NEW ORLEANS -- Marine administrative message 429/14 directs a temporary suspension of non-critical prior service Selected Marine Corps Reserve and Individual Mobilization Augment's affiliation upon completion of the fiscal year 2014 mission.
The authorized Selected Reserve end-strength is 39,600 Marines. In order to ensure the force does not exceed this end-strength on Sept. 30, 2014, prior-service affiliations must be carefully managed at the Headquarters Marine Corps level for the remainder of the fiscal year.
The prior-service recruiting force is restricted from affiliating prior-service Marines to SMCR units and IMA detachments that exceed allocated FY14 quota serial numbers.
Units are not authorized to affiliate prior-service Marines unless they are processed through a prior-service recruiter. The only exceptions are HQMC-directed programs to include the non-prior service initial active duty training accessions, Reserve officer commissioning program, direct affiliation program, active Reserve, 8999 slating and HQMC board-selected programs.
Individuals not approved for affiliation during FY14 may receive associate duty orders and conduct non-paid drills with SMCR units or the provisional IMA program, while remaining in the Individual Ready Reserve. These individuals may affiliate with the SMCR via a prior-service recruiter after Sept. 30, 2014 as a FY15 new join.
Marines on associate duty orders with a SMCR or IMA unit are not authorized to mobilize or execute Active Duty Operational Support orders greater than 30 days without prior coordination. For more information see the MARADMIN.