Date Signed: 5/28/2021 | ALMARS Number: 013/21
ALMARS : 013/21

R 272020Z MAY 27
ALMAR 013/21
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said, "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them."  It is incumbent upon each of us to remember the uncommon courage of all who sacrifice their own lives to protect others and secure freedom.  We owe the deepest debt of gratitude to all who paid the ultimate price in the line of duty, and to the loved ones they left behind.  Memorial Day provides us an opportunity each year to reflect on the exceptional valor and monumental sacrifice these heroes made to defend the many freedoms we enjoy.
2.  The values of a nation are judged in history by those they honor.  It's important that we honor individuals who have made the most profound contributions, and I can think of no contribution more profound than giving one's life in defense of our Nation.  Throughout America's rich history, men and women from every generation have answered the call and put themselves in harm's way to preserve the American way of life.  Our Corps must never forget the sacrifices made by every generation in every conflict, and we must never forget the sacrifices of the Marines we have lost.  Each fallen hero is the embodiment of the valiant fighting spirit and devotion to duty that our Nation has come to expect of her Marines in times of crisis.
3.  This Memorial Day serves to remind us of all that our fallen heroes have done for our Nation.  Sent into harm's way in the name of liberty, these brave Americans fought alongside our allies to defend and advance security and freedom throughout the world.  May we all take this opportunity to reflect on the courageous actions and sacrifices of all Marines, Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen who gave the last full measure.
4.  Stay safe this holiday weekend, and remember you are a living memorial to all our fallen heroes.
5.  Semper Fidelis, David H. Berger, General, U.S. Marine Corps, Commandant of the Marine Corps.//