R 031530Z OCT 22
REF/A/MSGID: DOC/MCO 1040R.31/YMD: 20200626//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. In order to meet the retention mission of the service as well as sustain the partnership with Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES), the Fleet Marine Force (FMF) and Supporting Establishment (SE), this message announces the Reserve Command Retention Mission (CRM) for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). The Marine Corps Reserve career force objectives are to retain the most qualified Marines by grade and MOS to support the integration of the Reserves into the Total Force. The execution of the FY23 Marine Corps Reserve Retention Campaign began on 7 July 2022.
2. The Commandant of the Marine Corps’ emphasis on Force Design 2030 and Talent Management 2030 (TM2030) demands commanders apply unrelenting attention to sustaining our force with the best and most qualified Marines, and to ensure the force retains sufficient Marines across all PMOSs to meet authorized end-strength requirements. Accordingly, the FY23 reserve retention campaign is designed to focus that effort and to ensure requirements in both first and subsequent term cohorts are met. Detailed FY23 retention guidelines for the First Term Obligation Plan (FTOP), Subsequent Term Obligation Plan (STOP), Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) Reenlistment, Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Reenlistment, and IRR Interviews will be published via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS).
3. Concept of operations for FTOP, STOP, SMCR Reenlistment, IRR Reenlistment, and IRR Interviews is as follows:
a. The Retention effort will be conducted in three phases:
(1) Phase I: 7 July 2022 to 1 February 2023. The purpose of Phase I is to initiate the submission and processing of retention requests via TFRS to Reserve Affairs (RA). MARFORRES can utilize the Retention Campaign to assist in formulating initial missions down to the MSC level. All Marines in a drilling status with a Reserve End of Current Contract (RECC) that expires in FY23 are encouraged to submit a request for further service via TFRS to RA prior to 1 February 2023. Commanders are authorized to utilize a local command authority (LCA) extension to adjust the RECC of Marines in a drilling status and IRR who have an RECC between 1 October 2022 and 1 February 2023 until 30 April 2023 in order to await a response from HQMC on a submitted reenlistment request that is in a pending status with RA in TFRS. Commanders are not authorized to use LCA extensions which would result in a Marine exceeding service limitations per the reference.
(2) Phase II: 2 February 2023 to 30 April 2023. The purpose of Phase II is to assess the progress of the FY retention effort, make required adjustments, refine guidance and continue processing retention requests. HQMC will publish the results of this assessment via separate correspondence to MARFORRES to keep commands informed of the overall effort. All Marines serving in the IRR with a RECC that expires in FY23 are encouraged to submit a request for further service via TFRS to RA prior to 30 April 2023.
(3) Phase III: 1 May 2023 to 6 July 2023. The purpose of Phase III is to continue the processing of retention requests, provide updated analysis and assist commands in the final stages of their retention efforts.
4. Changes or updates to the initial assigned categories will be published via separate correspondence to MARFORRES. The FY23 targets are as follows:
(a) FY23 FTOP: 250 Marines.
(b) FY23 STOP: 210 Marines.
(c) FY23 SMCR Reenlistment: 533 Marines.
(d) FY23 IRR Reenlistment: 70 Marines with MOSs per the FY23 Retention Guidelines.
(e) FY23 IRR interview: 300 Marines with MOSs per the FY23 Retention Guidelines.
5. The approval of a reenlistment is first and foremost based on the desire to retain the highest quality Marines. HQMC (RA) weighs all factors including chain of command comments, jeopardy on contract, MOS proficiency and competitiveness, and overall needs of the Marine Corps.
6. Marines continue to make the Corps a prestigious organization by upholding the standards and traditions of the Marine Corps. As the service adapts with today's missions and the continually changing operating environment, Marines must remain adaptable, aggressive and proactive in their professional development. Maintaining a “whole Marine concept” mindset ensures that individuals remain competitive for promotion and retention. Retaining the most qualified Marines will continue to be the strength of our Corps.
7. Release authorized by Major General M. S. Martin, Director, Reserve Affairs Division.//