R 261714Z SEP 24
REF/A/ MSGID: DOC/CMC/YMD: 20200626//
POC/B. M. OGDEN/MAJ/UNIT: RA (RAP)/TEL: (703)784-9367/EMAIL:
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. The Commandant's Retention Program Reserve
(CRP-R) recognizes our most talented first term Marines by offering
them a streamlined reenlistment process along with meaningful
incentives to obligate to serve with reserve units. The Marines
selected for the CRP represent the very best in performance and
professional competency. These Marines have embodied the whole
Marine concept throughout their enlistments, placing themselves in
the top echelons of their Primary Military Occupational Specialties
2. The Commandant of the Marine Corps takes great pleasure in
congratulating the Marines listed below as selectees for the CRP-R.
These Marines are approved for a streamlined reenlistment process
for a conditionally approved reenlistment and obligation incentive.
3. The following selectees are approved as of the release of this
message (for proper order, read left to right):
Abeln BS SGT/2311/SIU Long MD CPL/0441/S5Q
Abendschan JT CPL/0231/S17 Lopez F SGT/3531/SM7
Abernathy SR CPL/0331/SGR Lopez JR SGT/0800/SCP
Achorn NW CPL/0621/SL5 Lopezmorones LA CPL/3531/SNF
Ackell JB CPL/0627/SWA Lopezramirez EA CPL/0621/SJE
Acosta A SGT/0671/S2H Lopezramos E SGT/1345/S8Y
Adame E CPL/1391/SUS Lucero JA SGT/5979/S2F
Aguilar KA CPL/3531/SM7 Ly SW SGT/0321/SGS
Aguilera E CPL/0111/SKD Lyons AJ CPL/3531/SKB
Ahinasi PK CPL/3043/SIW Lyons HM CPL/7242/S2R
Akueteh PA CPL/0631/SG5 Machtolff BR SGT/0811/SMK
Alexander OJ CPL/3051/S97 Maciasgutierrez DD CPL/3531/SNG
Alexander SM LCPL/0621/SC2 Mackinnon ZJ SGT/3531/S3H
Allen ZH SGT/0331/SLP Madden JJ CPL/3531/S58
Allison JL CPL/0631/S8U Makara LM CPL/3521/S6K
Allmond TJ SGT/7011/S58 Malone AA CPL/0861/SND
Alonso CA SGT/0621/SJE Malott WC CPL/3531/SCC
Altman AS CPL/2141/S9N Manciavelez KF SGT/0311/SJF
Alvarado Jr R CPL/0111/SJ8 Mangione IM CPL/0331/SK6
Alvarez JA CPL/3531/SCP Mantz DN SGT/0313/SP4
Alvarezarroyo JJ CPL/1341/S7H Manuszak JT SGT/0321/SGS
Alvarezperez LP CPL/1141/SWH Maria W CPL/3381/SMS
Aman PW CPL/7051/S4H Marik AB CPL/1345/S4H
Anthony MR CPL/0341/SKF Marinayala C CPL/0631/SLD
Anwar A SGT/0411/SL3 Marquardt Jr CA CPL/3531/SJR
Archer SJ CPL/0231/SGH Marquezvalenzuela GS CPL/3531/S6H
Arosemena ZM CPL/0671/SD3 Mars RJ SGT/0352/SJX
Arredondo JA SGT/0842/SM3 Marshall BR CPL/1833/SDV
Arteaga JA CPL/3043/S6M Martin AC CPL/0352/SJX
Arvizu JA SGT/1371/S4C Martin RD CPL/0471/S5Y
Attabi AH SGT/3531/S2B Martin SC CPL/0621/SL3
Avaloslopes M CPL/2111/SNE Martinez JI SGT/0631/SNF
Avelar AC CPL/0313/SP6 Martinez NJ SGT/2311/SN6
Avilamillan AA SGT/1141/S5Y Martinezcastillo SM CPL/3531/S7H
Ayers FW SGT/5811/STT Matafowler AM CPL/1341/SWA
Baggett JC CPL/5711/S17 Mathers JK CPL/0811/SN6
Bagul AM SGT/0311/SJH Matson PS SGT/0311/SKG
Bailey AW CPL/0311/SLN Maze JW CPL/0621/SAQ
Bailey JA CPL/0331/SJS Mazza TJ CPL/1345/SH4
Balentine AW CPL/0621/SKD Mccabe JC SGT/0811/SM6
Ban P SGT/0311/S5D Mccann KC SGT/0313/S5D
Barajas CL CPL/3531/S5Q Mcdaniel FS CPL/0111/S2A
Barber NL CPL/0621/S4H Mcgehee CM SGT/2311/SIU
Barker GL CPL/0621/SC2 Mcgohan TM SGT/1732/SAN
Barkerdiaz SK SGT/0627/SC2 Mckenzie CC SGT/5524/S23
Barkley MS CPL/3521/S6Q Mclain RL CPL/0627/SL5
Barnes GM SGT/0321/SGX Mcmath LJ CPL/0621/SNE
Barrett TE SGT/0321/SGS Mcnamara MJ CPL/1345/SM3
Bates MW SGT/1371/SD3 Mcpheeters SW SGT/0341/SJ7
Baugus GJ CPL/2141/S9N Melnyk SM CPL/7051/S4L
Bautista RT SGT/3043/SND Mendez MD CPL/0621/SG5
Bax PT CPL/0341/SJT Mendonca OR CPL/6541/S7F
Bearl TA SGT/0811/SMT Mendozamaximo P CPL/3051/SU6
Beeman ZB CPL/1345/S4F Mercadante CK CPL/7011/S4F
Benavides CJ CPL/2111/SCP Meyer JE CPL/3521/S4P
Benway NJ SGT/2871/S8R Millan EC CPL/1371/SD3
Bermudez C CPL/0631/S2D Miller IS CPL/0671/S4F
Berri A CPL/3381/SG3 Mills MC CPL/0621/SCV
Berrios AJ CPL/0111/SJ5 Millsap RR CPL/2311/SIU
Bestine MK CPL/0311/SLR Mobbs BA SGT/3521/S7U
Betancourtmorales M CPL/2147/SP3 Modenesitambracc G SGT/0311/SJE
Binghamzizza AJ CPL/1341/SDH Moneymaker MD SGT/0311/SJH
Bivens IS SGT/1371/SD9 Montero LS CPL/3051/SJE
Blake AM CPL/0631/SCV Moore DB SGT/5811/S3D
Blohm N CPL/0311/SK8 Moorhead Jr DS CPL/0311/SJS
Bobula MJ CPL/3521/S4P Mooty ZT CPL/3531/SJ9
Boeringa ZA SGT/3531/SKD Morales R SGT/3043/SIG
Bordenave DJ SGT/1171/SWA Moralesaguirre EA CPL/3043/SJE
Borst LM CPL/0311/SK6 Moran JR CPL/0671/SJE
Bostic JK CPL/1345/S6H Morganpaul J CPL/0111/SCQ
Boxwell PJ CPL/0311/SP6 Morrison AL CPL/0627/SLM
Boysen JN CPL/0621/S3H Moseley MT SGT/0352/SKW
Bozeman BP SGT/1391/SU3 Moses Ii PP CPL/0621/S8S
Brannagan CJ CPL/0341/IRR Mullen MD SGT/0311/SLE
Briggs Jr JD SGT/0631/S8U Mulvaney SJ CPL/7051/S4H
Brisbois PJ SGT/2841/S4H Munoz JM SGT/0621/SMV
Brock BT SGT/0311/SAQ Murillo ML CPL/0621/SM3
Brown AE CPL/0311/SJS Musselman TW CPL/0844/IRR
Brown TR CPL/0811/SN6 Najera Jr R CPL/3531/SNE
Bruders SJ CPL/0341/SKF Navarrete TP CPL/0627/SDN
Buecher SL CPL/2171/S7C Navas NA SGT/3051/S6H
Burkey DJ SGT/0311/SK7 Nelson AM CPL/3531/S4H
Burns BA SGT/1345/SWA Nelson MC SGT/0621/SCP
Busbey BL CPL/3043/S9R Ngo A SGT/1391/SUP
Campbell GR CPL/0811/S6Q Nguyen BT CPL/0621/SJ3
Canale AD SGT/0321/SGP Nguyen JH SGT/3531/SP2
Carothers ES CPL/1345/S2J Nguyen QP CPL/3521/S7C
Carpenter EC CPL/1371/SD6 Nicholas AW CPL/0621/SG3
Carpenter RD CPL/3521/S6H Niemonen TJ SGT/0231/S25
Carrizoza CA SGT/0231/SCQ Norrissilva AP CPL/3531/S54
Carter TA CPL/3531/SDH Norton KS SGT/2111/S3G
Case Iii CD CPL/0311/SKE Ogle KA CPL/3531/S6J
Castellino JS CPL/0311/SL6 Oladunjoye OJ SGT/0631/S4H
Catalanavila VD CPL/2841/S9N Orozco E CPL/0621/SCP
Cates JG SGT/3531/SJE Ortega Jr CF SGT/0311/SLF
Cayago RL CPL/0311/SJB Ortiz MA SGT/0631/SCQ
Cedeno J CPL/3531/SWB Ortiz R CPL/0631/SJ8
Chairez JJ CPL/3531/SNE Ostry PJ CPL/5711/SP2
Chappell DR CPL/3531/SMS Oswalt JL CPL/2311/S98
Charity CA CPL/0627/S2R Ozowara XJ SGT/0631/S2E
Chavarria E SGT/1345/S6K Palacios SI CPL/0311/S5K
Chavez I CPL/0621/IRR Palmer MC CPL/0111/SAQ
Cisnerossiliezar DA CPL/0621/SMU Pantoja FT CPL/0111/SMS
Clouser KS SGT/1164/SU9 Pantoja MI CPL/5811/SUA
Cochran NF CPL/0311/SLP Paradis MB SGT/6073/SNG
Colon A CPL/0111/SMS Parker AC CPL/3500/SIY
Cooney MJ CPL/6672/S7B Pasillas JA CPL/0352/SKS
Cooper AJ CPL/0111/S6H Pattishall JD CPL/0311/S97
Corbisiero JR CPL/7051/SKF Peacock MD CPL/2161/S7C
Corona CJ SGT/0671/SJ3 Pecora JD SGT/0311/SLR
Corona JJ CPL/0621/SNF Pell JL SGT/0621/SM3
Costa DP SGT/0311/SLH Penny KA SGT/0844/SMK
Crain JL CPL/0341/SJT Perazasojo Jr S SGT/3531/SWD
Crews HL SGT/1371/SD9 Perez M SGT/0627/SGB
Cribbwimer KS CPL/0311/SKF Perezavalos AJ CPL/2841/S3E
Cronin M CPL/0621/S4H Perezpinero B CPL/0631/SMT
Cruz MA CPL/0111/SK7 Perry NA SGT/0311/SLN
Cuervo D CPL/0621/SND Perry SM SGT/1371/SUM
Cyr SJ SGT/0671/SCV Petchsaitip W SGT/5811/S58
Czarapata GJ CPL/0621/SM6 Peterson JL SGT/0341/SVP
Daigle LJ CPL/3531/SKB Phipps Ii ML SGT/0861/S3H
Daniels KR CPL/0621/SND Pike JZ SGT/3531/S6K
David DA CPL/0311/SJ6 Pizano NA SGT/3531/SWD
Davies BM CPL/1164/S2J Plaksin N SGT/0621/SLD
Davis CC CPL/0331/SJT Poncejaimes I CPL/2146/S8U
Davis DA SGT/0627/SGB Porter UM SGT/3043/S6H
Deavila R CPL/2131/S7C Prestia Jr F SGT/0321/SAQ
Decianni AW SGT/0311/S5D Price DC CPL/3531/SKB
Degraw DW CPL/0331/SJ9 Pritchard AW SGT/0311/SL5
Delara JM CPL/3531/S54 Puentes R CPL/0311/SKF
Delmonte JE CPL/3531/S8Q Putzel EJ CPL/0352/S5E
Demarco CA SGT/2841/S2H Quan Z SGT/3381/SLD
Demps TA CPL/3381/S6N Radermacher JK SGT/7051/S4H
Denton JG SGT/0352/SJW Raines CE SGT/0311/SJ9
Deriso BD CPL/1141/S5Z Ramirez A CPL/0621/SCQ
Dey TM CPL/0311/SKD Ramirez JA CPL/0341/SJH
Diaz P SGT/5711/SJE Ramirez MA CPL/0311/SJH
Dillard DA CPL/3531/S6J Ramirez VC CPL/0631/SCP
Dimino C SGT/1391/SUS Randall TG CPL/0231/S3F
Dimperio Jr DP SGT/0231/S7A Ray JW SGT/0811/SNG
Disalvo DL CPL/1345/S6J Reals RA CPL/0261/S26
Dockery PS SGT/0231/SLD Records DT SGT/2841/SD3
Doig EA CPL/3531/SH4 Reed ZK SGT/1371/SD6
Dominguez AI CPL/0621/SNE Regino A CPL/2847/SJE
Donahue Iii J SGT/0231/S7A Reid DL SGT/3051/S3A
Dubose JM SGT/0621/S3H Reinhard JJ CPL/0311/S5D
Duehring BL CPL/1371/SDC Reinl LN SGT/0231/S23
Dugat MG CPL/6048/S3B Renteria CM CPL/3531/S5Q
Dupichethomas TD CPL/0621/SJ5 Renville DE CPL/1361/S4C
Dupre LH CPL/0111/SLM Retanagonzalez VA CPL/0311/SJE
Duran NJ CPL/3531/SWD Reyes A CPL/3531/SAN
Dyer DD SGT/7051/S4L Reyes E CPL/3531/SJ3
Dyson BJ CPL/3521/SDH Richey AH CPL/3531/SKB
Eads BA SGT/1371/SD9 Richmond CB CPL/0811/SMT
Edenburn JR CPL/3531/IRR Ridenhour JL SGT/1361/SD3
Edens TA CPL/3531/SKW Rider BD CPL/0311/SJ7
Edwards SM SGT/1391/SUP Rikli CJ SGT/3043/SMV
Encinas JB CPL/0621/SCP Riley MP CPL/0111/S5Z
Encinas Jr O SGT/0341/SJH Roberts Jr DD CPL/0261/S23
Eng NH CPL/0621/SJ3 Robinson Jr J CPL/1345/S8X
Epple CM SGT/2311/SIU Robinson Jr KL SGT/3521/SWG
Espino J CPL/0811/SNE Robles J SGT/0671/S2R
Esquibel JD CPL/0231/SGH Rocha MD CPL/2111/S8Z
Essepian IV JP SGT/0311/SP6 Rodrigues RA SGT/0111/S2H
Estevezarroyo AJ CPL/3521/S8Y Rodriguez B SGT/0311/SJH
Faber JA CPL/0811/SNG Rodriguez JA CPL/6672/SEW
Farina Jr AV SGT/0311/SL9 Rodriguez JP CPL/0311/SJ5
Farley TE SGT/0311/SL5 Rodriguez NM CPL/3521/SCQ
Felipe PH SGT/0621/SCP Rodriguez R CPL/6046/S3B
Fernandez R CPL/2171/SKD Rodriguezsanchez LD CPL/3531/SGR
Ferrell AR CPL/3531/S6W Ronchese GE SGT/0847/SMG
Ferrer AR CPL/0621/IRR Rondon AM CPL/3531/SH4
Feuerstein RT CPL/3531/SUK Roof HA SGT/5711/S2C
Fielden KM SGT/0321/SGP Rosner BA CPL/3531/SDH
Fisher BT SGT/1371/SDF Rouabhia SR CPL/0352/SL9
Fladebo JD SGT/0631/S4H Rowe MJ CPL/0352/SDS
Flores VM CPL/2841/SJE Rozak ER CPL/0411/SM3
Fogle CH CPL/6672/S3B Russell LA CPL/0631/S2C
Foli AM CPL/0311/SLE Ruth RM SGT/1371/SD9
Forman DR SGT/3531/SWD Saju GA SGT/0631/S4F
Formby NA CPL/0311/SL7 Salas JA CPL/0627/SP2
Foster ZJ CPL/3531/SIT Salas JJ CPL/1171/SU9
Fox Ii RW CPL/2171/S7C Salazar RA CPL/6531/S6E
Fraker NP SGT/0341/SLH Salmeri VA CPL/2841/SWD
Francisco HP CPL/0811/SNG Sanchez IX CPL/0811/SNE
Freeman MM CPL/2111/S6Q Sanchez I SGT/1171/SU9
Friedmeyer CW SGT/0200/S17 Sanchez RE CPL/0621/SCP
Frields ET CPL/0331/SJR Sanders SR CPL/0352/SL1
Funez JA SGT/0451/SCP Sands JP CPL/0811/SNG
Funk DM CPL/1371/SWB Sanson J SGT/0411/S2H
Furton RD CPL/0861/SCQ Satchell CC CPL/0352/SJ9
Garces GA CPL/3521/SDN Sauer AA CPL/0341/SKE
Garcia NA CPL/0441/S3F Sbitnev AO CPL/1391/SU3
Garcia ND CPL/0600/SCQ Schilling AM SGT/1171/SU9
Garcia P CPL/0811/SMV Schneider VE CPL/3531/SJE
Garcia RA CPL/3381/SND Schneller JJ CPL/5811/STT
Garrett EL SGT/0621/SCP Schoelzel JD SGT/3531/SN6
Gasca JA SGT/7257/S2K Scholten JM CPL/5811/S5N
Gehring WA SGT/2841/S2H Schutters JJ SGT/2111/S8Z
Gensler DT SGT/3000/SMG Scott BM SGT/0451/S3H
Geriak AJ CPL/6672/S7B Scott CA SGT/3531/S2E
Gialluisi DW CPL/0300/STT Sebastianlopez N SGT/3531/SWD
Gibson DL SGT/7041/S3F Sedora TM CPL/0811/SMV
Gil UJ CPL/0621/SG3 Seecharran DD CPL/6048/S7B
Gilhousen NA SGT/0231/S24 Seelman SM CPL/0311/SKF
Gilmore LK CPL/0311/SJ6 Shearer KA SGT/0341/SL7
Giron AJ CPL/0311/SJE Shepard JT SGT/2841/S6G
Gliddon JM SGT/0331/SMT Sherbon AJ SGT/0861/S3H
Goins JM SGT/0441/SC2 Shockey RL SGT/0111/IRR
Gonzalez CD SGT/3381/SLD Shomsky JM SGT/0311/SK6
Gonzalez EA CPL/3521/S6H Shultz CE CPL/2311/S6H
Gonzalez RA CPL/0331/SJJ Sibert KD SGT/0311/SJQ
Gonzalezmoreno DM CPL/1345/SUE Sidars CM CPL/2111/SJE
Gosun UE CPL/4541/S8F Silvatorres D SGT/3531/S4F
Graf CE SGT/3531/S8S Singh J CPL/3531/S5Q
Gray MR SGT/0231/S7L Sinnott KP CPL/3521/SDH
Gray ZT CPL/0311/SJQ Smith TD CPL/3531/S3G
Green RA CPL/3051/SCP Smythe MT CPL/3521/S6W
Green SR SGT/2651/S14 Snodgrass JW CPL/0671/S2D
Griebling CB SGT/0331/SKG Sotomunoz TL CPL/2111/S3G
Grochowski WR CPL/0311/SJS Sousley DM CPL/1700/S0X
Grose JH SGT/1164/S8Z Spaans JM CPL/0331/SK6
Guerrero GG SGT/0111/S3G Stander SD CPL/3531/SDN
Guillenrosas DJ CPL/0671/S4E Stanford BT SGT/0311/SLH
Guzman J CPL/0631/SKD Stanley KG CPL/3043/S5Y
Hackett PW SGT/1371/SD3 Starr TJ CPL/2111/SU8
Hahn MT CPL/5979/S2B Steed AC CPL/0331/SL7
Hahn TJ SGT/3521/SMS Stevens CJ SGT/1171/SU9
Hancock MW CPL/1341/S7C Stevens DL SGT/0352/SJU
Hanna CC CPL/0621/SCQ Stillman AP SGT/3531/SGN
Harmon JD CPL/0311/SK7 Stoudt MJ CPL/0411/S6M
Harris TL SGT/0311/SP3 Stratton JA CPL/3531/SKS
Harrod WG CPL/0621/SND Straube CL CPL/0311/SKG
Hart I JH CPL/1345/SU5 Stringer DA CPL/2841/S8R
Hartshaw CW CPL/0111/SMS Stroh HD CPL/0261/S26
Hathaway SX SGT/0811/SM7 Stypa PC CPL/0231/S25
Hausler LJ CPL/0311/SK6 Suggs BL SGT/0321/SAQ
Hawley MJ CPL/0861/SCP Sullivan AG SGT/0321/SGS
Haynes GL CPL/2311/S98 Surieldeleon EV CPL/0621/SG5
Hayward JP SGT/0621/SMS Sweeney MR SGT/1345/S4L
Hedrick JL CPL/2100/ARP Talaveraramirez GD SGT/1391/SUP
Hellams NL CPL/2311/S98 Tapia J SGT/3531/S6K
Henry Iii RR CPL/2841/SD3 Tapia U SGT/0111/SL5
Hernandez E SGT/2847/SJ5 Tegeler AJ CPL/3521/S6W
Hernandez J CPL/3521/S4R Tello DA CPL/0627/S3H
Hernandez LA CPL/4421/SA5 Thienes JP CPL/7051/S4H
Hernandez LE SGT/0311/IRR Thomas AM CPL/3521/SWH
Hernandez OE CPL/3531/SP2 Thompsonvaldez Jr JE SGT/3531/SWD
Herrera MM SGT/3043/SH4 Thormaehlen KA SGT/0321/SGS
Hidalgosolano M SGT/2831/S2H Thorpe BO CPL/0261/S23
Hill KL SGT/5948/S2B Tominovich MT CPL/0341/SLG
Hill MA CPL/6672/SEW Tong DB CPL/1371/IRR
Hill Jr FA CPL/3521/S5Q Tonkin JW SGT/5811/SQP
Hinckley AJ CPL/1391/SUE Tooker JE CPL/0331/SK6
Hitchcock BM CPL/3381/SJP Toro E CPL/0441/S8Y
Holm JJ CPL/3051/SND Torres O CPL/2147/SP2
Holmes SM CPL/1141/SWD Torres RC CPL/2311/S5Q
Holt FR SGT/3531/SCC Tovar NW CPL/2171/S54
Holtz SM CPL/0311/SP3 Townsend BT CPL/2841/S8S
Horn CW SGT/3531/S6Q Tran KK CPL/0311/SJH
Houlihan RD SGT/0671/SG3 Trujillo JC SGT/3521/S54
Huck RR CPL/0311/SKF Trujillo RJ CPL/7011/S4E
Hughes DE SGT/3051/SIU Tsavaris E SGT/0631/SN6
Hughes JT SGT/2831/SG8 Tubis IJ CPL/0441/S9N
Hull DJ CPL/0352/SJX Tyler DD SGT/2847/S3E
Hurd AR SGT/5811/SQP Ulloa G CPL/0621/SJE
Hutchins DR SGT/3531/SN4 Urry JE SGT/0352/SP3
Irwin SM CPL/0313/SP4 Urzuaortiz JA CPL/0621/SN4
Isibor A SGT/3051/SG3 Utterback LR CPL/0621/SC2
Izquierdotorres JG CPL/0441/S8Y Vanlooy RC CPL/0311/SJQ
Jamesmounsey BT CPL/6531/S6D Vanskiver NA CPL/0341/SLE
Jastal SE SGT/0331/SJT Vargas IC CPL/0441/SJ3
Jimenezarredondo AI CPL/3531/S4R Vargas Jr MA CPL/1141/SJ6
Johnson NB SGT/5811/STL Vasquez SG CPL/0621/SJ3
Johnson SA SGT/0341/SLN Venancio LE SGT/0111/SU6
Johnson SE SGT/3531/SDK Vergara JA CPL/3531/S6M
Joling RS SGT/3531/SU9 Vergara LA CPL/0441/SMG
Jolly SM CPL/2311/SIU Villasenor NA SGT/3531/SCP
Jones WK CPL/0311/SJR Villaverde B SGT/0631/S2H
Jones Jr DM SGT/0341/SJT Vlahos EM SGT/6423/SCQ
Julander DS SGT/1391/SUS Volden RJ SGT/0311/SJ8
Kahn BS SGT/3531/S4F Volquezrodriguez EA SGT/0111/SL3
Kaiser AM CPL/0621/SMV Vondriska Iv GJ SGT/7051/S4H
Kang ZM CPL/2847/S8U Wagner OR CPL/0111/SCC
Kasanicky JE SGT/0311/SKE Wagner ZR CPL/3531/SP2
Keeler SC SGT/0331/SK8 Wahlgren DR SGT/0671/SL5
Kelbel LZ CPL/3531/SU3 Wallace A SGT/1391/SU3
Kepi M CPL/0111/SG3 Wang Y SGT/3051/S6G
Kilgore CM CPL/0231/SL5 Watkins DT SGT/1371/S2J
Kilgore DS SGT/0311/S5E Watson JE CPL/0621/SN4
Kim AJ SGT/0313/SP6 Watts RP SGT/0311/SLE
King DA SGT/2847/S2H Weathers MA CPL/0311/SK5
Kirkman AJ CPL/0621/SCV Webb MH CPL/0621/SGN
Klein ML SGT/5811/S5N Wehmeyer JM CPL/3531/S8S
Klinesmith AM CPL/1345/S5Q Wellen QJ SGT/0441/SMS
Kneipp Iii RF SGT/2831/SC2 Wells CH SGT/1164/SU7
Koeber AJ SGT/0311/SLG Westlund ZJ CPL/3521/SC2
Koletar NW CPL/0811/SMV Wetzel EA CPL/0331/SJQ
Kopriva CJ SGT/2171/SKE Weyrauch AD CPL/3521/SC2
Kpa QY SGT/3051/S97 Whelan SB CPL/5711/S5Y
Kralovetz KG SGT/0311/S4E White JT CPL/3381/S54
Kree JB SGT/0331/SKH Whitehat TF SGT/1391/SUP
Kyzrsheeley GL CPL/1316/SWB Whitesel JA CPL/0311/SK6
Labelle MH SGT/1164/SU9 Wiese TJ SGT/0311/SKG
Lama S CPL/3043/SIG Wilder RP CPL/3531/S4L
Lambert GP CPL/0311/SK7 Williams EP SGT/1316/S8X
Landree JR CPL/0861/SN6 Williams NM SGT/6116/S2E
Langdon TC CPL/1141/SWA Williams PJ CPL/0231/S23
Larsen EC SGT/0352/SP5 Winders MT SGT/3521/S6K
Larson JE SGT/0844/SM6 Wingard JG SGT/5811/STL
Laughinghouse JB SGT/1371/SG3 Wingate Jr EI SGT/0671/S4F
Lavoie SG CPL/0311/SLF Wityczak MA CPL/7242/S2F
Law RH CPL/0631/S4F Wolfe JA SGT/0311/SP4
Lawless JW CPL/0311/SJQ Workman BT SGT/0321/SGP
Le DV SGT/0341/SJH Worth JA CPL/0331/SK7
Le TQ CPL/0621/SMK Wright IA CPL/0621/SCQ
Leblanc CL CPL/0311/SJ9 Wunder DJ CPL/0311/SLE
Ledbetter MJ CPL/3381/SJP Yang C CPL/1371/SD3
Lee CS SGT/1700/S0X Ybarra JJ SGT/1833/S9N
Legarreta PT SGT/3531/SM7 Years MP SGT/0311/SL5
Leitgeb CE CPL/0311/SLG Youmans Jr JC CPL/3521/S4J
Leloux JR SGT/3521/S4H Zadeii KA SGT/0621/SCV
Lessner TT CPL/2171/S6M Zartman NA SGT/0313/SP3
Lewis CM CPL/0621/S4F Zavala DL SGT/0341/S6W
Li BZ CPL/0111/S5D Zdziarski DJ CPL/0811/SMV
Ligman BH CPL/1164/S5Y Zendejas A CPL/3531/IRR
Little Ii VC CPL/0352/SJW Zogg AM CPL/0311/SL7
Liu QY SGT/3381/SLD Zuviri A CPL/0441/S8X
4. Coordinating Instructions.
4.a. Upon release of this message, commanders will personally inform
each Marine within the command of their selection and the incentives
available based on their exemplary performance. If a CRP-R eligible
Marine desires to accept their conditional approval for reenlistment
and incentive, items in paragraphs 5.a. and 5.b. will be actioned at
the command level.
4.b. Eligible Selected Marine Corps Reserve Marines (SMCR).
4.b.1. SMCR Marines identified on the CRP-R list in paragraph 3.a.
may submit for the FY25 SMCR Retention Bonus (SRB-R).
4.b.2. CRP-R Marines listed in paragraph 3.b. are authorized to
submit for early reenlistment. The Marine’s Mandatory Drill
Participation Stop Date (MDPSD) will be adjusted three years from
the Marine's current MDPSD if approved for an incentive with a
three year obligation. Contract length (DD Form 4) must cover the
entirety of the new drilling obligation, this will normally require
a 4 year reenlistment.
4.b.3. Marines must meet eligibility requirements per the
4.c. Command Verified Reenlistment and or incentive Prerequisites:
4.c.1. Have no moral disqualifications per reference (b) (e.g.,
hazing, driving under the influence, sexual harassment, etc.).
4.c.2. Meet medical and dental standards per the Individual Medical
Record (IMR) and duty limit status code (fully medically ready and
not on limited duty).
4.c.3. Meet Body Composition Program standards as indicated by the
last annual weigh-in on the Basic Training Record (BTR).
4.c.4. Possess the required security clearance for PMOS as verified
by the security verification letter obtained from the unit security
4.c.5. Has a recertified Career Retirement Credit Report within 12
months of submission.
4.c.6. Commanding Officer recommendation. CRP-R approvals are
conditionally approved based upon Marines being qualified per
reference (b) and recommended by the Commanding Officer. The
Commanding Officer plays a crucial role in all retention decisions
but holds even greater authority with the CRP-R. If the Commanding
Officer does not recommend a CRP-R selectee, they become ineligible
for the CRP-R. In these situations, CRP-R selectees will be required
to submit a standard retention request to be considered for
4.c.7. Marines with a failed Physical Fitness Test or Combat Fitness
Test in the previous 12 months are ineligible.
4.c.8. Commands are not authorized to establish additional
administrative requirements.
4.d. Commanding Officers will provide a consolidated list of their
CRP-R Marines, which contains their reenlistment certification and
4.e. CRP-R Marines may submit requests from release date of this
message to 15 July 2025.
5. Administrative Requirements.
5.a. CRP-R request will be submitted to CMC (RA) by the unit
Career Planner via the Total Force Retention System (TFRS).
Additional submission guidance will be published via TFRS.
5.b. The following will be attached to the CRP-R request:
5.c.1. NAVMC 11537A pages 1 of 6 and 2 of 6.
5.c.2. CRP-R Commanding Officer's Certification. This form is used
in lieu of page 6 of the NAVMC 11537A by the Commanding Officer to
certify the Marine meets reenlistment prerequisites and is
recommended for the CRP-R.
5.c.3. Individual Medical Record (IMR) or page 3 of 6 of the NAVMC
11537A with blocks 38a and 38b completed.
5.c.4. All 6105 page 11(s), page 13(s), and Unit Punishment Book(s)
(UPB) from the Marines' Official Military Personnel File (OMPF).
5.c.5. Security Clearance Verification Letter or block 38c located
on page 3 of NAVMC 11537A completed.
5.c.6. BTR from the MCTFS (or MOL) or complete height and weight
portion of block 38d located on page 3 of NAVMC 11537A.
5.c.7. SRB-R Statement of Understanding found on TFRS.
5.c.8. CRP-R requests will be submitted in the TFRS using the
Reserve Reenlistment RELM type.
6. Incentives will be approved in the order they are received until
bonus amount allocation and funding limitations are reached. A
current status of availability will be provided on the Reserve
Affairs incentive dashboard and in messages periodically posted to
7. CMC (RA) authorizes CRP-R eligible Corporals to reenlist up to 12
satisfactory years to receive the SRB-R.
8. This incentive is available for service in SMCR units only.
9. This MARADMIN cancels on 30 September 2025.
10. Release authorized by Major General Karl D. Pierson, Director,
Reserve Affairs Division.//