R 192130Z JAN 23
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Situation. This message announces the CY23 Federal Express (FedEx) - Joint Global Logistics Operations Summit (JGLOS) hosted by FedEx from 8 - 11 May 2023. In coordination with FedEx Express, DC I&L, and Marine Corps University (MCU), the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) Fellow at FedEx has arranged a four-day summit at the FedEx World Headquarters located at 3610 Hacks Cross Rd, Memphis, TN 38125. Participants will gain an increased situational awareness of the FedEx-Department of Defense (DoD) partnership and a deeper understanding of FedEx logistics operations and capabilities in support of the Maine Corps and the other services. The summit will expose Marines to the operational tempo being leveraged by a highly successful corporation. The events and presentation topics include, but are not limited to, FedEx operating companies, innovation, and logistics solutions.
2. Mission. From 8 - 11 May 2023, Marines will participate in the annual FedEx JGLOS in Memphis, TN in order to enhance the FedEx-USMC relationship as well as foster a deeper appreciation of FedEx logistics operations and capabilities.
3. Execution
3.A. Commander's intent. The purpose of this summit is to familiarize Marines with FedEx operations, innovative initiatives, and logistics solutions.
3.A.1. Concept of operations. Participant selection will focus on ensuring appropriate representation of experienced personnel from across the Marine Corps. Priority/special consideration will be given to nominees who possess logistics MOS's and/or are serving in logistics and innovation assignments. Individuals that have retirement dates or plan on executing an upcoming end of active service (EAS) should not apply. Oncoming CMC Fellow for FedEx will automatically have a seat reserved for the summit.
3.A.2. The target audience requirements are:
3.A.2.a. Officers: Captains (O-3) to Lieutenant Colonels (O-5) and Chief Warrant Officers (CWO2-CWO4).
3.A.2.b. Enlisted: Gunnery Sergeant (E-7) to Master Gunnery Sergeant (E-9).
3.A.2.c. Civilian: Government Service (GS-12 - GS-15).
3.A.2.d. Personnel who represent fields of expertise in logistics operations, supply chain management, maintenance, and innovation.
3.A.2.e. Personnel that will fully participate in idea exchanges with a vested interest in the topics.
3.A.2.f. Special consideration will be taken for nominees outside the above target audience if they are endorsed by their command via an email with additional justification in the request.
3.B. Tasks
3.B.1. Individuals are responsible for ensuring their nominations are submitted NLT 10 March 2023 via the following link: https:(slash)(slash)forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=E8hFuebc-EGEV1oSwv4Vv52ZMOUm4hVPnxl5RXXYXVdUODIwTlVHNDIwUDYwT0NERjJDM0NKOURKUy4u
3.B.2. No later than 24 March 2023, all nominees will be notified of selection by a listed POC via the email address provided in the nomination form.
3.B.3. No later than 7 April 2023, attendees will notify the POCs listed if they are available or unavailable to attend the summit via the following RSVP link: https:(slash)(slash)einvitations.afit.edu/inv/anim.cfm?i=699254&k=04684B0B7E53
3.C. Coordinating Instructions.
3.C.1. Schedule, Tours and Presentations. A detailed schedule will be provided to participants upon arrival at the summit. Tours and presentations are subject to change based off availability.
3.C.1.a. Schedule (read in two columns):
3.C.1.a.1. 7 May: Travel day
3.C.1.a.2. 8 May: Opening Remarks/Presentations
3.C.1.a.3. 9 May: Tours/Presentations
3.C.1.a.4. 10 May: Tours/Presentations
3.C.1.a.5. 11 May: Presentations/Closing Remarks
3.C.1.a.6. 12 May: Travel day
3.C.1.b. Tours and Presentations
3.C.1.b.1. FedEx Overview/History
3.C.1.b.2. FedEx Operations Overview
3.C.1.b.3. Global Vehicles
3.C.1.b.4. Customer Experience Center tour
3.C.1.b.5. Memphis World Hub tour
3.C.1.b.6. Maintenance Operations Center (MOC) tour
3.C.1.b.7. Global Operations Control Center (GOCC) tour
3.C.1.b.8. Cold Storage tour
3.C.1.b.9. Operations Station tour
3.C.1.b.10. Future Logistics (scanning technology/RFID/in-transit visibility/drones/robotics)
3.C.1.b.11. Supply Chain Logistics
3.C.1.b.12. Package Lab tour
3.C.1.b.13. Global Clearance and Trade Services
3.C.1.b.14. Sense Aware
3.C.1.b.15. Blockchain
3.C.1.b.16. DaVinci Critical Thinking
3.C.1.b.17. Veteran's and Transitioning Military Programs
3.C.1.b.18. FedEx Leadership Discussion Panel
4. Administration and Logistics
4.A. The summit participation capacity is limited to fifty (50) personnel. All summit-associated costs and travel are unit-funded. No government lodging or messing are available. Participants' commands are responsible for the funding and travel details of their participants.
4.B. Recommended airport is Memphis International Airport (MEM).
4.C. Transportation to and from the Memphis International Airport on travel days is not provided. FedEx will provide transportation for summit attendees between the recommended lodging facilities and FedEx facilities in direct support of summit events.
4.D. The summit lodging facilities are:
4.D.1. Courtyard Memphis Collierville - 4640 Merchants Park Circle, Collierville, TN 38107 / TEL: (901) 850-9390 and Fairfield Inn & Suites Memphis Collierville - 10290 Collierville Rd, Collierville, TN, 38017 / TEL: (901) 708-2440.
4.D.2. Group Lodging has been blocked off for the summit at the above locations. Reservations must be made NLT 14 April 2023. The below link provided will have a drop-down selection with both hotels. Once the room block is full for one of the hotels, the link will inform selectee to please select the other location. Please use the following links to make reservations: https:(slash)(slash)www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1670863536011&key=GRP&app=resvlink or https:(slash)(slash)www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1670863618415&key=GRP&app=resvlink.
4.E. Summit attire for all participants is business casual, which is defined as suit jacket or blazer, button-down shirt or polo, with no tie required/optional. No military uniforms required throughout the duration of the summit. Participants will get the opportunity to work at the Memphis world hub and assist in sorting and routing packages for delivery. Participants should bring jeans and a collared shirt they do not mind getting dirty. Recommend boots for this event, steel toe not required.
5. Command and Signal. Direct all questions concerning this message to the POCs listed above.
6. Release authorized by BGen Forrest C. Poole III, Assistant Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics (LP).//