R 141858Z OCT 21
REF/A/MCO 1553.4B//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This Marine Administrative Message announces the new online location of the Command Sponsored Lance Corporals Leadership and Ethics Seminar and Corporals Course materials, and updates the policies. Individual commands remain responsible for the conduct of the programs.
2. Lance Corporals Leadership and Ethics Seminar
2.A. Overview: When possible, lance corporals should attend the seminar at the first opportunity after promotion to enhance small unit leadership and ensure better understanding of Marine Corps ethos, leadership fundamentals, and the total Marine concept. Commands have the discretion to add material deemed appropriate but may not remove any material from the five required modules.
2.B. Command Required Billets
2.B.1. Director: Must be the command senior enlisted member. Gunnery sergeants cannot be the director except in certain cases in which they are the senior enlisted member, such as detachment commanders for Marine Security Guard (MSG) Duty. In these cases, the senior enlisted Marine shall reach out to the College of Enlisted Military Education (CEME) operations section at (703) 432-5283 or MCU_CEME@USMCU.EDU to request a waiver so serve as the director.
2.B.2. Chief Instructor: Must be a Staff Noncommissioned Officer (SNCO).
2.B.3. Seminar Leaders: Must be a corporal or above who have completed the in-grade professional military education requirements.
2.C. Prerequisites for attending
2.C.1. Prior to attending a command-sponsored seminar, Marines must complete the distance education MarineNet Leading Marines Distance Education Program EPME3000 course.
2.C.2. It is highly encouraged that Marines attending be in the rank of lance corporal. Commanders who host the seminars may allow a private first class to attend at their discretion; however, this should be a on case-by-case basis for Marines who have shown maturity and leadership beyond their current rank.
2.C.3. Marines must be within Marine Corps physical fitness and height/weight standards.
2.D. Seminar Material
2.D.1. Units may access and download courseware material and seminar guides, which provide detailed directions on how to conduct the seminar, at the following address: https:(slash)(slash)elearning.marinenet.usmc.mil/moodle/course/view.php?id=69. This site is located within MarineNet and can be accessed with the Marine's MarineNet user name and password or common access card.
2.D.2. After navigating to the link provided above, users must enroll in the course as a student to receive access to course material. Do not request access from CEME.
2.D.3. To maintain integrity of the courseware, there are grade restrictions in place for access. Waivers may be granted by CEME on a case-by-case basis for those serving in these billets.
2.D.4. Director's materials are restricted to those serving in a Director's billet or to the rank of first sergeant or master sergeant and above. Materials include the Director's guide and diagnostic materials.
2.D.5. Chief instructor resources are restricted to the ranks of staff sergeant and above. Materials include syllabus, seminar schedule, certificate template, and graduation script.
2.D.6. Seminar leader resources are restricted to the ranks of sergeant and above. Materials include discussion guides and videos, leader guides, and feedback forms.
2.D.7. Student resources are open to Marines of any grade and contain all student materials for the seminar.
2.E. Graduation Requirements: In order for Marines to successfully graduate the seminar, they must actively participate and be present for the full seminar training schedule. The diagnostic exam is administered at the start of the seminar and is used to determine the student's starting point and shall be.
2.F. Course numbers will be designated by the unit conducting the seminar.
2.G. Command Reporting Requirements: Commands will make unit diary entries for those who complete the seminar. The Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) Service School Code for the Command Sponsored Lance Corporal Leadership and Ethics Seminar is 341.
2.H. After Action Reports: All after action reports shall be emailed to MCU_CEME@USMCU.EDU for review by CEME so that the program can be updated and improved during the curriculum review process.
3. Corporals Course
3.A. Overview: The Corporals Course is a Professional Military Education program for Marine corporals that places emphasis on basic leadership skills. The intent of the Corporals Course is to equip and prepare Marines to transition from subordinates to small unit leaders. Eligible Marines should attend the Corporals Course at the first available opportunity to prepare them for their new grade, responsibilities, and future leadership challenges. Corporals Courses are to be planned and implemented by the command Sergeant Major or senior enlisted advisor. Commands have the discretion to add material deemed appropriate but may not remove any required materials.
3.B. Command Required Billets
3.B.1. Director: Must be the command senior enlisted advisor (i.e., sergeant major or first sergeant). Gunnery sergeants and below cannot be the Director except in certain cases in which they are the senior enlisted member such as when serving as an MSG Duty, Detachment Commander. In these extreme cases, the senior enlisted advisor can contact the CEME operations section at (703) 432-5283 or MCU_CEME@USMCU.EDU to request access to the Director materials.
3.B.2. Staff Noncommissioned Officer in Charge: Must be a staff sergeant or above.
3.B.3. Chief instructor: Must be a staff sergeant or above.
3.B.4. Faculty: Must be sergeants or above who have completed in-grade professional military education requirements.
3.C. Prerequisites for Attending
3.C.1. Prior to attending a command-sponsored Corporals Course, Marines must complete the MarineNet Corporals Course Distance Education Program EPME4000 course.
3.C.2. Physical Fitness Test (PFT)/Combat Fitness Test (CFT). The PFT and CFT are optional, non-graded events that may be conducted at the discretion of the Course SNCOIC. Course SNCOIC may choose to conduct a PFT and/or CFT during physical training time as a method to educate students on the proper execution of these events. Because PFTs/CFTs are not part of the curriculum, Marines will not be disenrolled for failing the PFT/CFT. While Marines may not be disenrolled, commands will still exercise required leadership measures for those failures.
3.D. Corporals Course Material
3.D.1. Units may access and download courseware material and leadership guides, which provide detailed directions on how to conduct the course, at the following address: https:(slash)(slash)elearning.marinenet.usmc.mil/moodle/course/view.php?id=66. This site is located within Marinenet and can be accessed with the Marines MarineNet user name and password or their common access card.
3.D.2. After navigating to the link provided above, users must enroll in the course as a student to receive access to the course materials. Do not request access from CEME.
3.D.3. To maintain integrity of the courseware, there are grade restrictions in place to access the required material. Waivers may be granted by CEME on a case-by-case basis for those serving in senior enlisted billets.
3.D.4. Director's materials are restricted to the ranks of first sergeant or master sergeant and above. Materials include the Director's guide and exams.
3.D.5. SNCOIC resources are restricted to the ranks of staff sergeant and above. Materials include program of instruction, schedule template, certificate template, and graduation script.
3.D.6. Instructor resources are restricted to the ranks of staff sergeant and above. Materials include discussion guides and instruction guides.
3.D.7. Student resources are open to Marines of any ranks and contain all student materials for the Corporals Course.
3.E. Graduation requirements: In order for Marines to successfully graduate the Corporals Course, they must actively participate throughout the program and achieve an 80 percent overall mastery of all graded events. The only approved method for calculating Grade Point Averages is the Corporals Course grade weights spreadsheet located in the SNCOIC resources section.
3.F. Course numbers will be designated by the unit commander of the unit conducting the seminar.
3.G. Command Reporting Requirements: Commands will make unit diary entries for those who completed the Corporals Course. The MCTFS Service School Code for the Corporals Course is C21.
3.H. After Action Reports: All after action reports shall be emailed to MCU_CEME@USMCU.EDU for review by CEME so that the program can be improved during curriculum review.
4. Waivers must be requested via the chain of command and approved by the Director, CEME. The waiver checklist can be found on the CEME website at https:(slash)(slash)www.usmcu.edu/ceme.
5. Released authorized by Brigadier General Walker M. Field, Commanding General, Education Command.//