Date Signed: 10/20/2022 | MARADMINS Number: 553/22
MARADMINS : 553/22

R 201830Z OCT 22
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Appointments for Marines listed in paragraph 2 will be issued to fill vacancies in the selected grade in the assigned order of seniority.  Monthly promotions will be announced by separate MARADMIN messages.  All Marines who are eligible for consideration by an Enlisted Promotion Selection Board must have satisfied specified Professional Military Education (PME) requirements prior to the convening of the board.  
2.  The following selectees were approved on 20 October 2022 (for proper order read left to right):
                     SERGEANT MAJOR
NAME             IMOS/SRNO/MCC    NAME             IMOS/SRNO/MCC
Abbott        BE 8999/ 186/V26    Allen         FC 8999/ 121/KAH
Allen II      JH 8999/ 225/193    Alonzo        J  8999/ 229/1LB
Alva          EJ 8999/ 220/1GR    Ashton        GS 8999/ 119/1YB
Askew         CJ 8999/ 129/1R2    Baird         SD 8999/ 276/1MQ
Ballate       ME 8999/ 179/1G9    Barrientos    E  8999/ 282/1MR
Bickel        SE 8999/ 117/1G9    Blackwell     MP 8999/  31/198
Brice         AL 8999/ 120/175    Broadway      RL 8999/ 133/041
Browning      RM 8999/ 222/V31    Bruffy        AJ 8999/ 131/KAH
Cancienne     MY 8999/ 279/19G    Castilloguzma GO 8999/ 221/268
Catching      RE 8999/ 116/V11    Clark         KW 8999/  30/V26
Clarke        WJ 8999/   7/1YD    Cortes  Jr    M  8999/ 217/041
Crane         BA 8999/ 270/1NP    Croft         MC 8999/ 134/15B
Davila        JS 8999/ 275/1QE    Delgadillo    E  8999/ 257/1F7
Downing       BR 8999/ 261/V12    Dubois        KR 8999/ 130/115
Eirich        NJ 8999/ 254/193    Foley         MP 8999/  91/1GS
Forsstrom     ML 8999/ 256/V22    Garcia        JS 8999/  33/C59
Gibson        JM 8999/  94/1NH    Gorczynski    JE 8999/ 183/116
Grabau        MS 8999/ 202/V37    Gragg         IS 8999/ 124/175
Henley        TC 8999/ 248/124    Henriquez     EC 8999/   6/1G8
Hopkins       KP 8999/ 182/1LB    Howard        SA 8999/ 263/1MT
Jones         OS 8999/ 200/1XJ    Karasik       A  8999/ 199/R02
Laslett       DR 8999/ 126/V16    Leddy         BA 8999/ 218/1R3
Luna          AL 8999/ 132/KAP    Mangio        MP 8999/ 201/1CN
Marrufo       JC 8999/ 187/174    Martin        ZT 8999/ 215/D19
Martinez      VM 8999/ 228/092    Martinezortiz MG 8999/ 265/KA1
Mccrary       RN 8999/ 250/121    Mckoy         NH 8999/ 207/1QB
Mcnichol III  MC 8999/ 216/C35    Miller  Jr    MJ 8999/ 224/160
Minter        JD 8999/ 249/1G7    Moore  Jr     MA 8999/  89/1CH
Moorman       ZE 8999/ 332/1MU    Moralessolis  S  8999/ 267/1Y2
Moreno        JI 8999/ 181/15H    Moreno        M  8999/ 255/01E
Nichols       TG 8999/ 274/KAK    Olander       JP 8999/ 205/198
Pacheco       SM 8999/ 264/011    Park          JE 8999/ 125/1QA
Pegram        MA 8999/ 194/K18    Perrault      MT 8999/ 259/1RV
Phaire        AM 8999/ 277/1G9    Pilkington    CJ 8999/ 241/KAR
Pinney        RW 8999/ 251/15H    Renteria      JG 8999/ 197/1WX
Reyst  Jr     GA 8999/ 233/G20    Rodriguez     A  8999/ 237/D76
Rodriguezabre WO 8999/ 102/15L    Rogers        BD 8999/ 258/JBH
Rose          WV 8999/ 198/15L    Sammons       DS 8999/ 106/116
Sanchez       D  8999/ 172/1CG    Sanchez       HA 8999/ 271/D33
Sandlin       DE 8999/ 260/1XJ    Serrano  III  N  8999/ 208/1NF
Sidhu         JS 8999/ 190/1EC    Sim           RA 8999/ 268/1CQ
Sink          SE 8999/ 223/B22    Smith         TR 8999/  80/1PF
Soetaert      BL 8999/ 118/19F    Stewart       JM 8999/ 272/B48
Still         EP 8999/ 242/239    Stockman      AE 8999/ 336/1MU
Stoudemire    CA 8999/ 231/C68    Swanner  Jr   DM 8999/ 127/115
Tolbert  III  JL 8999/ 252/V35    Trevino       GE 8999/ 278/V24
Turek         RS 8999/ 165/1MX    Tyler         AM 8999/ 239/QAE
Valadez       HS 8999/ 266/115    Vee  Jr       PJ 8999/ 235/C23
Verschage     JW 8999/ 253/016    Walden        JR 8999/ 269/C58
Walling       JR 8999/ 206/J33
NAME             IMOS/SRNO/MCC    NAME             IMOS/SRNO/MCC
Aguilar       EA 5811/  85/013    Aguilar  Jr   M  6842/  14/086
Aguilarbenavi JS 3044/ 291/1C1    Alba  Jr      NA 3152/ 262/15A
Alkattan      JP 0399/ 326/1C0    Anderson      CD 1371/  59/067
Anderson      ML 0291/  90/116    Antonik       MJ 0399/ 333/V26
Arciga        MK 0399/  82/1ES    Arnold        FL 2336/  37/1CE
Arocha        L  0699/ 214/V36    Ausems        JP 0848/ 325/1NK
Ayala         JR 6591/  77/G91    Aycox  Jr     JP 0111/ 162/226
Ayers         RJ 5769/ 314/K46    Bahus         SA 3529/  79/U87
Bambao        IM 3529/  18/JF3    Bansah        CR 4421/  55/097
Bates         CM 0411/ 108/121    Bengs         MC 5821/  29/023
Benson        CJ 0399/ 195/022    Binversie     KF 0291/ 141/1C1
Bishop        DR 0321/   2/TIB    Bissell       MT 0393/ 290/KAP
Blevins       JD 0399/ 319/1EM    Bonk          CD 6019/ 155/V63
Boone         CH 0399/ 171/TMH    Brake         TJ 0491/ 104/067
Bravo         JA 3152/ 144/014    Brown         JR 0372/  36/094
Bruff         CJ 2691/  68/1MZ    Burton        JM 2691/  54/800
Butler        DG 8412/ 185/970    Campos        J  5811/  28/1C1
Cantrell  Jr  DC 0491/  92/1CH    Carle  Jr     EJ 0399/ 210/KAD
Carpenter     DR 8412/ 174/976    Carrillo      A  0111/  64/080
Cezair        RA 3381/ 234/233    Chaney        SM 0699/ 226/1G8
Chaparro      A  1799/ 112/1F5    Chaplin       MJ 0399/ 204/092
Charland      PJ 2149/ 148/MDG    Cheeseboro  J WE 7314/  72/1J1
Ciupak        JR 1795/ 297/1EM    Connell       LG 0491/ 109/1EM
Cope          TA 0699/ 203/1C1    Corpuz        BD 1371/ 137/1C0
Corrado  Jr   RM 5811/  86/015    Corwin        TJ 5811/ 320/080
Couture  Jr   MA 0399/ 243/016    Crafton       CW 6042/ 145/460
Dahl          DR 0399/ 323/233    Dailey        JP 0491/  38/121
Dannemiller   JD 5512/ 313/281    Davis         JL 6391/  50/1JT
Dawodu        I  0681/ 287/P49    Donatus       M  0399/ 209/127
Dorre         RM 8412/ 213/JAA    Dorris  IV    CS 8412/ 101/926
Duclos        CJ 6019/ 304/1JU    Durham        MH 5993/ 110/1QD
Eaton         MG 0321/   3/1R6    Eckart        CT 3529/  69/U87
Epright       MJ 4591/  88/124    Farrell  IV   JR 0393/ 312/1GT
Ferguson      BJ 6391/  12/G9K    Fordham       SM 5769/ 337/124
Foster        ZM 2336/  93/1MS    Francis       CI 6019/ 168/1JN
Franco        ST 6046/ 176/1JQ    Furio         GG 0699/ 196/1QP
Gallegos      AP 6672/  20/1J0    Garcia        FP 8412/ 306/912
Garcia  Jr    AS 6672/ 315/1JQ    Gayle         RK 6019/  57/G91
Gentner  Jr   DA 0291/ 139/111    Geronimo      SJ 6046/ 310/142
Giron  Jr     ER 0399/ 331/KAK    Gonzalez  Jr  R  4591/ 113/138
Goral         DL 5769/ 152/007    Grant         LJ 0699/ 232/V32
Green         SJ 1371/ 316/1CQ    Greene        AD 0111/ 161/1M6
Grundstrom    JG 6391/  11/VM5    Guadarrama    MA 7212/ 322/1EG
Guerrero  Jr  DJ 2311/ 143/122    Guidry        PL 1833/ 193/KA1
Gunther       AE 0291/ 149/143    Hall          JD 6842/ 236/1C0
Harrington    MD 0399/ 327/U18    Harris        DR 0399/ 335/078
Harris        MD 1833/ 330/19G    Harris        QM 5993/  43/1XA
Harrold       MJ 2691/  56/111    Hartman  Jr   WA 8412/  27/924
Hayes         JM 0699/  65/1CN    Heeg          SN 7212/ 338/1PR
Heidemann     LJ 7291/ 293/098    Heinberger    VR 1349/  78/080
Helms         WE 4821/ 160/K20    Hernandez     OV 8412/  98/017
Hill          CJ 0491/ 107/1JB    Hirsch        DL 3529/  19/1CM
Hughes  Jr    RL 1799/ 188/130    Humphreys     TA 8412/  71/962
Hunt          RM 8412/ 288/972    Jenkins       MD 3381/ 244/127
Johnson       CB 6019/ 140/142    Johnson       JT 2336/  96/1YB
Johnson       MJ 8412/ 150/978    Johnson       NA 0491/ 105/1S8
Johnson       RJ 6591/  52/VLB    Jones         RL 0399/ 212/U18
Kelly         TL 3537/  99/J15    King          JA 3381/ 246/1C0
Konicki       PT 0451/ 303/J78    Lange         MJ 7291/ 302/1A5
Laudencia     BB 2181/ 285/U76    Lewis         JD 0399/ 324/TZ8
Lillie        JM 6391/  44/1JW    Lindholm  II  TA 0291/ 146/130
Lopez         B  0111/ 158/1CS    Lungerhausen  RH 8412/ 307/956
Lynch         CR 0372/  97/1MS    Lynn          LC 8412/ 308/908
Macias        AC 0111/  42/1GH    Mandtanavonsi V  0681/ 283/1C1
Marotta       MD 0372/   5/1MX    Martinez      AC 0699/  83/137
Martinez      TW 5993/  41/1PJ    Mayers  Jr    JE 0111/ 163/014
Mcclure       SS 6391/   8/1V3    Mccrohan  III JW 4591/ 128/097
Melcher       JL 0848/ 309/1NJ    Meyer         CJ 1833/ 328/QAQ
Miller  III   PA 8412/ 321/982    Mills         CA 5821/ 280/013
Mitchell      NS 8412/ 298/J38    Monaco        KL 2181/  61/094
Monroy        PD 1371/ 294/J33    Montano       JM 3043/ 159/014
Mortley       RK 0111/  15/015    Murphy        MP 4133/ 334/K25
Nadeau        SR 4591/ 122/1G3    Nathan  III   WJ 3537/ 192/143
Newbry        RC 0699/ 289/KE3    Nix           AD 2891/  10/1RX
Oldham        JM 6019/  76/VM3    Oliva         JM 3529/   1/121
Ortiz         G  8412/ 184/A72    Padilla       J  0699/  60/1QB
Pauley        JJ 0491/  95/143    Pearson       AA 3537/  32/067
Pena          E  7041/ 211/143    Pena          MJ 1833/ 329/U18
Penardo       NR 8412/ 167/902    Perez         JE 0111/ 292/017
Petre         ML 1371/ 142/193    Pierre        LJ 6019/   9/1HT
Poe           ZJ 6391/  46/080    Prather       JC 0699/ 147/1Y1
Price         BE 0699/ 227/V35    Provence      GD 0699/ 177/1Y2
Ramirez       RA 3051/ 284/1CN    Ramirez       SJ 8412/  24/910
Ramos  Jr     M  2891/  40/080    Rash          JA 2336/  22/165
Rentz         JB 1349/  84/15H    Reyes         AJ 0399/ 230/QAQ
Reyes  Jr     JM 0111/ 157/1EE    Richard       AW 3152/ 273/1GH
Rivera        PJ 2691/  70/819    Robles        CA 0699/ 156/124
Rodriguez     EV 8412/ 173/934    Rodriguez     LO 7041/  35/143
Rodriguez     MA 3043/  48/110    Rodriguezdiaz MJ 0699/ 240/1FT
Rojas         F  5993/ 281/1L1    Romero        DA 0399/ 339/1K2
Rosado        JA 6019/ 296/VHC    Rusher        BR 0699/ 115/030
Ryan          TW 1371/ 180/198    Sablan        DJ 7212/ 318/1PR
Saengchanh    S  3381/ 238/1RT    Sanchez  Jr   L  0111/ 138/014
Santiago      BA 6391/  47/1JQ    Santos        DJ 0699/ 295/TR3
Sasser        CD 6019/ 164/V8B    Secaida       OE 3381/ 245/017
Shepherd      DA 0291/  51/1F1    Sibblis       PE 6019/ 154/080
Silva         MA 3043/  75/094    Silva  Jr     R  6019/ 300/VF2
Smith         JR 5769/  87/111    Solomon       ME 6672/  63/145
Sorrell  Jr   LE 0111/ 286/QAE    Stanley  Jr   CL 0372/  26/UAS
Steck  III    CW 8412/  16/974    Steltz        BE 6672/ 123/1J0
Stroscio      MP 1169/ 114/J33    Surunis       JM 0111/ 178/QAB
Swan          CM 0699/ 170/1ES    Sypraseuth    K  0111/ 175/1JQ
Szekely       AJ 1349/  23/U76    Tagle         EJ 0111/  49/013
Talbert       AO 6391/  13/S7F    Taylor        LA 0699/ 219/1MX
Terrell       QD 3043/  25/S97    Thompson      TN 6019/  74/VHM
Tijerina      EC 6019/ 301/036    Tokiwa        WD 2891/  58/130
Torres        GH 2311/ 305/LAF    Tovar         MS 7236/ 317/1QA
Tucker        LC 2691/  67/800    Turner        LE 6672/ 340/1CY
Untalan       RI 2311/ 311/1Y9    Uribe         A  2181/  17/15H
Van           DT 5524/ 136/143    Vedsted       JE 5811/ 191/092
Velez         VD 0111/  66/QAQ    Vera          FR 6019/ 166/G77
Villalobos    C  6276/ 169/VRA    Villarreal    ME 5959/ 103/1QR
Walker        BC 1371/ 135/15L    Wallace       TR 8412/ 189/JBS
Watkins       CC 6046/ 299/460    Welch         AJ 3451/  21/086
West          CM 0111/  45/239    Wetzel  II    DW 8412/ 111/938
Williams      CJ 0111/ 153/080    Williams      K  0491/  34/1JM
Winslow       TM 0111/  62/TMG    Wissmeyer     M  0399/  81/SK5
Witherow      NW 6046/  73/1JY    Woisin        KT 5821/ 247/01A
Wright        BM 0321/  53/KAP    Wysong        NJ 6019/ 151/1JV
Young         SR 0321/   4/1R2    Zatlin        RF 6019/  39/VM5
Ziemba        AJ 7041/ 100/027
               ABOVE ZONE        PROMOTION ZONE       BELOW ZONE 
0111  18  20180301  19990831  20200201  20020225  20201201     NA
0291   6  20180901     NA     20190101  20011030  20200101     NA
0321   4  20160801  20000131  20180401     NA     20180501     NA
0372   4  20161101  20010507  20180801  20020603  20181001  20000912
0393   2  20160401     NA     20200701     NA        NA        NA
0399  19  20190801     NA     20201201  20040810  20201201     NA
0411   1  20170901     NA     20180901  20020709  20190301     NA
0451   1  20180801     NA     20200201  20040316  20200201     NA
0491   8  20171101     NA     20180901  20040329  20181101     NA
0681   2  20190101  20011029  20200101  20010619  20200101     NA
0699  18  20190201  20010806  20200201     NA     20200801  20040209
0848   2  20190901     NA     20201001  20010820  20201001     NA
1169   1  20181001     NA     20191001  20010410  20191001     NA
1349   3  20170601     NA     20180601     NA     20190801  19990426
1371   7  20190101  19980723  20200201  20020729  20200801     NA
1795   1     NA        NA     20200201     NA        NA        NA
1799   2  20190701  20030609  20190701  20040322  20190701  20040920
1833   4  20190901     NA     20201001  20021210  20201001     NA
2149   1  20180201  20000731  20190101  19980817  20190101  20010522
2181   3  20180201     NA     20200301  19980427  20201001     NA
2311   3  20190401  19990818  20200601     NA        NA        NA
2336   4  20161101     NA     20180801  20030602  20180801  20040830
2691   5  20180201  20030527  20180501  20030505     NA        NA
2891   3  20180201  19970616  20180701  19970909  20190401     NA
3043   4  20190201  20001228  20190401     NA     20190601  20010813
3044   1  20180801     NA     20200201     NA     20201101     NA
3051   1  20190101     NA     20200101     NA     20200401     NA
3152   3  20190901     NA     20200101     NA     20201201     NA
3381   5  20191001  20010204  20200101     NA     20201101     NA
3451   1  20170501     NA     20180401     NA     20191101     NA
3529   5  20170701  19980204  20180701  19990719  20190101     NA
3537   3  20180701  19990726  20180901  19960917  20190801  20000612
4133   1  20170801     NA     20201101     NA     20201201  20040607
4421   1  20180201     NA     20190101     NA     20191101     NA
4591   4  20180801     NA     20190101     NA     20201201  20040615
4821   1  20180201     NA     20190101     NA     20190601     NA
5512   1  20130801     NA     20200701  20030728  20200701     NA
5524   1  20180201  19981005  20190101  19981013  20190101  19990621
5769   4  20180401  20000619  20201201  20021209  20201201     NA
5811   5  20181001     NA     20201001  20001227  20201001     NA
5821   3  20171001  20010605  20201101     NA     20201201     NA
5959   1  20160901     NA     20180901     NA     20190701  20040113
5993   4  20180201  19970318  20191101     NA     20201101     NA
6019  16  20190201  20000104  20200301  19990608  20200501     NA
6042   1  20161001     NA     20190101     NA     20200801     NA
6046   4  20180401     NA     20200501     NA     20200601     NA
6276   1  20191001     NA     20200701     NA        NA        NA
6391   8  20170301     NA     20180201     NA     20190401     NA
6591   2  20180201  20000710  20190101  20000717  20190401     NA
6672   5  20180301     NA     20200801  20021202  20201201     NA
6842   2  20170601     NA     20191001     NA        NA        NA
7041   3  20170801     NA     20190401     NA     20201001     NA
7212   3  20191001     NA     20201201     NA        NA        NA
7236   1  20190401     NA     20200901  20030707  20200901     NA
7291   2  20190301     NA     20200201  20031020  20200201     NA
7314   1  20150901  20010326  20200101  20040707  20200201  20030908
8412  21  20180801  20030616  20200401  20020916  20200901  20060113
8999  99  20181001  20011127  20191101  20060130  20201201     NA
THE FOLLOWING IMOS(S) ARE CLOSED: 0161, 0351, 0393, 0511, 0869,
0871, 1391, 2659, 2874, 3432, 5831, 6694, 7011, 7051, 7242, AND 7316.
4.  The Marines listed in paragraph 2 were selected from the Intended Military Occupational Specialty (IMOS) table listed in MARADMINS 393/22, and 449/22.  Where the feeder MOS for a selectee does not provide skill progression to the IMOS, this MARADMIN does not constitute authority to change the Marine's primary MOS.
5.  Requests for remedial promotion consideration must be submitted to the CMC (MMPR-2), organizational mailbox at enlistedpromotions@usmc.mil.  Strict compliance with the provisions of paragraph 3602 of reference (a) is directed.
6.  Commanders are to review this MARADMIN for erroneous selections e.g., incorrect date of rank, incorrect MOS, incorrect zone of consideration, and requests to transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve.  Additionally, the commanding officer will promptly audit the electronic service record of the Marines on the select list, and will report within 10 days of receipt of the selection message to the CMC (MMPR-2) via message all instances where the Marine: 
6.a.1.  Was or is the subject of completed or pending disciplinary action by military or civilian authorities or other significant adverse action within the current grade (e.g., Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), court-martial, civilian conviction, etc.).  This is required regardless of whether the action occurred prior to the convening of the board, during the board, subsequent to the publication of the selection list, or while the Marine was a member of a previous command,
6.a.2.  Has been assigned to the Body Composition Program (BCP),
6.a.3.  Has been designated "no further service" for any of the reasons listed in paragraphs 1204.4.ff and 1204.4.gg of reference (a).
6.b. If an erroneous selection is found, forward a message to the CMC (MMPR-2) within 10 days of receipt of this MARADMIN detailing the circumstances.  If erroneous selections are subsequently discovered through research by staff agencies at HQMC, corrective action will be taken by the CMC (MMPR-2).
7.  Commanders will immediately notify the CMC (MMPR-2) of the intent to withhold or revoke the selection of any Marine whose name is listed in this MARADMIN.  A full written justification for the recommendation to withhold or revoke the Marine's promotion must be forwarded via the chain of command to arrive at the CMC (MMPR-2) no later than 30 days after receipt of this MARADMIN.  Ensure the Marine concerned is afforded the opportunity to review the command's recommendation and submit a statement.  Paragraph 5200.3b of reference (a) provides specific language that must be contained in the opening paragraph of the Marine's statement.
8.  Marines who were considered and not selected may contact the Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50) to gain insight on improving their competitiveness and to receive an evaluation of their official military personnel file.  However, Marines should note that, due to the confidentiality of the selection board process, the specific reason for not being selected cannot be provided.  For more information and career counseling, call DSN:  278-9241 or commercial (703) 784-9241 or 1-800-833-2320.
9.  Demographic data for the FY 2023 Sergeant Major and Master Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board will post to the Promotion Branch web site within 10 days from the date of this MARADMIN.
10.  This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch web site.  Go to the Enlisted Promotion home page:  www.manpower.usmc.mil, select "Active Marine", "Promotion Branch (MMPR)", then "Enlisted Promotions".  From there, to find this MARADMIN:  click on "Message Traffic", then “Staff Noncommissioned Officer (SNCO) Messages".
11.  This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
12.  Release authorized by MajGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//