R 011300Z NOV 24
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Marines listed in paragraph 3 will receive
appointments to fill vacancies in the selected grade by assigned
order of seniority. Separate monthly Marine Administrative Messages
(MARADMIN) will announce planned promotions.
2. Only Marines who completed Professional Military Education (PME)
requirements prior to the convening of the board were considered
3. Approved selections below (for proper order read left to right).
3.a. Selection to Sergeant Major:
ACKROYD JE 8999/ 163/1PR ALLEN ML 8999/ 218/KAB
ANDAZOLA JA 8999/ 287/014 ARCHER MA 8999/ 29/1PK
ARELLANO W 8999/ 284/038 BAKER KD 8999/ 158/V13
BARTON KD 8999/ 189/1XA BATTLES AM 8999/ 293/15G
BLOMQUIST AT 8999/ 70/013 BLOOMFIELD CL 8999/ 259/016
BOFF III LJ 8999/ 261/1QN BOLEY JL 8999/ 187/1EH
BRASHEAR BK 8999/ 211/V17 BROWN AW 8999/ 191/1L3
BROWN BT 8999/ 178/V18 BROWN DW 8999/ 88/DJQ
BROWN RN 8999/ 277/1RT BUCKOM SE 8999/ 151/060
BURRELL NE 8999/ 292/V36 CALDERON JA 8999/ 81/1YB
CALLAHAN CP 8999/ 260/040 CARRINGTON JR KE 8999/ 157/017
CHARETTE AJ 8999/ 159/KAD CLUGSTON TD 8999/ 91/1L3
CORDERO A 8999/ 123/121 CORRIVEAU JJ 8999/ 250/V34
CURIEL CD 8999/ 168/1MY CURREN TL 8999/ 97/15J
DAVALOS R 8999/ 166/1Y3 DAVILAFONSECA IG 8999/ 256/091
DAVIS JR JL 8999/ 279/V28 DIAZ A 8999/ 61/JAH
DOYON CL 8999/ 281/1G8 ESTUPINAN IJ 8999/ 196/E93
FLESHER JW 8999/ 132/165 FORAKER JP 8999/ 227/V34
FUENTES LB 8999/ 175/1CK GARZA II J 8999/ 221/1S8
GATES LA 8999/ 190/15L GILLIS IV GJ 8999/ 83/1GS
GONZALEZ RF 8999/ 134/KAA GREGORY SJ 8999/ 278/1EC
HARRISON CA 8999/ 30/138 HERNANDEZ LA 8999/ 144/1YB
HERNANDEZQUEZA CJ 8999/ 272/124 HOOD MC 8999/ 185/KAD
INGWERSON MO 8999/ 75/1NE JENKINS JJ 8999/ 289/016
JIMENEZ RA 8999/ 138/V15 JOHNSON TJ 8999/ 229/1MU
JONES AR 8999/ 155/1G7 JORDAN NJ 8999/ 295/1F7
KIM BH 8999/ 294/KAP KIRKHAM PR 8999/ 119/114
KISSICK AR 8999/ 286/1QE LAND MR 8999/ 273/B45
LLORENSCABALLE LH 8999/ 269/1CS LOPEZ DM 8999/ 297/1YE
MABE JA 8999/ 262/017 MACMILLAN JA 8999/ 296/C77
MEJIA J 8999/ 180/017 MELENDEZ R 8999/ 172/1RX
MILLER JR JD 8999/ 93/J33 MOLL GE 8999/ 291/15A
MONROY V 8999/ 66/1QH MOORE MW 8999/ 244/1XJ
MORALES PB 8999/ 231/1LB MORAN GJ 8999/ 275/TMG
MORRIS AD 8999/ 85/R20 MULLEN JR WK 8999/ 285/1G9
MUNOZ J 8999/ 89/1Y5 NUNEZ JR J 8999/ 236/1EH
OBRIAN MR 8999/ 252/1PJ OGLESBY DR 8999/ 234/15R
OGRADY SP 8999/ 255/JBJ PAPPLE NG 8999/ 86/226
PARKER JA 8999/ 288/015 PEELER BT 8999/ 82/004
PONTIOUS AS 8999/ 251/K46 PRICE BC 8999/ 254/1R1
PROCTER SD 8999/ 263/1MR PROVENS CF 8999/ 156/JBH
QUINONESRODRIG LM 8999/ 194/TP6 ROACHO E 8999/ 276/330
RODRIGUEZ BD 8999/ 165/B29 RODRIGUEZ VA 8999/ 237/1J8
SANDOVAL J 8999/ 35/KAM SKIDMORE PL 8999/ 274/15H
SPURLING JR DE 8999/ 280/122 THOLEN SJ 8999/ 182/1MX
THOMAS CM 8999/ 170/041 TOTH SL 8999/ 283/1QN
VELASQUEZ F 8999/ 96/1QF WOLFORD CM 8999/ 270/1MZ
3.b. Selection to Master Gunnery Sergeant:
ADAMS JR AR 6046/ 55/145 AGRAMONTE P 8412/ 41/980
AGUILERA JM 3381/ 150/017 ALARIE RR 3381/ 197/T15
BALDERAS D 8412/ 127/998 BALDWIN SS 8412/ 133/989
BARRERA I 0699/ 162/1XC BAUER TA 6019/ 199/V8A
BEAULIEU JJ 6391/ 107/VMD BEDELL C 3047/ 108/052
BELL TA 2891/ 217/SA5 BENITEZ A 6019/ 210/VF2
BENTACU J 1349/ 2/1CM BERT DJ 0491/ 36/1JJ
BLAKE JR 8412/ 98/934 BLAUVELT MA 6019/ 50/V80
BRITTEN BA 2691/ 188/080 BRODMERKEL KR 8412/ 141/922
BROWN JR RB 4591/ 21/TMG BRUFFY AJ 7236/ 266/135
BRUN J 3529/ 17/15H BUSH TJ 0399/ 239/1RV
BUSSE RB 2691/ 120/QAT CANTY LR 0399/ 290/1FS
CASE BV 0491/ 78/1MU CASTILLO MA 0291/ 235/1C1
CASTRO M 1799/ 268/080 CASTRO RA 8412/ 136/A88
CIFUENTES MS 4591/ 139/NAR COKER JR 6694/ 183/1JZ
COLLIER CC 3047/ 19/1Y9 COLLIER CJ 0111/ 62/1GH
CONDON MT 3044/ 184/014 CORREA JS 0111/ 63/1F5
CRAFT TL 0699/ 95/122 CROCKETT AP 0699/ 153/097
CRUZ CF 0393/ 299/1GT DAM DB 3047/ 306/U76
DAVILMAR N 5524/ 101/J88 DAVIS BC 6019/ 222/V6B
DEITZ BJ 0111/ 146/1GS DILLARD BS 0491/ 24/JF3
DODD TJ 8412/ 137/962 DOWNING DL 6391/ 214/V6A
DOWNS BJ 3432/ 77/1Y1 DUCKETT KJ 6019/ 206/1V4
DUVALL MG 2691/ 126/QAT EPPES JR MW 0699/ 67/1NG
ESCOBAR CL 6019/ 205/VFG ESCOBAR JR NI 0411/ 7/15A
ESPANTO JG 1169/ 90/1CM ESQUIVEL ER 3529/ 6/121
EVANS JL 0681/ 100/1C0 FALLAN AM 1799/ 147/TRG
FIERIMONTE JS 2336/ 130/1MR FINEGAN JA 0699/ 84/1CC
FLETCHER DM 6019/ 195/080 FLORES E 0699/ 154/044
FLORES GS 0699/ 152/15A FLORES RA 3047/ 20/W04
FORD JM 0491/ 23/167 FOSTER CW 4821/ 37/080
FOUNTAIN RB 3529/ 9/063 FULK ZW 2691/ 129/TJA
GANTT KR 0291/ 207/1MS GAONA J 4421/ 307/QAR
GARCIA MA 8412/ 34/910 GASTONGUAY TN 1799/ 145/130
GENUALDI CD 0451/ 304/007 GEORGE SA 4591/ 181/1FU
GERBERDING TM 3529/ 52/143 GIBSON DG 0372/ 131/1MT
GILBERTDELAROS A 6046/ 302/1JS GLOVER JR AK 0399/ 230/U18
GOMEZ JA 2891/ 202/U76 GONZALEZ M 6391/ 48/MC8
GRAY EA 8412/ 258/JBS GREEN JJ 1799/ 225/111
GREFIEL ER 0111/ 18/1CE GREZIK BM 0491/ 27/124
HALTERMAN GD 5811/ 246/1C1 HAMMERSMITH PA 0111/ 122/1M2
HANCOCK AL 7236/ 265/1PK HEIDELMAN EJ 0399/ 60/1ES
HERNANDEZ JJ 3047/ 238/19F HOLLINS SC 0111/ 118/QAB
HOLM ZG 0321/ 11/1R1 HOLMES JM 4591/ 308/1F1
HUBBERT JW 0111/ 112/1MT HUSSEY JM 6019/ 203/036
ISAAC SD 8412/ 115/923 JACKSON JE 4591/ 215/QAB
JACKSON PB 3047/ 208/1Y9 JACKSON JR D 1371/ 245/080
JAMISON CJ 8412/ 72/903 JOHNSON KB 7291/ 128/023
JOHNSON TM 5831/ 111/013 JOHNSON III H 0399/ 232/122
JONES JM 6591/ 53/1A5 JORGENSEN AG 2691/ 267/175
JOSE CD 2891/ 49/080 JURSINIC EM 0291/ 198/014
KAMAU TW 0111/ 135/TK9 KEEFE TM 0491/ 26/P60
KENNARD AL 4821/ 47/111 KERN IV FG 5519/ 300/017
KRENZ WD 6019/ 212/MDT LANDERS EM 4133/ 94/1DB
LASH JR ME 6391/ 193/1JQ LATOURELLE KA 6019/ 42/1JV
LEBLANC AM 6391/ 43/G77 LESTERICK ME 2336/ 169/1YB
LOMBARDO MA 0291/ 192/1C1 LONG MC 5959/ 76/T9B
LUCKER CM 2336/ 186/1MX MARAK BD 0491/ 14/138
MARTINEZ CR 7051/ 121/142 MARTINEZRUIZ R 1391/ 32/1DX
MCCALLUM TC 7236/ 257/1A5 MCCANTS JR MV 0111/ 253/L75
MCMANUS WC 0372/ 105/H99 MEDINA RA 0291/ 99/110
MERRELL MC 5993/ 264/1QA MERRIWEATHER J WE 2691/ 114/174
MEYER KJ 8412/ 167/082 MIRAMONTES JR R 2181/ 4/1CM
MITCHELL KA 2149/ 39/U87 MOEN CS 5769/ 179/122
MORIN MJ 0111/ 92/1M7 MURILLO P 0111/ 65/023
NASS DC 0372/ 224/1MU NAVA M 0411/ 173/124
OLDHAM KD 6019/ 103/1JQ OLIVER JB 0699/ 125/014
OSBURN ML 0399/ 240/V37 PAPAFOOSE NA 2891/ 68/168
PAREDES JM 0111/ 104/080 PATTERSON MD 6046/ 303/1JY
PATTERSON SP 0399/ 33/1K2 PENNS MC 6591/ 54/VF2
PHAVORACHITH AD 4821/ 149/086 PHILLIPS KA 1169/ 216/K25
PIERCE JR EP 2891/ 310/130 PLACIDO MA 0869/ 171/1NE
POWER TS 3451/ 305/1EE POZA DJ 2691/ 71/121
PYLES CD 0699/ 142/1G8 QUINTERO JR MA 0291/ 44/121
RAICES CA 0291/ 209/1NL RAMOS HA 3152/ 248/1Y1
RAZO AA 7242/ 140/1EC RENKAS MD 8412/ 116/90E
REYNOLDS JR JL 2891/ 110/1G8 RHODES MS 3047/ 64/15A
RIDLEY TT 0291/ 228/116 RODRIGUEZ GA 3152/ 143/1Y9
ROMAN H 3529/ 38/1NR ROMERO JW 7011/ 1/142
RUCKER LJ 1799/ 69/1F2 RUNYON BL 3537/ 59/1F1
SACASA C 6672/ 12/1JT SALCIDO PC 6391/ 15/1JY
SALDIVAR R 3047/ 148/19G SAMPLEY II TS 6019/ 213/V81
SANCHEZ CA 0699/ 242/1MR SANCHEZ NC 0321/ 5/007
SANDOZ DB 0699/ 176/15J SAUCEDA AL 6391/ 8/1JT
SCHNUR BA 5993/ 113/1EC SCHRECK DM 3451/ 298/086
SCHWADER PL 0372/ 46/LGS SERPAS BJ 3047/ 58/15J
SHOLES JD 2691/ 73/1C1 SIEBRECHT JM 1834/ 247/086
SILAS TA 6591/ 13/V61 SMITH DE 2181/ 106/094
SMITH JR RD 3047/ 200/K25 SOTELO RT 0399/ 243/KAK
STALLINGS SM 0848/ 226/1NP STANEK II JW 1169/ 87/193
STEPHENS MR 6391/ 102/1JN TAYLOR JJ 2891/ 22/19F
TEEL BS 0848/ 220/SMS TERRY ML 5831/ 56/K46
TRAN MN 0491/ 25/SR2 TRAN TH 0491/ 79/454
TREVINO A 0699/ 51/V17 TUCEI JR 6042/ 164/142
URBINA E 1349/ 109/1CQ VASQUEZ JL 3152/ 249/092
VILLAFANA SR 0372/ 74/1MR VILLALOBOS MA 6046/ 204/462
VILLALOBOS OL 0491/ 28/1JA WAGERS TJ 0291/ 241/007
WALKER CA 6591/ 57/VLB WASHBURN JW 3047/ 201/JF2
WEISS RE 0699/ 117/QAB WENDEL III GW 0869/ 177/SMK
WIEDLER AJ 0399/ 31/KA9 WILCHER CN 3152/ 174/QAM
WILKINSON JA 5993/ 271/KES WILLIAMS LH 0699/ 161/143
WIND BS 0291/ 40/1F1 WITHERS RL 4421/ 80/098
YATES JR KL 7041/ 309/1FZ ZABOROSKIE II DJ 0399/ 219/1ER
ZACNIEWSKI HT 0111/ 233/111
3.c. The following Marine was selected for noncompetitive promotion
to MGySgt based off enrolled in the Warrant Officer Program (WO):
4. Final Zone Cutoffs and Allocations:
0111 13 20210401 20000121 20220301 20011029 20220901 20031021
0291 11 20210301 20030106 20230101 20050517 20230101 20060605
0321 2 20200101 20001211 20220101 20050718 20220101 20051011
0372 5 20190701 NA 20220101 NA 20220301 NA
0393 1 20210801 NA 20230101 NA 20230401 NA
0399 11 20220601 NA 20230301 NA NA NA
0411 2 20201201 NA 20211001 NA 20220901 NA
0451 2 20200201 20040316 20230201 NA NA NA
0491 10 20190701 20030520 20200201 NA 20210301 NA
0681 1 20210101 NA 20220301 20010725 20220301 NA
0699 14 20201201 20050208 20220101 NA 20220701 20051115
0848 2 20220301 NA 20220601 NA 20221101 20070829
0869 3 20201001 20010703 20211001 NA 20221001 NA
1169 3 20210701 NA 20230301 20030728 20230301 NA
1349 2 20200901 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
1371 2 20220101 NA 20220201 20040601 20220701 NA
1391 1 20201101 20011203 20211001 20030922 20220701 NA
1799 5 20200901 20060313 20220301 NA 20230301 NA
1834 1 20210901 20020617 20210901 NA 20220801 NA
2149 1 20200101 NA 20200201 NA 20200701 NA
2181 2 20200301 19980427 20210501 NA 20220901 NA
2336 3 20181101 NA 20211001 20050411 20220201 NA
2691 8 20200801 NA 20211001 20050926 20220901 20070730
2891 7 20190901 NA 20220401 NA 20230401 20050919
3047 9 20200301 NA 20220101 20030623 20230101 20040607
3044 2 20200201 NA 20211001 NA NA NA
3047 11 20200301 NA 20220301 NA 20230201 20050711
3152 4 20210701 NA 20220801 NA 20230201 NA
3381 2 20210501 NA 20210901 NA 20220801 NA
3432 1 20181001 19990824 20190901 NA 20200901 20050517
3451 2 20220101 NA 20230201 NA NA NA
3529 6 20180701 20000105 20200201 NA 20200701 20021118
3537 1 20200501 NA 20201001 20010611 20210501 20010813
4133 2 20201201 NA 20220701 NA NA NA
4421 2 20210801 20040809 20230201 20060213 20230201 NA
4591 6 20210801 20031027 20230301 20060912 20230301 NA
4821 3 20210901 20001227 20210901 NA NA NA
5519 1 20210101 NA 20230101 20031007 20230101 NA
5524 1 20190101 19981013 20210201 NA NA NA
5769 1 20211001 20050118 20211001 NA 20230101 NA
5811 1 20220201 NA 20220801 20030505 20220801 NA
5831 2 20170801 NA 20200701 NA 20220301 20040120
5959 1 20190701 20040113 20210401 20050926 20210401 NA
5993 3 20211001 NA 20220901 NA NA NA
6019 13 20220101 20010924 20220201 NA 20230101 20041101
6042 1 20220101 20030323 20220101 NA NA NA
6046 4 20210201 NA 20230101 20040218 20230101 NA
6391 8 20200401 20010814 20220101 NA 20220301 20030707
6591 4 20190401 NA 20200701 NA 20220301 NA
6672 1 20200901 NA 20210601 20030201 20210601 NA
6694 1 20210901 NA 20221001 20060522 20221001 NA
7011 1 20210301 NA 20221001 20050601 20221001 NA
7041 1 20211001 NA 20230401 20040803 20230401 NA
7051 1 20210701 20030707 20210701 NA 20220301 NA
7236 3 20200901 20030707 20220901 20070709 20221001 20070806
7242 1 20210801 20051130 20220801 NA 20230301 20070103
7291 1 20210401 NA 20210701 NA 20220501 NA
7316 1 20200201 NA 20230101 NA NA NA
8412 13 20210201 NA 20210801 20041020 20220901 20070514
8999 95 20211001 20060523 20221001 20051017 20230401 NA
THE FOLLOWING IMOS(S) ARE CLOSED: 0161, 0511, 0871, 1795, 2311,
2659, 2874, 5512, 5522, 5523, 5821, 6276, 6842, 7212, 7314.
5. Obligated Service
5.a. Upon release of this MARADMIN any Marine listed in paragraph 3
is authorized to submit the necessary reenlistment or extension
request and obtain additional obligated service (OBS) requirements
to avoid a delay in their promotion. Cite this MARADMIN as the
authority to locally extend Marines to satisfy OBS requirements.
5.b. Utilize the below table to calculate OBS based on the
seniority number and month. Example: Marine selected with a
seniority number of 76 would need to have an EAS of 1 June 2027 or
later to ensure they have OBS for promotion on 1 June 2025. This
is an estimate only, based off monthly promotion MARADMINS there
may be instances causing an additional extension to be completed.
Sen Num Proj Month
N/A Nov
N/A Dec
8 Jan
16 Feb
24 Mar
32 Apr
40 May
107 Jun
174 Jul
241 Aug
(cleared) Sep
5.c. Primary selects must complete required extensions NLT 1
January 2025. If a Marine refuses to extend or reenlist to meet
OBS requirement, the commander will inform Manpower Management
Division (MM), Performance Branch, Enlisted Promotions Unit
(MMPB-11) of the Marine’s refusal via naval letter. MMPB-11 will
remove the Marine’s name from the appropriate selection list and the
Marine is ineligible for consideration on future promotion boards.
6. Alternate Selection List
6.a. The board selected 60 alternates. MMPB-11 will report the
draw case code AS for all alternate selects.
6.b. MMPB-11 will notify alternates of their selection via a Marine
On-Line (MOL) message and post an alphabetized list of alternates on
the Enlisted Promotions Unit website.
6.c. Alternates will not incur a failure of selection. A letter
annotating selection as an alternate will post to the Marine's
Official Military Personnel File (OMPF).
6.d. Marines selected as alternates will not have a seniority
number run in Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS). MMPB-11 will
assign seniority numbers based on service requirements. If
activated, alternates will promote after the primary select list
6.e. Alternates must gain OBS within 30 days of activation
6.f. Alternates may receive permanent change of assignment (PCA),
or permanent change of station (PCS) orders based on service
requirements. All assignment policies remain in effect related to
OBS and PCA/PCS orders.
7. Refusal of orders by either a primary or alternate will result
in removal of the Marine’s name from the appropriate selection list
and the Marine is ineligible for future promotion selection board
8. Marines listed in paragraph 3 were selected from the IMOS table
listed in MARADMINS 393/24, and 422/24. This MARADMIN does not
constitute authority to change the Marine's primary MOS where the
feeder MOS for a selectee does not provide skill progression to the
9. Remedial Promotion Consideration
9.a. Requests for remedial promotion consideration must be
submitted to the MMPB-11 organizational mailbox at
9.b. Marines must explain all actions taken prior to the board
convening to demonstrate due diligence required for favorable
consideration of remedial promotion requests.
10. Commanders will immediately notify MMPB-11 of intent to delay
or revoke the selection of any Marine listed in this MARADMIN.
Forward requests via the chain of command up to the first general
officer. Commanders must ensure the Marine receives an opportunity
to review the command's recommendation and opt to/not to submit a
11. Marines considered and not selected may contact the Enlisted
Career Counselors (MMPB-24) to receive an evaluation of their OMPF
and gain insight on improving their competitiveness. Due to the
confidentiality of the selection board process, MMPB-24 does not
provide board deliberation matters related to non-selection.
Contact MMPB-24 for more information at DSN: 278-9241 or
comm (703) 784-9241.
12. This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
13. For Enlisted Promotion matters call DSN: 278-3440,
comm (703) 784-3440, or email: enlistedpromotions@usmc.mil.
14. Release authorized by MajGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director,
Manpower Management Division.//