R 151755Z AUG 24
1. This MARADMIN provides guidance on the Marine Corps' observance
of, and participation in, National Insider Threat Awareness Month
(NITAM) 2024.
2. General. NITAM is held annually during the month of September
and serves as a nationally recognized opportunity for increasing
insider threat (InT) awareness for the purpose of promoting safety,
economic stability, and national security within public and private
sector organizations. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Intelligence and Security, in coordination with the National
Insider Threat Task Force, and the Defense Counterintelligence and
Security Agency, establishes the annual theme for NITAM and provides
DoD Components with guidance on the execution of their NITAM
3. The theme for NITAM 2024 is "Deter, Detect, Mitigate." Deter
potential insider threats by instituting appropriate security
countermeasures within your organizations, to include awareness and
education programs. Detect individuals at risk of becoming insider
threats by employing engaged leadership to support early
identification of potential risk indicators. Mitigate insider risks
before they escalate by applying the appropriate resources and
expertise to resolve issues quickly and effectively.
4. Marine Corps participation in NITAM 2024.
4.a. The Marine Corps' Insider Threat Program (ITP), shall lead the
NITAM effort for the Marine Corps.
4.b. Recent security incidents have reinforced the obligation of
every Marine, Civilian Marine, and contractor to safeguard
information and remain vigilant in their commitment to protect
themselves, their colleagues and the Marine Corps from all threats
including those posed by maligned insiders. Marine Corps Doctrinal
Publication 8, Information, provides us critical concepts and
principles for creating and exploiting information advantages in the
warfighting domain. Principles such as preserving friendly force
information from disruption and denying our adversaries the
information they seek about Marine Corps forces are as applicable
in garrison as they are on the battlefield and should be employed
daily to help mitigate the threat that malicious insiders have on
our people, resources, and mission capabilities.
4.c. Our goal for NITAM 2024 is to reduce risks to Marine Corps
personnel, information, and mission capabilities by bringing
attention to the complexity of the insider risk problem set and
challenges posed by our increasingly hyperconnected world, To
support the achievement of this goal, leaders are encouraged to
participate in NITAM sponsored events and facilitate insider risk
related training within their units throughout the month of
5. Scheduled NITAM events and activities. Visit https:
Events for a full listing of NITAM events.
5.a. Virtual Workshops. Multiple virtual workshops proctored by
experts representing the insider threat and information security
communities will address the following topics: identification and
reporting of insider threat potential risk indicators, resilience,
vigilance, safety, security and respect for privacy and civil
5.b. Onsite Training. Coordinate with ITP Regional Liaison Analysts
through https: (slash)(slash)www.information.marines.mil/Units/
Insider-Threat/ or by contacting a Marine Corps credentialed
counterintelligence agent or local Naval Criminal Investigative
Service Special Agent to provide Counterintelligence Awareness and
Reporting training.
5.c. Web-based Training. Visit the Center for the Development of
Security Excellence Insider Threat Awareness INTl0l.16 course
located at https: (slash)(slash)www.cdse.edu/Training/eLearning
6. Additionally, security, mental health, human resource, law
enforcement, antiterrorism, and other resilience/force preservation
stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the C-InT Social and
Behavioral Science Summit and/or the DOD Counter Insider Threat
Virtual Conference.
6.a. 2024 C-InT Social & Behavioral Science Summit. Unclassified
briefs on August 27-28, 2024, in the Schuyler at The Hamilton Hotel
in Washington, D.C. Classified briefs on August 29, 2024 at the
Intelligence Community Campus in Bethesda, Maryland. For more
information, contact DODHRA.THREATLAB@MAIL.MIL.
6.b. 2024 DOD Counter Insider Threat Virtual Conference. September
09-10, 2024. For more information, visit
7. This MARADMIN is applicable to the Marine Corps Total Force and
expires one year from the date of publication.
8. All questions shall be addressed to the POCS listed.
9. Release authorized by Lieutenant General Melvin G. Carter,
Deputy Commandant for Information.//