R 241328Z MAY 24
REF/A/MSGID: DOC/MM/YMD: 20190530//
REF/C/MSGID: DOC/PPO/YMD: 20130327//
REF/D/MSGID: DOC/MPP-56/YMD: 20210510//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Purpose. This message announces the Academic Year 2025 Commandant's Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB) convening on 06 August 2024 as part of the Commandant’s Education Board (CEB). The purpose of this message is to announce the available programs, eligibility criteria, and timelines for the CCLEB execution.
1.a. Major milestone timeline (read in two columns):
Date Milestone
Release of this message Eligibility roster published
Release of this message CEB questionnaire opens
07 July All waiver requests due
07 July CEB questionnaire closes
07 July Applications/board correspondence due
07 July Remove by Requests (RBR) due
19 July Non-compliance list published
26 July Final eligibility list published
06 August CEB convenes
2. Background. The CCLEB, as part of the CEB, is the premier Professional Military Education (PME) opportunity provided to company grade officers. The board will convene for approximately four weeks to select the best and fully qualified officers for resident PME programs, graduate education programs, and special duty assignments.
3. Eligibility. All eligible officers are required to complete the specific instructions outlined in paragraph 5.
3.a. Eligibility criteria
3.a.1. All company grade officers who will complete their current tour control factor (TCF) by 30 September 2025. Officers whose TCF is complete by 31 December 2025 may screen with PMOS monitor approval.
3.b. Ineligibility criteria
3.b.1. Officers with a training PMOS or departing PMOS training.
3.b.2. Captains in-zone or above zone for major on the CY24/FY26 Major Promotion Selection Board.
3.b.3. Officers currently enrolled in or who have completed an education program slated by a previous CCLEB.
3.b.4. Officers who have not yet fulfilled an obligated utilization tour for a previously attended program.
3.b.5. Officers enrolled in or who have completed the Expeditionary Warfare School Blended Seminar Program (EWSBSP). Officers enrolled in or having completed EWSBSP who are interested in CCLEB programs other than resident PME schools (e.g., NPS, FAO, Olmsted, etc.) can submit a request for consideration. Refer to paragraph 5.e. for instructions.
3.b.6. Officers with an approved lateral move in CY24 are ineligible for AY25 CCLEB selection and attendance due to PMOS training and assignment.
3.b.7. Officers with an approved separation or retirement date.
3.b.8. Restricted officers.
4. Program details
4.a. CCLEB Resident PME:
4.a.1. Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS).
4.a.2. PMOS-specific Captains Career Courses.
4.b. Graduate Education Programs:
4.b.1. Naval Postgraduate School (NPS).
4.b.2. Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT).
4.b.3. Civilian Institutions for Education (8802) and History
(8878) curricula.
4.b.4. San Diego State University (SDSU) (4505).
4.b.5. Advanced Civilian Schools Program (ACSP).
4.b.6. Foreign Area Officer Program (FAO).
4.b.7. Olmsted Scholar Program (OSP).
4.b.8. Junior Officer Strategic Intelligence Program (JOSIP).
4.c. Internships:
4.c.1. Junior Officer Cryptologic Career Program (JOCCP).
4.c.2. Junior Officer Geographic Geospatial Intelligence Program (JOGP).
4.d. Graduate Education Program
4.d.1. The following AMOSs are associated with the corresponding disciplines and curricula at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). Curricula billet descriptions and a utilization tour brochure are available on the Grad Ed website found in paragraph 5.a. under the program info section (read in three columns):
*3006 Defense Contract Management 815
8824 Electronic Management Systems Engineering 590
8825 Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simulation 399
8826 Applied Physics of Combat Systems 533
8834 Information Warfare 595
8840 Manpower Systems Analysis 847
*8844 Defense Financial Management 837
8846 Computer Science 368
8848 Information Systems and Technology 370
8850 Operations Analysis 360
8852 Defense Systems Analysis 817
*8862 Logistics Management 827
8866 Space Systems Operations 566
*8870 Special Operations 699
824X Foreign Area Officer (FAO) 681-684
*These programs may require Marines to report to Monterey, CA
NLT 30 Dec 2024 due to NPS curriculum requirements. Marines
and commands are encouraged to prepare for an off-cycle move
to reduce impacts to operations and families. The Marine Corps
will be increasing its participation in the winter curricula
to ensure Marines have sufficient time to return to their PMOS
communities without disrupting the staffing and manning of
graduate education requirements across the service.
4.d.2. The following AMOSs are associated with the corresponding graduate education disciplines at other academic institutions (read in three columns):
4505 Communication Strategy and Operations Planner SDSU
8802 Education CIV
8820 Aeronautical Engineering AFIT
8831 Engineering Management AFIT
8878 History CIV
5. General instructions for the eligible population
5.a. The list of eligible officers screening for CCLEB is posted on the USMC Manpower, MMOA-3 Plans and Programs, CPIB/CCLEB and FLEP/ELP webpage: https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/wordpress/?active_marine=active-marines-home/manpower-management-division/mmoa/mmoa-3-homepage/commandants-education-board-cpib-ccleb.
5.a.1. Questions regarding eligibility should be directed to the appropriate PMOS monitor.
5.b. All eligible officers are required to complete the AY25 Commandant’s Education Board Questionnaire no later than 2359 EST on 07 July 2024. The questionnaire is located at: https:(slash)(slash)usnavy.gov1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dbdzqwDD25bdgHk.
5.c. Within the eligibility list, officers with sufficient career timing to participate in programs ranging up to five years (i.e., NPS, AFIT) have a note 1 next to their name. Officers with sufficient career timing to participate in programs ranging up to three years have a note 2 beside their name. Officers without a note beside their name only possess the career timing to attend a one-year program. Officers without a note beside their name who believe they have the career timing to screen for a note 1 or 2 program should contact their PMOS monitor. All program lengths can be found on the Grad Ed Program Info tab, CEB Program Timing Matrix, see paragraph 5.a. for the website.
5.d. All officers must verify that a copy of their undergraduate transcripts is in their OMPF. Officers must upload all higher learning institutional transcripts to their OMPF. Officers should submit OMPF update requests via OMPF-Records Management Application (O-RMA). If assistance is required, contact your unit S-1 or local IPAC. Officers are responsible for ensuring their OMPF is accurate at all times.
5.e. Officers requiring a waiver to screen must submit a waiver request via an Administrative Action Form (NAVMC 10274) to their respective PMOS monitor.
5.e.1. All requests must be endorsed by member's O-5 Commander.
5.e.2. All waiver submissions to participate in CPIB must be received by MMOA NLT 2359 EST on 07 July 2024 to be considered by the board.
5.e.3. All members requesting a waiver should also fill out the questionnaire NLT 07 July 2024 regardless of waiver status.
5.f. The below subparagraphs apply to officers with a note 1 by their name:
5.f.1. Officers with a note 1 beside their name are required to apply and submit undergraduate transcripts to NPS no later than 2359 EST on 07 July 2024.
5.f.2. NPS Admissions website is located at: https:(slash)(slash)nps.edu/web/admissions/apply
5.f.3. After submitting the NPS application, applicants must order official transcripts from all attended undergraduate and graduate institutions for delivery from the institution(s) directly to NPS Admissions. Transcripts must come directly from the institution or their designated transcript exchange service. NPS does not accept transcripts submitted by the applicant. Officers that have previously applied to NPS must submit an additional application but are not required to resubmit transcripts. Officers can submit up to three applications for those curricula listed in paragraph 4.d. above. NPS will notify MMOA-3 of an officer’s acceptance to NPS with the curricula for which the individual may or may not qualify. NPS does not provide an acceptance letter or status of acceptance to individual officers.
5.f.4. Officers with a note 1 beside their name who are interested in AFIT 8831 and 8820 programs should apply and submit undergraduate transcripts to AFIT no later than 2359 EST on 07 July 2024.
5.f.5. The AFIT admissions website is located at: https:(slash)(slash)www.afit.edu/ADMISSIONS/AFITApplicationProcess/.
6. Program specific instructions
6.a. Resident PME. Officers interested in a specific PMOS Captains Career Course will find the available schools listed on the questionnaire and should rank it according to their preferences.
6.b. NPS
6.b.1. Marines holding a PMOS of 4402 are not eligible to apply to NPS curricula.
6.b.2. Defense Contract Management curriculum at NPS (3006) is normally limited to 3002 PMOS. (Exceptions made by request to MMOA-3 for other MOSs).
6.b.3. Financial Management curriculum at NPS (8844) is limited to 3404 PMOS. (Exceptions made by request to MMOA-3 for other MOSs).
6.b.4. Special Operations curriculum at NPS(8870) is limited to 0370 PMOS.
6.c. AFIT
6.c.1. Aeronautical Engineering program (8820) is restricted to 75XX PMOS.
6.c.2. Engineering Management program (8831).
6.d. Civilian Institutions
6.d.1. Education (8802). Interested officers shall compose a letter to the board which states education/training experience, and desired focus of education study (e.g., curriculum design/development, methodology, policy, learning analytics, emerging technology, etc.).
6.d.2. History (8878). Selected officers will earn a Master's in History from a civilian university in 24 months, followed by a utilization tour as a History Instructor at the US Naval Academy. Interested officers shall compose a letter to the board which states a preferred area of historical study and at least three prospective universities.
6.d.3. A sample letter to the board can be found on the MMOA-3 Plans and Programs webpage under “CCLEB/CPIB & FLEP/ELP” tab Grad Ed Applications and Information see paragraph 5.a. for the website.
6.d.4. Tuition. MCU will provide funding for officers participating in the 8802 and 8878 programs up to $19,500 per year at public institutions and $27,120 for private institutions, for up to two years. Any tuition cost exceeding these amounts will be paid by the officer.
6.e. Mass Communication and Media Studies at San Diego State University (SDSU). Limited to 4502s. Applications to SDSU are submitted after the board selection.
6.f. Advanced Civilian Schools Program (ACSP).
6.f.1. The purpose of the ACSP is to provide an opportunity for Marine Corps officers to devote a year as a resident student to complete a master's degree of their choice. The ACSP allows officers the opportunity to earn an advanced degree while maintaining career progression. Participants are highly encouraged to pursue areas of study and research topics of interest to the Marine Corps.
6.f.2. This education program is to last no longer than 12 months and qualifies as partially funded education per reference (a). The participating officers will receive their regular pay and allowances, but application fees, tuition, and matriculation fees, cost of textbooks and materials, and all similar fees and expenses will be borne by the officer. The area of study and research is at the discretion of the officer and no utilization tour is required. The participant’s follow-on assignment will be based on the needs of the Marine Corps and the participant's career progression.
6.f.3. Interested officers are required to have current GRE scores and submit an application. The ACSP application detailing all requirements is found at the CCLEB/CPIB website provided in paragraph 5.a. Questions may be directed to MMOA-3 via e-mail at smbmmoagradedu@usmc.mil, subject titled, “Advanced Civilian Schools Program”.
6.g. Foreign Area Officer Program (FAO)
6.g.1. Officers interested in the FAO program must have less than 11 years of commissioned service by June 2025.
6.g.2. Interested officers must submit proof of current Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) score, and must submit a memorandum to the board in naval letter format with:
6.g.3. Defense Language Proficiency Test score if applicable.
6.g.4. Statement highlighting interest in the FAO program, to include international experience, foreign language exposure, desire to serve as a FAO, and clarification on region preference. Additional information about the FAO Program can be found in reference (c).
6.g.5. Upload a letter via the questionnaire as a file titled “edipi_FAO_lastname”.
6.h. Olmsted Scholar Program (OSP)
6.h.1. Limited to officers with no more than 13 years and 6 months of total Federal service as of 1 April 2025 (time at service academies does not count).
6.h.2. The selection process involves two steps: (1) The CEB nominates up to 8 applicants for further consideration by the Olmsted Foundation; (2) the Olmsted Foundation evaluates those nominated, conducts interviews in January 2025 and makes selections in March 2025. Nominees not selected will be slated to other PME opportunities by their monitor.
6.h.3. Only certain PMOSs are eligible for the OSP as determined by the Foundation: 02xx, 03xx, 0402, 0602, 0802, 1302, 1702, 1803, 3002, 4502, 5803, 60xx, 66xx, 72xx, 73xx, 75xx. See https:(slash)(slash)olmstedfoundation.org/what-we-do/career-fields-eligible-to-apply/.
6.h.4. Officers interested should submit an initial application to the board questionnaire, using the naming protocol: “edipi_OSP_lastname”.
6.h.5. If nominated on the CCLEB, selectees then will submit a completed final application within 30 days of CCLEB results MARADMIN publishing. Both initial and final application templates are provided at the CPIB/CCLEB web address provided in paragraph 5.a.
6.h.6. Certain requirements such as the GRE score, college, transcripts, command photo etc. are listed as part of the final OSP application. Applicants should begin scheduling, as needed, for the GRE and obtaining other administrative requirements to meet the final application submission deadline. With prior coordination, some requirements can be listed as pending in the final application.
6.h.7. The Olmsted Scholar Foundation is the only program that requires the submission of a high-quality digital file command photo taken in Service "A" with National Ensign and Service flag in the background for the final application (required only if nominated). Applicants should not submit the photo early and should submit only with the final application if nominated by this board.
6.h.8. Additional program information may be found at http:(slash)(slash)www.olmstedfoundation.org/what-we-do/eligibility requirements.
6.i. Junior Officer Strategic Intelligence Program (JOSIP), Junior Officer Cryptologic Career Program (JOCCP), and Junior Officer Geographic Geospatial Intelligence Program (JOGP).
6.i.1. JOSIP and JOGP are limited to 02XX PMOS.
6.i.2. JOCCP is available to 02XX PMOS and 1702 PMOS.
6.i.3. Interested officers should submit completed applications to the questionnaire, naming the file such as “edipi_JOSIP_lastname” by the questionnaire deadline.
6.i.4. Officers can apply to one or all the programs as eligible.
7. Coordinating Instructions
7.a. Graduate education programs are not a service equivalent for PME. Marines participating in a graduate education program are required to complete a PME program commensurate with their grade on their own initiative to be considered PME complete for their grade.
7.b. All service PME schools are one academic year in length and incur a 24-month service obligation. Graduate programs vary from one to two years of education followed by a three-year utilization tour. Graduate education programs incur three times the number of months of education completed during the first year of graduate school, or 48 months of service obligation for any graduate programs over one-year. For additional information on program lengths and descriptions, see reference (a) or contact the program officer in paragraph 8 below. Program information can be found on the MMOA-3 Plans and Programs webpage, see paragraph 5.a. for the website.
7.b.1. Direct questionnaire functionality and accessibility questions and issues to MMOA-3 at SMBMMOAGRADEDU@usmc.mil.
7.b.2. Eligible officers must submit program preferences, applications, letters to the board, etc. via the questionnaire. The questionnaire is the only method for MMOA-3 to receive board correspondence. Once responses are submitted via the questionnaire MMOA-3 will receive an automatic notification of completion.
7.b.3. All program applications must be submitted via the board questionnaire (except NPS).
7.b.4. Do not submit more than 7 documents.
7.b.5. Each document must not exceed 8 MB and must be in .pdf format.
7.b.6. File naming convention is very important for board correspondence collection/consolidation. Name the file appropriately according to the program you are applying for i.e. “edipi_OSP_lastname” or “edipi_FAO_lastname”. Condense all documents for a specific program application into one scanned PDF. If due to size constraints the application must be split up, label as such “edipi_JOSIP_lastname (1), edipi_JOSIP_lastname (2)”. If submitting a supplemental board correspondence label as such: “edipi_LOR_lastname” and remove by request "edipi_RBR_lastname".
7.b.7. See paragraph 5.a. for the website and for specific program application samples under tab "Grad Ed Applications and Information.”
7.c. Questionnaire
7.c.1. Direct questionnaire functionality and accessibility questions and issues to MMOA-3 at SMBMMOAGRADEDU@usmc.mil.
7.c.2. The questionnaire can be found at: https:(slash)(slash)usnavy.gov1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dbdzqwDD25bdgHk
7.c.3. Eligible officers must submit program preferences, applications, letters to the board, etc., via the questionnaire. The questionnaire is the official method for MMOA-3 to receive board correspondence. Once responses are submitted via the questionnaire MMOA-3 will receive an automatic notification of completion.
7.c.4. All program applications must be submitted via the CEB questionnaire (except NPS).
7.c.5. Do not submit more than 5 documents.
7.c.6. Each document must not exceed 8 MB and must be in .pdf format.
7.c.7. File naming convention is very important for board correspondence collection/consolidation. Name the file appropriately according to the program you are applying for e.g.: “edipi_OSP_lastname” or “edipi_FAO_lastname”. Condense all documents for a specific program application into one scanned PDF. If due to size constraints the application must be split up, label as such: “edipi_OSP_lastname (1)", "edipi_OSP_lastname (2)”.
7.c.8. Specific program application samples can be found on the MMOA-3 Plans and Programs webpage under the Grad Ed Applications and Information tab, see paragraph 5.a. for the website.
7.d. Board Correspondence. All correspondence to the board must originate from the officer being screened. All submissions (letters of recommendation, clarifying statements of service, etc.) must be uploaded into the Letters to the Board file on the AY25 Commandant's Education Board questionnaire such as “edipi_LTB_lastname” no later than 2359 EST on 07 July 2024.
7.e. Remove by Request (RBR)
7.e.1. Officers who are eligible but do not desire to screen must complete the online questionnaire and attach an endorsed AA form requesting RBR. The AA form must state the reason the officer desires to RBR and be endorsed by the first O-6 in the Marine's chain of command. All requests must be forwarded regardless of positive or negative endorsement and be labeled "edipi_RBR_lastname”.
7.e.2. MMOA-3 must receive endorsed RBRs via the online questionnaire no later than 2359 EST on 07 July 2024.
7.f. Non-Compliance. Officers are considered non-compliant with the above instructions:
7.f.1. If they have a note 1 next to their name on the eligibility roster and fail to apply and submit transcripts to NPS.
7.f.2. If they have a note 1 or 2 next to their name and do not complete the questionnaire and upload a legible copy of their transcripts to OMPF.
7.f.3. Officers who fail to complete the questionnaire, fail to apply to NPS, or fail submit transcripts will still screen and may be slated to a program at the board's discretion.
7.f.4. A list of non-compliant officers will be provided to commands on 19 July 2024 for those officers who have not yet applied to NPS.
7.g. Subsequent MARADMINS will announce AY25 CCLEB results and AY25 Graduate Education Program Results. The results MARADMINS will serve as notification of orders for all primary selectees.
8. Program Points of Contact
8.a. Career-Level Schools (CLS)
Contact your PMOS monitor.
8.b. Naval Postgraduate School
Admissions Office
Comm: (831) 521-2190
Email: admissions@nps.edu
8.c. Olmsted Scholar Program
Mr. Michael Cooper (Marine Corps University)
DSN: 378-0696, Comm: (703) 432-0696
Email: michael.cooper@usmcu.edu
8.d. International Affairs Program (IAP)
Mr. Clayton Fisher (PLU-8)
DSN: 222-0322, Comm: (703) 614-0322
Email: clayton.fisher@usmc.mil
8.e. Master’s of Education
Maj Alex P. McGraw (TECOM)
Comm: (703) 432-2068
Email: alex.mcgraw@usmc.mil
8.f. Engineering Management - 8831 (AFIT)
Maj Tyson Metlen
Comm: (703) 432-0536
Email: Tyson.metlen@usmc.mil
8.g. Master’s of History
Maj Marc St. Pierre (USNA)
Comm: (410) 293-6260
Email: stpierre@usna.edu
8.h. San Diego State University (SDSU)
Capt Bryan McDonnell
Comm: (703) 693-4906
Email: bryan.mcdonnell@usmc.mil
Capt Nathan Rogers
DSN: 278-9277, Comm: (703) 784-9277
Email: nathan.c.rogers@usmc.mil
9. This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
10. Release authorized by BGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director, Manpower Management Division.//