OKINAWA, Japan -- Joint Task Force 505 deactivated May 26 after redeploying from Kathmandu, Nepal and Utapao Royal Air Field, Thailand in support of Operation Sahayogi Haat.
Service members with JTF 505 deployed to Nepal in support of multinational humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake caused widespread destruction across the mountainous country April 25.
During Operation Sahayogi Haat, “helping hand” in Nepali, the task force worked with personnel from 24 different countries to limit further loss of life and human suffering.
JTF 505, in coordination with the government of Nepal and U.S. Agency for International Development, delivered approximately 120.2 tons of emergency relief supplies, to include plastic sheeting, shelter kits, blankets, water, medical supplies, and emergency and supplemental food. In addition to delivering aid, JTF 505 transported 553 personnel and conducted 69 casualty evacuations.
Approximately 900 U.S. military and civilian personnel from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps contributed to the Nepal relief efforts under the auspices of JTF 505. There were approximately 300 JTF 505 personnel in Nepal, 320 in the JTF 505 Main headquarters in Japan, and 280 at the Intermediate Staging Base in Thailand.
JTF 505 contributed three Marine Corps UH-1Y Huey helicopters and four Marine Corps MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft to the relief effort throughout Nepal. Additionally, four Air Force C-17 Globemaster III, four Air Force C-130 Hercules and four Marine Corps KC-130J Hercules aircraft, as well as various ground and aviation command and control assets, contributed to the effort.