Date Signed: 3/7/2023 | MARADMINS Number: 128/23
MARADMINS : 128/23

R 071700Z MAR 23
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Purpose.  To provide guidance and coordinating instructions for the execution of 2023 Active Duty Fund Drive (ADFD) in support of Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS).  In accordance with reference (a), this message provides tasks and coordinating instructions in support of the successful execution of the 2023 ADFD.
2.  Mission.  Commanders will organize and execute a successful fund drive in support of NMCRS, beginning no later than 13 March 2023. Success is defined as ensuring contact with all active duty service members to inform them about the resources and support available from NMCRS and facilitating that opportunity to make a voluntary donation.  The campaign’s theme “By Our Own, For Our Own” reflects our Corps’ tradition of taking care of each other.
3.  Execution
3.a.  Intent
3.a.1.  Purpose.  Units will raise awareness among all Marines and Sailors regarding the services and resources provided by NMCRS, and provide opportunity to make voluntary donations.
3.a.2.  Method.  Through appointed ADFD coordinators and key personnel, execute an intentional, meaningful, and deliberate messaging and information-sharing campaign, through 30 April 2023 to educate all Marines and Sailors on NMCRS services.
3.a.3.  End State.  Achieve one-hundred percent meaningful contact to all members and increase awareness of NMCRS programs and services for all Marines and Sailors.  In addition, afford all active duty personnel the opportunity to voluntarily contribute to support the NMCRS mission.
3.b.  Concept of Operations.  Installation and major subordinate commanders will identify and appoint ADFD coordinators to manage the campaign at their installations and headquarters.  Unit (battalion/squadron) level commanders will appoint key personnel to be the primary executors of the campaign at the unit level no later than 13 March 2023.  Coordinators, partnering with closest geographic NMCRS field office staff, will organize and train command key personnel. These key personnel will receive training and promotional resources in preparation for the ADFD.  Unit key personnel will establish contact with each member of their command and educate Marines and Sailors on the support and services provided by the NMCRS.  Unit key personnel will afford Marines and Sailors opportunities to make a voluntary donation to the fund drive.  Progress of the fund drive will be reported and monitored weekly at the regional level (each NMCRS field office) by key personnel, via the Command ADFD Coordinator and regional NMCRS
3.c.  Tasks
3.c.1.  Marine Corps Component Commands.  Coordinate and supervise the organization and execution of the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS for assigned operational forces and headquarters personnel.  Marine Corps Component Commanders supporting Geographic Combatant Commanders are directed to make liaison with the closest geographic NMCRS field office for assistance with the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS.
3.c.2.  Marine Corps Forces Reserve (MARFORRES).  Coordinate and supervise the organization and execution of the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS for assigned Active Duty forces within your command. Ensure key personnel are appointed at each station and report progress through a centralized ADFD Coordinator at MARFORRES headquarters.
3.c.3.  Marine Expeditionary Force Commands.  Ensure key personnel are assigned down to the individual battalion/squadron level. Training of key personnel will be achieved via local NMCRS field office staff and ADFD Coordinator assigned to the regional installation command.
3.c.4.  Training and Education Command.  Ensure key personnel are assigned at each Marine Corps training location.  Training of key personnel will be achieved via the local/nearest NMCRS field office staff and ADFD Coordinator assigned to the regional installation command.
3.c.5.  Marine Corps Installations Command (MCICOM)
3.c.5.a.  As the main effort, ensure an Installation ADFD Coordinator is appointed at each regional site to serve as the primary liaison between NMCRS field office staff and the key personnel with each tenant command at the Major Subordinate Command (MSC) level and above.
3.c.5.b.  Act as the overall Marine Corps ADFD Program Coordinator.
3.c.5.c.  Provide training and promotional aids to supported units via the NMCRS field offices located aboard or nearest your installations.
3.c.5.d.  Coordinate and supervise the organization and execution of the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS for assigned personnel in addition to installation tenant commands not assigned to the operating forces.
3.c.6.  Marine Corps Recruiting Command.  Appoint an ADFD Coordinator and key personnel as required to coordinate the organization and supervise the execution of the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS for assigned personnel.
3.c.7.  Marine Corps Logistics Command.  Appoint an ADFD Coordinator and key personnel as required to coordinate the organization and supervise the execution of the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS for assigned personnel.
3.c.8.  Marine Corps Systems Command.  Appoint an ADFD Coordinator and key personnel as required to coordinate the organization and supervise the execution of the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS for assigned personnel.
3.c.9.  Commanding Officer, Henderson Hall.  Appoint the National Capital Region (NCR) ADFD Coordinator and oversee the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS for Headquarters Marine Corps units within the NCR.
3.d.  Coordinating Instructions
3.d.1.  Commands tasked in this message will identify and forward contact information for their ADFD Coordinator and key personnel to the regional NMCRS field office no later than 13 March 2023. Coordinators will organize each MSC, Region, or District assigned to their respective commands, and oversee/support unit key personnel executing the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS.
3.d.2.  Fund drive training and execution will be coordinated with installation or supporting regional NMCRS field office staff.  This includes support for promotional resources, training, and sharing of best practices.
3.e.  If required by operational commitments, commands may extend the campaign beyond 30 April, as necessary, to accommodate units that may be unavailable during the primary fund drive period.
3.f.  Official Participation in ADFD
3.f.1.  Pursuant to references (a) through (c), Marines are permitted to officially endorse and participate in ADFD fundraising events.  All participants must uphold the policy of truly voluntary giving during the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS.
3.f.2.  Authorized 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS fundraising activities include, but are not limited to:
3.f.2.a.  Official endorsement of NMCRS and personal solicitation by Navy and Marine Corps personnel to Navy and Marine Corps personnel.
3.f.2.b.  Command-sponsored raffles, lotteries, and carnival-type games of chance provided the proposed games comply with the requirements set forth in references (a), (b), and (c).
3.f.2.c.  Speeches, meetings, videos, and other methods of communication used to facilitate meaningful contact with Navy and Marine Corps personnel.
3.f.2.d.  Consistent with the rules for the use of appropriated funds, commands may authorize the use of appropriated funds for traditional kickoff events, recognition ceremonies, and non-solicitation events to support the ADFD.
3.f.2.e.  Setting command goals for one-hundred percent meaningful contact with Navy and Marine Corps personnel.
3.f.3.  The following prohibited activities are counter to this policy and include, but are not limited to: Coercive solicitations or goal-setting activities tied to raising a threshold dollar amount;  actions that do not allow, or create the appearance that Marines or Sailors do not have a free choice to give or not to give; actions that do not allow, or create the appearance that Marines and Sailors do not have a free choice to publicize their gifts or keep them confidential; casino-type games of chance;  and solicitations outside the government.
4.  Administration and Logistics
4.a.  Coordinators will ensure that execution plans are in compliance with legal and ethical standards through a legal review when necessary.
4.b.  Reporting.  Weekly reports of personnel contact and funds raised will be reported and submitted by unit key personnel to the regional NMCRS field office via the tracking tool found at https:(slash)(slash)adfdreporting.nmcrs.org/.  This web-based reporting tool developed by the NMCRS will be used to report progress on a weekly basis during the execution period. Instructions on the use of this application and other valuable resources for ADFD execution can be found at https:(slash)(slash)www.nmcrs.org/pages/ADFD-Resource.
4.c.  Promotional resources and training for Coordinators and unit key personnel will be provided by either the Marine Corps installation or closest geographic NMCRS field office staff. Personnel from this office will be prepared to support the fund drives taking place aboard their installations and must be leveraged for the preparation and execution of this fund drive.
5.  Command and Control
5.a.  Director, Marine Corps Staff will have oversight of the Marine Corps’ efforts for the 2023 ADFD in support of NMCRS.  Commander, MCICOM, as the main effort, will maintain visibility of the Marine Corps’ progress throughout the fund drive via the NMCRS tracking tool.
5.b.  Communications.  Commanders will utilize the NMCRS tracking tool located at https:(slash)(slash)adfdreporting.nmcrs.org/ to provide weekly updates to the Commandant of the Marine Corps via the Director, Marine Corps Staff.  The NMCRS tracking tool will be the primary means by which updated information on individual commands’ progress can be viewed.
5.c.  All questions regarding this message and the execution of the ADFD should be addressed to the nearest NMCRS field office staff and/or installation/regional ADFD coordinators.
6.  Release authorized by Lieutenant General Gregg P. Olson, Director, Marine Corps Staff.//