Date Signed: 2/19/2020 | ALMARS Number: 002/20
ALMARS : 002/20

R 191835Z FEB 20
ALMAR 002/20
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  19 February 2020 marks 75 years since the United States Marine Corps conducted an amphibious assault onto the island of Iwo Jima, beginning one of the bloodiest battles in our Nation’s history.  Over the course of a 36-day campaign, more than 70,000 Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen landed on the island to face a well-defended enemy that had spent months building miles of intricate caves and tunnels into the volcanic ash of Iwo Jima.  The Battle of Iwo Jima, though not the deadliest or most strategically important battle of World War II, has become the most iconic example of the American warfighting spirit – permanently etched into our Nation’s history as an emblem of uncommon valor.
2.  To honor the sacrifices made during the Battle of Iwo Jima and throughout World War II, I direct Commanders at all levels across the Fleet Marine Force to commemorate this anniversary.  Whether through a formation, battle study, wreath laying, or simply a moment of quiet reflection, each unit shall take a moment to honor the legacy of Iwo Jima and the sacrifices made by our predecessors and allies.  In keeping with the 36-day campaign at Iwo Jima, Commanders should conduct these commemorations between 19 February and 26 March 2020.
3.  Marines, we are charged with carrying forward the memories of those who fought before us.  Our core values of honor, courage, and commitment connect us to generations of warriors who committed themselves to the defense of our great Nation, and we must remember their sacrifices.
4.  In accordance with Senate Bill 3661, the “75th Anniversary of World War II Commemoration Act” and Department of Defense guidance, the Marine Corps will support various events, ceremonies, and banquets throughout the United States and abroad to honor our veterans, educate the public about the history of World War II, pay tribute to the contributions made on the home front, recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by allies, and remember the Holocaust.  I encourage Marine Corps General Officers (GO), Senior Executive Service Members (SES), and Sergeants Major (SgtsMaj) to serve as representatives of the Marine Corps and the Commandant at designated events.  I also ask Marines of all ranks to attend commemoration events as appropriate.  For all commemoration events, the following guidance applies:
    (1) Authorization to attend events outside the local area requires approval from the Director of the Marine Corps Staff (DMCS).
    (2) Professional stewardship of resources extends to the use of support staff and transportation resources.
    (3) Solicitation of any voluntary services that may compromise the integrity or the appearance of integrity of any program of the Department of Defense or of any individual involved in the program is prohibited.
5.  As directed by DoD, HQMC Communication Directorate will report all commemoration events attended by GOs, SESs, and SgtsMaj.  Event details will be submitted by the local command to HQMC.COMREL@USMC.MIL.
6.  Semper Fidelis, David H. Berger, General, U. S. Marine Corps, Commandant of the Marine Corps.//