Photo Information

U.S. Marine Corps Col. Matt Hakola, right, Native Fury 22 Combined Exercise Coordination Cell co-director, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Central Command, awards Col. Saud T. N. Al-Oqaily, CECC co-director, Saudi Armed Forces, a plaque during the closing ceremony for exercise Native Fury 22 at Yanbu Commercial Port, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Aug. 25, 2022. The U.S. and the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continue to enhance interoperability by providing regional stability and security while forward deployed in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibilities during Native Fury 22.

Photo by Cpl. Casandra Lamas

USMARCENT Concludes Native Fury 22

14 Sep 2022 | Sgt. Alize Sotelo The Official United States Marine Corps Public Website

Native Fury 22 has come to an end. U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Central Command, and the Saudi Armed Forces concluded the 8th iteration of the biennial exercise, which was hosted for the first time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Native Fury 22 executed a Maritime Prepositioning Force offload operation, with the support of U.S. Army’s 1st Theater Sustainment Command, on the western commercial port facility at Yanbu, KSA, and at Al Bayadh on Prince Sultan Air Base. The exercise enabled increased strategic access and refined command and control, conducted Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration, and exercised the Trans-Arabian Network ground lines of communication.

According to Maj. Gen. Paul Rock, MARCENT commander, the exercise gave MARCENT the opportunity to practice key enabling capabilities such as MPF offload, RSO&I, and the employment of U.S. Armed Forces.

“Native Fury allows us to test capabilities that we have including [MPF] equipment,” said Maj. Anthony Reynolds, operations officer with Combat Logistics Regiment 1, 1st Marine Logistics Group. “It allows us to make sure it’s functional, so if called to any clime or place, we can employ that ship and bring a Marine Expeditionary Force size element together.”

“This is a great opportunity for the U.S. military to work with our partners in the Middle East, specifically with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Especially building the relationship, trust, and confidence." Capt. Jon TenBrock, 1st Transportation Battalion, CLR-1 operations officer

This year, MARCENT incorporated CLR-1 from Camp Pendleton, California, as the headquarters element.

“This exercise shows that we can deploy a forward force from Camp Pendleton to halfway around the world, link with our host nation’s partners, do the coordination and communication piece and successfully offload the ship,” said Col. Ryan Scott, the commanding officer for CLR-1.

During the exercise, CLR-1 demonstrated rapid offload and integration of MPF and RSO&I in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility with the support of the 1st TSC, the USNS Seay, and Blount Island Command. This allowed MARCENT the ability to validate the process and procedures of MPF offload to support the KSA’s security.

According to Scott, the exercise also allowed MARCENT to re-confirm our commitment of regional security to the Middle East, especially the within KSA.

With the help of 1st TSC and Saudi Armed Forces, CLR-1 employed and demonstrated a 1,500-mile rapid and effective vehicle movement, a live-fire machine gun range utilizing facilities at Al Bayadh, Prince Sultan SAU Air Base, and staging points throughout the geographic area.

“The vehicle movement and live-fire range with the Saudi Armed Forces had given us the experience to learn how they do convoy operations and engage on target,” says Sgt. Leon Reynolds, a vehicle recovery operator with 1st Transportation Battalion, CLR-1. “This allowed us to build camaraderie with the U.S. Army and Saudi Armed Forces.”

Beyond training, the exercise allowed Marines and Sailors the opportunity to work with the Saudi Armed Forces, learn about their culture, and even eat a few traditional meals together.

Exercises like NF22 are vital for strengthening the United States’ partnership with KSA by refining combined tactics and enhancing interoperability. Strong partnerships help multiply the USCENTCOM’s ability to support regional security, deter malign actors, and rapidly resource partners in the region.

“This is a great opportunity for the U.S. military to work with our partners in the Middle East, specifically with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Especially building the relationship, trust, and confidence,” said Capt. Jon TenBrock, the operations officer for 1st Transportation Battalion, CLR-1