R 142130Z NOV 22
REF/B/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20190530//
REF/C/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20080125//
REF/D/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20210510//
REF/E/MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20190215//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Purpose. This message announces the results of the Academic Year 2023-2024 (AY23-24) Top Level School (TLS) Selection Board that convened on 18 October 2022. It also identifies the registration, security clearance and passport requirements for each school and fellowship.
2. The board selected the officers listed in the below paragraphs through a competitive board process from among a large and highly qualified screening population. The selectees are, in the opinion of the board, the officers best and fully qualified to attend premier senior resident education programs and fellowships. MMOA will place a letter in the Official Military Personnel Files of all officers selected as a primary or an alternate.
3. The AY23-24 TLS Selection Board selected the following officers to attend the Department of Defense (DOD) schools listed below. Convening and graduation dates are subject to change and selected officers are encouraged to contact their assigned school's Senior Service School Representative, listed in paragraph (7), for any changes. Officers who complete one of the following DOD schools will obtain Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Phase II credit. (Read in three columns):
Name PMOS Note
3.a. Advanced Strategic Leadership Studies Program, Fort Leavenworth, KS. Convenes June 2023 and graduates June 2024. A mandatory one year assignment at Fort Leavenworth as a seminar leader is required following graduation. Report NLT 19 June 2023.
Tompkins, Ralph B. 7565 1,5
3.b. Air War College (AWC), Montgomery, AL. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 18 July 2023.
Acosta, Rico 4402 1,5
Blaine, Barney B. 0302 1,5
Cicchi, Michael P. 7509 1,5
Gwiazdon, Jordan M. 4402 1,5
Lambert, Jason A. 7202 1,5
Mack, Abdul E. 0102 1,5
Williamson, Robert E. 7202 1,5
Zimmerman, Christina F. 0402 1,5
3.c. Army War College (USAWC), Carlisle, PA. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NET 17 July 2023 and NLT 26 July 2023.
Andrejack, Joseph A. 7532 2,4
Carey, Thomas W. 0302 2,4
Doty, Christopher M. 0370 2,4
Erskine, Jon S. 0802 2,4
Felter, Trevor J. 7509 2,4
Flynn III, George J. 0302 2,4
Manzanet, Efren S. 0402 2,4
McNeil, Stephen M. 0102 2,4
McNulty, John A. 0802 2,4
Misner, Kevin A. 0402 2,4
Moeykens, Justin M. 0202 2,4
Murphy, Scott E. 1802 2,4
Sharber Jr., Morris M. 0802 2,4
Simi, William B. 0802 2,4
Slusser, Joseph L. 0402 2,4
Thoreen, Bjorn E. 7566 2,4
3.d. College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC), Washington, DC. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 21 July 2023.
Schreiner, John T. 1702 1,4
Thomas, Danielle E. 0202 1,4
3.e. College of International Security Affairs (CISA), Washington, DC. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 21 July 2023.
Gard III, Clayton D. 7523 1,4
3.f. College of Naval Warfare (CNW), Newport, RI. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 27 July 2023. Two selectees with an off-cycle report date have their report date listed in parentheses following their name.
Awtry, Aaron M. 0302 1,3,5
Baker, Glenn P. (Feb 2024) 0302 1,3,5
Chiu, Allan S. 0202 1,3,5
Fiala, Benjamin J. 7525 1,3,5
Gibson, Robert A. 4402 1,3,5
Goodno, Alexander E. 7518 1,3,5
Grissom, Justin C. 7523 1,3,5
Hahn, Kyle P. 7202 1,3,5
Halton, Matthew 0102 1,3,5
Lacovara, Stephen A. 6602 1,3,5
Meier, Shawn A. 0402 1,3,5
Mills, Brandon L. (Feb 2024) 0402 1,3,5
Petkus, Joseph R. 3002 1,3,5
Simon, Michael D. 0302 1,3,5
Snipes, David P. 0370 1,3,5
Willis, Nathan S. 0202 1,3,5
3.g. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, Washington, DC. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 21 July 2023.
Blejski, Michael A. 7557 1,5
Caroffino, Daniel W. 7565 1,5
Conte, Michael T. 7525 1,5
Decoursey, Matthew S. 8059 1,5
Dickerson, Erik S. 7523 1,5
Grayson, Gregory A. 3404 1,5
Mantz, Erica K. 6002 1,5
McBride, LaBarron L. 3002 1,5
Rock, Michael C. 0602 1,5
Shull, Michael J. 8059 1,5
Tran, David L. 1302 1,5
Vaccariello, Richard J. 1702 1,5
3.h. Joint Advanced Warfighting School (JAWS), Norfolk, VA. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 14 July 2023. Graduates of this program will complete a mandatory utilization assignment to designated billets on the joint duty assignment list.
Grissett, Gideon P. 1302 2,5
Guerra III, Felix 0302 2,5
Hord, Travis L. 0302 2,5
3.i. Marine Corps War College (MCWAR), Quantico, VA. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 21 July 2023.
Ackerson, Brian W. 7588 1,5
Ashinhurst, Christopher A. 1802 1,5
Cooley, Brandon E. 1302 1,5
Heiny, Patrick J. 8061 1,5
Huysman, Brian P. 0302 1,5
Mease Jr., Frank P. 0302 1,5
Passerella, Christopher A. 0202 1,5
Pugh, Douglas T. 0402 1,5
Semelroth, Anton T. 4502 1,5
Wagner, Richard J. 0402 1,5
Young, Bridget N. 6002 1,5
3.j. National War College (NWC), Washington, DC. Convenes July 2023 and graduates June 2024. Report NLT 21 July 2023.
Ash, Phillip T. 7509 1,3,5
Copeland, Jason C. 0302 1,3,5
Dagher, Saleh P. 3404 1,3,5
Do, Trong M. 7532 1,3,5
Fahey, Patrick J. 7565 1,3,5
Farag, Timothy J. 7518 1,3,5
Jones, Lawrence O. 7566 1,3,5
Koval, Mark A. 7565 1,3,5
Meixner, John T. 0302 1,3,5
Nelson, Jeremy M. 0102 1,3,5
Owen, Byron J. 0202 1,3,5
Potter, Jason W. 7532 1,3,5
Rainey, David S. 5803 1,3,5
Tee, Eric P. 0202 1,3,5
Note 1: Requires a Secret security clearance.
Note 2: Requires a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) security clearance.
Note 3: Officers taking certain elective courses require a TS/SCI. These officers should contact the Senior Service School Representative listed in paragraph (7) at the school for additional details.
Note 4: No official passport required.
Note 5: Official passport required.
4. The board selected the following officers to attend foreign professional military education (FPME) programs and CMC fellowships. Officers completing FPME assignments will receive service TLS credit and JPME phase I credit. Fellowships grant service TLS PME credit only. Marine Corps University will coordinate an indoctrination conference for fellows, specific assignments for SECDEF Executive fellows, and an orientation program. Selectees to the below programs should contact the MCU POC listed in paragraph (9) with questions about report dates and requirements.
4.a. Foreign Senior Service Colleges. (Read in three columns):
Name PMOS Note
4.a.1. Inter-American Defense College, Fort McNair, DC. Convenes July 2024 and graduates June 2025. Language training, if required, is scheduled from January 2024 to June 2024 at DLI, Washington, DC.
Johnson, Jeromy R. 0302 6,11
4.a.2. Israeli National Defense College, Tel Aviv, Israel. Convenes June 2023 and graduates July 2024.
Geisler, Jonathan M. 7565 6,11
4.a.3. Japanese National Institute for Defense Studies, Tokyo, Japan. Convenes July 2024 and graduates June 2025. MCU will schedule language training with selectee in 2023 as required.
Benson, Daniel H. 0602 6,11
4.a.4. NATO Defense College - 1st Session, Rome, Italy. Convenes September 2023 and graduates February 2024.
Williams, Brian S. 0370 9,11
4.a.5. NATO Defense College - 2nd Session, Rome, Italy. Convenes February 2024 and graduates July 2024.
Tucker, Emma C. 7202 9,11
4.b. Commandant of Marine Corps Fellowships. Officers will report to their respective ADCON commands NLT 26 July 2023 and complete the fellowship June 2024. Orders from PMOS monitors will include information on ADCON commands. (Read in three columns):
Name PMOS Note
4.b.1. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Washington, DC.
Norwood, Aaron C. 0402 8,11
4.b.2. Department of State (DOS), Washington, DC.
Everly, Natasha M. 0602 8,11
4.b.3. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Washington, DC.
Garofano, Anthony T. 4402 8,11
4.b.4. Hoover Institution at Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Kulisz, Thomas A. 0202 6,10
4.b.5. International Security Studies Program at Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Gallagher Jr., Timothy K. 7557 6,10
4.b.6. JFK School of Government at Harvard University, Cambridge,MA.
Perrottet, Michael T. 7563 6,10
4.b.7. Lincoln Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Lexington, MA.
Mayoral, Joshua J. 1702 8,10
4.b.8. Logistics Fellowship at Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
Taylor, Michael A. 3002 6,10
4.b.9. School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC.
Turner, Brandon H. 0302 6,11
4.b.10. Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Executive Fellowships. Orientation the entire month of July 2023. Corporation/company/ location to be determined in spring 2023. Selectees should contact MCU POC listed in paragraph (9) for further details.
Baumann, Matthew J. 8059 6,10
Clark, Vanessa M. 7532 6,10
Katolin, Dennis W. 0602 6,10
Raper, Jason B. 8059 6,10
4.b.11. SECDEF Strategic Thinkers Program at Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC. This program has an application requirement that all selectees must complete. See notes for website and contact MCU POC in paragraph (9) with questions.
Buria, Ricky D. 7532 6,10,12
Gordinier, Ryan R. 0302 6,10,12
Harvey, Rebecca M. 4402 6,10,12
Holt, Tyler J. 0302 6,10,12
4.b.12. Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership at US Naval Academy. Graduates of this program will complete a mandatory two year utilization tour as USNA Marine Detachment Chief of Staff or Battalion Officer.
Scherrer, Eric A. 7509 10
4.b.13. Security Studies Program at MIT, Cambridge, MA.
Gillett, Marcus D. 1302 8,10
4.b.14. United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Washington, DC.
Williams, Eric M. 0802 8,11
4.b.15. United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Washington, DC.
Karlin, Jessica J. 1302 7,11
Note 6: Requires a Secret security clearance.
Note 7: Requires a TS security clearance.
Note 8: Requires a TS/SCI security clearance.
Note 9: Requires a NATO Secret security clearance.
Note 10: No official passport required.
Note 11: Official passport required.
Note 12: Additional details regarding this program are located on the following website: https:(slash)(slash)www.usmcu.edu/Academic-Programs/SECDEF-Strategic-Thinkers-Program/.
5. The list of officers selected as alternates will be published via the MMOA-3 "Board Updates and Information" webpage located at https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/webcenter/portal/MMOA3_BUI and then selecting the "Top Level School Board" link. The list will be posted alphabetically by full name and MOS. No action is required by officers on this list. If an assignment becomes vacant due to a declination or other circumstances, an approved alternate will be fleeted up from the prioritized alternates list.
6. Primary selectees are to accept via email to their monitor listed in paragraph (9) NLT 14 calendar days from the release of this message.
6.a. Declinations. Officers selected for TLS by the board who subsequently decline the opportunity to attend must submit their declination in writing (AA form) to HQMC (MMOA-3) via the first general officer in their chain of command NLT 14 calendar days from the release of this message. A declination letter will become part of the officer's OMPF. A declination renders an officer ineligible for screening on future TLS boards. Alternates fleeted up to fill vacated TLS quotas are also required to formally decline via the procedure described above if they decline the opportunity to attend school.
6.b. Deferrals. Officers selected for TLS by the board who are unable to execute orders due to extraordinary life or professional circumstances may request a deferral. If approved by Director, Manpower Management, officers will be automatically selected and re-slated on the AY24-25 TLS board. Primary selects may submit a deferral request in writing (AA Form) to HQMC (MMOA-3) via the first general officer in their chain of command.
6.c. All correspondence must originate from the selected officer. In the case of AA forms requesting declination or deferral, officers should scan all documents into a single portable document format (PDF) and email it to the MMOA SMB mailbox at: SMBMMOAPLANSO@usmc.mil.
6.d. Once an officer accepts their selection and receives orders they are subject to references (d) and (e).
7. Registration. Officers selected to attend a service college or National Defense University colleges and schools are directed to orient themselves to, and if required initiate registration for, their respective school as outlined in the below links. Contact Senior Service School Representatives listed below with questions.
7.a. Air War College (AWC).
Website: https:(slash)(slash)www.airuniversity.af.edu/AWC/Inbound-Students/
POC: Col Aaron Cunningham
Comm: (334) 953-6931 or mobile: (910) 467-7873
Email: aaron.cunningham.4@au.af.edu
7.b. Army War College (UASWC).
Website: https:(slash)(slash)www.armywarcollege.edu/
POC: Col Keith Burkepile
Comm: (717) 245-4862
Email: keith.burkepile@armywarcollege.edu
7.c. College of Naval Warfare (CNW).
Website: https:(slash)(slash)usnwc.edu/college-of-naval-warfare/
POC: Col Craig Wonson
Comm: (401) 856-5137
Email: craig.wonson@usnwc.edu
7.d. Marine Corps War College (MCWAR). Website: https:(slash)(slash)www.usmcu.edu/Students/New-Student-Check-In/.
POC: Capt Matthew Ward
Comm: (703) 432-5503
Email: matthew.ward@usmcu.edu; mcu_registrar@usmcu.edu
7.e. Joint Advanced Warfighting School (JAWS).
POC: Col Carl “Ward” Cooper
Comm: (757) 443-6115
Email: carl.e.cooper.mil@ndu.edu
7.f. National War College (NWC) and College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC). Website: https:(slash)(slash)nwc.ndu.edu/Students/Incoming-Students/
POC: Col Michael Prosser
Comm: (202) 685-3644
Email: michael.b.prosser.mil@ndu.edu
7.g. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy. Website: https:(slash)(slash)es.ndu.edu/New-Student-Information/
POC: Col Todd Miller
Comm: (202) 685-4202
Email: todd.m.miller.mil@ndu.edu
7.h. College of International Security Affairs (CISA). Website: https:(slash)(slash)cisa.ndu.edu/Students/Incoming-Students/
POC: Col Wayne Zuber
Comm: (202) 685-3876
Email: wayne.zuber.mil@ndu.edu
7.i. Officers selected to attend a fellowship or foreign PME are directed to contact the MCU POC listed in paragraph (9) for applicable registration, indoctrination, and language training.
8. Security Clearance. Officers selected as either a primary should immediately consult their local security manager-special security office (SSO) to confirm their eligibility for those programs requiring TS/SCI access. Failure to coordinate clearance-access requirements may negate eligibility to attend TLS.
9. Points of contact are:
LtCol R. F. May, LtCol Combat Arms Monitor
DSN: 278-9274, COMM: (703) 784-9274
Email: robert.may@usmc.mil
LtCol J. D. Thornburg Jr, LtCol CSS Monitor
DSN: 278-9274, COMM: (703) 784-9274
Email: james.d.thornburg@usmc.mil
LtCol K. M. Gall, LtCol Info Monitor
DSN: 278-9272 COMM: (703) 784-9272
Email: kurt.gall@usmc.mil
LtCol L. W. Hemming, Aviation LtCol Monitor
DSN: 278-9267 COMM: (703) 784-9267
Email: lee.hemming@usmc.mil
LtCol M. G. Guard, Head, MMOA-3 Plans and Programs
DSN: 278-9284, COMM: (703) 784-9284
Email: mitchell.guard@usmc.mil
Mr. M. G. Cooper, CMC Fellowships/Foreign PME, MCU
DSN: 378-0696, COMM: (703) 432-0696
Email: michael.cooper@usmcu.edu
10. Release authorized by MajGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//