Date Signed: 11/22/2022 | ALMARS Number: 032/22
ALMARS : 032/22

R 221400Z NOV 22
ALMAR 032/22
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Sergeant Major Black and I want to wish every Marine, Sailor, Civilian Marine, and Sea Service family a memorable and joyous Thanksgiving.  We are very proud of each of you.  Throughout this past year, you have continued representing our Nation with the professionalism and devotion to duty that are hallmarks of our Armed Forces.
2.  President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an official national holiday in the midst of the Civil War, reminding us that we can find things to be thankful for even during the most difficult times.  Since that official proclamation in 1863, countless servicemembers have celebrated at least one Thanksgiving in remote regions of the world and often in harm’s way.  American scholar W.T. Purkiser wrote, “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is a true measure of our thanksgiving.”  This quote holds especially true for those who choose to serve in the military and defend the many blessings this country enjoys.
3.  Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season, a great time to enjoy time with family and friends.  As you celebrate this year, remember to take care of yourselves and one another.  Let’s use this Thanksgiving to reflect on all the things we have to be grateful for and recommit ourselves to defending the freedoms we cherish.  Sergeant Major Black and I are honored to serve alongside every one of you, and we wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.
4.  Semper Fidelis.  David H. Berger, General, U.S. Marine Corps, Commandant of the Marine Corps.//