Date Signed: 12/5/2024 | MARADMINS Number: 585/24
MARADMINS : 585/24

R 051312Z DEC 24
REF/A/MSGID: MCO/CMC/MM/20100908//
POC/M. A. MARKHAM/COL/MMEA/TEL: 703-784-9216/
POC/E. B. KOSELAK/LTCOL/MMEA-1/TEL: 703-432-9124/
POC/B. P. LODGE/MGYSGT/MMEA-1/TEL: 703-432-9125/
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Purpose.  Stay Marine and continue our legacy.
This MARADMIN announces the Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) Enlisted
Retention Campaign and outlines corresponding timelines and guidance
in accordance with the reference.
2.  Situation.  The FY26 Enlisted Retention Campaign begins
1 January 2025.  Marines with an End of Current Contract (ECC)
between 1 October 2025 and 30 September 2026 (the FY26 Retention
Cohort) can utilize the following avenues to execute a reenlistment
during this campaign: Commandant’s Retention Program (CRP); standard
reenlistments; lateral moves (LATMOVs); Commanding General’s
Retention Program (CGRP); and Direct Affiliation Program (DAP).
3.  Submission Timeline.  Marines can begin submitting for
reenlistment on the following dates:
Commandant’s Retention Program (CRP) – 1 January 2025
LATMOV (First Term only, targeted MOSs) – 1 January 2025
(see para. 7)
Special Duty Assignment (SDA) / Orders – 1 January 2025
(see para. 5)
First Term Alignment Plan (FTAP) / All FTAP LATMOVs – 
1 April 2025
Subsequent Term Alignment Plan (STAP) / All STAP LATMOVs –
1 June 2025
Senior Enlisted Alignment Plan (SEAP) – 1 June 2025
4.  CRP.  The CRP offers our most highly qualified FTAP Marines in
each PMOS a streamlined pathway to retention.
4.a.  The CRP will select up to 20 percent of a Primary Military
Occupational Specialty (PMOS) population based on historical
retention performance and needs of the Service. Selectees will
be chosen based on their Junior Enlisted Performance Evaluation
System retention scores.
4.b.  Selectees will be announced via MARADMIN before 1 January
4.c.  Selectees will be granted an Enhanced Duty Station Incentive,
subject to availability, that allows them to select an assignment to
a Monitored Command Code (MCC) ahead of their peers.
4.d.  There is no deadline for CRP.  Selectees can accept
reenlistment up until their ECC, so long as boatspaces are still
available.  Additional instructions will be published via separate
5.  SDA / Orders
5.a.  All FTAP and STAP Marines volunteering for SDA or selected on
the Headquarters Marine Corps Special Duty Assignments Screening
Team (HSST) may submit for reenlistment on 1 January 2025.
5.b.  All Marines obligating service for orders with a detach date
prior to 31 December 2025 or stabilized for deployment may submit
for reenlistment starting on 1 January 2025. 
6.  Careerists
6.a.  STAP Marines with an ECC between 1 October 2025 and
30 September 2026 that are selected for E-6 through E-8 are afforded
a streamlined submission process.  Additional guidelines will be
released via TFRS.
6.b.  STAP Marines with an ECC between 1 October 2025 and
30 September 2026 who executed a cross-FY extension are afforded a
streamlined submission process for reenlistment.  The reenlistment
must take place before the extension goes into effect, or before
the Marine’s original ECC.  Additional guidelines will be released
via TFRS.
6.c.  STAP Marines may list their geolocation preferences when
submitting for reenlistment.  Assignments will be issued based on
billet vacancies, needs of the Service, Marine preference, and
opportunities to maximize individual potential.  Additional
guidelines will be released via TFRS.
7.a.  All FTAP Marines, whether selected for CRP or not, may apply
for LATMOV into the following PMOSs beginning 1 January 2025:
0211; 0321; 0372; 1751; 2336; 3044; 4133; 5821; and 7316.
7.b.  LATMOVs for all PMOSs not offered in January 2025 will open
to the FTAP and STAP populations at the start of their respective
submission periods and stay open for the entirety of FY26 as
conditions warrant.  Marines are strongly encouraged to submit for
LATMOV as their PMOSs close upon reaching boatspace caps.
8.  CGRP.  CGRP is designed to give Commanding Generals a venue to
reenlist deserving FTAP and STAP Marines beyond established
boatspace caps.  CGRP will open on a PMOS-specific basis as
boatspace caps are reached.  Career planners will be informed via
TFRS as to which PMOSs are open and subsequently closed to CGRP.
9.  DAP.  DAP affords qualified Active Component (AC) Marines the
opportunity to seamlessly transition to the Reserve Component (RC)
via direct affiliation with either a Selected Marine Corps Reserve
(SMCR) unit or Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) detachment
following their Expiration of Active Service (EAS) with no break
in service.  DAP is open for submission year-round, with applicants
basing their submission timelines on EAS.
9.a.  Officers may submit a DAP application no earlier than (NET)
365 days prior to EAS and NLT 60 calendar days from EAS.  Officers
must receive approval for a reserve commission prior to their EAS.
9.b.  Enlisted Marines requesting direct affiliation may submit a
DAP application NET 365 days prior to EAS and NLT 30 calendar days
from EAS.
9.c.  Marines interested in DAP should contact their career planner
for information about benefits, incentives, LATMOV opportunities,
and to assist with the submission of the DAP request.
10.  Local Command Authority (LCA) Extensions.  Commands are 
authorized to approve LCA extensions beginning 1 January 2025.
Marines may be extended up to August 2026 in order to facilitate
reenlistments under  this campaign.
11.  Command Retention Mission (CRM).  Retention goals will be
assigned following publication of the January Authorized Strength
Report.  All retention actions executed prior to release of the CRM
will be credited.
12.  Return on Investment.  Contracts executed under the FY26
Enlisted Retention Campaign will include all remaining contract
obligation at the time of reenlistment.  For example, a Marine with
3 months remaining on current contract at the time of reenlistment
who subsequently executes a 48-month reenlistment will execute a
reenlistment contract of 51 months total.
13.  Additional submission guidelines for CRP, FTAP, STAP, SEAP, 
CGRP, DAP, and LATMOV will be released via TFRS and on the Manpower 
& Reserve Affairs website at https:(slash)(slash) www.manpower.  Guidelines
will be released NLT 1 January 2025.
14.  Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) may request monitor visits
to conduct in-person monitor interviews and energize retention
actions in targeted PMOSs.  MSCs may request monitor visits by
completing the CMC (MMEA) Assist Visit Request on the Manpower
and Reserve Affairs website. To access the form, go to https:(slash)
Assignments/#tab/resources.  Requests for monitor visits should be
requested NLT 90 days prior to the first day of the requested visit.
The primary window for assist visit support is 1 August 2025 to
15 December 2025.  Requests outside this window may not be
supportable.  CMC (MMEA) will support monitor visits as scheduling
and budgetary environments allow.
15.  Installations/units will coordinate with their respective
Communication Strategy (COMMSTRAT) organization to maximize
communication efforts and enhance awareness in support of the FY26
Enlisted Retention Campaign.  COMMSTRAT units are encouraged to use
M&RA COMMSTRAT as a resource to support the development and
refinement of retention messaging in support of command retention
16.  Release authorized by MajGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director,
Manpower Management Division.//