R 091300Z APR 21
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This message announces the fielding plan for the Inbound Interview (IBI) and Travel Voucher Interview (TVI) processes in MOL. The IBI and TVI were developed to phase in the automation of the administrative reporting and travel claim requirements that occur with a permanent change of station/assignment during the new join process. The automation of these functions supports the Commandant’s Planning Guidance to modernize manpower and also mitigates the 01 Occupational Field structure losses resulting from Future Force 2025 initiative.
2. Transition Plan. Initial problem framing for the creation of IBI and TVI began in May 2019 and software development began in November 2019. The transition from the current manual Inbound processes to the self-service IBI and TVI will occur over multiple phases:
2.a. Phase I: (Feb 2021): Software release 2021.02.01 made the Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) function of the IBI available for optional use, under the Travel Module in Marine Online (MOL). This implementation of the IBI provides unit leaders the capability to join Marines who have executed PCA based on orders issued from Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (HQMC). This initial release is a significant change to the current manual process. It also allows developers to generate customer feedback, via the servicing MISSO, early in the process. Units are encouraged to utilize this function of the IBI to gain familiarity with the application and its workflow as the Marine Corps prepares to roll-out the Permanent Change of Station (PCS) and TVI functionalities. The Inbound Interview Training Guide for PCA is available on the MISSA/MISSO Portal under the Knowledge tab.
2.b. Phase II: (May 2021). This release will include the PCS portion of the interview as well as the TVI. The PCS and TVI functions are expected to be made available for service members executing HQMC issued and funded orders. Much like the PCA capability in Phase I, the initial release of PCS and TVI functions will be predominantly voluntary; however, Headquarters and Support (H&S) Battalion (Bn), Marine Corps Installations (MCI)-East (MCC 013), H&S Bn, MCI-West (MCC 014), Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Marine Corps Air Station Futenma (MCC 045), 12th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division (MCC 1NL), U.S. Marine Corps Forces Korea (MCC TMH) and U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe/Africa (MCC 1EE) have volunteered to utilize the added functionality and provide feedback that will aid in the refinement process. It is anticipated this deliberate testing period will last through October 2021. Feedback received during Phase II will contribute to the capabilities provided by the IBI and TVI applications as we move towards service-wide implementation. Commands not identified as testing locations may self-elect to utilize the Inbound Interview and Travel Voucher Interview. Those self-elect commands are encouraged to communicate with their servicing MISSO and serving Personnel Administration Center (PAC) in advance for support.
2.b.1. Guidance to selected voluntary test units.
2.b.1.a. Units who have coordinated with HQMC to participate in testing during Phase II will participate in a (frequency TBD) conference call with the servicing PAC, MISSO, TSO, and M&RA (Secretariat) to discuss data collection and analysis, system and process refinement, identified system shortfalls, and recommendations from the field.
2.b.1.b. During testing, the servicing PAC will remain in support of the testing unit should assistance be required.
2.c. Phase III: (Summer 2021 or TBD). Address clean-up/Archive process in MOL IBI and UD/MIPS IBI. This will ensure a completed interview will no longer be displayed on the active tracker.
2.d. Phase IV: (Fall – Winter 2021 or TBD). Software development to address remaining concepts not included with the first three phases. During this phase, feedback from the field will be prioritized and conceptualized for further development of the IBI.
2.e. Phase V: Mandatory implementation is tentatively scheduled for January 2022. This timeline will be reevaluated as the service moves between phases.
3. Exceptions to use of the IBI:
3.a. Marines in the accession pipeline.
3.b. Marines issued Temporary Duty Under Instruction (TEMINS) Orders
3.c. Reserve Call to duty PCS orders issued in the Marine Reserve Order Writing System.
3.d. Marines in receipt of W95 orders.
3.e. Marine Corps Embassy Security Group.
4. Transition Support
4.a. Training
4.a.1. MISSOs will provide Train the Trainer support for Unit and PAC personnel via Assist Visits and Virtual Training. Training for Units will include delegation of permissions and Traveler and Unit leader responsibilities.
4.a.2. An IBI and TVI Training Guide is expected to be made available on the MISSA/MISSO portal at https:(slash)(slash)eis.usmc.mil/sites/missa/default.aspx at the commencement of Phase II.
4.b. Feedback, and Support. The servicing MISSO is the first echelon of support for all IBI technical inquires, feedback and system enhancement recommendations. Accordingly, all [constructive] feedback, solicitation for training and/or functionality support for the IBI application shall be directed to the supporting MISSO. MISSOs will receive feedback during site visits/virtual training and through the Trouble Ticket System in MOL.
4.c. The PRIUM will be updated to reflect the changes inherent to the implementation of the IBI and TVI prior to the PCS and TVI functionalities being made available for use in MOL
5. This MARADMIN has been coordinated with Manpower & Reserve Affairs (Secretariat), the Manpower Information Systems Division, and the Deputy Commandant for Programs and Resources (RFF).
6. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force.
7. Release authorized by LtGen David A. Ottignon, Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.//