meet all qualifications listed on pages 2-2 through 2-4 of reference (a).
(2) AC and RC first lieutenants through majors who will have completed mandatory service obligations (commission, permanent change of station, payback tour, mandatory drill stop date, etc.) by 30 September 2020 and have less than 15 years of cumulative active duty service are eligible.
(3) AC and RC majors promoted on or after 1 January 2017 are eligible.
(4) AC and RC aviators that have accepted a bonus and have completed their mandatory service obligation by 31 December 2020 are eligible.
e. AC officers will be screened for a Reserve Commission upon application.
f. The AR program currently maintains the following unrestricted officer MOSs: 0102, 0302, 0402, 0602, 1302, 3002, 3404, 4402, 6002, 6602, 72XX, 7509, 7523, 7532, 7557, 7563, 7565, 7566, 8840 and 8844. Programmatic need within the above MOSs is fluid. Specific MOS Shortfalls will be determined prior to the board convening.
g. Applicants with MOSs not listed in paragraph 2f are eligible to apply and will be considered for MOS reclassification.
h. Applicants with a Juris Doctorate from an ABA-accredited law school and have an active bar license interested in retraining to be a 4402 Judge Advocate upon accessing to the Active Reserves shall contact RAM-2 for eligibility screening and must request consideration for retraining in the application letter.
i. The AR program maintains a small cadre of 8840 and 8844 officers. Officers having received those MOSs from Naval Post Graduate School or via other means may receive additional consideration on the accession board. Officers with the 8840 and 8844 MOSs will need to annotate the MOS On their application.
j. Application process
(1) Complete an application package with documents found under the reference section of the Officer Accession Board website located at: https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil, Reserve Marine, Reserve Affairs RA), Personnel Management (RAM), Active Reserve Assignments (RAM-2), Officer Accessions. Required documents are annotated on the enclosure portion of the application sample located in the references section of the Officer Accession Board website.
(2) Acquire endorsement of the application package from first O5/O6 commander in the chain of command. Officers with unusual circumstances should contact RAM-2 for guidance. Officers serving in the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) do not require an endorsement.
(3) Complete application survey and submit the completed application package by 2359 on 12 February 2020 via the web portal at: https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/application.
(4) Officers who have previously applied must submit a new application.
(5) Reserve applicants only. The board will be provided a current Career Retirement Credit Report (CRCR). Reserve officers are encouraged to review their CRCR for accuracy, completion and certification within the previous 12 months.
k. Board Results. Officers selected for accession will be notified via MARADMIN. Accession tours are 36 months and will be assigned based on the needs of the AR Program. Officers selected as alternates will be notified via separate correspondence.
l. Accession timelines will be coordinated between RAM-2 and officers selected for accession.
m. RC officers may elect to carry over leave if accessed within 30 days of a previous period of active duty. AC officers electing a seamless transition between the AC and the AR (no break in active duty service) will not be permitted to sell back leave. AC officers electing to sell back leave must have a minimum 24 hour break in active duty service. Election must be made via NAVMC 11060 prior to current EAS.
n. Officers who have received or are receiving involuntary or voluntary separations pay may be subject to recoupment by the U.S. Government upon accession.
3. Warrant/Chief Warrant Officer Accession Board
a. The AR Program provides Warrant/Chief Warrant Officer opportunities in the following MOSs: 0170, 6004, and 6502 to facilitate the integration of the Total Force. This board is only soliciting Marines with the Primary MOS of 0170.
b. Warrant/Chief Warrant Officers selected to join the AR Program will fill billets within their MOS across the RC operational forces and supporting establishment.
c. Eligibility Criteria
(1) Applicants must meet all qualifications listed on pages 2-2 through 2-4 of reference (a).
(2) RC Chief Warrant Officers 2 and below promoted on or after 1 August 2019 in the 0170 Primary MOS with 3200 total active duty points or more are eligible to apply.
(3) AC Warrant/Chief Warrant Officers are not eligible to apply.
d. Application Process is as referenced in paragraph 2(j) in this MARADMIN.
e. Warrant/Chief Warrant Officers selected will receive 36 month limited tour orders and will be eligible to apply for career designation into the AR Program after receiving 540 days of observed fitness reports.
4. Competitive Career Designation
a. Career designation offers an opportunity for unrestricted AR officers to continue service in the AR Program. Officers will be considered for career designation on the first career designation board held after receiving 540 days of observed fitness reports for continued service in the AR Program. Officers selected for career designation will be assigned an indefinite EAS.
b. The board will consider fitness reports submitted through 1 March 2020 towards the 540 days of required observation.
c. Officers with an EAS not supporting an opportunity for career designation must request an extension from RAM-2 via Administrative Action Form.
d. Officers not approved for career designation will be released from the AR Program upon EAS. If an officer’s EAS allows additional career designation boards, he or she will be considered on those boards if he or she applies.
e. Application Process
(1) Complete application package with documents found under the reference section of the Career Designation website located at: https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil, Reserve Marine, Reserve Affairs (RA), Personnel Management (RAM), Active Reserve Assignments (RAM-2), AR Officer Career Designation. Required documents are Annotated on the enclosure portion of the application sample located in the references section of the Career Designation website.
(2) Acquire endorsement for the application package from the first O5/O6 commander in the chain of command. Officers with unusual circumstances should contact RAM-2 for guidance.
(3) Complete application survey and submit completed Application package by 2359 on 12 February 2020 via the web portal at: https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/application.
f. Career designation incurs a 24 month obligation from the first day of the month following the date of acceptance. Officers who decline career designation will be separated at their EAS.
5. Officers are responsible for ensuring completion of fitness Reports and updating of official photographs as required by references (b) and (c).
6. Officers are encouraged to request a career counseling for review of the Official Military Personnel File and Master Brief Sheet. To request counseling services, send an email to SMB_MANPOWER_CAC@usmc.mil with name, EDIPI, contact information and service requested. More information can be found by accessing https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil, Reserve Marine, Reserve Affairs (RA), Personnel Management (RAM), Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA); Boards and Data Systems (RAM-3).
7. Waivers to eligibility requirements set forth in this MARADMIN or reference (a) will be considered at the discretion of the Director of Reserve Affairs Division on a case-by-case basis.
8. Release authorized by Colonel R. H. Pitchford, Director, Reserve Affairs Division, Acting.//