R 091330Z FEB 23
REF/B/MSGID:DOC/CMC C 466/YMD:20210512//
REF/E/MSGID:DOC/CMC C 469/YMD:20220323//
REF/F/MSGID:DOC/CMC C 469/YMD:20211207//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. The purpose of this MARADMIN is to announce the FY24 Enlisted to Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CWO2) Marine Gunner Selection Board. Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) will convene the FY24 Enlisted to CWO2 Marine Gunner Selection Board at Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps on or about 20 June 2023 for approximately three days to select qualified regular Marines for appointment to the grade of permanent CWO2 in Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 0306 Infantry Weapons Officers. Application deadline is 22 May 2023.
2. Per references (a) and (k), the Marine Gunner Selection Board is designed to provide the Marine Corps with technical specialists who perform duties that require extensive knowledge of MOS 0306 and can be assigned successive tours of duty. MOS credibility is a key factor for selection. The Commandant has directed that Marine Gunners come from the ranks of infantry senior staff noncommissioned officers in the grade of gunnery sergeant or above. These Marines must possess combat arms skills, operational experience, extensive knowledge of infantry weapons, combat marksmanship, and other such expertise that will make a significant contribution to the warfighting capability of their future units and to the infantry/ground combat element advocacy process as a whole. As Marine Gunners, they will be a source of expertise on all aspects of infantry weapons and combat marksmanship. They will maintain their high degree of expertise with assignments within the operating forces, installations, and supporting establishments. Due to continual operating forces assignments, Marine Gunners should expect to receive Permanent Change of Station orders upon graduation and spend a large amount of time deployed.
3. Marine Gunners will advise commanders at all levels on the tactical employment of weapons and optics organic to infantry and infantry-like units. Additionally, they will develop, coordinate, and monitor unit training programs to improve the employment and maintenance of infantry weapons, and to instill and foster combat marksmanship skills throughout the force. Therefore, only experienced Marines with a primary MOS of 0321, 0363, 0369, or 0372 will be considered. Specific prerequisites and caveats for eligibility are addressed in reference (c). Should E-8 and E-9 Marines in the 8999 MOS choose to apply they must have held the 0321, 0363, 0369, or 0372 MOS prior to the 8999 MOS or be eligible and meet the prerequisites and caveats addressed in reference (c). We recognize that few have the broad scope of knowledge and experience required to become a Marine Gunner. The training track developed for this MOS will build on the selectees' present base of experience to produce an officer qualified to carry out the duties of a Marine Gunner. Following the Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC), newly commissioned Marine Gunners will attend the Infantry Weapons Officer Course. Interested Marines are highly encouraged to contact their primary MOS monitors prior to formally submitting an application.
4. Marines are encouraged to contact the 0306 Occupational Field Manager, Marine Gunner, CWO5 Matthew Anderson for more information to help determine their qualifications, at commercial (703) 614-8498, DSN prefix 278 or via email at matthew.t.anderson1@usmc.mil.
5. Electronic Applications. All CWO applications will be submitted electronically in accordance with the instructions provided in the following paragraphs. All submitted documents shall be legible. Marines who have questions regarding the technical use of the electronic application may contact the MCRC point of contact listed in paragraph 27 of this message. Qualified Marines are required to obtain a commanding officer (CO) endorsement at each level of command up to the first general officer (GO) in their chain of command, and submit their complete applications through DoD SAFE (Secure Access File Exchange), https:(slash)(slash)safe.apps.mil/, to the following email address: warrantofficerboard@marines.usmc.mil. Marines are to follow all instructions within DoD SAFE when uploading and submitting their applications. Hard copy applications will be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Marines must send their complete applications to the electronic mail address listed above prior to the application deadline. Each CO must ensure that his or her endorsement, denoting the level of confidence in the applicant, is promptly returned to the Marine so that the Marine may submit the application prior to the deadline. Commands must ensure that Marines receive original copies of all endorsements.
6. If an applicant is assigned to a command or institution of another Service or country that will locally provide endorsements and evaluations based on their own Service or national perceptions and values, consultation with a field grade Marine Corps officer or higher is encouraged. This will ensure clarification of the inclusion or exclusion of Service unique information. Endorsements from these senior Marines should be included, if appropriate. This does not exclude the requirement of a GO-level endorsement. COs must ensure applications are forwarded via the chain of command and include a GO-level endorsement.
7. Qualified Marines are encouraged to submit applications in accordance with the guidelines provided by reference (a) and this MARADMIN. In accordance with reference (k), no promotion photos will be submitted with the application. Applications received without all endorsements will not be considered by the board. COs should not recommend commissioning for Marines who do not meet the eligibility criteria and do not qualify for a waiver. If the senior endorser deems a Marine "not recommended" for commissioning, the Marine is ineligible for board consideration. Marines who receive a "not recommended" endorsement from the senior endorsers and still forward their applications to MCRC will not be considered for the board. COs are directed to pass this information to eligible Marines in their commands, review applications for completeness, ensure that Marines who request waivers receive comprehensive justification on all endorsements (including the senior endorser), and make definitive recommendations regarding all Marines who submit applications. COs must specifically address the technical proficiency of the Marines in the MOS for which they are applying. Marines should follow the sample application and endorsements should follow the format and content located at https:(slash)(slash)www.mcrc.marines.mil/Marine-Officer/Officer-Naval-Enlisted-Applicants/. Endorsements and applications must be screened closely to ensure that only technically and professionally qualified Marines are submitted for consideration.
a. Submit appropriate Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) screens for Service Record Book (SRB) pages that have been replaced per reference (c) by MCTFS. Marines must ensure SRB pages which have been removed and replaced by MCTFS are updated, and these pages must be made part of their application. Due to operational necessity, all Marines are required to provide their full Social Security Number (SSN) and other Personally Identifiable Information (PII) on the data sheet only. PII is required to track, identify and evaluate applicants throughout the application process.
b. Reference (d) covers the Marine Corps tattoo policy. All Marines will complete the Tattoo Screening Form (TSF) and Statement of Understanding (SOU). A copy of the TSF and SOU may be found on the MCRC website at http:(slash)(slash)www.mcrc.marines.mil/Marine-Officer/Officer-Naval-Enlisted-Applicants. Marines and certifying commissioned officers are required to fill out the entire form except the re-verification portion. Commands must ensure that color photos are included and forwarded with the application. Marines with body markings must submit a close-up color photo and explanation of each body marking addressing the content (description and meaning), location, size, number of body markings and date the body marking was made. In addition, Marines must submit full length photos in Physical Training (PT) gear (green shorts-green t-shirt) from the left, right, front and back. For body markings located in private areas, Marines will submit a drawing and a written description detailing the criteria cited by this paragraph in lieu of a photograph. Private areas are defined as any portion of the body that is covered by the PT uniform. Photo/drawing of the body marking is required in the application only. Digital photos/drawings of body markings will not be filed in the Marines' OMPFs, nor will the photos be seen by the board. All photos/drawings are used for tattoo waiver and review purposes only.
c. Per reference (c), Unit Punishment Book (UPB) entries are only filed in the SRB if applicable. For those Marines who do not have a UPB, include a statement as an additional paragraph in the basic application that states "No UPB is provided due to no record of non-judicial punishment or other disciplinary action."
d. Marines must possess unquestionable character and exercise sound judgment at all times. Accordingly, applicants must disclose all instances of disciplinary and/or investigative actions taken against the Marine, regardless of the outcome. This includes but is not limited to: court martial proceedings, civilian court proceedings, administrative separation processing, non-judicial punishment, command investigations, Prohibited Activities and Conduct investigations, and any other investigation conducted by a government agency. This includes court proceedings of any kind resulting in an acquittal, a dismissal, or a deferred prosecution; and any investigation or proceeding in which the basis is unfounded or unsubstantiated. Marines reporting such instances must provide a detailed statement with any associated documentation explaining the circumstances of the matter and the disposition.
e. Per reference (e), Marines are required to have a current Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test (PFT) on file. The PFT induction standard for The Basic School (TBS) is a first class PFT defined in reference (e). Per reference (f), all Marines are required to adhere to Marine Corps body composition and military appearance standards.
f. Marines must submit a 100 - 500-word essay that must address the following subjects:
1. What is the most compelling reason I desire to become a CWO2 (Marine Gunner) in the Marine Corps.
2. What I feel my duties will entail on a daily basis.
3. How I intend to make the transformation to a CWO2.
g. Pre-commissioning physical examination documents must be submitted per chapter 15 of reference (g). Reference (g) can be accessed via the following website: https:(slash)(slash)www.med.navy.mil/directives/pages/navmedp-mandmed.aspx. See paragraph 18 of this MARADMIN for additional information regarding submission of medical documents.
8. Qualifications: In addition to the requirements contained in references (a) and (b), Marines must meet the basic reenlistment prerequisites per reference (h). Applying to the Marine Gunner selection board does not justify an extension of an End of Active Service (EAS) date or a reenlistment as the sole basis. If a Marine will EAS prior to the commissioning date on or about 1 February 2024, the Marine will need to coordinate with their respective career planners and COs for guidance.
9. Per reference (a), no age restriction is established. Marines must meet service eligibility requirements established by reference (a). Marines must have at least one year time in grade at GySgt and not more than 23 years of service by the convening date of the board. Use the convening date of the board when computing the amount of active naval service, 20 June 2023. Active duty in the U.S. Army or U.S. Air Force is not creditable as naval service.
10. Per reference (a), Marines must possess a minimum General Technical (GT) score of 110 derived from the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) or the Army Classification Battery-61. Marines must use the Basic Training Record (BTR) as evidence of a qualifying GT score. Classification test score is located on the test score screen of MCTFS. If the score is in MCTFS but does not appear on the BTR, attach a copy of the test score screen to the BTR and submit as an enclosure to the application. Only a GT score resident within MCTFS will be accepted as an official score of record for all Marines.
11. Those Marines whose test scores do not satisfy the minimum requirements are encouraged to retest immediately to ensure scores are posted 30 days prior to the board convening date, 20 June 2023. Marines will not be allowed to retest without first obtaining written authorization from their commands at the battalion/squadron level via the command authorization letter found within reference (i). These requests may be signed "by direction" from the unit Career Retention Specialists or any staff officers with "by direction" authority from the CO. Marines are highly encouraged to follow the Command Authorization Letter template found within reference (i), enclosure (1), to avoid administrative processing delays due to incorrect letter format. The Command Authorization Letter template can also be downloaded from the Manpower Studies and Analysis (MPA) Test Control website at https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/webcenter/portal/MPA/Testing. Marines should then schedule an Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) retest with the nearest base or installation Education Center or an authorized Marine Corps test site. Marines are not authorized to take an AFCT retest at a Military Entrance Processing Station or Military Entrance Test Site. Marines may only take the AFCT twice in a 12-month period. In addition, Marines will not be retested earlier than six months following the most recent retest. Marines who fill recruiter billets must follow special instructions which require approval from MPA. This authority is not delegated. Recruiters can contact MCRC G-3 Enlisted Operations, Deputy Head, Enlisted Recruiting Comm: (703)432-9650 or contact MPA Test Control DSN 278-9368 or Comm: (703)784-9368. Exceptions to those requirements can only be authorized by the Commandant of the Marine Corps, MPA. Failure to follow AFCT retesting policy will result in test score invalidation. Marines may submit applications with a pending AFCT retest if they are using their GT scores to meet the aptitude test score requirements established by reference (a) provided the following conditions are met:
a. In order for the applications to be accepted, commands must endorse applications with a projected date for testing availability and test results.
b. To ensure test scores can be recorded and reflected in MCTFS, testing must be completed no later than 60 days prior to the convening of the selection board. The convening date of the board is on or about 20 June 2023; therefore, testing must be completed by 20 April 2023.
c. If a qualifying score is not reflected in MCTFS 30 days prior to the convening of the board, 20 June 2023, the application will be determined ineligible. Marines must provide a copy of their updated scores as soon as they receive them.
12. Reference (i) provides information on the Marine Corps Classification Testing Program and publishes initial testing and retest prerequisites. Arrangements and coordination with Army testing facilities in Kuwait have been made to test Marines. Army testing facilities are located at Camp Arifjan and Camp Buehring. If not located within 50 miles of a Marine Corps or sister service testing facility or if any other extenuating circumstances exist regarding AFCT authorization, contact MPA Test Control DSN 278-9368 or Comm: (703) 784-9368.
13. Waivers. Requests of waivers for eligibility requirements and exceptions to policy, except those established as non-waivable by law or those specified as non-waivable by this MARADMIN, may be considered on a case-by-case basis by the CG, MCRC.
14. Per references (c) and (j), each Marine is personally responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their OMPF and Master Brief Sheet (MBS). If deficiencies such as missing fitness reports, date gaps or unreadable documents are present in the OMPF, Marines are personally responsible for correcting the problem officially with Manpower Management Records and Performance Branch (MMRP). The deadline to submit OMPF related information is no later than 10 calendar days prior to the board convene date. All emails submitted to MMRP-20 related to this Board must be indicated on subject line. Ex: (FY24) ENLISTED TO CWO2 Marine Gunner Selection Board. Emails not including said information on subject line or submitted after said date may not be reviewed in time for said board. Marines are advised that the OMPF and MBS are distributed to the board room prior to the convening date.
15. Medical Qualifications. A complete medical exam must be completed and submitted separately from the application. Medical documents must include a Report of Medical Examination (DD Form 2808), Report of Medical History (DD Form 2807-1), Annual Certification of Physical Condition or current Preventative Health Assessment (PHA) if applicable, and any supporting documentation as needed. Physicals must have been completed within 24 months prior to anticipated date of appointment (1 February 2024). Marines currently deployed to locations that do not have access to medical facilities are authorized to submit pre-commissioning medical documents immediately upon return stateside, but no later than 1 September 2023. Applicants must pay particular attention to the following items:
a. Dental class type 1 or 2, documented on the DD Form 2808 in block 43, and have block 83.a signed by a dentist or submit a dental examination as a separate enclosure. Dental records should be updated to reflect the most current dental examination.
b. HIV results must be within 24 months of check-in to include date tested and roster number.
c. Distance vision must be documented in block 61 of the DD Form 2808. If vision does not correct to 20/20, a current manifest refraction and ophthalmology evaluation is required. Applicants with a history of vision correction surgery must have all pre-operative and post-operative reports included with the medical documents.
d. The results of an updated audiogram must be included in DD Form 2808 block 71.a or as a separate enclosure. If any result is outside the normal range, per reference (f), section 38, submit an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) or Audiology consultation/evaluation and interpretation.
e. Ensure all "Yes" answers on DD Form 2807-1 are explained by the physician in block 29. All pertinent medical clearance documents for each condition disclosed in the DD Form 2807 should be provided.
f. Ensure all answers on DD Form 2808 blocks 17-42 (excluding block 41 for males) are marked normal or abnormal. "NE" is not an acceptable answer.
16. Medical documents will be reviewed for completeness once received. Additional medical documentation or testing may be required. Upon publication of the selection list, it is the responsibility of the Marine Gunner selectees to contact MCRC to ensure that medical requirements are met for commissioning. Select grade to Marine Gunner will not be reflected in MCTFS until selectees have met all medical requirements to accept commission. Orders to the WOBC will not be initiated until selectees are determined to be medically qualified by Bureau of Medicine and Surgery via MCRC.
17. To ensure proper filing of separate correspondence addressed to the president of the board for inclusion with an application, include the Marine's name and Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier number. Letters of recommendation(s) from officers outside the normal COC who have knowledge of the Marine's leadership qualities and potential for commissioning may be submitted up until the convening date directly to MCRC ON/E, 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, Virginia 22134, or as an enclosure to the applications.
18. Selection results are considered confidential and will not be released under any circumstances until approved by the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC). Once CMC has approved the select list, results will be published by a MARADMIN message. Selectees are scheduled to be commissioned on or about 1 February 2024. The selectees will attend the WOBC. By separate orders, selectees will be ordered to report to the CG, Training and Education Command, to attend the WOBC at TBS in January 2024.
19. Selectees from the FY24 Enlisted to CWO2 Marine Gunner selection board are tentatively scheduled for commissioning on 1 February 2024. Those selected to Marine Gunner will be appointed by commission, by the President, to the grade of CWO2, designated Marine Gunner, and authorized to wear the bursting bomb insignia.
20. Lineal control numbers will be determined by the class standing upon completion of the WOBC.
21. Per Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1165, CMC may recommend termination of any permanent regular warrant officer at any time within 3 years after the date when the officer accepted commissioning as a CWO2. Accordingly, the CO, TBS or any required MOS follow-on school shall request that CMC terminate the commission of a warrant officer who fails the WOBC or any required MOS follow-on school.
22. Recurring application discrepancies noted on past selection boards include:
a. Senior endorsers neglecting to make definitive recommendations regarding a Marine's application
b. Marines applying for an MOS for which they are not qualified
c. COC neglecting to vet Marines for MOS qualification
d. Gaps in fitness reports
e. Missing statements supporting NJPs and page 11 entries (i.e. fraternization statement)
f. Incomplete statements regarding initiation, completion, or type of security investigation/clearance
g. Missing current physical fitness or combat fitness test score
h. Missing proof or verification of citizenship (if Basic Individual Record reflects Alien)
i. Letters of recommendation neglecting to address the Marines' experience in the MOS for which they are applying
j. Missing documents from the OMPF:
1. Fitness reports
2. Award citation write-ups
3. Any information not documented in the OMPF
23. COs should notify MCRC ON-E in writing, of any changes affecting enlistment status or disciplinary action which occur after submission of an application.
24. This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
25. This MARADMIN is cancelled 28 February 2024.
26. The point of contact (POC) for the MARADMIN is Mr. Brent Reidenbach. Please refer to the POC information at the beginning of this MARADMIN for telephone number or email brent.reidenbach@marines.usmc.mil.
27. Release authorized by Major General William J. Bowers, Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command.//