R 071307Z JUN 24
REF/A/MSGID: DOC/MCO/YMD: 20210510//
REF/B/MSGID: DOC/MCO/YMD: 20210203//
POC/J. L. GOSS/MAJ/MMOA-3/TEL: 703-784-9284//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This message announces the eligibility criteria
for Marines who desire to apply for academic year 2025 (AY25) NROTC
duty beginning in summer 2025 and the timeline for selection board
execution. The board will select officers for Professor of Naval
Science (PNS), Executive Officer (XO), and Marine Officer Instructor
(MOI) duty.
1.a. Major timeline milestones are below:
Date Milestone
16 August 2024 NROTC application deadline
28 August 2024 AY25 NROTC board convenes
2. Background
2.a. NROTC units are an essential component in the training of
prospective naval officers. Officers serving at NROTC units mentor,
develop, and shape the future officer corps and must therefore be of
the highest caliber. Officers aspiring to serve on NROTC duty must
possess superlative leadership and academic qualities, be of sound
moral character, and demonstrate superior physical fitness.
2.b. Officers serving as an XO or MOI regularly support and augment
summer training at Officer Candidates School, and other seasonal
training programs such as new student indoctrination, or career
orientation and training for Midshipmen.
3. Eligibility. NROTC positions are open to all active duty
unrestricted officers that meet the criteria below. If an
individual does not satisfy the criteria below they must contact
their PMOS monitor to discuss waiver requirements.
3.a. All interested officers must receive approval to apply from
their PMOS monitors who will ensure officers meet all eligibility
criteria or outline waiver requirements to become eligible. This
correspondence must be included as an attachment in the application
package submission.
3.b. Grade. Officers who are promoted, selected, or in-zone for
the solicited billet grade requirements are eligible to apply.
Paragraph (7) lists available billets with the required grade.
3.b.1. Officers applying for MOI or XO must possess the career
timing to serve a full tour of duty (36 months) in the billet grade
to which they are applying. Requests for exceptions will not
normally receive favorable consideration.
3.c. Time on Station (TOS). Officers who will complete their
prescribed tour, on their current set of orders, NLT 30 September
2025 are eligible.
3.c.1. Officers may request via Administrative Action form to
screen if they are scheduled to complete their prescribed tour after
1 October 2025. The first O5 in the chain of command must endorse
the request and is required to acknowledge a potential gap in
staffing that could last until that officer’s natural rotation date
or beyond.
3.c.2. Officers currently serving in their first tour will be
screened for NROTC duty if they are eligible to compete for
promotion to captain and career designation.
3.c.3. Officers may apply who are not yet career designated but
will screen for career designation on the FY25 Career Designation
Panel #1 in spring 2025.
4. Recommended applicant attributes.
4.a. Academics. Minimum requirement is a bachelor’s degree with a
3.0 undergraduate grade point average (GPA). Select schools waive
this requirement to 2.5 GPA if the applicant's record is otherwise
outstanding. Select billets require a master’s degree.
4.b. Physical fitness. High first class PFT and CFT are
5. Assignment, selection, and slating.
5.a. MMOA makes every effort to match selected officers with their
preferences. By applying for NROTC duty, officers volunteer and
agree to be assigned to any available NROTC billet. Requests for
declination by officers who applied and were selected for NROTC duty
will not normally receive favorable consideration.
5.b. Officers selected for MOI duty who have not screened for
career designation (CD) will be offered CD in conjunction with their
selection to that duty per reference (b).
5.c. Selected officers who were not offered CD on a previous board
for career designation, or are selected for career designation and
decline, will nullify their MOI selection and execute their End of
Active Service (EAS).
6. Application process.
6.a. Officers interested in NROTC duty who meet the above
eligibility criteria must complete the AY25 NROTC application and
submit the documents listed below as part of their package to MMOA-3
no later than 2359 ET on 16 August 2024. Submit all application
documents outlined below to the following organization address:
SMBMMOAPLANSO@USMC.MIL. Applicants must also complete the
assignment questionnaire and upload all application documents via
the questionnaire located at https:(slash)(slash)forms.osi.apps.mil/
6.a.1. In the event that MMOA changes the list of available billets
by updating the webpage in paragraph (7) after an officer has
submitted his or her application, the officer may complete an
updated questionnaire with revised billet preferences, but this is
not required. If multiple questionnaires are submitted, MMOA will
use the most recent submission.
6.b. Electronic packages must be submitted in a single portable
document format (.pdf) file with the following naming convention:
“EDIPI_LASTNAME_SUM24NROTC_DOC1.pdf”. The document must be less
than 800KB in size.
6.c. The applications must include:
6.c.1. Document 1 - Personal statement. Submit this letter in
standard naval letter format from the Marine to MMOA-3. Applicants
are encouraged to submit personal statements of two pages or less.
This is the officer’s opportunity to express in writing their desire
to serve on NROTC duty and elaborate on relevant personal strengths
and experiences.
6.c.2. Document 2 - Command endorsement. Submit this letter in
standard naval letter format from the immediate chain of command,
battalion/squadron commander or equivalent, for officers applying
for MOI or XO.
6.c.3. Document 3 – Letter of Recommendation. At least one but no
more than three letters of recommendation.
6.c.4. Document 4 - Official college transcripts. Official college
transcripts are to be sent directly from the university or officer
and be uploaded to the officer's Official Military Personnel File
(OMPF). Officers should submit OMPF update requests via OMPF-
Records Management Application (O-RMA) which can be accessed through
Marine Online (MOL). If assistance is required, contact your unit
S-1 or local IPAC. Officers are responsible for ensuring their OMPF
is accurate at all times. If legible college transcripts are
already included in the officer's OMPF, a duplicate submission is
not required.
7. Billet vacancies
7.a. Below is the list of billets available at the time of
publication. The list may change due to unforeseen circumstances
and MMOA will post a current list on the NROTC Selection Panel
webpage at https:(slash)(slash)www.manpower.usmc.mil/webcenter/
7.b. PNS vacancies for Colonels and Colonels select (read in four
MCC University Location Note
H08 Univ. Of Colorado Boulder, CO 1
H19 Florida A&M Univ. Tallahassee, FL
H61 Univ. Of Arizona Tucson, AZ 1
7.c. XO vacancies for Majors and Majors select (read in four
MCC University Location Note
H05 Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, PA 1
H09 Morehouse College Atlanta, GA 1,3
H16 Duke Univ. Trent Hall Durham, NC 1,3
H67 SUNY Maritime College Bronx, NY 1,2
H74 Rensselaer Polytechnic (RPI) Troy, NY 1
7.d. MOI vacancies for First Lieutenants, Captains select, and
Captains (read in five columns):
MCC University Location Note
H01 Auburn Univ. Auburn, AL 3
H02 Univ. Of Hi At Manoa Honolulu, HI
H07 The Citadel Charleston, SC
H22 College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA
H28 Univ. of Illinois Champaign, IL
H32 Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, KS
H36 Marquette Univ. Milwaukee, WI
H42 Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
H48 Univ. of Missouri Columbia, MO
H54 Univ. of North Carolina Durham, NC 3
H60 Ohio State Univ. Columbus, OH 2
H61 Univ. of Arizona Tucson, AZ
H66 Pennsylvania State Univ. Univ. Park, PA
H69 Prairie View A&M College Houston, TX 3
H79 Savannah State College Savannah, GA
H90 Univ. of Tulane New Orleans, LA
H92 Vanderbilt Univ. Nashville, TN
H93 Villanova Univ. Villanova, PA 3
H95 Univ. of Washington Seattle, WA 2
H96 Univ. of Wisconsin Madison, WI
HC5 Old Dominion Univ. Norfolk, VA 2,3
Note 1: Master’s degree required. If an applicant does not possess
a graduate degree, an enrollment, or an accepted status, into a
graduate degree program is required.
Note 2: Waives GPA requirement to 2.5.
Note 3: This university is associated with a consortium. Local
travel will be required between the university locations.
8. MMOA will release a selection MARADMIN as soon as feasible after
the conclusion of the board. MMOA may not issue permanent change of
station orders until they receive approval by the NROTC units or
universities of selected officers.
9. Points of contact:
9.a. MMOA-1
Maj V. J. DePinto
Email: vincent.depinto@usmc.mil
Comm: 703-784-9272
Maj A. J. Rudd
Email: andrew.rudd@usmc.mil
Comm: 703-784-9276
9.b. MMOA-2
Maj C. A. Hubbard
Email: Cameron.a.hubbard@usmc.mil
Comm: 703-784-9267
9.c. MMOA-3 Plans Office
Maj J. L. Goss
Email: jaime.goss@usmc.mil
Comm: 703-784-9284
10. This message is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
11. Release authorized by BGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director, Manpower
Management Division.//