NEW ORLEANS -- Marine Administrative Message 429/17 announces the eligibility, application and reporting procedures for the fiscal year 2018 Selected Marine Corps Reserve, Reserve Officer Retention Bonus and the Forward Air Controller/Air Officer Retention Bonus.
The $20,000 lump-sum bonus will be for company grade officers that are part of a SMCR unit. The bonus is for officers who possess the 7502, or FAC/Air Officer, additional military occupational specialty and are assigned to infantry, light armored reconnaissance, tank, or reconnaissance battalions, infantry regiments or air naval gunfire liaison companies.
Officers must be filling a valid billet identification code in the MOS and will incur a three year drilling obligation in the approved SMCR BIC beginning on the affiliation date.
Officers serving in the active component, active Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve, or Individual Mobilization Augmentee program are eligible to request this incentive once joined to an incentivized SMCR unit and valid BIC. Prior service AC or AR officers must be released from active duty under honorable conditions.
For more information and a list of eligible SMCR units, see MARADMIN 429/17.