R 171918Z JAN 25
POC/MICHAEL J. COOK/MAJ/MMPB-10/-/TEL: (703)784-1585/
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. As announced by reference (a), the FY26 U.S.
Marine Corps Reserve Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) promotion selection
boards will convene on 19 February 2025, at 2008 Elliot Road, Marine
Corps Base, Quantico, VA. The board will consider CWOs serving in
an active status for promotion in Other Than Active Reserve (OTAR)
and Active Reserve (AR) competitive categories by military
occupational specialty (MOS). CWOs identified as Reserve
Active-Status List (RASL) in reference (b) are in OTAR competitive
categories. The OTAR selection boards will consider officers
for promotion to the grades of CWO5, CWO4, and CWO3 if vacancies
become available in the OTAR MOS competitive categories in these
grades. CWOs identified as AR in reference (b) are in AR
competitive categories. The AR selection boards will consider
officers for promotion to the grades of CWO5, CWO4, and CWO3 if
vacancies become available in the AR MOS competitive categories in
the AR program in these grades.
The AR MOS competitive categories are:
A. Personnel Officer (MOS 0170)
B. Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Officer (MOS 6004)
C. Aviation Ordnance Officer (MOS 6502)
2. Promotion Board. The board will consider three categories of
officers as specified by the yearly promotion plan: Above-Zone,
In-Zone, and Below-Zone. Officers identified as RASL or AR in
reference (b) are eligible for their respective board if, on the
convening date of the board, the officers have continuously
performed service on either the RASL or the Active-Duty List (or a
combination of both lists) for a period of one year. However,
officers whose established date for removal from the RASL is within
90 days after the date the board is convened will not be considered
by the board. Officers whose lineal control number (LCN) precedes
the senior officer In-Zone are defined as Above-Zone. Those Above-
Zone officers who have not been previously considered are defined as
"Above-Zone, not previously considered." Officers in this status
are considered by the board to be In-Zone. Officers may review
reference (b) and their eligibility for the board on the internet
at the officer promotion homepage. The senior and junior officers
In-Zone (SR IZ and JR IZ) and the junior officer eligible Below-
Zone (JR BZ) are as follows (Enclosures (1) and (2) of reference (b)
2.a. CWO5 OTAR Selection Boards. No selection boards will consider
BZ officers.
2.a.1. MOS 0170: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO4 Ryan E. Sherwood 01 Aug 19 02107000
JR IZ: CWO4 Stephen M. Tassin 01 Apr 21 02251000
2.a.2. MOS 0205: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Scott K. Schneiderman 01 Oct 22 02392000
2.a.3. MOS 0210: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO4 Michael W. Presnall 01 Jul 21 02267000
JR IZ: CWO4 Sean W. Sutter 01 Aug 21 02298000
2.a.4. MOS 0430: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO4 Robert I. Johnson 01 Aug 20 02195000
JR IZ: CWO4 Jesus D. Caro 01 Sep 20 02206000
2.a.5. MOS 0630: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO4 Timothy C. Lord 01 Aug 21 02295000
JR IZ: CWO4 Joshua S. Held 01 Aug 21 02296000
2.a.6. MOS 0670: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Mauricio S. Maranho 01 Aug 21 02300000
2.a.7. MOS 1310: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Dean P. Golden 01 Aug 21 02297000
2.a.8. MOS 1390: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO4 Samuel R. Bowe 01 Aug 20 02200000
JR IZ: CWO4 Spencer R. Fisher 01 Dec 21 02317000
2.a.9. MOS 2110: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Christian M. Harding 01 Aug 21 02302000
2.a.10. MOS 2805: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Eric W. Geiger 01 Aug 20 02198000
2.a.11. MOS 3102: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Victor J. Jensen Jr. 01 Jul 21 02264000
2.a.12. MOS 5702: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Stephen J. Rose 01 Aug 20 02194000
2.a.13. MOS 5805: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Katherine R. Smith 01 Aug 18 02007000
2.a.14. MOS 5970: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Terry L. Miller 01 Oct 20 02210000
2.a.15. MOS 6302: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO4 Robert Lopez Jr. 01 Oct 19 02122000
JR IZ: CWO4 Michael M. Pavlovic Jr. 01 Dec 21 02318000
2.a.16. MOS 6502: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO4 Timothy J. Weber 01 Oct 21 02312000
2.b. No CWO5 OTAR selection boards will be convened for the
following Military Occupation Specialties (MOSs) 0408, 0620, 0803,
1120, 1710, 1720, 2120, 2125, 2305, 2340, 2602, 3010, 3302, 3408,
3510, 5804, 5910, 5950, 6004, 6604, 6802, 7002, and 7380.
2.c. CWO4 OTAR Selection Board. No selection boards will consider
BZ officers.
2.c.1. MOS 0170: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Khosbayar Rentsendorj 01 Oct 22 05556000
2.c.2. MOS 0210: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO3 Lucas P. Sheehan 01 Sep 21 05300000
JR IZ: CWO3 Sean L. Miner 01 Oct 22 05550000
2.c.3. MOS 0430: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO3 Heath J. Sell 01 Oct 17 04437200
JR IZ: CWO3 Jose A. Cortez 01 Oct 22 05558000
2.c.4. MOS 0620: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Murtice A. Tucker 01 Oct 22 05555000
2.c.5. MOS 0803: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Gentry K. Jones 01 Oct 22 05551000
2.c.6. MOS 1310: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Miguel A. Diaz 01 Sep 21 05305000
2.c.7. MOS 1390: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO3 Reynaldo M. Sandoval 01 Oct 22 05559000
JR IZ: CWO3 Carl R. Snyder 01 Nov 22 05563000
2.c.8. MOS 2120: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO3 Alex A. QuezadaMartinez 01 Oct 22 05553000
JR IZ: CWO3 Fernando M. Ramirez 01 Nov 22 05562000
2.c.9. MOS 2340: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Brian T. Nadeau 01 Aug 20 05084000
2.c.10. MOS 2805: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO3 Matthew T. Matteson 01 Aug 20 05085000
JR IZ: CWO3 Zachary J. Day 01 Oct 22 05557000
2.c.11. MOS 3010: DOR LCN
ONLY AZ: CWO3 Adam T. Capowski 01 Aug 19 04879000
2.c.12. MOS 3102: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Jason M. Williamson 01 Sep 21 05298000
2.c.13. MOS 3302: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Manuel Delarosa 01 Sep 21 05294000
2.c.14. MOS 3510: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO3 Lance T. Matsumoto 01 Oct 22 05552000
JR IZ: CWO3 Trey L. Peters 01 Nov 22 05564000
2.c.15. MOS 5702: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Zachary M. Taylor 01 Oct 22 05560000
2.c.16. MOS 5804: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Jessica J. Lugo 01 Aug 20 05083000
2.c.17. MOS 5970: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Jason A. West 01 Sep 21 05310000
2.c.18. MOS 6302: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 Dennis Kramsky 01 Sep 21 05296000
2.c.19. MOS 6502: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO3 James N. Spencer 01 Oct 22 05554000
2.d. No CWO4 OTAR selection boards will be convened for the
following MOSs: 0205, 0408, 0630, 0670, 1120, 1710, 1720, 2110,
2125, 2305, 2602, 3408, 5805, 5910, 5950, 6004, 6604, 6802, 7002
and 7380.
2.e. CWO3 OTAR Selection Boards.
2.e.1. MOS 0170: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO2 Rene O. Mejia 01 Aug 22 06753500
2.e.2. MOS 0205: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Justin M. Lits 06 Aug 18 05640000
JR IZ: CWO2 Rachel C. Burger 01 Aug 20 06189000
JR BZ: CWO2 Frederick C. Illg III 01 Aug 22 06615500
2.e.3. MOS 0210: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 William B. Henderson Jr 01 Aug 22 06519500
JR IZ: CWO2 Richard D. Vergara 01 Aug 22 06587500
2.e.4. MOS 0630: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO2 Patrick J. Rogers 01 Aug 22 06726500
2.e.5. MOS 0670: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Tom W. Gilmore 01 Aug 22 06755300
JR IZ: CWO2 Husain M. Basir 01 Aug 22 06759500
2.e.6. MOS 1310: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Christopher W. Easton 01 Aug 22 06605500
JR IZ: CWO2 Jamieson M. Reed 01 Aug 22 06618500
2.e.7. MOS 1390: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Alan H. Fellows 01 Aug 22 06577500
JR IZ: CWO2 Erik J. Fritz 01 Aug 22 06726300
2.e.8. MOS 1710: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO2 Logan T. Bivens 01 Aug 21 06325000
2.e.9. MOS 2110: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO2 Donald R. Dugan Jr. 01 Aug 21 06466000
2.e.10. MOS 2340: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO2 Kyle A. Scrimsher 01 Aug 22 06587300
2.e.11. MOS 2805: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Matthew L. Monk 01 Aug 20 06201000
JR IZ: CWO2 Michael J. Roy II 01 Aug 22 06703500
2.e.12. MOS 3102: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO2 Michael P. Dusanic 01 Aug 21 06489000
2.e.13. MOS 3510: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Ramon A. Perez 01 Aug 22 06573500
JR IZ: CWO2 Michael N. Rickaby 01 Aug 22 06725300
2.e.14. MOS 5702: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Keith A. Thomas 01 Aug 22 06530500
JR IZ: CWO2 Joshua D. Gordon 01 Aug 22 06570500
2.e.15. MOS 5804: DOR LCN
ONLY IZ: CWO2 Christopher R. Lockman 01 Aug 22 06725500
2.e.16. MOS 7002: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Daniel B. Carlin 01 Aug 22 06510500
JR IZ: CWO2 Milton W. Corporan 01 Aug 22 06551500
2.f. No CWO3 OTAR selection boards will be convened for the
following MOSs: 0408, 0430, 0620, 0803, 1120, 1720, 2120, 2125,
2305, 2602, 3010, 3302, 3408, 5805, 5910, 5950, 5970, 6004, 6302,
6502, 6604, 6802 and 7380.
2.g. No CWO5 AR selection boards will be convened for the following
MOSs: 0170, 6004 and 6502.
2.h. CWO4 AR Selection Board. No selection boards will consider
BZ officers.
2.h.1. MOS 0170: DOR LCN
Only IZ: CWO3 Louis I. Anomachi 01 Sep 22 05547500
2.h.2. No CWO4 AR selection boards will be convened for the following
MOSs: 6004 and 6502.
2.k. CWO3 AR Selection Board. No selection boards will consider
BZ officers.
2.k.1. MOS 0170: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Rafael A. Martinez Jr 01 Aug 22 06681500
JR IZ: CWO2 Jason A. Keith 01 Aug 22 06750500
2.k.2. MOS 6004: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Jacob T. Daltroff 01 Aug 22 06523500
JR IZ: CWO2 Lynell K. Hargrove 01 Aug 22 06618500
2.k.3. MOS 6502: DOR LCN
SR IZ: CWO2 Christopher J. Romero 01 Aug 22 06731000
JR IZ: CWO2 Brett R. Wayner 01 Aug 22 06755500
3. Departure from the Running Mate System. The Secretary of the
Navy has approved a temporary departure from the running mate system
for all ranks and competitive categories of reserve officer
promotions. This departure will assist the Marine Corps in managing
statutory grade strength for officers of all grades. Officers
should carefully check their in-zone status, as the zones and
opportunity may not mirror that of the active component.
Additionally, reserve officers selected for promotion in FY26 will
not be assigned a running mate. They will be promoted as announced
in monthly promotion MARADMINS as vacancies allow.
4. Board Preparation Guidance. Officers are advised to review
reference (a) for guidance regarding submission of information,
auditing the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and Master
Brief Sheet (MBS), and fitness reports and requests for
non-selection prior to the convening date of the board. Officers
are also reminded to review guidance in reference (a) regarding the
Career Retirement Credit Report (CRCR) and Reserve Qualification
Summary (RQS). OTAR officers are encouraged to submit a complete
RQS as correspondence to the board to arrive not later than 10
calendar days (see paragraph 5.a.3.) before the date the board
convenes. Officers may review reference (a) at the officer
promotion homepage. The following guidance is provided:
5. Personal Responsibilities. Each officer is personally
responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of their OMPF
and MBS before the board convening date.
5.a. Officer Correspondence. All eligible officers may, if
desired, submit correspondence to the President of the Board. The
correspondence should include only those matters deemed important in
the consideration of an officer's record. OMPF materials sent
directly to the board president will not become part of an officer's
OMPF. Although officers may submit any material they deem
important, officers should contact CMC (MMPB-23) before submitting
fitness reports and CMC (MMPB-22) for any other OMPF materials.
This will ensure that an officer's OMPF is appropriately updated.
The following guidelines apply:
5.a.1. Correspondence must be submitted under signed cover letter
by the eligible officer with the material for the board’s
consideration listed as enclosures (a sample cover letter is
available at the officer promotion homepage). Material submitted
without a signed cover letter by the eligible officer will not be
submitted to the board.
5.a.2. The cover letter must be addressed to the President, FY26
USMCR CWO Promotion Selection Board (see paragraph 8a for complete
address), and signed with a pen by the eligible officer.
5.a.3. Pursuant to Title 10, U.S.C. Section 14101, eligible
officers are personally responsible for ensuring CMC (MMPB-1) has
received their personal correspondence to the President of the board
NLT 2359 Eastern Standard Time (EST), 10 calendar days prior to the
convene date of their respective board in order to be considered.
Correspondence arriving after 2359 EST 10 calendar days before the
board convene date WILL NOT be accepted or submitted to the board as
per reference (g). All personal correspondence for the following
boards must be received NLT 2359 EST on the due date annotated
Board Component Convening Date Due Date
FY26 CWO Reserve 19 Feb 2025 08 Feb 2025
5.b. Communications or memorandums of recommendation from other
parties on behalf of officers eligible for consideration will not be
provided to the board unless forwarded as an enclosure to a signed
memorandum to the board from the officer being considered IAW
paragraphs 5.a.1-3 of this MARADMIN.
6. Release authorized by MajGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director,
Manpower Management Division.//