Date Signed: 8/29/2024 | ALMARS Number: 024/24
ALMARS : 024/24

R 292100Z AUG 24
ALMAR 024/24
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Each year, Labor Day provides a meaningful 
opportunity to honor and reflect upon the remarkable contributions 
of American workers throughout our history.  Established in the late
19th century as a tribute to the labor movement and the enduring 
strength of the American workforce, Labor Day has grown into a 
national celebration of the achievements and hard work that have 
shaped our nation.  Since the founding of our country the tireless 
dedication of workers has been the bedrock of our prosperity, 
forging a path of progress and opportunity that continues to define 
our country.
2.  As Marines, we serve as our Nation's expeditionary force in 
readiness.  Around the globe, our Marines exemplify these values, 
contributing vital support in diverse and challenging environments.
Whether on land, sea, or air, our commitment to excellence ensures 
that we remain at the forefront of readiness and innovation.  As we 
look to the future, the steadfast efforts of our Marines, alongside 
our civilian workforce and industry partners, will be crucial in 
maintaining our strategic advantage and safeguarding our nation's 
security.  Today, we pause to recognize and honor the extraordinary 
dedication of all those who work tirelessly to strengthen our 
3.  Most importantly, Labor Day is an opportunity to recharge and 
reflect on the need for a balance between work and personal life.  
Use this time to rest, enjoy the holiday, and connect with friends 
and loved ones.  Remember, you are a vital part of our Corps and our
Nation.  Prioritize your health and safety during the celebrations 
to ensure you return to work with renewed energy and focus.
4.  Enjoy the holiday, be safe, and take care of each other.
5.  Semper Fidelis, Eric M. Smith, General, U.S. Marine Corps, 
Commandant of the Marine Corps.