Date Signed: 3/20/2023 | MARADMINS Number: 144/23
MARADMINS : 144/23

R 201400Z MAR 23
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  The following publications are available via the Marine Corps Doctrine Website https:(slant)(slant)usmc.sharepoint-mil.us/sites/MCEN_Support_MCDoctrine:
1.a.  The Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 8, Information, audio book was posted to the Marine Corps Doctrine Website on 15 December 2022.  It is also available on the Marine Corps Publication Electronic Library at https:(slant)(slant)www.marines.mil/News/Publications/MCPEL/Electronic-Library-Display/Article/3077947/mcdp-8/.  It is in the MP3 file format and has a two-hour and two- minute run time.
1.b.  Marine Corps Reference Publication (MCRP) 3-40D.12, Construction Estimating (Ch 1), was approved on 1 October 2022. Change 1 was necessary to remove the Controlled Unclassified information status and make it publicly releasable; no content was changed.  This publication is a reference for preparing construction project estimates for general engineering and for contingency construction projects performed by military engineer units.
1.c.  MCRP 3-31.4, Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (MTTP) for Kill Box Planning and Employment, was approved on 7 October 2022.  This publication supersedes MCRP 3-31.4, MTTP for Kill Box Planning and Employment dated 18 June 2018.  MCRP 3-31.4 establishes tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for the application of kill boxes.  Kill boxes are used to facilitate integrating joint fires as a permissive fire support coordination measure, in accordance with Joint Publication 3-09, Joint Fire Support.  MCRP 3-31.4 standardizes kill box terminology and offers a detailed explanation of kill box planning, coordination, and employment.  This publications target audience includes commanders; Marine Corps operations, planning, and intelligence sections; fires planners at all echelons; and individual operators and aircrews.
1.d.  MCRP 3-05.3, MTTP for Personnel Recovery, was approved on 20 October 2022.  This publication supersedes MCRP 3-05.3, MTTP for Personnel Recovery dated 4 June 2018.  MCRP 3-05.3 addresses specific personnel recovery (PR) options, capabilities, and methods as defined by JP 3-50, Personnel Recovery.  This publication details the military option for recovering isolated personnel using conventional joint capabilities.  This publications target audience is commanders and staffs who participate in PR operations.
1.e.  Marine Corps Tactical Publication (MCTP) 13-10E, Ship-to-Shore Movement was approved on 1 November 2022.  This publication supersedes MCTP 13-10E, Ship-to-Shore Movement, dated 1 October 2018.  MCTP 13-10E discusses conducting ship-to-shore movement; amphibious task force and landing force unit organization during amphibious operations of any type or size landing; command relationships within and between naval forces; the planning process; and executing surface-borne and airborne movement control.  This publication expands on current joint doctrine and governs the way naval forces execute movement ashore and supplements Joint Publication 3-02, Amphibious Operations.  This publications target audience is operational staffs and unit commanders.
1.f.  MCRP 3-30D.2, Devotional Field Book, was approved on 7 November 2022.  This publication supersedes MCRP 3-30D.2, Devotional Field Book, dated 1 March 2012, dated 2 May 2016, and change dated 4 April 2018.  It is a resource for Marine Corps command religious programs, a personal devotional guide for Marines and Sailors, and may be used when conducting divine or lay-led services. This publication is applicable to all Marines and Sailors.
1.g.  MCTP 3-20E, Assault Support, was approved on 5 December 2022. This publication supersedes MCTP 3-20E, Assault Support, dated 20 May 2004, erratum dated 2 May 2016, and change 1 dated 4 April 2018. MCTP 3-20E provides a framework for developing and employing assault support assets across the competition continuum.  It focuses onemploying vertical lift support for Marine air-ground task forceoperations.  This publication forms the basis for specific (TTP) found in Marine Corps doctrinal publications; assault support aircraft Naval Air Training andOperating Procedures Standardization manuals; and tactical manuals within the 3-22 series Navy TTP publications.  This publications target audience is commanders and their staffs who plan assault support missions.
1.h.  MCRP 3-40D.14, Water Support Operations, was approved on 16 December 2022.  This publication supersedes MCRP 3-17.7Q, Water Support Operations, dated 2 October 2015.  MCRP 3-40D.14 provides guidance and direction for units conducting water support operations.  The techniques provided in this publication are non- prescriptive ways or methods that units can use to perform water support missions, functions, or tasks.  This publications principal audience is Marines who perform or teach water support operations.
1.i.  MCTP 7-20A, Unit Training Guide, was approved on 27 January 2023.  This publication cancels MCTP 8-10A, UTM Guide, dated 25 November 1996, erratum dated 2 May 2016, and change 1, dated 4 April 2018; and MCTP 8-10B, How to Conduct Training, dated 10 August 2005, erratum dated 2 May 2016, and change 1, dated 4 April 2018.  MCTP 7-20A contains guidance for Marine leaders at all levels on how to plan, conduct, and evaluate Marine Corps training across the range of military operations within the competition continuum.  This publication provides a description of training fundamentals and how leaders at all levels apply them to the planning and conduct of standards-based training.  It details how Marine leaders ready their units for the rigors of combat by leveraging a systematic process to develop training plans, training events, and exercises.  This publication provides the authoritative basis for how the Marine Corps trains in preparation for operations across the competition continuum; however, it does sowithout prescribing techniques or procedures.  This publication is intended for Marine leaders at all levels who plan, conduct, ad evaluate Marine Corps training.
1.j.  MCRP 7-20A.1, Training Plan Design, was approved on 27 January 2023.  In conjunction with MCTP 7-20A and the associated family of MCRPs, this publication cancels MCTP 8-10A, UTM Guide, dated 25 November 1996 with erratum dated 2 May 2016 andchange 1, dated 4 April 2018; and MCTP 8-10B, How to Conduct Training, dated 10 August 2005 with erratum dated 2 May 2016 andchange 1, dated 4 April 2018. MCRP 7-20A.1 provides guidance to Marine leaders regarding how to create a standards-based unit training program.  It introduces UTM roles and responsibilities, beginning with the unit commander and training planners.  Building on MCTP 7-20A, this publication explains how to use the Systems Approach to Training and Education (SATE) process to plan unit training.  This publication has been prepared for leaders primarily at the battalion / squadron level and above throughout the Fleet Marine Force (FMF).
1.k.  MCRP 7-20A.2, Event and Exercise Design, was approved on 27 January 2023.  In conjunction with MCTP 7-20A and the associated family of MCRPs, this publication cancels MCTP 8-10A, UTM Guide, dated 25 November 1996 with erratum dated 2 May2016 and change 1, dated 4 April 2018; and MCTP 8-10B, How to Conduct Training, dated 10 August 2005 with erratum dated 2 May 2016 and change 1, dated 4 April 2018.  MCRP 7-20A.2 provides guidance for Marine leaders and trainers on how to create standards-based unit training events and exercises.  It builds on UTM roles andresponsibilities introduced in MCRP 7-20A.1 and provides planning considerations for events within the unit training plan. Building on MCTP 7-20A, this publication explains how to utilize the SATE process to conduct unit training. This publication is for unit training leaders (officers, staff noncommissioned officers, andnoncommissioned officers) at the battalion / squadron level throughout the FMF.
1.l.  MCRP 7-20A.3, Simulations Training Guide, was approved on 27 January 2023.  This new publication provides guidance for Marine leaders on how to plan and conduct simulation in support of training.  It introduces the purpose, value, and capabilities of Marine Corps simulations to increase opportunities for achieving cognitively oriented training repetitions and sets that mentally prepare Marines for live training.  MCRP 7-20A.3 directly reinforces and supports MCTP 7-20.A in guiding leaders at all levels to better leverage available simulations and integrate them effectively into their training plans.  This publication is intended for Marine leaders at all levels who plan and conduct live, virtual, and constructive training.
1.m.  MCRP 7-20A.4, Evaluations and Assessments, was approved on 27 January 2023.  In conjunction with MCTP 7-20A, MCRP 7-20A.1, and the associated family of MCRPs, this publication cancels MCTP 8-10A, UTM Guide, dated 25 November 1996 with erratum dated 2 May 2016 and change 1, dated 4 April 2018; and MCTP 8-10B, How to Conduct Training, dated 10 August 2005 with erratum dated 2 May 2016 and change 1, dated 4 April 2018.  MCRP 7-20A.4 provides guidance for Marine leaders on how to evaluate and assess unit training.  This publication intentionally focuses exclusively on the evaluation and assessment of unit training, describes the fundamentals of evaluation and how leaders at all levels can better evaluate standards-based training.  This publication is intended for Marine leaders at all levels who evaluate and assess Marine Corps training.
1.n.  MCRP 7-20A.5, Training Data Management, was approved on 27 January 2023.  In conjunction with MCTP 7-20A, MCRP 7-20A.1, and the associated family of MCRPs, this publication cancels MCTP 8-10A, Unit Training Management Guide, dated 25 November 1996 with erratum dated 2 May 2016 and change 1, dated 4 April 2018; and MCTP 8-10B, How to Conduct Training, dated 10 August 2005 with erratum dated 2 May 2016 and change 1, dated 4 April 2018.  MCRP 7-20A.5, Training Data Management, provides guidance for all Marines concerning the management of information created during training planning, execution, and evaluation.  This publication introduces Marines to data management roles and responsibilities within a UTM program and how processes and technological systems contribute to and influence these functions.  It has been prepared for all Marines including commanders performing assessments to information users seeking information to support unit training plan implementation.
2.  Coordinating Instructions.  Units requiring print allocations must follow procedures identified in reference (a), paragraphs 4.a.2.a.2.b and 4.a.2.a.c.  Marine Corps Publication Distribution System publication control numbers (PCNs), limited dissemination control (LDC), and managers are:
2.A.  MCDP 8, Information, Audio Book.
2.A.1.  PCN:  Not Applicable.
2.A.2.  LDC:  None.
2.A.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.B.  MCRP 3-40D.12, Construction Estimating (Ch 1).
2.B.1.  PCN:  144 000200 00.
2.B.2.  LDC:  None.
2.B.3.  Manager:  Marine Corps Engineer School.
2.C.  MCRP 3-31.4, MTTP for Kill Box Planning and Employment.
2.C.1.  PCN:  144 000160 01.
2.C.2.  LDC:  Distribution List (Government and Contractor).
2.C.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.D.  MCRP 3-05.3, MTTP for Personnel Recovery.
2.D.1.  PCN:  144 000273 00.
2.D.2.  LDC:  Distribution List (Government and Contractor).
2.D.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.E.  MCTP 13-10E, Ship-to-Shore Movement.
2.E.1.  PCN:  147 000052 01.
2.E.2.  LDC:  FEDCON (Federal Employees and Contractors Only).
2.E.3.  Manager:  Maritime Expeditionary Warfare Division.
2.F.  MCRP 3-30D.2, Devotional Field Book.
2.F.1.  PCN:  144 000142 01.
2.F.2.  LDC:  None.
2.F.3.  Manager:  TECOM Chaplain.
2.G.  MCTP 3-20E, Assault Support.
2.G.1.  PCN:  147 000023 01.
2.G.2.  LDC:  None.
2.G.3.  Manager:  Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One.
2.H.  MCRP 3-40D.14, Water Support Operations.
2.H.1.  PCN:  144 000196 01.
2.H.2.  LDC:  None.
2.H.3.  Manager:  Marine Corps Engineer School.
2.I.  MCTP 7-20A, Unit Training Guide.
2.I.1.  PCN:  147 000091 00.
2.I.2.  LDC:  None: Publicly releasable after review.
2.I.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.J.  MCRP 7-20A.1, Training Plan Design.
2.J.1.  PCN:  144 000324 00.
2.J.2.  LDC:  None.
2.J.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.K.  MCRP 7-20A.2, Event and Exercise Design.
2.K.1.  PCN:  144 000325 00.
2.K.2.  LDC:  None.
2.K.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.L.  MCRP 7-20A.3, Marine Corps Simulation Training Guide.
2.L.1.  PCN:  144 000326 00.
2.L.2.  LDC:  None.
2.L.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.M.  MCRP 7-20A.4, Evaluations and Assessments.
2.M.1.  PCN:  144 000327 00.
2.M.2.  LDC:  None.
2.M.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
2.N.  MCRP 7-20A.4, Training Data Management.
2.N.1.  PCN:  144 000328 00.
2.N.2.  LDC:  None.
2.N.3.  Manager:  Policy and Standards Division.
3.  This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force.
4.  Release authorized by Lieutenant General Kevin M. Iiams, Commanding General, Training and Education Command.//