Date Signed: 3/25/2022 | ALMARS Number: 007/22
ALMARS : 007/22

R 251220Z MAR 22
ALMAR 007/22
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  In November 2021, I published Talent Management 2030 (TM2030), which provided the conceptual foundation for the Marine Corps’ approach to talent management.  In order to transition from the current manpower system to the talent management system, I have formed the Talent Management Strategy Group (TMX).  The Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps (ACMC), as the Talent Management Officer of the Marine Corps, has direct oversight of TMX in order to address all personnel and cultural issues impacting our ability to invest in, retain, and leverage a diversely skilled and talented force.  Furthermore, the Talent Management Oversight Directorate (TMOD) will become a part of TMX, providing additional resources and capabilities for use in the talent management battlespace.  TMX will aggressively address TM2030 initiatives and enable the creation of the talent management system for the Service.  TMX will collaborate with key stakeholders across the Marine Corps, as well as enterprise and industry to create a service-level, retention focused approach to strategic talent management.
2.  With an unwavering emphasis on retention, TMX will build a strategy along four lines of effort, which align with the four broad categories presented in TM2030:
2.a.  Implementation of new models for recruiting talent;
2.b.  Establishment of an assignments process consistent with our warfighting philosophy;
2.c.  Introduction of new initiatives to increase career flexibility; and
2.d.  Adoption of modern digital tools, processes, and analytics, consistent with industry standards.
3.  TM2030 requires a surge in strategic planning and synchronization across the Force. Service-level governance for talent management will reside with the Talent Management Executive Team (TMET), comprised of the Deputy Commandant of Manpower and Reserve Affairs (DC M&RA), Deputy Commandant of Combat Development & Integration (DC CD&I), Commanding General of Training and Education Command (CG TECOM) and Commanding General of Marine Corps Recruiting Command (CG MCRC).  Chaired by the ACMC, the TMET will provide the necessary insight, oversight, and engagement to advance our talent management efforts at speed.  TMX will leverage the Strategic Talent Management Working Group (STMWG), involving core stakeholders from across the Marine Corps, to inform senior leader decision-making.  The STMWG will analyze, assess, and provide detailed recommendations to the TMET on how to implement TM2030 initiatives.
4.  TMX will lead the Marine Corps in the battle for talent.  Creating an enduring talent management system will strengthen our ability to retain the highest qualified and talented force — postured and equipped — to fight and win on future battlefields.  I have the utmost confidence in TMX’s ability to embrace innovation, seek the strategic initiative, and sharpen talent mindset in order to build the foundation for a more mature, effective, and lethal force.
5.  Semper Fidelis, David H. Berger, General, U.S. Marine Corps, Commandant of the Marine Corps.//